First Iconoclast Controversy, 726-787 CE

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 238

  • @widowmaker4976
    @widowmaker4976 3 года назад +46

    "She called off the betrothal between Constantine VI and Charlemagne's son Rotrude"
    Truly, Charlemagne was ahead of his time.

    • @Kampfwageneer
      @Kampfwageneer 7 месяцев назад +2

      I just paused at that part lol

  • @harpsichordkid
    @harpsichordkid 3 года назад +22

    “It is likely that there had always been Christians opposed to the veneration of icons from the earliest days.”
    It is not merely “likely”. The opposition to images of divine things was ubiquitous in ante-Nicene Christianity.
    “It is with a different kind of spell that art deludes you...It leads you to pay religious honour and worship to images and pictures.”
    - Clement Alexandria (c. 195)
    “We are not to draw the faces of idols, for we are prohibited to cling to them.”
    - Clement Alex. (c. 195)
    “Works of art cannot be sacred and divine”
    - Clement Alex. (c. 195)
    “For familiarity with the sense of sight disparages the reverence of what is divine.”
    - Clement Alex. (c. 195)
    “They call themselves Gnostics. They also possess images, some of them painted, & others formed from different kinds of material. They maintain that a likeness of Christ was made by Pilate at that time when Jesus lived among them. They crown these images”
    - Irenaeus (c. 180)
    “Image making is an art that attracts the attention of foolish men. It drags the eyes of the soul down from God to earth.”
    - Origen (c. 248)
    “Without a doubt, there is no religion where ever there is an image. For religion consists of divine things, and there is nothing divine except in heavenly things. So it follows that images are without religion. For there can be nothing heavenly in something that is made from earth.”
    - Lactantius (c. 310)
    “That which is incorporeal must be offered to God, for he accepts this...For God is not seen, he should be worshipped with things that are not seen.” - Lactantius (c. 310)

    • @TheEvolver311
      @TheEvolver311 Год назад +4

      All those statements show is that early Christians were totally into icons and images. You don't express condemnation for something that isn't going on.

  • @uziTGC
    @uziTGC 6 лет назад +20

    very interesting! Very few youtube videos on this subject but this one is really good and comprehensive. Thank you for making this!

  • @akbarralston9714
    @akbarralston9714 5 лет назад +25

    The icons were also called the book of the illiterate ...

    • @Umadevta
      @Umadevta 2 года назад +4

      Yes they tell stories. also it’s to decorate for Allah Yasu

  • @raysakayw
    @raysakayw 3 года назад +1

    This is the clearest and most simple explanation on iconoclasm thank you

  • @johnmckeon4498
    @johnmckeon4498 6 лет назад +25

    This is how school should be taught!

  • @andrewparker470
    @andrewparker470 5 лет назад +17

    3:20 I appreciate the obscure SEGA Saturn comparison to Byzantine art. Perhaps you should branch out and do gaming history videos as well.

  • @samiamrg7
    @samiamrg7 3 года назад +10

    It’s fascinating to me how Christianity embraced icons while Islam rejects them sometimes to the point of discouraging any art that explicitly despicts a living creature.
    I think a lot of it came down to the artistic traditions of the cultures that ended up adopting the two religions. The Arabs were originally a semi-nomadic people, so much of their traditional art consisted of things they could transport and potentially use like eleborate textiles and small statues, so giving up the depiction of creatures was not much of a cultural sacrifice. For the Greeks and Romans, however, the depiction of an idealized human form in statuary was deeply engrained in their artistic tradition, so there was no way they were ever going to give that up, at least not nearly to the extent that Arab Muslims did.

    • @samiamrg7
      @samiamrg7 3 года назад +6

      +Peter Muller Mesopotamia wasn’t Arab until it was conquered by them. It was always home to many urban areas controlled by various empires throughout history. At the time of the Islamic conquests Mesopotamia was controlled by the Persian Empire.

