Thank you. I just disassembled a fake one I bought from Amazon and it has the 8 pin programming connector, capacitors, foam support, and an RF shield around where the microcontroller should be, but no microcontroller and no traces routed to the programming header or the RJ11 plug. I was asking myself why they would spend money populating these features and I think it must be to fool an x-ray inspection. It still is not capable of IMPRES so it is a piece of junk.
Exactly, problem is - if You never seen genuine - someone might fool You. From picture is hard to tell difference. If You order it from Aliexpress with 1/10 price or You are HAM - than it's great. If someone sell You it with radio and You believe it's genuine and pay 50% off price - than it become problem. That's my opinion. I'm still using it and it work great - I have feeling that sometimes it can recovery batteries than genuine can't (just because it's stupid and send voltage without getting response from IC inside battery). In my fleet i still have NiMh batteries for DP2400 and they are not impress (genuine Motorola) - so You might don't care about those features.
The pcbs still similar to the gp300 chargers I fixed years ago. You can always see the quality moto put into their gear. For the fakes maybe someone will do an arduino to read the data.. Having the estimated capacity and number of cycles charged is useful information these days. Thanks for the video 👍🏻
Usually the Brick Charger is Genuine and the Non Brick Charger looks like a Phone Charger is usually China .. though it works just cheaper components their using. Still works ... Cheaper but your supporting China not Motorola hahahaha well save a buck. The radio itself is expensive and it's more expensive to maintain it. I bought a 5,000 mAh battery for my 6550 and P8268 so I'm good for 3 days 1 charge. Also made in China hahahaha
I have a genuine charge as shown. But mine came without a brick plug.
I took apart the ones that I have at my desk because I was curious to see what was inside it
Hello, do you know how to recovery a 0V impress batery with blinking red in charger?
The point of his extremely impressive other video was to show you about that very topic 🙂🤣.I wish I was there to see the look on your face.
Thank you. I just disassembled a fake one I bought from Amazon and it has the 8 pin programming connector, capacitors, foam support, and an RF shield around where the microcontroller should be, but no microcontroller and no traces routed to the programming header or the RJ11 plug. I was asking myself why they would spend money populating these features and I think it must be to fool an x-ray inspection. It still is not capable of IMPRES so it is a piece of junk.
Exactly, problem is - if You never seen genuine - someone might fool You. From picture is hard to tell difference. If You order it from Aliexpress with 1/10 price or You are HAM - than it's great. If someone sell You it with radio and You believe it's genuine and pay 50% off price - than it become problem. That's my opinion. I'm still using it and it work great - I have feeling that sometimes it can recovery batteries than genuine can't (just because it's stupid and send voltage without getting response from IC inside battery). In my fleet i still have NiMh batteries for DP2400 and they are not impress (genuine Motorola) - so You might don't care about those features.
The pcbs still similar to the gp300 chargers I fixed years ago. You can always see the quality moto put into their gear. For the fakes maybe someone will do an arduino to read the data.. Having the estimated capacity and number of cycles charged is useful information these days. Thanks for the video 👍🏻
Me encantaría que la audicion fuese en castellano, gracias
Get to the point man lol the suspense is killing me.
Hit fast-forward.
Usually the Brick Charger is Genuine and the Non Brick Charger looks like a Phone Charger is usually China .. though it works just cheaper components their using. Still works ... Cheaper but your supporting China not Motorola hahahaha well save a buck. The radio itself is expensive and it's more expensive to maintain it. I bought a 5,000 mAh battery for my 6550 and P8268 so I'm good for 3 days 1 charge. Also made in China hahahaha
thank you for your support. so how can i identify the fake DPXXX radio?
you help me a lot.