Another issue with these low cost high frequency, transformerless inverters is that they're not user serviceable. When they fail after the warranty runs out, they're pretty much done. (Throw away inverter) The manufacturer will not ship you the parts that you would need to even perform a board swap because they don't want to incur the liability of you injuring or even killing yourself by poking around the high voltage capacitors that are in these inverters, that remain energized, even after the battery has been disconnected. And most inverter repair shops won't mess with them because they have to warranty their work and these inverter have a high failure rate post repair due to the use of cheap, short lived Chinese made components. If you want an inverter that's going to last far longer and is field serviceable and easy to repair that uses far less components in its design, then you're far better off purchasing a low frequency, transformer based inverter charger.
Dude stop trolling everyone's channel talking about everyone's transform-less inverter get a life nobody takes you serious you have made the same stupid comment on every solar channel! Move on! You are not influencing or helping anyone!
When is this manufacturer going to stop building these inverters on the cheap and add an isolation output transformer to their design? Without an output transformer, these cheap inverters can easily fry your appliances or your EV, when their MOSFETs short to ground. Don't take my word for it, ask Google AI "Can a high frequency transformerless inverter damage my appliances?" to learn the truth about these cheap, overpriced high frequency inverters.
Another issue with these low cost high frequency, transformerless inverters is that they're not user serviceable. When they fail after the warranty runs out, they're pretty much done. (Throw away inverter) The manufacturer will not ship you the parts that you would need to even perform a board swap because they don't want to incur the liability of you injuring or even killing yourself by poking around the high voltage capacitors that are in these inverters, that remain energized, even after the battery has been disconnected. And most inverter repair shops won't mess with them because they have to warranty their work and these inverter have a high failure rate post repair due to the use of cheap, short lived Chinese made components. If you want an inverter that's going to last far longer and is field serviceable and easy to repair that uses far less components in its design, then you're far better off purchasing a low frequency, transformer based inverter charger.
Dude stop trolling everyone's channel talking about everyone's transform-less inverter get a life nobody takes you serious you have made the same stupid comment on every solar channel! Move on! You are not influencing or helping anyone!
When is this manufacturer going to stop building these inverters on the cheap and add an isolation output transformer to their design? Without an output transformer, these cheap inverters can easily fry your appliances or your EV, when their MOSFETs short to ground. Don't take my word for it, ask Google AI "Can a high frequency transformerless inverter damage my appliances?" to learn the truth about these cheap, overpriced high frequency inverters.