Some additional context to this call. I had given the hosts of FPP the clip from my calls where he straight up says "yes she said I raped her but she was mad at me" and George being equally stupid as he is paranoid for some reason thought he said it to Podrick and accused him of recording that clip from their calls.
2:30 "I'm not a Monday day quarterback for attorney legal law joggering"
"You should see the 10s I pulled back in the day, especially the elephant shoe. If not for that biker bozo..." 53:14
George had the audacity to compare Sue to Jodie Foster. George was a no game loser even when he had half a million dollars at his disposal.
@Gyrbae I had forgotten about the Jodie Foster comparison.
Well Podrick, you were wrong about Trump lol
11:37 "I have fat fingers."
But those fat fingers can bend steel rods.
Some additional context to this call. I had given the hosts of FPP the clip from my calls where he straight up says "yes she said I raped her but she was mad at me" and George being equally stupid as he is paranoid for some reason thought he said it to Podrick and accused him of recording that clip from their calls.
He's to thin skinned for Cameo 😅
The ONE time the word "thin" applies to GG.
Its an impossible task for him to finish a thought but then the fun begins when he tries to verbalize the dim witted thought. Good times
George definitely should be calling someone else a tub of shit, based on the condition of his wranglers and his rented van seat.
George is gay