I'm disabled and I'll tell you, there are very few people who don't work because it's what they prefer. If you believe that, just take a few months off of work, try to live on what we get each month and then tell me how wonderful it is. This is sickening and disgusting.
Exactly! Surrrrre, I gave up the highly paid job and hard won career that I loved because I _much_ preferred living an impoverished hand-to-mouth existence in a crumbling flat within a degenerating neighbourhood!
My son is one of these languishers. He is 23 years old and has medical and learning needs. His father (my husband) passed away last year from MND. He gets up every day and goes to work voluntarily in charity shops and is part of a volunteering group that helps people with needs gain experience. That is 5 days a week that I transport him around so he can work for no pay. Unfortunately,there are very few employers who would take him on in a paid position, so I have to reduce my hours to facilitate him volunteering. This government know these things but choose to incite rage from their dwindling support. Disgusting!
@@weedsmokinhippy I do. I only started claiming it last year for the first time when I lost my husband and had to give up work to be around for my son after he left college. It’s tricky finding employment to fit around his hours but I’ve managed to find a job working from home with only a few hours in the office.
You're working two jobs 24/7 and you're saving the state money while suffering financially. The government understands perfectly well how this works in their favour but prefers to take advantage of the love you naturally have for your son. I don't know how our government ever sleep at night knowing what they do to people like your family.
I lost my job as a doctor in 2004 due to brain damage. I was 38. I had worked incredibly hard to achieve that position. I would give anything to stop languising at home. I wish I was normal and could live a normal life. To suffer everyday of your life to watch others live a life that you wish you had can be hard. I've had to learn to accept that my life was destroyed. I have to be excused from driving and enjoying myself because of my illness. The majority of people who appeal getting their benefits removed win their court cases and get their monies reinstated
They have no Love for disabled people they have a death wish for them unable to work in most cases on survival income its not they can get a job for the market is geared for the able bodied and even they struggle to find suitable employment being arrased by this Evil tory govt is the final straw.
I'm sorry to hear your story. I'm 38 and since getting diagnosed with multiple sclerosis ten years ago, I've just seen my entire future disappear. I'm housebound now and can't drive because of my eyesight. I would give anything for this not to be my life, but it is, and I'm struggling to accept it. I hear you
Yet the minority lose their benefits some unfairly. Some people would sooner be on the sick or disability benefits. You're right about the money though pathetic amounts with inflation what it was and still is.
@@nick1065Tories are consisently venal and cruel. You'll find that accurate descriptions of their terrible behaviour will repeat, because they haven't gotten any better.
I worked with people with severe disabilities and there is nothing they would rather have than a job. The fact is that very few employers will hire someone with a disability, especially if they have to make adaptions in the workplace.
@@chatham43not necessarily incentives, but education for employers would be beneficial. If they understood the disabilities that future prospective employees may have, they could become more inclusive and caring.
I’m autistic and rates of employment amongst this community are very low, not because we don’t want to work but because it is so hard to find a job that can accommodate our needs. We want to work and have a job, but it’s difficult to find somewhere that we fit.
@@jrosam9569 thats how it always has been when conservative governments get in regardless of country - the rich love their socialism but think it is only for them and the rest can fight for the crumbs under dog eat dog capitalism
The way a government treats refugees is very instructive because it shows you how they would treat the rest of us if they thought they could get away with it. Tony Benn
My wife is on pip and disability, she suffers from heart failure, only 17% of her heart is functioning, she is incapable of working, she gets totally knackered going upstairs, this is so so scary
...my sympathies...it's sad that genuine situations like yours are often undermined by spurious scenarios concocted here to further a political agenda...again my sympathies...
@@chatham43 The media that supports the Tories and lets face it that is over 85% of it according to the Media Reform Coalition's latest report, will never tell you the truth, only that that designed to get you to support the Tories.
Hi James. This discussion about language is one that's fascinated me since I read 1984 about 40 years ago an realised that by controlling language, you control thought. Love the programme. Thanks for being a beacon of rationality in an increasingly irrational world.
Think about what you are saying. You are correct (although influence thought rather than control). When did all this "language" stuff start? And by who? Because it wasnt the tories. Not even Labour. Its the woke mob and goes back before woke even exisited. Someone for sure is trying to influence thought, the questions are who and why?
