Considering that cheating is normalized and accepted in Japan, even in dating culture and marriage it shocks me to find this litlle remanent of a few women and men that hold their moral values in Jesus Messiah. Loads of respect for christian Japanese men and women.
God bless you sister you are not alone now and there are many broken hearts as your was so lets get around spreading the good news as our master told us to go to all nation and teach them and to make disciples rememberin that HE us with us till the end of times, thanks for sharing your testimony sister in Christ
A great testimony, wishing christianity grow in Japan,, christianity is not about losing nationalities to the west, there is no nationalities in Christ, the west too convert from pagans religion to christianity. I an Indian north eastern guy, came to learn that in christianity God chose and search us, but in other people search God,,, this gives differences how much in christianity that our Father, the true God love us though we left him because we humans in this sinful world with sinful flesh are unable to choose God because Satan binds us. Which God, the true, without any sin can choose us. Not we can search and choose.. If we search God and choose with our sinful flesh, we will only see the sinful Satan. Amen
You are oh so radiantly beautiful - daughter of GOD - cleansed, forgiven & radically transformed by a LOVE that's so patient with every one of us, sinners all. Thank you for such courage in sharing your testimony on youtube.
Thank you for this incredible testimony! I am so encouraged to hear how Jesus rescued her from suicide and a life bound by sin. May many, many Japanese people be set free like this woman and live lives for Christ alone, surrounded in His love!
my beloved brother, IF you are interested in beautiful Holy Bible resouces free please watch zac poonen on youtube and google christian fellowship center banglore for free Holy Bible study and free Holy Bible messages. you can download free CFC app from the app store, there are old and new testment documenteries, free Q and A, everthing that Lord Jesus Christ taught, everything is there for free. zac poonen is one of the greatest servants of God alive on planet earth, Zac poonen does not earn a single cent from all his resources, Zac poonen by the grace of God has formed more than 100 chruches in the world. zac poonen if he stayed in the indian navy could have become the admiral of the indian navy, that is the top position in the navy, but God called him and he resigned from job to serve Christ in his spiritual vineyard. Your life will change for even when u listen to zac poonen. Zac Poonen emphaisis on obedience of God's word. God bless
Where is this beautiful woman? I am looking for a Christian woman, and I thoroughly admire her culture. Roughly 1% of Japan are Christian, so she is blessed for sure, and beautiful
Illusion? Because she believes in God? God seems like an illusion to you because you can't define Him scientifically? What about how everything came to be? Where did the world come from? a big bang? Matter was formed out of nothing? There was a big explosion from what? What caused it? Scientific law - matter cannot be created or destroyed. Her story sounds more real and awesome than that one! Maybe there's more to her story than you have considered.
Before my family was a mixed Hindu and Muslim family........I am not obeying my father and mother...... Everyday fighting shouting and quarrelling each love 💕..... always I drink wine 24 hours..... everyday...... but, atlast..I came to know about Christian.... Jesus Christ......Now I am obeying my mother and father...... Jesus Christ is my personal saviour........ greetings from India........
What GOD...what Jesus Christ >>."all power in heaven and earth has been given unto me" - what he said after his resurrection beautiful to see him manifested in her life.
*"Keeping religion aside"* I know this would happen 2:12 because of this 0:24 When children see this kind of things 0:24 in childhood it'll bring an impact in their life. And "she didn't even cared what impact it going to put on his 1:28 side of family (the same impact that happened to her family)"
Have mercy upon me, O God, According to Your lovingkindness; According to the multitude of Your tender mercies, Blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, And cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions, And my sin is always before me. Against You, You only, have I sinned, And done this evil in Your sight- That You may be found just when You speak, And blameless when You judge. Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me. Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Make me hear joy and gladness, That the bones You have broken may rejoice. Hide Your face from my sins, And blot out all my iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, And sinners shall be converted to You. Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God, The God of my salvation, And my tongue shall sing aloud of Your righteousness. O Lord, open my lips, And my mouth shall show forth Your praise. For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it; You do not delight in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart- These, O God, You will not despise. Do good in Your good pleasure to Zion; Build the walls of Jerusalem. Then You shall be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, With burnt offering and whole burnt offering; Then they shall offer bulls on Your altar.