    • @__abdulrahman97
      @__abdulrahman97 3 года назад +4

      kabba had 360 statue around it Arabs were very much into icons. when Islam came it adopted many ideas that were rampant in the near east one of them is iconoclasm. when Muslims controlled the Arabian peninsula they destroyed all statues in it. the difference between the two is that the orthodox Muslim position was iconoclast but the orthodox Christian position was iconophile. also while there was large number of nomadic Arabs most Arabs weren't nomads. Arabs had 2 Christian kingdoms one in Syria and the other one is in Iraq they had Jewish kingdom in Yemen. and the prophet was born in a city mecca and he ruled in another city Yathrib or Madinah.

    • @MoroccanAnwar
      @MoroccanAnwar 2 года назад +1

      @@__abdulrahman97 pretty much there but I wouldn't say they adopted many ideas when in fact it was a simple straightforward commandment of Allah to not make idols. To Muslims its a continuation of the same monotheistic message that was commanded to jesus Moses and those before them, peace be upon them all. Hence why beleive that Jesus and other messengers peace be upon them were Muslims because it simply translates as submitance to the will of god as you know jesus didn't call himself Christian

    • @Testimony_Of_JTF
      @Testimony_Of_JTF Год назад +1

      @@MoroccanAnwar Yeah, He was a jew. I honestly don't understand the muslim position on Jesus, especially the part aboit Him being the Messiah (or saviour).
      What did He save His fellows from? Sin? No. Death? Also no. Satan? Again, no. In islam He just confused a bunch of jews and gentiles into believing He was God and that He rose from the dead.
      All this because some guy in 7th century Arabia told them so. All the earlier accounts of Him were supposedly "corrupted" (idk when)

    • @jaif7327
      @jaif7327 Год назад +1

      the arab polytheists had thousands of pagan idols. also arabs werent “semi nomadic” most of them back then and til now are still urban folk

  • @arthurralstonwakeupblackpe5940
    @arthurralstonwakeupblackpe5940 6 лет назад +6

    if you haven't already. Read a book called Byzantium the bridge from Antiquity to the Middle Ages ...

  • @dadsonworldwide3238
    @dadsonworldwide3238 2 года назад +2

    Antitrinitairanism that would become Islam in Spain and the eastern Islamic attacks that reached German borders also played a huge role that doesn't get identified

  • @maligjokica
    @maligjokica 6 лет назад +8

    iconophil here:)) actualy we know about the theologia of iconoclast position from the letter of the council held by constantine the fift. (its very simular to mainstriem protestant teologia but added with estern despotism and political power=deadly combination:). the "west" versusu "East" may have some real ground if we define what we mean with "east" . In bizantion contect that was the Monopfisit heresis(copts,syrians and armeninas) Leo him self originated from Syria where that heres was very well and the orthodox position was very week(politicly). Copts and armenian had teolocical dificulties untill the sencuries about the icon isue so much that Armenians are practilcy to this day iconoclast to the bone! Copts had nimerius councils to staigthen the posotion opf the icon. Its very much a theological issue,My english is not that good for teological talk but you get the point. greetings from an iconophile:)) p.s we won in the end;))

    • @uziTGC
      @uziTGC 6 лет назад

      Learn english.

    • @moistrophile9663
      @moistrophile9663 5 лет назад +10

      What he’s trying to say:
      Iconophile here:)),
      Actually, we know about the theology of iconoclasts from a council letter held by Constantine the Fifth. It’s very similar to mainstream Protestant theology but includes eastern despotism and political power, which is a deadly combination. The “West” vs “East” may have had some real ground if we define what we mean by the word “East”. Near Byzantium, there were the Monophysitists (Mostly Copts, Syrians, and Armenians). Leo was born in Syria, where the heresy is rampant and the Orthodox position was very politically weak. Copts and Armenians did not believe in it at first, but after the centuries of iconoclasm the Armenians are iconoclasts to the bone! The Copts at numerous councils to decide their position on the iconoclastic controversy. It’s very much a theological issue. My English is not that good, especially for talking about complicated stuff like religion.
      Greetings from an Iconophile :))
      P.S. We won in the end