@RJHS. ABSOLUTELY ! Language is the key to freedom. We must own it and guard it. We need to watch for slippery abuses like this. I hate it at Election time when the Tories keep telling us that they support “ hard-working families”. It’s not just a simple lie : it’s rabble-rousing with a straight face. I’m so glad James has taken this on.
Funnily enough about forty years ago I started using my brain and opening my eyes. I also realised the importance of the words that the papers use to control thought/opinion.
Same party who not only wanted to deprive children of food, but think they could explain away if a school or hospital collapsed and killed children or patients. why are the Tories allowed to exist?
Totally agree , the next enemy will be single mothers , homeless people and the disabled , all the Tories know is culture wars . The scary thing is there are quite a lot of sheep that will follow
Along with most of the comments, I receive PIP, I have had it cancelled once being told that I had made a false claim and maybe asked to pay 18 months back. I therefore believed them and basically worked and worked and then had a breakdown and didn't leave my room for 3 months. I eventually got it reinstated, then again they tried to cancel it. My husband fought it hard because of what happened. So I have an invisible disability. I still feel guilty and like a fraud. When a govt body tells me I'm faking I believe them. After so much therapy I still think I am worthless. When I saw this article I had a panic attack. Husband had to step in. He finally sent me this. Anyway that was a ramble.
You are not a fraud, you have been gaslit and abused by the government and profiteers of pain. You are far from alone, many people feel your pain. Bless you and your husband, get better soon.
Don't let them gaslight you into thinking you are the problem. Claim what you are entitled to, if only just to spite them and their client 'journalists' (who are actually all columnists and don't deal in facts)
James, this was one of the goals of brexit and what Tories meant about taking back control, removing the protections of the working man in favour of business. Johnson tapped into peoples bigotry to get Brexit over the line and now they are suffering the consequences.
By persuading disenfranchised people to punch down & not up. For example, in simplistic terms, an employer may take on an immigrant on lower pay because it saves them money. You are manipulated into blaming the immigrant, where in truth the disaster capitalists at the top have devised a system to extract maximum profit & maintain lower overheads. And that is music to the disaster capitalists' ears. Now they are coming for the rights of freedoms of everyone else thanks to said Brexit. How they treat the poor is a decent barometer for how they'd treat you if they could. Tony Benn I think. @@cujimmi
@@cujimmi How, by becoming aware of societal conditioning and through awareness of societal conditioning observe where it is most prolific. As do ask yourself the question why is it people ' hate ' what they do when they have no experience of coming into contact with what they ' hate ' to derive any kind of honest feeling on what they come to know to hate and in hate support those speaking the same language. Where is the disdain for minority groups generated and does hating as encouraged solve our nations woes or does it make things worse for those encouraged to hate?
In order for sick and disabled people to be made to work there must be employers willing and able to employ them. They never talk about that side of the equation.
Only a soviet style government can do what they are suggesting. Tell those companies who employ workers at home, to employ the sick and disabled. In doing so the able bodied are freed up to work in the fields.
You can imagine the interviews...'Oh, and due to my chronic pain and inacility to function I can not work 7 days a week and may have to take months off at a time'...'I have chemo on Mondays so can not work that day, oh, and then I will be vomitting and seriously ill until the following Monday, then it repeats.' And on and on, people on long term disabilty are DISABLED not SICK, it is like they think people with the sniffles are on disability benefits.
Because they know a sizeable contingent of our population are effectively selfish, greedy and spiteful. A lot of the rest are desperate so hold onto whatever narrative the loudest person offers.
Because the the majority of people are ignorant. But if there not ignorant then its all are faults for not sticking together outside parliament and the mps house's and demanding better.
@@MCDONALD6969 One example is encouraging landlording as an investment, to get rich and secure your pension. Tying the lives of the better-off to Capitalist models turns a neutral vote into voting for Capitalism as self-protection.
I fought for my friend to get Personal Independence Payment. I attended three tribunals with him. He had Type 1 Diabetes and chronic depression at losing his job. He could not take another job because his situation deteriorated so much. In the end we won. It took two years and he was awarded £8,000 in back payments. He died six weeks later.
perrythomas4115 It is undeniable that the Tories have been committing corporate manslaughter, since 2010. It now seems they are about to up the ante once more against the disabled.
