The base-similar-evolved-unique thing has to be the best thing ive learned. Could u make a video going more into it? I saw another comment talking about a grid with all the champions. That might be a good idea 💡
i am a combi player. i strive to learn how to play all champs to a small degree (5-10 games ish) because it helps me learn their kit, what they can do and their powerspikes more than just playing against them, and then i have pretty big pool of champs, i play mostly clash, so i need to be able to tank, or pick ap when i have to. but my real main, that i play maybe 75% of the time is my favourite moth mommy. So its belveth,olaf zac, udyr, lillia, diana, morde and vi. i play most other tanks too in a good capacity depending oncountering, sej, rammus, moakai
Can confirm. Did exactly this last season and broke plat for the first time. Great to have a diverse, concentrated champ pool (that you have fun with, too)!
Great video as always my dude, your analysis on one tricks/ off metas/ metas was very precise indeed. i'm a Vi one trick and i feel that i can take advantage of her kit in a way people don't expect, but at the same time i'm looking to expand my champion pool for things that i never quite tried before, like fiddle and eve, and also theres some champions that like have the same idea that Vi but also have some particularities like zac. but anyway, thanks for all the knowledge you share, it really helps
THANK YOU, now I know my strengths, this is the best thing I've learned, 4 champs in my pool, always meta, good mastery and playable in other roles, just, thank you
Love your vids, is there any chance you have a resource that can help isolate champ strengths/styles so you can compare and contrast them to find which champs could complement and fill out pools? Like having champions like Warwick Voli Olaf grouped in a category with similar champs and having Graves/Kindred etc in another?
I completely agree with this method. Picking champs that are similar, but play differently enough to cover the different matchups in lane and also so I don’t get bored has lead me to over a 70% winrate this season. Also since I play marksman in the midlane I often catch people off guard with my damage. I play tristana into squishy mages and ap varus with barrier into meelee assassins and it’s been some FREE LP
What I like is macro plays and picks: Ekko, Evelynn, Kayn, Graves Has everything I need in terms of pathing optimization, lvl6 reliance and possibility to play assassin 😌 Except Eve, they're all viable in a lane. Thought about the Amumu, Zac, Maokai but don't have fun with tanks
You're exactly like me lmao, I was a Kayn one trick last season (my first season) and now I've been looking into Eve and Graves. They're so fun, and thankfully the latter two are meta.
Usually how I do it with my friends is I have a large handful of champions I like in a role and always ban someone who is ALWAYS a pain in my ass. These are purely champions that are usually picked and the person using them are usually a one trick and ruin my entire fun of the game . Teeemo for top, Shaco jungle, Zed mid, Blitzcrank for support, and Ezreal for adc. I ban these so much because EVERYTIME I do not ban them they are picked.
Main pool is for sure: J4, Rengar, Master Yi, and Warwick. Off Meta/Counterpicks: Rammus, Ornn (played him a good chunk top), and then both Pantheon and Taric (both of which I'm not 100% sure yet)
One thing I have difficulty in is that I am really good at playing tank junglers, I often win and hard stomp with them. But I do not enjoy playing tank junglers for many games especially in the same play session. Not sure if I should just suck it up and play for climbing or just only have 1 tank in my pool if we need it and then play other stuff I like which I may not be as good at.
I think u can make both work. Have tanks in ur pool for climbing(since they are really strong rn) + have champs that u can enjoy urself while playing. U can climb while enjoying the game, so find the balance between those 2 and have fun in ur climb
I did my champ pool today morning and put the champs i like in the main one that is will play most of the time and in the second one the ones that are situational(tank/ap)
I am a jungle main. I mainly play Udyr jungle, I have been looking to expand my champion pool. I just get lost on what other champs to have in my pool. I tend to lean more into bruisers going AD or AP I like having map control because I can move the map pretty quickly on Udyr. Any input is appreciated
hmm my champion pool is basically just tanks lol as they're the most fun to me. Zac, Maokai, Udyr, possibly Sejuani in the future, those are the tanks that I like to play in the jungle. I've been trying out some different champions in normal games, and the two that stick out as incredibly fun are Taliyah and Zeri, but they're so hard to pull off! Some other champs like Wukong or Belveth can be fun too, but I'm not used to playing squishy melee champs, or those that require a less controlled, more snowbally playstyle.
