Hi Dani, I hope this message finds you well. I want to express my sincere respect and gratitude for your online German language teaching. Could you please share how I can attend your classes and obtain a certificate in German? I am very interested in traveling to Europe for job opportunities. Additionally, could you provide information on the health criteria for seeking job opportunities in Europe? Lastly, what is the maximum duration for learning the language? Thank you! Best regards, Deribe Hailu
ጤና ይስጥልኝ ወዳጆቼ የዩቱብ ቻናሌን ለማስቀጠል 1000 ሰብስክራይብ ይጠበቅብኛል።ይህን ለማሳካት የእርስዎን ትብብር እሻለሁ።በቀልዶቼና ድምጽ ማስመሰል ዘና እያላችሁ ጠቃሚ መረጃዎችንም ታገኛላችሁ።እንዲሁም ጀርመንኛ ቋንቋን በአማርኛ ቀለል ባለ አቀራርብ እየተዝናናችሁ በነፃ መማር ትችላላችሁ!
ለሌሎችም በቅንነት ሼር ያድርጉ !ስለትብብርዎ በጣም አመሰግናለሁ!
Eshe daniye
እናመሰግናለን ዳኒ እግዚአብሔር ይስጥህ
ጎበዝ በርታ
Thank you emuye
Hi Dani,
I hope this message finds you well. I want to express my sincere respect and gratitude for your online German language teaching.
Could you please share how I can attend your classes and obtain a certificate in German? I am very interested in traveling to Europe for job opportunities.
Additionally, could you provide information on the health criteria for seeking job opportunities in Europe? Lastly, what is the maximum duration for learning the language?
Thank you!
Best regards,
Deribe Hailu
Bitte!Thank you ! Please share
እኔም ለጋደኞቼ ሼር አረጋለሁ
Thank you ! Please share
Danke bro
በርታ ወንድሜ
Thank you hana eshi
አዲሰ ይዘና
Ok ሌሎች ቪድዮችን ተመልከቺ Tnx
Thank you
Dich auch bleibe gesund
ዳኒ በአማሪኛ ጭምር ብትፅፍልን መልካም ነበር