He wants us to trust Him completely, but we let our own desires to destroy us inside, but Jesus Christ rebuilds what is broken, and restores what can't be restored by anything or anyone.
This AWESOME Testimonial is PROOF of God Almighty Jesus' LOVE for ALL His Creations!!! Jesus HEALS and TRANSFORMS LIVES! satan STEALS, KILLS and DESTROY LIVES!!! The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now din the Law, Moses commanded us eto stone such women. So what do you say?” This they said fto test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, h“Let him who is without sin among you ibe the first to throw a stone at her.” And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground. But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” John 8:3-11 To GOD BE THE GLORY!!!
Tomorrow is not guaranteed for you, repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be saved and have eternal life, there is no other way to God, except through Jesus the Son of God. The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. ~ Jesus the Son of God that resurrected from the dead and is alive right now
2nd reply, please read 1st first. 2) this woman discovered Christ by her self. most probably she is more aware of what Jesus teaches about life than (i guess) >>90% of Christians.
@li1986, wow, did you copy and paste that comment, let alone use your other fake sock puppet/ChatGPT/AI bot accounts to give your complete and utter dumpster fire of a comment up votes? Also, as has been said before, "The fool has said in their heart, 'There is no God'"! Please, be stupid enough to confirm that you are one with your reply to my comment, I DARE you, Luciferian troll!
why? there is usually never only one solution, but many solutions with different preferences, mostly with a similar goal. i ask myself: in cultures where one man have many woman, how can a woman or man from this culture exchange experiences and advises with man or woman from other culture, where this or other cultural value are unknown. they can only share common things, not opposed. it would be forced otherwise. Its not what Jesus told us, yet its what catholic church does since centuries.
Usually, people cannot believe unconditionally unless they verify what they`re told. I wonder how this Japanese woman could Jesus so blindly without scientific and historical verification.About 99% of Japanese people are not Christians because of this reason.
How about a. photography did not exist two millennia ago, b. He is a metaphysical Being, and He can appear however He so desires, c. He is not subject to you and your demands, rather, you are subject to them instead, and d. you quit trying to sound smart when you are a complete and utter moron?
Apostle Paul did, on road to Damascus. The 11 remaining disciples did, in the upper room, where doubting Thomas was asked by Jesus to put his hand into the nail prints on His hands. There were 2 other disciples who talked and ate with Jesus on road to Emmaus after the crucifixtion and resurrection.
So basically she wanted someone who won't abandon her and love her forever no matter what but she couldn't find in a real person, so she created an imaginative lover?
All 66 books of the Bible point to 1 Person - Jesus. These authors span over more than 2000 years. The Jewish historian Flavius Josephus recorded about Jesus and other historians as well. Jesus is not imaginary. Jesus is real. If you come to Jesus, He promises you living waters, and an eternal hope. All of us have to die one day. We all have to account for our sins. Hell is real, just as heaven is real. A righteous God cannot condone evil. Evil cannot be allowed to go scot free. Jesus paid for your sins so you don’t stand condemned before the righteous Almighty God. Come and believe - May the truth set you free.
Detective Halverson Your name seems to imply you would not be one to shy away from investigation. Therefore, I challenge you, fit your own sake: ask God Himself. Pray and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. What have you got to lose if for understanding of reality, heaven and hell, and more, is wrong? Nothing. And what could you have to gain by earnestly seeking for an answer from God? Everything! God bless you!
She could have a better solution just by having a dog or cat. Instead, she now has a life long mental illness seeing illusion as real. At least dog and cats are real.
What we humans feel towards dogs and cats are real to us, but not to the dogs and cats. I mean, what can either animal understand about human existence? For example, a dog or cat understands that it is hungry and wants to eat, and that humans provide food. They understand that the human provides food, but know nothing of the motives the human has in mind when doing so. Even if one does not subscribe to any particular religion, one occasionally asks "Where did everything come from in the first place?"
No illusion. There is a God. Jesus is His name. If you can understand that evil cannot go unpunished by a righteous God then you will know the inevitability of a hell. But God loves us and sends His Son Jesus to die on the cross to pay for our sins. Judgment on God fell on Jesus so that we can be set free and be with God in heaven. Think about it. May the truth set you free.