My champ pool is easy for me. Fiddlesticks, Evelynn, Zac But I never thought of playing off meta picks in soloq. I love morgana jungle so I would probably play something like Morgana and Lissandra jungle but as for the “unique” pick in off meta pool, I have no idea. :/ Someone with a tip? (and not the one with a spear behind) edit: probably last one would be Galio or Nautilus. I love galio as a champ and I have tried him in jungle in the past. Need to try him again. Nautilus jungle is just something I enjoy very much and dont know how I didnt think about him immediately here.
Necrocommenting on this great video. If im a Vi main who doesnt know ever jungler who would you (or anyone one here) recommend for similar and evolved champions like Vi?
Me toplane, me simple. > Is it melee? > Is it a fighter? > Is it strong 1v3? So my main is Jax. Strong splitter, dueling etc. Someone similar is Camille. Strong splitter, dueling etc. So guess what my "unique pick" is? Yorick Mori. Strong splitter, but a bit weaker in the dueling sense without ghouls but arguably does better into the annoying immobile tanks. Granted he's not off-meta as much but he's still way more respectable than smite top abusers.
Would you suggest practicing champions that are low tier but you enjoy as well? I want to be able to play Pantheon well in Jungle, he's not exactly high tier, but he's got the motivational quotes which I love and a simple kit with some CC.
Hmmm... I love tanks that can camp lines and scale. I already have ZAC. I've mained Lillia last season, but she is unplayable RN. I wonder, which champion can I add to my roster... Seju?
So i main jungle and im wondering about champ pool for a while now but the BIGGEST struggle ive found is identifying what champion has what pros and cons ( Especially stuff like what we saw at 8:23 ). My question is is there any place or any way for me to check which champion has what (im level 300 and ive played for a while and know all about their kits, so my question is about playstyle)
Considering the idea of pool that the video shows, I would say ur playstyle is more agressive and oriented to getting leads early and snow ball. Some option for the Similar(IMO) could be Elise, Lee Sin or even a Warwick. As the Unique champ, I would say something more towards scaling and teamfighting, since all the options above rely on early game and are good skirmishers, but not really into teamfighting. Maokai, Zac, Fiddle are all decent option for a more Teamfoght style of game. I hope I could help and good luck finding what fits u best
Im trying to fix my champ pool and this video really helped, my pool previously was kindred, tali, maokai. But ive grown away from tali and kindred because i just enjoy tank, anyone know what would be good to pare along maokai?
I love orianna but knows she’s not apart of meta. Is she worth using to climb or is there champion picks that I can use that are similar. Used to use Cassiopeia and Lissandra as my climbers
A champ not being strong doesnt mean u wont be able to climb, just may not be as easy to aplly as the O/broken characters. I think u can use anything as long as u feel comfortable to play it and u can compensate with other things in the game, like good positioning and macro for fights, where Ori can be really decisive
I've shown it a LOT on this channel but been a while since a dedicated vid. I have to figure out marketing/how to get views again but I'm thinking of doing something with it soon!
@@virkayu yeah! A dedicated video would be sick. Sort of like a post game commentary on why you made certain decisions and why it did/ or didn't work out. Regardless, I appreciate the videos! I watch them all the time!
IMO, Jarvan has is oriented to play around early game. So for the Similar, u can go with anything like Rek'sai, Xin Zhao or Elise(or any early champs that fits u the best). For the Unique, go for a scaling/farming jg so u can play games that are gonna extend longer. I would say Maokai, Karthus or Fiddle could be options for u
My pool as of rn (playing from s10) is probably kayn main lee graves nocturne with like Morgana and naut as those wild card jg picks but I still can’t bring my self to actually play ranked. But finding kayn less and less interesting (he’s 25% of my accounts mastery points) been playing adc with like samira Nilah with kayn as a 3rd dive al in adc.
@@tammo.b3006 I think the reason hes so strong is the fact that he can spam the Q, which has % max Hp damage and he can abuse Demonic Embrace + Tank/Mage build
my most enjoyale main is nerfed to the ground, yuumi. i can play zyra with good results but she is SO stressfull, the games are not in any way enjoyable. sona/nami are inconsistent and weak with bad botlaners in low elo. soraka /janna can be ok but there not fun. karma/morgana are also very feast or famine. im lost, only champ thats consistently fun even if the adc is shit is yuumi.
thank you for your hopefully 100% watch time and idk how that's disregarding it that sounds good... two AP farmers that scale around using ultimate that assassinate targets (base/similar) and then haev a unique (kindred) that's different but in a GOOD way because they are also hard carries like the other two. You played yourself. Theory stands up!