Are you naturally funny or did you learn it from a book. Hope your day is full of fun and laughter. By the way, that stone you just crawled out from under is going to fall and hit you on the head. @@LiveFromLondon2
I can't believe this country isn't more furious. How do the people everybody hates just manage to continue to hold so much power and do so much damage??
I think the country is furious, but the political structures of the society we live in are so closed-off that there's no other way to express that fury than impotent rage. I mean, actual effective protest is basically banned now, it's scary
Because instead of protesting those same people point at protestors and activists and laugh at them, calling them disruptive or violent despite the fact that any progressive change would benefit them. This allows the government to work with corporations to target the most vulnerable populations level by level from refugees and disabled people to lgbt, poc and gender minorities slowly but surely making it impossible to rebel at all.
Maybe the other recent J OB video about shoplifting provides some response... Maybe that's the new anti-Tory rebellion! 🙂 But lifters have to raise their sights a bit. Shoplifting from Poundland and tubes of Nivea aren't going to cut it. They need to start shoplifting in Fortnum and Mason! 🙂
Daily Mail readers may be surprised to learn that many disabled people want to work, but have had their livelihoods destroyed by the same party in government those readers voted for. Which then proceeded to make working conditions mean, nasty and horrid to its own citizens.
Actually I think that a lot of disabled people should report at the Daily Mail offices, since they seem to have the answer and will employ them. It's time to start kicking back at these turds.
Shhh lol Don't spoil the narrative. Spongers everywhere, mate! The ones who salted away something like £32 billion in unpaid tax in 2015/6 (?) in the havens, when the UK needed something like £34 billion that year to fund services are the worst, but don't let a few disabled people being punched down on to get in the way of 'British fair play' as exemplified by the average reader of that rag. They're patriotic, but not decent. They have no sense of fair play, just envy. It's appalling. They are unashamed of themselves, too.
My friend's boy is on disability benifit? He has got serious OCD to the point where he will starve himself to death if he can't find a full ingredient list of anything he is about to eat. His, as many others' condition is not well understood by medics. His problem is not that he doesn't want to work, it is that nobody would or could work with him. So it's really not about abiut his motivation, Cutting his benifits is not going to find him a job. Employers do not want anybody who comes with that baggage,
how do you know he will starve to death? Eventully, when he is hungry enough, his brain will skip the ingredient list and start eating. And if it doesnt...... The sooner these people stop being molly-coddled the sooner they will adjust to reality.
This is having your legs smashed up. learning to walk again, finally feeling hope and having them smashed again. Over and over and over. That's what this feels like. This is just evil.
Economy on its knees, cost of living crisis, and more inequality than ever. Oh yeah, let's start picking on disabled people and those with mental health problems, that will really help.
They feed hate and anger and then complain that people are popping their tops and lashing out at each other. Humans were not made to deal with constant stress.
@louisejohnson6057 If you can see,walk,talk and move you aren't disabled.But of course you might have mental health issues.And then again,you might not.If you see what I mean?
I would give anything to work. I completed a Master’s degree to work in my profession. Now I have to live on a MONTHLY check that is less than what I used to make in a WEEK. Those pigs should become fully disabled for a couple years and see how much fun it is.
They have machine hearts, machine minds, they don't care about you and others. A truly nasty, callous bunch. I wish you the best in life, there are people like me who care, we have hearts and fight against discrimination towards the disabled. Take care.
How about saying employers will be forced to employ disable people. Which they are very reluctant to do because a lot of the time has to be taken out for doctors and hospital appointments. My disabled friend was so excited when a scheme was launched to help people to find work. The only people helped find work were the people employed to do it. She was left feeling very demoralised and dejected.
Control. Setting the people against each other by weaponising harmless differences. It's the same reason they demonise immigrants. "Look at them over there, but don't look at us - the tax dodgers, the phony crony contract getters, the liars and scumbags who steal from everyone else to live a life of luxury. Its those people over there who are slightly different to you who you need to worry about! Not us!".
First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me.
That lesson from history has already been well adapted to suit our more modern times. The lesson was of course warning the future of the dangers of being divided.
What I never understand is the fact being disabled is actually the only minority group you could actually end up belonging to at any time. They really do want us to wish it on them!