This made me cry tears of joy!! God loves Japan so much!!
Yet, Every time someone is saved, The angels in heaven rejoice...
Awesome testimony. Thanks for sharing. Praise GOD for saving your life. AMEN.
You were very open in this interview . . . thank you.
I love this testimony. I have viewed it several times. I pray for the growth of the church there daily.
what a precious testimony from a dear sister in Japan, may the Lord our God bless you so much more!!!
So happy for you sister! May God Bless You!!
Loved hearing this. Praise God for His mercies upon you. Marvelous that God can use a hamburger to plant a seed.
Beautiful Testimony. I hope to visit Japan someday
Bless her! Love this!
Considering that cheating is normalized and accepted in Japan, even in dating culture and marriage it shocks me to find this litlle remanent of a few women and men that hold their moral values in Jesus Messiah. Loads of respect for christian Japanese men and women.
God bless you sister you are not alone now and there are many broken hearts as your was so lets get around spreading the good news as our master told us to go to all nation and teach them and to make disciples rememberin that HE us with us till the end of times, thanks for sharing your testimony sister in Christ
Amen a lovely Testimony!! 🤍💜
Love her testimony! What an awesome loving God we serve !
This is so awesome, I'm so happy
It's a beautiful testimony TwT
Thanks for sharing
Thank you for sharing your testimony 🙏
How much better does it get,A woman from Japan who loves JESUS.Glory.
Sister in Christ....thanks for your amazing testimony!
Hallelujah. God always good. God can change people's life Amen
Amen for this woman testimony
What a story. Thanks! Glory to God! How great He is! You are a clear example how staying close to Him, one's life is better. God bless you!
Jesus is more real than any person you'll ever meet, just ask Him to show Himself to you!
Amen amen sister! All praise be to Jesus!!!
Great !
@free1here exactly, i was wondering too, what is sad about such a great testimony? never mind.. for us it is good news. Praise the Lord .... AMEN.
A great testimony, wishing christianity grow in Japan,, christianity is not about losing nationalities to the west, there is no nationalities in Christ, the west too convert from pagans religion to christianity. I an Indian north eastern guy, came to learn that in christianity God chose and search us, but in other people search God,,, this gives differences how much in christianity that our Father, the true God love us though we left him because we humans in this sinful world with sinful flesh are unable to choose God because Satan binds us. Which God, the true, without any sin can choose us. Not we can search and choose.. If we search God and choose with our sinful flesh, we will only see the sinful Satan. Amen
You are oh so radiantly beautiful - daughter of GOD - cleansed, forgiven & radically transformed by a LOVE that's so patient with every one of us, sinners all. Thank you for such courage in sharing your testimony on youtube.
All The Glory Be To God.
God Bless You and Your Family in Jesus Name Amen
This is beautiful. She was a naughty girl but she corrected her ways. Now she is a good girl .
Thank you for this incredible testimony! I am so encouraged to hear how Jesus rescued her from suicide and a life bound by sin. May many, many Japanese people be set free like this woman and live lives for Christ alone, surrounded in His love!
my beloved brother, IF you are interested in beautiful Holy Bible resouces free please watch zac poonen on youtube and google christian fellowship center banglore for free Holy Bible study and free Holy Bible messages. you can download free CFC app from the app store, there are old and new testment documenteries, free Q and A, everthing that Lord Jesus Christ taught, everything is there for free. zac poonen is one of the greatest servants of God alive on planet earth, Zac poonen does not earn a single cent from all his resources, Zac poonen by the grace of God has formed more than 100 chruches in the world. zac poonen if he stayed in the indian navy could have become the admiral of the indian navy, that is the top position in the navy, but God called him and he resigned from job to serve Christ in his spiritual vineyard. Your life will change for even when u listen to zac poonen. Zac Poonen emphaisis on obedience of God's word. God bless
Wooooooooooow so beautiful I wish all japan know christianity
GOD bless you❤❤❤
beautiful story
Where is this beautiful woman? I am looking for a Christian woman, and I thoroughly admire her culture. Roughly 1% of Japan are Christian, so she is blessed for sure, and beautiful
Amen! Hallelujah!!! 🙏🏻😄🤗👍
God bless you sisters
Thank you 🙏 for sharing your testimony.
