Please can you put subs!! We would like to understand the story line..These are really awesome movies..Fightings are even better thn western fighting movies..
we in the us and other countries love movies! we needs some subtitles so that these stories can be relayed. i hafto atleast see subtitles so i can understand !!! 1.1 thousand likes may turn into 30 thousand easily.
I really love this Movie but why there are no English Subtitles. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next Movies with English Subtitle. Thank you so much.
You wont regret fot not watching these movie. Total trash movie disguise with cool scene. Even half of the fighting scene were replace with lousy animation. Story line is confusing. I will rate it at 2 out of 10. 😑😑😑
Hey, they dint ask you to watch, they ask you to learn the language Chinese, So, You should learn it my advice! Just like, How to learn at School! Book will not ask you to read it , only You want or not to read it them you wiill slowly catch up and get interesting and fun to find the answer on the book! another advice free to translate, you can look for Google, Dame he is good, he knows everything that you ask and better then Your teacher! 24 hour anytime you want to know, Google will answer you! Cool Right! !
i like this movies good guy look tough and strong face , very man look , the girl look so innocent pretty ,, quality good ,,, unlike other movies good guy look so weak baby face don't fit for action movies ,,,
This channel really need to work on English subtitle. They know they got int'l fans,right?
We need English subtitle.
Love International fan.
Please can you put subs!! We would like to understand the story line..These are really awesome movies..Fightings are even better thn western fighting movies..
we in the us and other countries love movies! we needs some subtitles so that these stories can be relayed. i hafto atleast see subtitles so i can understand !!! 1.1 thousand likes may turn into 30 thousand easily.
Second to that statement
Absolutely right!!
Awesome movie and beautiful actress.. thank you 👍👍👍
Excellent movie. Deserves a thumbs up.
Subtitle indonesia please
@@hakimmychef905 Yztzdyzdytzyyrzyrzdyryrydyzryrzydryzdyyzdyzzzddydrzrzdyrdutrzddytzdzryyrryytzdyzryydyrrzzydyrydyzryrzdyrzytdyrzdrzyrzdrzydytzdyyzdyrtdyrzdytryyryrytzzdytzdrdrdyytzzdyyrzdyyytzydyryytzdyrzdytzdzdyyrdyryzryytzddyrzdzdtrydyyrzzyyyrzsdrzdyzdyyzzzryzzydyyzztyrryzydytzrzdyzrzyyrzzzdyrdzrytzdtzyzdyrzdytzrdzdyyyt to rzyrzzryzrytrzryyrzdztdzdyyydzydyyrzdytzytdytdtzdyrydryyyyrzrytzyrdyrzztdzrudyzdyzdytzryzdyrzzrzdrzdrzzrzdtzdytzdzyzdzdrzdyrzdtzdyrydrzydrzrzyrzdyyyryrzduzrytzdyrytdyzdyzzrdyrzdytdytdytzdrzddyryydyzdyrzytdutzzdzddydtyrtzdrrzyyyrzdtzrdyrzdyddyytzddyrzdtytzdyyrytrzydyrtdrydyttzdyryrzdyzdryzdyyrzdurdztzdrzdytzyutddytzdyrzytdrzdyryzdytzddyytydzruzrytttzdydtzdrzdtzdrytzdyzdrstzdzdydyyrdtzrzdyryytrzdyyyrzrdyyytzdyrrzdydtydtrdzduzdyzdryurzdyytdyzdyyrzyytzdydyrzzdyyyyzdrzdyzdytzyydyurzzdyyrzdyryrzdtzdytzdtzdtdtzdtzyrzddyrzdrzdyryyttzdrryrdyrzryrdyrzdtzddyrzddzdrrzdyzdydyrudyydyzryzdyytzztzddtzydytzdyrzydytzdrzzdyrdyrydyzdytyyrzdrzdyruzryryrdyrzyrzyzrdyzrtzdyrzdyytyydyyyrzdtzyrydytzdzrzytzdrddyyyrdyzrdytzdytyrdurztzzrdyrutzdzdtzydytzzydyydyztdytzdyrzrdydtrzdydytzdytrzzdryyrdydyrzdrzrzddytdyryrzdyyrzdytzdyrzdyztdtzytzdzdyrzdzduzdyryrzdrzyyzdyrzrdyyrzdzdrzdyytzrdyrzdzdrzrydyrzdytzdyydrzdrzdydyrzyrzdyyrzdyzduzdyzdtzrddyyryrzdzdrzrzdyyrdrzdyyrzdyrzdyydzdrzydydyrzdytzztzrdyrzdytzdydrzdyrzydrzdtzdyzydtd RSS feeddyzsrdyrzdytryzrdudyrzdyrzdyrzdyrdyyrdydyzdydzdydzdyydrzdyrzdytzdyyrrrzdyrzdyyytzdyrzdytzydrzdyrzdrydyrzdyryrdyrdyzyrrzddyzdyyrzdyzddytdyrzdydyrzdyrzdyrrzrdrytdyrzdyyyyrtzdyzydrzzrdyrzdytzdzdzdrzdyrzdyrzurzdyrytzdyrzdrzzrydyyzduyyrdyzdyzdyrzdyrdyrrzdyzrzfydyyryrzdytdyrdytzdydyrzyrzdyzdrrzdydydyrzddrzdytzdyyrzdyrzdrzdrzydydyzrdyrzdrrzdyyrzzdyrzdydyrydyrzdzyzzdyzsyrzdyrrdyryrzdyrzdyzdyzdyrdtztdrzdyrrzdzryrzdyrzdyrzdyrzdytzdyrydyyrzdyzdyzydtzdyzduyddytzydzdrrzzdrrydudyrzdyrzdyyrzdyyrrzdytdzyrzdyrzdrrzdydyzzddzddytrdyrzrzddyrzrdydrydyyrzdytzdyzdyyyrzddyrzdzdyrzdydyrzdyrzydytzdyyzdyrzdyzrdyrzdydydyrzrdzydzdyztrzdyrzdyzdryyzrdytzddzzrtrydrzddyzytdrzzdyrzdyzrrtrzdurzydrydyryrzzdyyrzyrzyytdurzdyrzytdyzdyrzytzdydyryryrzdytzdyyzrdydyrzrzdryd
江湖,武侠,情谊, 真是刻画得入木三分!