    • @MoroccanAnwar
      @MoroccanAnwar 2 года назад

      @@uziTGC he's pretty good though

    • @MoroccanAnwar
      @MoroccanAnwar 2 года назад +1

      Im really intrigued how iconphiles justify contradicting one of the most basic of the 10 commandments to not make idols? (No disrespect entended)

    • @retroidgaming6254
      @retroidgaming6254 2 года назад +7

      @@MoroccanAnwar John of Damascus uses the argument that because God came to earth in human form as Jesus, he therefore depicted himself. He had not done this in the old testament, and therefore it overruled the second commandment

  • @thomasfranckowiak5930
    @thomasfranckowiak5930 2 года назад +7

    When I look at the Byzantine icons I do not see much reason to argue. They are not examples of the most developed and refined art. Yet when most during that time were illiterate, the Byzantine icons were their only means for most to visualize a Bible they could not read. A picture is worth a thousand words as they say.

  • @qweoiwjewiodc1954
    @qweoiwjewiodc1954 Год назад

    Excellent video about the history of the world

  • @simpicusmaximus
    @simpicusmaximus 2 года назад

    I appreciated the Sega Saturn comparison. Thank you

  • @cardenova
    @cardenova Год назад

    Off the bat, one important factor in this debate that I’ve noticed is often overlooked is the heavy affinity archaic Greeks had for ancient Egyptian culture (which was heavily Iconophile, obviously). Their religion was almost entirely centered around Icons (specifically statues) and the idea of an afterlife; this even extended deep into the political landscape. It’s difficult to see how this didn’t rub off onto the Hellenistic Greeks, which you do mention.

  • @jackjonesforever1964
    @jackjonesforever1964 11 месяцев назад

    Very informative as always.

  • @donttakeitpersonal8704
    @donttakeitpersonal8704 3 месяца назад

    Hey, this was a great lecture again. I want to ask, can you make a playlist for all these medieval/church history lectures? Currently you have 1 playlist for the later roman empire but not for medieval/church history, It would be very helpful.

    • @ThersitestheHistorian
      @ThersitestheHistorian  3 месяца назад

      I believe that this is a part of either the HIS 2202 playlist or a History of Byzantium overview playlist.

  • @matthew28-acts238
    @matthew28-acts238 Год назад +2

    726-787 AD, was a fun time.

    • @rickyyacine4818
      @rickyyacine4818 10 месяцев назад +2

      He was right leo third tried to save us from icons and pagans practice mixed with Christianity ironically enough after leo third iconoclast the Byzantine survived and was safe from Islam

    • @wserthmar8908
      @wserthmar8908 2 месяца назад

      Thankfully, there were two periods of iconoclasm. Just like the Western Europe had a period of Arianism, the Byzantines got to experience Iconoclasm. Both geographical parts thus had periods of trying to rediscover the earlier, monotheistic and iconless faith.

    • @wserthmar8908
      @wserthmar8908 Месяц назад

      @JunkyJeeMail , as a Unitarian non-Pauline believer, I can only applaud the iconoclastic emperors.

    • @wserthmar8908
      @wserthmar8908 Месяц назад

      @JunkyJeeMail , strawman too much? Go tell that to the early Christian Jews who would have some serious issues with Trinitarianism. I believe God might have a body, and Clementine Homilies, an anti-Pauline work, hints at it, but I don't believe Jesus was God.
      I used to be Trinitarian. I changed my beliefs, but mainstream Christians refuse to read Unitarian, and anti-Pauline arguments. I can't even blame you, I was like you once.