LAST FEW DAYS!✅JOIN THE JAN 30th BOOTCAMP & $400 Coaching Giveaway!
LOVE the Base, Similar, Evolved and Unique champ list. To have that as a Grid layout with all the champs would be awesome to see.
That Nidalee kill on Ashe 0:26 is insane lmao
The base-similar-evolved-unique thing has to be the best thing ive learned. Could u make a video going more into it? I saw another comment talking about a grid with all the champions. That might be a good idea 💡
i am a combi player. i strive to learn how to play all champs to a small degree (5-10 games ish) because it helps me learn their kit, what they can do and their powerspikes more than just playing against them, and then i have pretty big pool of champs, i play mostly clash, so i need to be able to tank, or pick ap when i have to. but my real main, that i play maybe 75% of the time is my favourite moth mommy. So its belveth,olaf zac, udyr, lillia, diana, morde and vi. i play most other tanks too in a good capacity depending oncountering, sej, rammus, moakai
Can confirm. Did exactly this last season and broke plat for the first time. Great to have a diverse, concentrated champ pool (that you have fun with, too)!
Yeeees! I've been frankensteining your old champion pool videos trying to find a good one for me this is perfect!
Modern times require modern infographics and animations
Great video as always my dude, your analysis on one tricks/ off metas/ metas was very precise indeed. i'm a Vi one trick and i feel that i can take advantage of her kit in a way people don't expect, but at the same time i'm looking to expand my champion pool for things that i never quite tried before, like fiddle and eve, and also theres some champions that like have the same idea that Vi but also have some particularities like zac. but anyway, thanks for all the knowledge you share, it really helps
THANK YOU, now I know my strengths, this is the best thing I've learned, 4 champs in my pool, always meta, good mastery and playable in other roles, just, thank you
I would love an in depth guide on ornn jungle
best gamer out there
I agree Ornn is a 100% gamer
Love your vids, is there any chance you have a resource that can help isolate champ strengths/styles so you can compare and contrast them to find which champs could complement and fill out pools? Like having champions like Warwick Voli Olaf grouped in a category with similar champs and having Graves/Kindred etc in another?
I completely agree with this method. Picking champs that are similar, but play differently enough to cover the different matchups in lane and also so I don’t get bored has lead me to over a 70% winrate this season. Also since I play marksman in the midlane I often catch people off guard with my damage. I play tristana into squishy mages and ap varus with barrier into meelee assassins and it’s been some FREE LP
What I like is macro plays and picks:
Ekko, Evelynn, Kayn, Graves
Has everything I need in terms of pathing optimization, lvl6 reliance and possibility to play assassin 😌
Except Eve, they're all viable in a lane.
Thought about the Amumu, Zac, Maokai but don't have fun with tanks
You're exactly like me lmao, I was a Kayn one trick last season (my first season) and now I've been looking into Eve and Graves. They're so fun, and thankfully the latter two are meta.
Can't wait to see the video on the best junglers to one trick
dude u really guessed my main 3 champs well xD
i added a vi and a rengar(which i cannot play, sadly) to that
Usually how I do it with my friends is I have a large handful of champions I like in a role and always ban someone who is ALWAYS a pain in my ass. These are purely champions that are usually picked and the person using them are usually a one trick and ruin my entire fun of the game .
Teeemo for top, Shaco jungle, Zed mid, Blitzcrank for support, and Ezreal for adc.
I ban these so much because EVERYTIME I do not ban them they are picked.
This season I'll be refining my Shen jungle
Mega chad E taunt clip followed by the manliest R you've ever seen (free assists) clips in this video
@@virkayu As only a Shen could do
minute 6:34 the comstum comfy they been my mains for the longest time ahhahaha
Main pool is for sure: J4, Rengar, Master Yi, and Warwick.
Off Meta/Counterpicks: Rammus, Ornn (played him a good chunk top), and then both Pantheon and Taric (both of which I'm not 100% sure yet)
One thing I have difficulty in is that I am really good at playing tank junglers, I often win and hard stomp with them. But I do not enjoy playing tank junglers for many games especially in the same play session. Not sure if I should just suck it up and play for climbing or just only have 1 tank in my pool if we need it and then play other stuff I like which I may not be as good at.
