you really need to fix your nailer issue ... either your compressor regulator is set too low (the most likely scenario) or just can't keep up ... also need to check the depth setting on the gun itself... in any case, leaving half the nails only halfway driven is not working as intended ... those nails aren't meant to be manually driven, which is why they so often just fold over instead of going in straight when driven with a hammer.
you really need to fix your nailer issue ... either your compressor regulator is set too low (the most likely scenario) or just can't keep up ... also need to check the depth setting on the gun itself... in any case, leaving half the nails only halfway driven is not working as intended ... those nails aren't meant to be manually driven, which is why they so often just fold over instead of going in straight when driven with a hammer.
This is so cool
This is so cool. Showing my husband this.
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Showing my husband this