  • @suleimanthemagnificent7404
    @suleimanthemagnificent7404 3 года назад +4

    Early synogogues had icons

    • @MoroccanAnwar
      @MoroccanAnwar 2 года назад +2

      Really, could you share some sources I've never heard about that

    • @AbsolutelyRatastic
      @AbsolutelyRatastic Год назад +1

      Here's a example

  • @retroidgaming6254
    @retroidgaming6254 2 года назад +1

    What sources did you use for this video? Really great lecture, super informative!

  • @basileus226
    @basileus226 2 года назад +16

    Can't believe you never mentioned St John of Damascus here. Also icons were used since the beginning of Christianity. We have images of Christ, such as the Good Sheppard painting, and of other biblical figures in the Catacombs of Rome and the earliest Jewish synagogues we have also have iconography all over them. In the Bible God orders King Solomon to build a statue of a giant Cherub angel in his Temple.

    • @TheRezro
      @TheRezro Год назад +1

      The issue is like usual borderline. Icons or saints are not banned themselves. But worship of icons and saints instead the God is a sin. Though some people did go too far and attempted harm in name of God and so commit blasphemy.

    • @basileus226
      @basileus226 Год назад +4

      @@TheRezro That would be a sin but icons and saints and relics are not worshipped in Orthodoxy and Catholicism, they are venerated. We aren't going to pretend that there haven't been thousands of miracles that have happened through icons and relics.

    • @TheRezro
      @TheRezro Год назад

      @@basileus226 Yes. But there are cases when people did go too far worshiping the middleman. It is why there was opposition to those practices. Both this debated case and during Reformation.

    • @basileus226
      @basileus226 Год назад

      @@TheRezro For sure. I think Catholics take veneration of Mary too far to borderline worship

    • @TheRezro
      @TheRezro Год назад

      @@basileus226 Some Catholics. Issue is not universal. At least they aren't Creationists.

  • @laterisaferondii1435
    @laterisaferondii1435 Год назад

    awesome lecture !

  • @alanpennie8013
    @alanpennie8013 4 года назад +9

    That was the word you preferred not to use(?)
    The problem with the term iconophile is that there is a distracting association of sexual deviance.

    • @MoroccanAnwar
      @MoroccanAnwar 2 года назад +3

      I was so annoyed he didn't mention it. Thank you 😁

    • @adelyawn
      @adelyawn 2 месяца назад

      greek has many words for love and phile is not the romantic one

  • @romantsar8344
    @romantsar8344 2 месяца назад

    10:25 hold up, he’s just gonna drop the term “gentleman’s scholar period” and not elaborate on what this means🤣

  • @arthurralstonwakeupblackpe5940
    @arthurralstonwakeupblackpe5940 6 лет назад +1

    Empress Irena Sophia was a iconphile she is behind getting icons put back in Byzantium and the rest of the empire that accepted them...

  • @uncatila
    @uncatila 2 года назад +2

    There is no CE
    It's AD Ano Domini or Year of our Lord.
    Sorry thd french Revolution failed with their year 1. Of Reason..the Republicans of France totally failed at wiping out Religion, the calendar and the 10 day week.

  • @giuseppelogiurato5718
    @giuseppelogiurato5718 Год назад

    I never really thought about it, but I can see how "the term he declines to use" (ikonodoulos/iconodule) could be an issue for some... Ikonophilos/iconophile is milder.

  • @CarmaCasto
    @CarmaCasto 3 года назад +1

    “Something much more real like..... Christ.” Wait what?

  • @eya-xh9qo
    @eya-xh9qo 6 лет назад +1

    Make one video about Shtata augusta plase

  • @Kuudere-Kun
    @Kuudere-Kun 5 лет назад +2

    There are documented cases of women having children at older then Irene was in 800, and men's potential to conceive never actually decreases.

    • @ThersitestheHistorian
      @ThersitestheHistorian  5 лет назад +10

      Women have had children at advanced ages, but this phenomenon is much more common in modernity due to women being much healthier than in the past. Men can always conceive, but it is my understanding that one's sperm count does decrease after about 45, making it more difficult albeit by no means impossible.

