Is there any longer Yiras Shomayim? Respect for Gedolei Torah? This has to be the last generation before Moshiach. 5:37 Rav Cohen is so humble and so great.
whats this all about? Whats the background story here? Why are they in what looks like to be city council about a shopping center? Zoning restrictions? Some yid wants to build a shopping center and the neigboring homeowners who are also yidden dont want it? I am not in Lakewood, so i dont know the story
Is there any longer Yiras Shomayim? Respect for Gedolei Torah? This has to be the last generation before Moshiach. 5:37 Rav Cohen is so humble and so great.
whats this all about? Whats the background story here? Why are they in what looks like to be city council about a shopping center? Zoning restrictions? Some yid wants to build a shopping center and the neigboring homeowners who are also yidden dont want it? I am not in Lakewood, so i dont know the story