I think u can make both work. Have tanks in ur pool for climbing(since they are really strong rn) + have champs that u can enjoy urself while playing. U can climb while enjoying the game, so find the balance between those 2 and have fun in ur climb
I did my champ pool today morning and put the champs i like in the main one that is will play most of the time and in the second one the ones that are situational(tank/ap)
I honestly just clicked because I saw Shen on a Virkayu thumbnail
morale of the story if you are low elo pick ww if you are d1+ you get to play other jg
Im a jungler and my main champions are Evelynn, Ekko , Belveth , lilia
Current Pool: Gold Elo
Kindred - 60% winrate
Sylas - 60% winrate
Pantheon - 67% winrate
Can you help me choose? My base is Viego. Who else do you recommend?
Is it bad if I have a champion pool of 10, spanning across mid and jungle? Is it still possible to climb?
I am a jungle main. I mainly play Udyr jungle, I have been looking to expand my champion pool. I just get lost on what other champs to have in my pool. I tend to lean more into bruisers going AD or AP I like having map control because I can move the map pretty quickly on Udyr. Any input is appreciated
hmm my champion pool is basically just tanks lol as they're the most fun to me. Zac, Maokai, Udyr, possibly Sejuani in the future, those are the tanks that I like to play in the jungle. I've been trying out some different champions in normal games, and the two that stick out as incredibly fun are Taliyah and Zeri, but they're so hard to pull off! Some other champs like Wukong or Belveth can be fun too, but I'm not used to playing squishy melee champs, or those that require a less controlled, more snowbally playstyle.
My champ pool is easy for me.
Fiddlesticks, Evelynn, Zac
But I never thought of playing off meta picks in soloq. I love morgana jungle so I would probably play something like Morgana and Lissandra jungle but as for the “unique” pick in off meta pool, I have no idea. :/ Someone with a tip? (and not the one with a spear behind)
edit: probably last one would be Galio or Nautilus. I love galio as a champ and I have tried him in jungle in the past. Need to try him again. Nautilus jungle is just something I enjoy very much and dont know how I didnt think about him immediately here.
Love videos that recognize off meta possibility. While I hate trolls (yuumi jungle as an example) I also hate meta slaves.
Necrocommenting on this great video.
If im a Vi main who doesnt know ever jungler who would you (or anyone one here) recommend for similar and evolved champions like Vi?
Me toplane, me simple.
> Is it melee?
> Is it a fighter?
> Is it strong 1v3?
So my main is Jax. Strong splitter, dueling etc. Someone similar is Camille. Strong splitter, dueling etc. So guess what my "unique pick" is?
Yorick Mori. Strong splitter, but a bit weaker in the dueling sense without ghouls but arguably does better into the annoying immobile tanks. Granted he's not off-meta as much but he's still way more respectable than smite top abusers.
Would you suggest practicing champions that are low tier but you enjoy as well?
I want to be able to play Pantheon well in Jungle, he's not exactly high tier, but he's got the motivational quotes which I love and a simple kit with some CC.
Hmmm... I love tanks that can camp lines and scale. I already have ZAC. I've mained Lillia last season, but she is unplayable RN.
I wonder, which champion can I add to my roster... Seju?
Is this good?
Jungle pool
Base: sylas
Similar: viego
Unique: evelynn
Offmeta: Qiyana
Similar: Talon
Unique: Neeko
Mid pool
Base: Kat
Similar: Yassuo
Unique: Neeko
Offmeta: Viego
Similar: Kayn
Unique: idk
actually u feel more tilted when the champ u like can't perform well but we're happy with what the meta brings
I basically otp Khazix but have a pretty solid win rate with warwick and udyr when i do play them. any advice on a champ pool similar to kha?
So i main jungle and im wondering about champ pool for a while now but the BIGGEST struggle ive found is identifying what champion has what pros and cons ( Especially stuff like what we saw at 8:23 ). My question is is there any place or any way for me to check which champion has what (im level 300 and ive played for a while and know all about their kits, so my question is about playstyle)
Zyra off meta video please!!
Does anyone know what champion is similar to playing Jayce Mid? I'm trying to think of anything, but I have no clue...
Need help building a champ pool based on his outline. My base is Rek’Sai. What would the community consider my other champs be?
Considering the idea of pool that the video shows, I would say ur playstyle is more agressive and oriented to getting leads early and snow ball. Some option for the Similar(IMO) could be Elise, Lee Sin or even a Warwick. As the Unique champ, I would say something more towards scaling and teamfighting, since all the options above rely on early game and are good skirmishers, but not really into teamfighting. Maokai, Zac, Fiddle are all decent option for a more Teamfoght style of game. I hope I could help and good luck finding what fits u best
@@raulharada3783 thank you brother
@@raulharada3783 I'd say my base is Darius / solo kill champs toplane, any idea for me?
