Training for Translation: Reviewing "Foreordinations" by Robert Charlton, with Lauralee Gines

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024
  • Meghan is joined by Lauralee Gines to discuss the recently released book, "Foreordinations: Fulfilling Our End-Times Missions for Jesus Christ," by Robert J. Charlton. Topics Include:
    - Preparing to Meet Christ
    - Translation and Translated beings
    - The Process of Becoming Translated
    - Healing Ourselves and Our Families
    - Journey of Individual Ascension
    "The Great Awakening is taking place all around us now. Millions have participated in premortal foreordinations that directly relate to what we are to do and become in preparation for the Second Coming of the Lord, this time in great glory! The specifics of each of our individual end-time missions are now being revealed to us through daylight visions, nighttime dreams, and what we learn from near-death experiences, and other sources."
    Get the book on Amazon:
    Lauralee Gines lives in Kaysville Utah, with her husband and two children, 12 year old daughter and 8 year old son. Before her kids were born, she taught 7th grade science at Morgan Middle School. She started teaching piano in 2019, and taught for 5 years before moving on to work on "Foreordinations."
    "Consider Yourself As Eve: A Guide to Spiritual Development for Women (and the Men Who Love Them" will be available for pre-order in October 2024!
    Sign up to receive updates on the book release and future events.

Комментарии • 37

  • @juliearcher2970
    @juliearcher2970 2 дня назад +2

    This goes perfect with President Nelsons pleading for us to “Ask and find out who you are.” He has hinted at all of this over and over.

  • @Centered1
    @Centered1 2 дня назад +1

    I heard about this book! So glad it's finally published and available!
    I can't wait to dive in❤

  • @amyreisinger
    @amyreisinger День назад +1

    The priesthood is energy work. The brothern never physically heal anyone. Its the energy (with faith and the will of the Father) that is channeled from the Father!

  • @lorigehring683
    @lorigehring683 День назад +1

    I was reading Alma 13 this morning talking all about forordination. Then I heard Allie Duzett talking about free agency vs destiny and then I stumbled upon this podcast! So I take it I should read this book😅 and it has been ordered. Would love to see an audiobook as well!
    PS- Have you read Michael Rush’s Enoch books, especially Vol II?🔥

    • @lauraleegines4599
      @lauraleegines4599 20 часов назад +1

      We are working on the audiobook right now. It’s a long process.
      And yes, Michael Rush’s books are amazing!

  • @tamrabaker7110
    @tamrabaker7110 День назад +1

    $65 book ????? That's the discount price. Wow! Good luck. I will be interested when there is an affordable option. 💜

  • @jmcfadden3712
    @jmcfadden3712 2 дня назад +2

    So who performs the translation ordinance

    • @lauraleegines4599
      @lauraleegines4599 20 часов назад

      The first event involves receiving both the gift and ordinance of translation. This blessing is given by Peter, James, and John. Any one of these three members of the ancient First Presidency can administer this gift and ordinance.
      The second event also involves the laying on of hands. This is the sealing of the initial gift and ordinance, and it is usually offered by Jesus Christ, Himself. Although it could also be administered by another member of Deity, as delegated by the Holy Order of the Priesthood.
      The third and final event is that of the ordination, administered by the Messiah, Himself, to finalize the personal translation process at the time and place where He sees fit.

  • @CR82410
    @CR82410 2 дня назад

    I have to ask, what does all yall think of the second temple anointing? Is there an episode about this?

    • @photographybycheri
      @photographybycheri 2 дня назад +1

      There isn't a specific episode about it, but I believe it is mentioned briefly in the episode with Cory Jensen.

    • @Rudyard_Stripling
      @Rudyard_Stripling 2 дня назад +2

      You don't have to have the second temple anointing to ensure your calling and election made sure.

    • @lauraleegines4599
      @lauraleegines4599 2 дня назад

      There is an entire chapter dedicated to the second anointing in the Foreordinations book.

    • @Rudyard_Stripling
      @Rudyard_Stripling 2 дня назад

      @@lauraleegines4599 If you and the author could manage to sell your book on your own website you could almost cut the price in half compared to Amazon.

  • @jacquelinehunter1655
    @jacquelinehunter1655 2 дня назад

    Where can we purchase this book from?

  • @mandyaidukaitis9195
    @mandyaidukaitis9195 День назад

    The book is $65??? Why so expensive?

    • @lauraleegines4599
      @lauraleegines4599 День назад

      Amazon sets the price point. It’s actually $90 normally, but it’s currently on sale. The ebook, however, is only $10. The audiobook will be coming out as soon as we can get it recorded.

  • @cindlou7335
    @cindlou7335 2 дня назад +1


  • @jeremychristiansen643
    @jeremychristiansen643 2 дня назад +3

    Ahhh great! More crazy Mormon nonsense. Daybell, Ballard and Hildebrandt will love this.

  • @Zeett09
    @Zeett09 2 дня назад

    There is no evidence Jesus was married. If you have it I’d like to see it.

    • @virginia6158
      @virginia6158 День назад

      Not to be inflammatory but, is there evidence He was not?
      It makes sense to me that He would be.
      Maybe we can both take it to Heavenly Father, and get clarification.

    • @wenders59
      @wenders59 День назадвидео.htmlsi=Zxa5779g4aIC5_Ek
      Megan's podcast with a student of the late Dr. John Hall who along with the late Dr. Hugh Nibley , spoke Coptic, Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic. In their extensive research they uncovered extensive evidence .

