I'm very happy to see you revisit these. The demolition in the snow in an open circuit can be very testing. You done brilliantly on all 4 and the last one was very exciting
Good to see you doing daily challenges again and on snow. A tip to make that last challenge easy. You get a pileup of trucks in front hit reset and go right through.
So glad to see you do tutorials on the daily snow challenges because I'm really hoping that you can show us how best to tackle the one that should be coming up sometime soon with the Bugzilla on the Big Valley Outer Oval against all AI Bugzillas. Talk about a real f***ing pain in the a** ! It's almost impossible to get anything better than Silver but if anyone can, it's you!😁👍
@@miroslavdockal9468 I still play it every day but I do see what you're saying. I let my pride get the best of me and do my best to get a Gold trophy and best possible score on all the challenges. Guess I just have a hard time letting that go.🤣
I'm very happy to see you revisit these. The demolition in the snow in an open circuit can be very testing. You done brilliantly on all 4 and the last one was very exciting
@@gooner70_ns thanks and I'm glad you enjoyed this. The demolition challenges in the snow can be very tough 👍
Good to see you doing daily challenges again and on snow. A tip to make that last challenge easy. You get a pileup of trucks in front hit reset and go right through.
@@seanwatts2777 yes that's a really good tip 🙂👍
Felt your struggle in the last race!
@@d.g.rohrig4063 wasn't sure until the result came up that I'd actually got the win. Hopefully made for an exciting race tho 🙂
So glad to see you do tutorials on the daily snow challenges because I'm really hoping that you can show us how best to tackle the one that should be coming up sometime soon with the Bugzilla on the Big Valley Outer Oval against all AI Bugzillas. Talk about a real f***ing pain in the a** ! It's almost impossible to get anything better than Silver but if anyone can, it's you!😁👍
I find these challenges more and more difficult. Who give s a fuck? Its old dying game. But im angry, a little.... 🤣
@@miroslavdockal9468 I still play it every day but I do see what you're saying. I let my pride get the best of me and do my best to get a Gold trophy and best possible score on all the challenges. Guess I just have a hard time letting that go.🤣