    • @laterisaferondii1435
      @laterisaferondii1435 Год назад

      @@ThersitestheHistorian : absolute truth and men created those health advances women now have access to .

  • @rysophy2448
    @rysophy2448 Год назад


  • @mathy4605
    @mathy4605 2 года назад

    17:15 Should be "Kopronymos", with an N.

  • @kernfishmofo8473
    @kernfishmofo8473 4 года назад +1

    Do you have a list of sources you used to make this video? I'm looking to write a paper on the Byzantine Iconoclastic controversy

    • @ThersitestheHistorian
      @ThersitestheHistorian  4 года назад +6

      I can't recall at the moment. One good place to start would be a recent textbook or monograph, where you can look at the footnotes and bibliography to find some leads. Sometimes, the footnotes on Wikipedia can also provide some good starting points for research.

  • @kennethmcdonald9736
    @kennethmcdonald9736 3 года назад +2

    did you mention irene put out her own son's eyes to gain total power for herself, yet the Greek orthodox church says she is a saint

    • @WarThunderers
      @WarThunderers 3 года назад +6

      She is a saint for stopping iconoclasm. All people sin and obviously what she did was wrong but she secured the fate of orthodoxy as a whole, gaining her saint status

    • @enderman_666
      @enderman_666 3 года назад +3

      Some Serbian kings did far worse deeds yet the church canonized them as saints. Prime example, king Stefan Uroš II Milutin Nemanjić (yep, that's a mouthful) who allegedly tried to consummate his marriage with his prepubescent Byzantine wife, princess Simonida (born Simonis Palaiologina). Not to mention that he got married more times than the Orthodox law allowed and also blinded and banished his son.

    • @tylerellis9097
      @tylerellis9097 2 года назад +3

      She’s not a saint that’s a myth. Irene of Hungary, wife of John Komnenos is the Saint.
      Actually I take that back while she isn’t venerated in the modern era she was actually made a saint, wack

  • @aidanopoole8983
    @aidanopoole8983 3 года назад

    Modern politician posing as a professor says 2 and 3 are wrong translate into truth speak as reason 2 and 3 are correct

  • @davidlc9326
    @davidlc9326 3 года назад +2


  • @ramichahin2
    @ramichahin2 Год назад

    Their is a whole council called the council of hieria 754 that contains much of the iconoclast arguments (that are good arguments)

  • @mikew4905
    @mikew4905 6 месяцев назад

    Weak you won’t tell the truth!

  • @hunterw5044
    @hunterw5044 4 года назад +1

    Why are there so many afrocentrics in the comments?

    • @MoroccanAnwar
      @MoroccanAnwar 2 года назад +1

      Best thing is to ignore them

    • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
      @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr 2 года назад +1

      new internet thing as far as I can tell. The Jews are really the black people!

    • @TheEvolver311
      @TheEvolver311 Год назад +1

      Because some afrocentric people take it as an article of faith rather than an intellectual model.

  • @DW-oe1vx
    @DW-oe1vx Год назад +1

    This video is just a distraction

    • @inigowelser9971
      @inigowelser9971 5 месяцев назад

      Yep. Those kangoroos of Australia really need more atte tion

  • @misaelfraga8196
    @misaelfraga8196 2 года назад

    Iconoclast conveniently mint coins with their imagery, instead of the holy cross. (State > God) no wonder you liked Leo...

  • @mueezadam8438
    @mueezadam8438 Год назад

    17:48 lmao

  • @lordcharlesthomas
    @lordcharlesthomas 9 месяцев назад


  • @michaelkern5608
    @michaelkern5608 Год назад

    *726-787 AD Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    • @rickyyacine4818
      @rickyyacine4818 5 месяцев назад

      Great times 😢 Byzantine had peace icons ruined it

  • @panagenesis2695
    @panagenesis2695 Год назад

    I suppose it's an appropriate metaphor for a degenerate and collapsing empire.