What is the church name?
Illusion? Because she believes in God? God seems like an illusion to you because you can't define Him scientifically? What about how everything came to be? Where did the world come from? a big bang? Matter was formed out of nothing? There was a big explosion from what? What caused it? Scientific law - matter cannot be created or destroyed. Her story sounds more real and awesome than that one! Maybe there's more to her story than you have considered.
Before my family was a mixed Hindu and Muslim family........I am not obeying my father and mother...... Everyday fighting shouting and quarrelling each love 💕..... always I drink wine 24 hours..... everyday...... but, atlast..I came to know about Christian.... Jesus Christ......Now I am obeying my mother and father...... Jesus Christ is my personal saviour........ greetings from India........
What GOD...what Jesus Christ >>."all power in heaven and earth has been given unto me" - what he said after his resurrection beautiful to see him manifested in her life.
Im so happy you found Christ!
She was never “dirty”. Whoever taught her to feel that way about herself is evil.
Serena, do you not have a street corner to go back to before your pimp slaps you and asks you why you aren't making him any money today?
*"Keeping religion aside"*
I know this would happen 2:12 because of this 0:24
When children see this kind of things 0:24 in childhood it'll bring an impact in their life. And "she didn't even cared what impact it going to put on his 1:28 side of family (the same impact that happened to her family)"
god bless you sister. jesus said the thief comes to steal kill and destroy, i come that they may have life, and have it to the full john10 v 10
Have mercy upon me, O God,
According to Your lovingkindness;
According to the multitude of Your tender mercies,
Blot out my transgressions.
Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
And cleanse me from my sin.
For I acknowledge my transgressions,
And my sin is always before me.
Against You, You only, have I sinned,
And done this evil in Your sight-
That You may be found just when You speak,
And blameless when You judge.
Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,
And in sin my mother conceived me.
Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts,
And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.
Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;
Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
Make me hear joy and gladness,
That the bones You have broken may rejoice.
Hide Your face from my sins,
And blot out all my iniquities.
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from Your presence,
And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.
Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,
And sinners shall be converted to You.
Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God,
The God of my salvation,
And my tongue shall sing aloud of Your righteousness.
O Lord, open my lips,
And my mouth shall show forth Your praise.
For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it;
You do not delight in burnt offering.
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,
A broken and a contrite heart-
These, O God, You will not despise.
Do good in Your good pleasure to Zion;
Build the walls of Jerusalem.
Then You shall be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness,
With burnt offering and whole burnt offering;
Then they shall offer bulls on Your altar.
Amen!!! Jesus is the Way!!!
I wish everyone would know that all their pain can be healed by love & power of Jesus. This world need You, Lord.
อาเมน Amen
Good 4 her
He wants us to trust Him completely, but we let our own desires to destroy us inside, but Jesus Christ rebuilds what is broken, and restores what can't be restored by anything or anyone.
O god increase me spiritually I wanna win souls for you
Your public testimony bring glory to God 😂! 素晴ら信仰の証を聞かせて頂いてありがとうございます。イエス様の愛だけが私たちの罪を消すすること出来ます。頂いた無償の愛を
This AWESOME Testimonial is PROOF of God Almighty Jesus' LOVE for ALL His Creations!!!
The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now din the Law, Moses commanded us eto stone such women. So what do you say?” This they said fto test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, h“Let him who is without sin among you ibe the first to throw a stone at her.” And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground. But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” John 8:3-11
That's called repentance = Change. "Though shall not commit adultery" is one of the Ten Commandments.
@Smegma007 what is "Sad..."?
Tomorrow is not guaranteed for you, repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be saved and have eternal life, there is no other way to God, except through Jesus the Son of God.
The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
~ Jesus the Son of God that resurrected from the dead and is alive right now
2nd reply, please read 1st first.
2) this woman discovered Christ by her self. most probably she is more aware of what Jesus teaches about life than (i guess) >>90% of Christians.
Jesus will ALWAYS protect you as long as you pray to him and have a personal relationship.
Maybe the fact that she needed an imaginary friend to change her life for the better..
lolz You sound like me when I was an atheist.