I am disabled and have been unemployed since I was made redundant. I am trying desperately to find a job but it's not easy. Most of my skills, experience and qualifications are in an industry that I am no longer physically able to work in. I can't afford to retrain (though I am building my skills with free courses), when I asked if there was help available from the job centre, I was told there would have been, pre-brexit, but not any longer. Living on benefits is incredibly hard. - life is pretty miserable. A few months ago, because my redundancy payment pushed me slightly over my monthly amount, I was left for 9 weeks with no money whatsoever. We're having to eat less and go without heat and even then I couldn't manage if I didn't have help from family. If someone offered me a job that I could do within the limitations of my health, I would bite their hand off. I want to work, but I need a job that is not going to damage my health even further.
This government's policies are very reminiscent of a certain group from the 1930's. I'm genuinely afraid for friends and family who may be deemed members of minorities this government is targeting.
do you mean the Nationalsozialistische? Do you have any real idea of what was going in those days? And how that compares to today? Because if you think the similarity is how disabled are treated then you really are not understanding anything. But more to the point, why bring the words 1930s into this? Unless you are trying to sow serious problems. Or more likely you are a bot.
Not just this government for Cameron trialled this kind of abuse to be met with public acceptance of which was generously fluffed by the media , all of the media including the effing Guardian.
@@LiveFromLondon2 The language being used by this Tory government is alarmingly similar. I'm not the first to point it out, as the video says, survivors of that regime are also pointing it out. Maybe you didn't watch the video?
@@dexocube and maybe you dont really understand what was happening back then, and why. Im am not saying it was right, but I am saying that there was a reason for it. The Nazis and the current govt couldnt be more different. Nazis tried to solve a problem current govt and future Labour are the cause of the problem. This is something that more people need to look at more closely and not fall into the trap of that is being set.
They’ve(conservatives) driven themselves mad with paranoia and indignation at the mere thought of someone not breaking themselves down from youth to the grave.
The "othering", gathers pace. It's only a case of how much fear can be instilled in the population, and anyone with half a brain knows this country is going down the drain.
As someone who has been unemployed for the last 4 years due to mental issues the best way to get people back into work is to improve the systems that are surposed to help people back into work. The fedcap company, look them up, are a joke.
"Systems" is a generous term. There's also a system to process asylum claims. Westminster should scoop up every job-seeking person legitimately able to work, and train them for those systems. Invest in human resources, and help other humans in the process.
Finally someone in the media who takes the time to talk about the language being used . Its more and more villifying. When they will have convinced all the angry people that everyone but them is lazy and perverse then it will be easier to actually hurt those people
@@carolkelly5578 Sometimes he is on form sometimes he isn't, just like everyone else. Don't get me wrong. I love his show and his common sense and honesty. 👍
@@amcc5887 I think most of the time he is and now and again he gets exhausted by the mental trauma of having to listen to the right wing malevolent ravings. As every normal person does. 👍
I have a disabled son I care for, I feel quite happy to hate the folk who facilitated his marginalisation and now seek to penalise him for it. It might be all I've got left
Any one of the vile people using that language should consider that they themselves or a loved one may be just one mis-step away from finding themselves with a crippling disability.
Going through this dreadful system, yes you can have your welfare taken away from you. I missed an appointment because of my disorder, and I got £205 taken off my monthly payment. You can ask for a mandatory reconsideration if you disagree with their decision, but only around 16% of them actually have a different outcome, and when challenged at a tribunal, 81% of sanction decisions are overturned. I am considering taking them to a tribunal myself.
Most of the people high fiving over the marmalade will be retired.... They're a drain on the state with their pensions and healthcare, but they see themselves as entitled and deserving of that money, and they see disabled people as not.
We would love to go back to a time when my wife was able to work but life ain't perfect. After getting injured following an accident at work causing spinal damage the next few years were the most stressful firstly fighting her employer to delay her sacking then having her benefit stopped and having to go to a tribunal against dwp,and during this period it becoming fairly obvious she also had MS but takes a while to get diagnosis. Its not nice coming home from work and finding her on the floor and needing picking up and i would love to know the employers that would be happy to have people potentially collapsing regularly on their premises. I know at some point she will come under attack again and i will be ready to support her through it again at that time even if the stress does make us both ill.