  • @rahuanch
    @rahuanch 3 года назад +2

    Imperador Leo III proibiu o uso de imagens (na época algumas pessoas já não gostavam de imagens pois está nos 10 mandamentos)
    Muitas estatuas foram destruídas etc....
    O papa não gostou disso e o ocidente e oriente tiveram essa briga teológica
    Essa política permaneceu em Constantinopla por anos até Irene (que lotou para que não fosse mais crime ter imagens e rezar para elas)

    • @Jerônimo_de_Estridão
      @Jerônimo_de_Estridão 2 года назад +4

      Ninguém rezava para as imagens. Se pedia a intercessão dos santos, a imagem é irrelevante nisso. Ambos os lados aceitavam a veneração dos santos! mas o lado iconoclasta achava desrespeitoso aos santos fazer uma imagem imperfeita da sua semelhança pois ela não seria fiel, isso provém de uma ideia filosofica da imagem. Eles não eram "proto-protestantes" como alguns deliram falando por ai.
      A disputa entre ocidente e oriente não teve nada que ver com a controvérsia iconoclasta, isso ocorreu 300 anos antes do cisma. Aliás, os orientais apelaram a autoridade do Papa no Concílio de Niceia II para resolver a situação.

  • @flipklick3094
    @flipklick3094 5 лет назад

    What of the deification of icons?

    • @deer563
      @deer563 Год назад

      An icon for the greek orthodox church is a window into heaven and the icon is holy for them. The flat gold background represents heaven and the figure or figures represented is holy.

  • @enriquelescure9202
    @enriquelescure9202 4 года назад

    Can you see similarities with contemporary America?

    • @ericthegreat7805
      @ericthegreat7805 3 года назад


    • @mikeg2306
      @mikeg2306 Год назад

      No, The US is a secular country and doesn’t have an emperor, and to stay that way Republicans must be kept out of power.

  • @Summarcheo
    @Summarcheo Год назад

    Imagine being an iconoclast lmao

  • @andrewnock2675
    @andrewnock2675 2 года назад

    in the secret depths of Jewish faith, it is a given that you should not "cast an icon". it is proof that the ancient theology was always meant to be an abstraction. and that they already dealt with the issues of pesonifying faith.
    here we are thinking we are so advanced and so smart, but culturally we are experiencing the same thing as the Roman's during the preceeding of catholicism.
    we will never learn, I guess.

  • @tallmikbcroft6937
    @tallmikbcroft6937 3 года назад

    SaaaGA! LoL back to Byzantine stuff

  • @ML-zq7tg
    @ML-zq7tg 5 лет назад

    I was a iconoclastic bastard tonight. Hope don't get caught.

  • @aboodbood4750
    @aboodbood4750 4 года назад +4

    Islamic empire effected this point and forced an emperor to change his mind about the paganism that was going on in the Byzantine lands and as muslim i respect leo ||| for correcting the path a little bit and reduced of idolatry kind of to make it close to the core of the worship of God not the icons as the the normal pagans of Christians of Catholic and orthodox pagans do

    • @MoroccanAnwar
      @MoroccanAnwar 2 года назад +2

      Yeah it's amazing someone like himself came to his senses and took his head out of the sand. It must of been a dangerous thing to challenge the status quo and such an issue.

  • @recepatik
    @recepatik 2 года назад

    ah be abi kim izleyecek 30dk

  • @flaviusvector1543
    @flaviusvector1543 4 года назад

    who led the empire into a golden age not iconclast and defeated the arabs left and right not iconoclast who heald the empire stable for years not iconoclast and butchered the bulgars at Battle of Kleidion not iconoclast. icondulism icondulism icondulism

    • @michaelfisher7170
      @michaelfisher7170 4 года назад +4

      Your missing the fact that Constantine V was very successful militarily and he and a lot of other people in the empire credited that success to his iconoclastic stance. Its one of the reasons the iconoclasts got such traction. The army was almost universally iconoclast during that time. They were iconoclast..they were winning. To a medieval mind that meant they were doing something right.