    • @Zeett09
      @Zeett09 День назад

      @@virginia6158 well first off no issues on inflammatory. I do push back a lot but tend to think I’m respectful. Regarding your comment you can’t disprove a negative. So you can’t prove that Jesus was NOT 7 feet tall. However you would think that if he were 7 feet tall it would be mentioned somewhere in the historical record. Likewise if he were married one would expect a mention of that in the gospels. Same thing if he had children. No mention of him being married or having children. Could he? Sure. He could have been married, or even a polygamist and a father of children but the historical record does not support it. Think of an obituary. Obituaries always mention something about the spouse and children of the deceased. If Jesus were married the stories of his life after he was crucified would have mentioned something (at least to me it makes sense). The other part to consider is the importance of being married is very high with LDS people. But as a former Catholic I was surrounded priests and nuns who chose to follow Jesus as non married celibate followers. It’s not as important to be married in the Catholic faith. For me personally it does not matter whether Jesus was married or not so I don’t need to pray for an answer.

  • @mizcarolyn
    @mizcarolyn 2 дня назад +3

    This is very reminiscent of the beliefs Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow held. Doesn’t that concern you?

    • @Rudyard_Stripling
      @Rudyard_Stripling 2 дня назад +1

      There is opposition in ALL things.

    • @mizcarolyn
      @mizcarolyn 2 дня назад

      @@Rudyard_Stripling What does that mean exactly though? I guess what I see in these teachings is just an enormous risk of ego getting in the way of spirituality. When we start focusing on what role we have in the second coming, don’t we as humans want to believe we’re “chosen”? That leads to confirmation bias misinterpreted as confirmation from God. Where is the humility and acknowledgment that we are flawed mortals?

    • @Rudyard_Stripling
      @Rudyard_Stripling 2 дня назад

      @@mizcarolyn All Latter Day Saints should already understand we are flawed mortals, that is why we all needed a Savior. There are things that maybe you don't understand yet such as; this earth is the only earth in the entire universe that had people evil enough on it that would kill their own creator. Moses 7 36 Wherefore, I can stretch forth mine hands and hold all the creations which I have made; and mine eye can pierce them also, and among all the workmanship of mine hands there has not been so great wickedness as among thy brethren.
      Satan is also bound to this earth and there is a reason he is bound to this earth. We live on a prison planet because of spirit prison.
      Notice this scripture says rejoice ye heavens, Satan was evil above all. Revelation 12 12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
      This earth is the testing earth to become Gods, we must descend very deeply to ascend, so yes everyone on the earth has been foreordained to come to this earth where the greatest tests and the greatest blessings can be received. So possibly you can see and sense the most righteous and the most evil of God the Father's children were saved for this day and this earth. I hope I came across fluidly and with lucidity but I can always improve if you have further questions, thank you for reaching out.

    • @Rudyard_Stripling
      @Rudyard_Stripling 2 дня назад +1

      @@mizcarolyn All things must be conferred on each of us by and through the Holy Ghost for our personal missions and for all truth. I still do not know what my mission is but I know when the time is right the Lord will reveal it to me.

    • @Rudyard_Stripling
      @Rudyard_Stripling 2 дня назад

      @@mizcarolyn This is from Michael B Rush
      And there was war in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; [Who were Michael's angels? The premortal House of Israel] and the dragon and his angels fought against Michael; And the dragon prevailed not against Michael, neither the child [Jesus Christ], nor the woman [the premortal House of Israel] … Neither was there place found in heaven for the great dragon, who was cast out; that old serpent called the devil, and also called Satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the earth; and his angels were cast out with him [this passage indicates that Satan and his angels were banished to our earth before the creation of Adam and Eve]... For they have overcome him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony [the testimony of Michael and the woman - pre mortal House of Israel]; for they loved not their own lives, but kept the testimony even unto death. [Michael, Christ and the pre mortal House of Israel knew that by casting Satan to the earth, the place of their mortal probation would become much different, much more difficult. They would suffer death- separation from the presence of the Father, which for some would become permanent. Nevertheless, for those that would put their faith in the Lamb of God, their hope for a bright and glorious victory over death was firm, because of their knowledge of the nature and character of Christ.] Therefore, rejoice O heavens, and ye that dwell in them. [The actions and sacrifice unto death of Christ, Michael, and the pre-mortal House of Israel, were of such profound significance that all the inhabitants of the heavens - worlds without number, had great cause to rejoice. The action here was casting Satan out of heaven into the earth - the sacrifice unto death that Christ, Michael and pre-mortal Israel would make was to endure mortality on the sphere where Satan and his angels had been banished. There is profound meaning here!] And after these things I heard another voice saying, Woe to the inhabiters of the earth... For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time [while the inhabitants of worlds without end rejoiced- those that would come to this earth would have cause to morn- because Satan and his angels would have full reign here.].
      And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman [the House of Israel] which brought forth the man child [Jesus Christ]. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, [there was a place and means prepared for removing the main body of the House of Israel to the ends of Heaven (Duet 30:1-4)] where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent [this curious time frame corresponds with the return of the Lost Tribes of Israel and the deliverance of the suffering saints as discussed in Dan 7:25 and the chapter in my book titled The Stout Horn. Note that the only way the body of Israel could find refuge from the face of the serpent is if their wings enabled them to leave the confines of earth, where Satan and his minions were bound]
      And the dragon was wroth with the woman, [Satan was mad because they helped to cast him out, and now the main body had been removed from beyond his reach] and went to make war with the remnant of her seed [Judah and Joseph], which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.