It's not your little atheist imaginary friend
And a real being, he touches our hearts
And glad she went to God's side
@li1986, wow, did you copy and paste that comment, let alone use your other fake sock puppet/ChatGPT/AI bot accounts to give your complete and utter dumpster fire of a comment up votes? Also, as has been said before, "The fool has said in their heart, 'There is no God'"! Please, be stupid enough to confirm that you are one with your reply to my comment, I DARE you, Luciferian troll!
I had imaginary friends too none made me a better person. Good thing Jesus is more real than our very breath.
praise dem lordz
You are not dirty you just human been forces by other human on doing this things when you are dead end in your path along your journey of life
私は彼女のためにとても幸せです! 日本全土が救われるかもしれません。彼らのアイドルを放棄し、すべてを創造した彼に賞賛してください。( apology for poor translation )
Just think about what was before the Big Bang, and about the universe which appeared from nowhere.
why? there is usually never only one solution, but many solutions with different preferences, mostly with a similar goal.
i ask myself: in cultures where one man have many woman, how can a woman or man from this culture exchange experiences and advises with man or woman from other culture, where this or other cultural value are unknown. they can only share common things, not opposed. it would be forced otherwise. Its not what Jesus told us, yet its what catholic church does since centuries.
Usually, people cannot believe unconditionally unless they verify what they`re told. I wonder how this Japanese woman could Jesus so blindly without scientific and historical verification.About 99% of Japanese people are not Christians because of this reason.
Was there a Jesus?
You didn't answer any of my questions. Why not?
Her life, or the comments of the Atheist trolls that are mad because they have one less potential customer to scam?
How about showing me a photo of you and jesus together?
How about a. photography did not exist two millennia ago, b. He is a metaphysical Being, and He can appear however He so desires, c. He is not subject to you and your demands, rather, you are subject to them instead, and d. you quit trying to sound smart when you are a complete and utter moron?
Funny how nobody has ever met him in person ever since he died about 2000 years ago :') ..
Apostle Paul did, on road to Damascus. The 11 remaining disciples did, in the upper room, where doubting Thomas was asked by Jesus to put his hand into the nail prints on His hands. There were 2 other disciples who talked and ate with Jesus on road to Emmaus after the crucifixtion and resurrection.
@li1986, funny how you think of yourself as an intelligent being, yet your own religious beliefs refer to you as a "useful (useless) idiot".
So basically she wanted someone who won't abandon her and love her forever no matter what but she couldn't find in a real person, so she created an imaginative lover?
All 66 books of the Bible point to 1 Person - Jesus. These authors span over more than 2000 years. The Jewish historian Flavius Josephus recorded about Jesus and other historians as well. Jesus is not imaginary. Jesus is real. If you come to Jesus, He promises you living waters, and an eternal hope. All of us have to die one day. We all have to account for our sins. Hell is real, just as heaven is real. A righteous God cannot condone evil. Evil cannot be allowed to go scot free. Jesus paid for your sins so you don’t stand condemned before the righteous Almighty God. Come and believe - May the truth set you free.
Immanuel God with us.
Detective Halverson
Your name seems to imply you would not be one to shy away from investigation.
Therefore, I challenge you, fit your own sake: ask God Himself. Pray and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. What have you got to lose if for understanding of reality, heaven and hell, and more, is wrong? Nothing. And what could you have to gain by earnestly seeking for an answer from God? Everything!
God bless you!
Jesus isn’t imaginary.
She could have a better solution just by having a dog or cat.
Instead, she now has a life long mental illness seeing illusion as real.
At least dog and cats are real.
Fuck you
What we humans feel towards dogs and cats are real to us, but not to the dogs and cats. I mean, what can either animal understand about human existence? For example, a dog or cat understands that it is hungry and wants to eat, and that humans provide food. They understand that the human provides food, but know nothing of the motives the human has in mind when doing so.
Even if one does not subscribe to any particular religion, one occasionally asks "Where did everything come from in the first place?"
No illusion. There is a God. Jesus is His name. If you can understand that evil cannot go unpunished by a righteous God then you will know the inevitability of a hell. But God loves us and sends His Son Jesus to die on the cross to pay for our sins. Judgment on God fell on Jesus so that we can be set free and be with God in heaven. Think about it. May the truth set you free.
Do dogs and cats live forever?