We see the same rhetoric here in Australia. Just people needing someone to punch down on. My father was an engineer in the Army and when he left after 30 years he got a job as an engineer making farming machinery. The company was sold to a foreign monopoly and immediately shut down all Australian factories. Dad spent the next 10 years trying to find a job, he even took volunteer work in the hopes of landing something permanent from it. He got nothing and had to survive on welfare. It utterly broke him, so seeing people wanting pick on those like my Dad falsely saying that they are lazy, really enrages me. Prople are not lazy, and don't enjoy scraping by on welfare that keeps them on or below the poverty line.
I'm a nurse, I have CPTSD and have been off work just over a year due to very poor mental health, functioning at present. I have no income at all since August. I'm afraid to try and claim benefit due to the shame and complicated way of claiming. I've worked all my life and I'm genuinely ill at the age of 50. I don't know what to do and I hope you keep talking about these things because it's a terrible position to be in and I feel like there is no way forward 😢.
I guarantee there is a job for every disabled person in this country. . But it probably is nowhere near where they live. It is probably in an industry that is not prepared to hire them It is probably in an industry not prepared to adapt for them Or accommodate them at all Or support them Or train them Or keep them on if there is someone better abled or cheaper they can get instead. And it will likely be cost prohibitive for them to take on the job. Travel and clothes will equal or exceed the wages in many cases . But that just means they're languishing doesn't it.
I appreciate the sentiment and largely agree, however there are large numbers of disabled people who are physically and or mentally completely incapable of performing any work function regardless of the amount of support and accommodation provided to them.
@@SilverMKII've no arms nor legs, I'm deaf dumb and blind, and they clapped me on the back and said I perfectly fit the role of a door stop! Just think of how many doors there are that are un stopped! It's a solid job, with huge potential benefits! So that's you taken care of, off you roll!
I have a mental disability and some debilitating physical ailments that prevent me holding down a job or, on some days, getting out of bed. The "handouts" I get are not enough to survive on as it is and so at 35 I am forced to live with and rely on my parents. I hate it. I would love to work and live independently but I simply can't and cutting my "handouts" won't suddenly make me well but will instead increase the financial burden on my parents. This policy will help no one. At best it will force people to try and work who are unable and make them more ill in process. Incidentally, a person being made to feel like a burden is a solid predictor for suicide and suicidal ideation.
Surely it depends on the nature of the disability. I have worked alongside disabled colleagues who have had a very productive career, and come across those with mental or physical disablities who will regrettably (for themselves) never be able to work.
Casual reminder that UC doesn't count charity-work as "real work". Anything that doesn't benefit a private business isn't valid. Also the reason why you can't get housing benefit for renting from a relative. They don't want you being productive or self-sufficient; they want you labouring and vulnerable. Also, just a general question, at which point does stopping the Tories from getting power count as 'self defence'?
Im back at work after 6 years on disability with mental health, Ive been back in work a year now but its hard. I only lost my job 6 years ago due to a bullying boss with no understanting of mental health resulting in me going on the sick and the company making me redundant.
be like when they told my cousin with a broken back who can only stand for small periods he was ok to be a chef again. even tho the expert spinal surgeons said he cant. i assume we still use the tory donor's company for these assessments?
I served 30yrs NHS Operating Theatres, before the days if lovely lifting devices. I had to pack up work as I have 7 unoperable slipped discs & degenerative spine. I miss work every day. Trust me PIP is an emotionally traumatic quagmire, the forms are incredibly detailed & you have to provide medical evidence. Benefits keep me in poverty. Used all my savings!
i have an uncle who has had multiple strokes leaving him with no movement in 1 side of his body and last year after an assessment was told he was fit for work. why Because when asked if he would raise his arm above his head he refused saying he couldn't so they said he was being uncooperative and failed him. thankfully 6 months later he was able to reclaim his benefits but only after having to sell his and my aunt's house forcing them to downsize.
I was disabled by the NHS the government said there would be no compensation because me and other could claim pip and uc likes it's some kind of life I'm £15000 a year worse off in a wheelchair with PTSD because of what happened to me and now I'm scared that the pittance they pay me for survival will get taken away they are vile humans
This includes my daughter who is recovering from leukemia! My son had a heart attack at 22 is dependant on 8 medications daily & has had 2 more in last 5 years, I saw this devastate my childrens youth when the one thing you should be able to rely on is your health. Work is detrimental to their health & both took over a year because first & second attempts were refused. Despite a minister on tv saying he can guarantee nobody who’s suffered a heart attack will be refused benefit’s!! I can guarantee that’s a blatant lie!!!