Im trying to fix my champ pool and this video really helped, my pool previously was kindred, tali, maokai. But ive grown away from tali and kindred because i just enjoy tank, anyone know what would be good to pare along maokai?
What do you think of zeri, jinx and draven
Sounds fine.
Where can i see my champion pool thing like that?
I love orianna but knows she’s not apart of meta. Is she worth using to climb or is there champion picks that I can use that are similar.
Used to use Cassiopeia and Lissandra as my climbers
A champ not being strong doesnt mean u wont be able to climb, just may not be as easy to aplly as the O/broken characters. I think u can use anything as long as u feel comfortable to play it and u can compensate with other things in the game, like good positioning and macro for fights, where Ori can be really decisive
im trying to find a pool after time as otp, is 6 champs too much? probably yes but my brain is stupid ._.
what about off meta and otp what are your thought on OTP Ivern
Kinda hard to climb even if u go full ap imo, like yeah u can definitely climb with Ivern but like any other jungler would be way easier to pull off
Belveth Warwick Zac Nocturne as a pool? (Preference in order)
Maybe an AP for ur pool and u should be good
Can we see some Zyra Jg gameplay? Id love to see it in play
I've shown it a LOT on this channel but been a while since a dedicated vid. I have to figure out marketing/how to get views again but I'm thinking of doing something with it soon!
@@virkayu yeah! A dedicated video would be sick. Sort of like a post game commentary on why you made certain decisions and why it did/ or didn't work out. Regardless, I appreciate the videos! I watch them all the time!
so if I'm playing Jarvan I should add Xin and Viego/Trundle or what? According to what I've seen in the video
IMO, Jarvan has is oriented to play around early game. So for the Similar, u can go with anything like Rek'sai, Xin Zhao or Elise(or any early champs that fits u the best). For the Unique, go for a scaling/farming jg so u can play games that are gonna extend longer. I would say Maokai, Karthus or Fiddle could be options for u
Great video! I like jungle solo and adc with a duo.
My pool as of rn (playing from s10) is probably kayn main lee graves nocturne with like Morgana and naut as those wild card jg picks but I still can’t bring my self to actually play ranked.
But finding kayn less and less interesting (he’s 25% of my accounts mastery points) been playing adc with like samira Nilah with kayn as a 3rd dive al in adc.
How do you guys think a champ pool of Viego (main), Graves, Diana, and Fiddlesticks sounds?
Champ puddle
10:19 rip Ashe Xd
They Redfused To Bring Back Zz'Rot So Yorick's Maiden Is My New Best Friend
Aka play maokai
Why is he so strong rn its crazy
To make you feel better.. the only Maokai clips in this are ones of him dying
@@virkayu Much better, thank you
@@tammo.b3006 I think the reason hes so strong is the fact that he can spam the Q, which has % max Hp damage and he can abuse Demonic Embrace + Tank/Mage build
I play ww, zac, mao, kha, sylas, nunu
thoughts on ekko viego sylas
Which one of them u use as the base ?
@@raulharada3783 as of the recent patch 13.1b its now ekko kindred fiddle starting from left to right (ekko the base)
And you shouldn't have more than a 2 role pool i assume?
Me as otp senna the only marksmen supp 😭
ashe support, mf support, jhin support, cait support, twitch support (idk more but there are more definitely)
@@unoreversecard1o1o1o Ashe mf and jhin doesn't rlly count they don't have good dmg but I forgot cait and twitch u r right
Now THIS is podracing!
Now THIS is.. yeah... podracing.
What do you think abou my insane champ pool.
Here it is:
Viego graves kayn
Nice beard
my most enjoyale main is nerfed to the ground, yuumi. i can play zyra with good results but she is SO stressfull, the games are not in any way enjoyable. sona/nami are inconsistent and weak with bad botlaners in low elo. soraka /janna can be ok but there not fun. karma/morgana are also very feast or famine. im lost, only champ thats consistently fun even if the adc is shit is yuumi.
Having fun playing league?
I'm gonna disregard this video and play fiddlesticks, evelynn, kindred
thank you for your hopefully 100% watch time and idk how that's disregarding it that sounds good... two AP farmers that scale around using ultimate that assassinate targets (base/similar) and then haev a unique (kindred) that's different but in a GOOD way because they are also hard carries like the other two. You played yourself. Theory stands up!
Winner! 🥇