    • @flaviusvector1543
      @flaviusvector1543 4 года назад +3

      @@michaelfisher7170 I'll give Constantine V credit he was a good emperor

    • @tylerellis9097
      @tylerellis9097 2 года назад +2

      Lol what? it was the iconoclasts who saved the Empire and actually won against the Bolghars.

  • @alexanderchenf1
    @alexanderchenf1 5 лет назад +6

    Shame Iconoclasm was suppressed. Otherwise Protestantism might be born in Greece instead of Western Europe.

    • @alexanderchenf1
      @alexanderchenf1 5 лет назад +4

      @Crusader Knght Catholicism is idolatry.

    • @luismanuelpotenciano1300
      @luismanuelpotenciano1300 3 года назад +3

      Viva san Juan Damasceno si a favor de la veneración de imágenes.

    • @TomPlantagenet
      @TomPlantagenet 2 года назад

      I think you make a valid point

    • @traykunable
      @traykunable 2 года назад +1

      That would have never happened because after the great schism, the western church adopted scholasticism (introducing Greek logic and intellectual thought and interpretations of Christianity) via St Augustine which lead to the reformation which led to protestantism which led to the renaissance which led to modernism which leads us to today. So the Byzantines didn't aposticise and kept the faith as practiced straight from the early Apostles. So no that wouldn't have happened.

    • @luismanuelpotenciano1300
      @luismanuelpotenciano1300 Год назад +1

      @@traykunable Spain remained Catholic a friend, and there at the University of Alcalá he began the neo-scholasticism with Fray Francis de Vitoria, his champion and defender of the indigenous people, and one of the first to conceptualize international law and human rights.

  • @logosnomos3794
    @logosnomos3794 5 лет назад +7

    The Second Commandment forbids images of God. It is pagan to allow such things and un-Christian.

    • @antonioklaic4839
      @antonioklaic4839 5 лет назад +7

      We are not muslims.

    • @protestantwarrior1411
      @protestantwarrior1411 4 года назад +2

      @Catholic Truth God didnt order Israelities to worship those icons.

    • @louellecaldino506
      @louellecaldino506 3 года назад +3

      Paul used the image of the crucifixion in parallel with the image of the bronze serpent. Saint Luke is also an icon maker he painted the image of theotokos.

    • @louellecaldino506
      @louellecaldino506 3 года назад +3

      The Church father defended the icons cause it's part of the orthodoxy. It's already there since before the controversy.

    • @logosnomos3794
      @logosnomos3794 3 года назад +3

      @@louellecaldino506 Paul didn't have literal crucifixes nor bronze serpents on staffs, did he? He used the analogy that they represented in Christ, rather.

  • @saintzayan8205
    @saintzayan8205 4 года назад +1

    I would rather go by the etymological term of iconoclasm, meaning "Destroyer of IMAGES". Whatever definition you used is distorted. The meso-europeans white washed the actual icons of the bible and kings, queens, etc who were indeed black

    • @MoroccanAnwar
      @MoroccanAnwar 2 года назад +4

      You've got issues man stop embarrassing black people please

    • @mrels6903
      @mrels6903 2 года назад +9

      Middle eastern semite people were black?

    • @anomalousviewer3164
      @anomalousviewer3164 2 года назад

      Middle Eastern people or any other people from the Mediterranean region are not black 🤐.

    • @saintzayan8205
      @saintzayan8205 2 года назад

      @@anomalousviewer3164 they actually were black before the ottoman Turks came and invaded the middle east. Youre not deep enough in history to know these things. Theres even books about the ancient phonesian civilizations and how they were of black races

    • @saintzayan8205
      @saintzayan8205 2 года назад

      @@mrels6903 originally yes and still are