한참지난영상이지만!무협영화답게.좋은것 같습니다!잘보앗습니다!
I really love this Movie but why there are no English Subtitles. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next Movies with English Subtitle. Thank you so much.
Thank you for uploading.
good movie i like it

Wow this was a surprisingly good movie. Kudos. Very very well done!
Sub these movies.
Awesome thanks ♥️
Film très beau merci goud love super
Wow Nice Movie...👏👍🤘👌
Please add English subtitles I really enjoy movie like this
We need english subtitles from Tanzania Africa
hindi subs pls
Nice 👍一级棒
Childhood watch sb shaw brother tilung david jiang and many many now 55 still love chinese martial art movies please sub in english
江湖, 武侠, 杀手, 刀客, 捕头, 东瀛, 对白多, 离不开古龙的梗。
好看 女主好稳好漂亮 感恩上传
Please make engsub watching from Kenya Africa
Hi from America.
Awesome 💞💞 movie
Nice movie but lacks English Substittled to English fans and chinese movie craze fans to really appreciate movies from China Studios.Tq.
english subtitles !|!|!|! english subtitles !!!!! ... yes yes .... nice movie anyway!!! Tx
动作不够 动画来凑 哈哈 有想法
Mantab full flmnya,,
好看,比起那些大制作好太多了.里面的女主们气质各不相同让人一下子就记住了 配角每个都演技在线.好好
Need English subtitle 😢
真的不错 👍
We need english sub. We still can not understand chinese even we watched many chinese movie since childhood. We need english sub.
Filem trebaik yg pnh aku tonton buat kini selama ini 👍👍👍👍
This is a good moive.
nice Movie
If tre is eng sub for internationals fan like us.. it may reach 3M view now😏
Lalboi Singson-Prince twkl str's but it takes long time to make good English
wish this were in English ..May- 15- 2020..from Michigan USA..
This was a great movie ,wish it had English subtitles
nice 👌👌👌
Nice movie. But next time you upload a movie please put English subtitle. The Universal language.
This would be sooo much enjoyable if it was subtitled in English please, pretty please. Thanks.
Muy buena película gracias x compartir salu2
Wahidul khan 👍🙏🎉
cool animations cgi 神龙门
If ican understand what there saying im totally happy wahat a good movie
You ar the best
Would be great if there were english subtitles
那把天罚剑不就是《神兵玄奇》的 “天晶” 么?
Damn it, RUclips! Don't recommend cool looking movies to me when there's no English subtitles!
You wont regret fot not watching these movie. Total trash movie disguise with cool scene. Even half of the fighting scene were replace with lousy animation. Story line is confusing. I will rate it at 2 out of 10. 😑😑😑
that is tru
Hey, they dint ask you to watch, they ask you to learn the language Chinese, So, You should learn it my advice! Just like, How to learn at School! Book will not ask you to read it , only You want or not to read it them you wiill slowly catch up and get interesting and fun to find the answer on the book! another advice free to translate, you can look for Google, Dame he is good, he knows everything that you ask and better then Your teacher! 24 hour anytime you want to know, Google will answer you! Cool Right! !
I wish it has english sub
No entendí nada pero se ve que la trama está buena, excelente película, por favor su títulos en español. Gracias.
Como se llama la policula porfavor
Kindly put the English Subtitle in this movie. Thank you.
Film ini bagus. Tolong tambahkan indonesia subtitle. Terima kasih!
Judulnya ap ya
hermit's sword
i like this movies good guy look tough and strong face , very man look , the girl look so innocent pretty ,, quality good ,,, unlike other movies good guy look so weak baby face don't fit for action movies ,,,
i always like watching Chinese movie like this but too bad no eng sub pleaaaasssseeee put it into English dam.
Как называется фильм
what is the title from the ending soundtrack ? It sounds sweet
Oke lah sip