In 2010 the first hate campaign from the Tories I had to carry a doctor's note with me to shove in people's faces when I parked in a disabled parking space at a shop, the harassment and abuse were horrendous, my crime I use a walking stick and only true disabled people are in wheelchairs apparently, the staff in the shop were wonderful and often stopped people from following me into the shop, however eventually I gave up going shopping on my own it got to much to cope with, guess it's going to get worse again
It would help if employers would actually employ sick and disabled without letting them go after a short period of time. The token ‘accommodations’ that don’t really help the longevity of anyone with disabilities.
After my accident 2 months ago i have the worst time in my life. The s**t sick pay, lack of an affordable beds, made me homeless. And all councils just passing me by from one side to another. I am crippled and i need a desk/sitting down job unfortunately. I searched, without experience and i only received reply as not suited... Trying to find a free course but ... no luck. So im stuck in this situation. Thank you UK. I know 400£/month is enough to survive and live amazingly. I stay during the day in a library thats why i have power and internet. Fortunately
Are 'they' going to force employers to employ disabled people with all our additional individual needs and costs, training for the existing and new employees?
They shouldn’t be called benefits they should be called entitlements as most have contributed so they are getting the help they are entitled to but only after jumping through hoops and put under stress for months sometimes over 13 months 😡😡😡😡😡
A lot of these people on benefits are working also, and they are on benefits because of austerity, and yes in most cases rthey have contributed through taxation, but where does that taxation go! not back into the economy.
@@alimantado373 Benefits have likely kept many small and local businesses alive. Poor people have to spend all their money every month, meaning it's pumped directly into businesses. I wonder if billionaires are spending all their money each month? Or just hoarding it off shore and in other tax dodging schemes. Or buying up land and property to ensure people can't afford even a home.
I am a healthcare professional and have had Long Covid since September 2020. Wouldn't it be better if the Government spent time and money on research into treating us rather than making us work when we cannot.
...here we go again, back to the same policies and vilifying language that we had in 2011. The economy is up the spout so lets go after those out of work.
@@falconeshield Yes, yes they did...It's been a long thirteen years. Now they are back to the same ideas they had at the beginning of taking office with austerity.
Someone in my circle has been sanctioned by UC, for 90% of their monthly benefit. They did not complete the agreed job search criteria over the course of 2 weeks..... this was at a time where they had a doctors 'fit note' (they call it a fit note, nowadays, for what we used to call a sick note) for the whole period for which they were sanctioned. 90% of their monthly income for 2 weeks out of a month - WHEN THEY HAD A DOCTORS 'FIT' NOTE. It is disgusting and just sums up the attitude of the unemployment system
UC and even when it was known as Job Seekers Allowance, even ESA is not even enough to survive on.... you cannot pay your bills you cannot buy luxuries unless you were on enhanced rates, and even that those rates were because you were incapable of work deemed by the system.... nowadays as a disabled person myself, I have been told by employers and doctors that my health is that bad I couldn't hold down a job, that's not to be mistaken with 'I dont want to work' but instead that health has diminished so much that I have no choice but to step back and accept i may never be able to given the condition and state of my health, as the physical and mental health effects each other like a constant battlefield. I used to work a fair amount doing nights which as health both physical and mental got worst i refused to give in... i would push myself until an issue in work where i used to work said nights.... forced me out... i would voluntarily go through the Job Seeker's route (without any pay) get treated like a dole dosser yet despite this, i pushed through and kept applying... and yet despite my willingness to work but need for a local job where i used to live I got 3 interviews in literally 3 years... and those were in retail in local stores... 2 for the same place and all were for well known retail companies... the one i got the interview once for, a school leaver who had stated he "had no intention of working here, i just applied cos the JC said i had to" he did 30 minutes work next day walked out no one knew he'd walked out... but because of that they apparently didn't have the budget to employ more... I moved south and got 2 jobs within a month, one working zero hours and one working part time in a major retail company's store near where i'd moved to... later becoming homeless and thus health worsened, i had to give up the Zero Hours job because of it clashing with the contracted work, and the council claimed they couldn't help me get rehomed on a zero hours contract, no private landlord would take a chance despite having an income... however the retail company who did take a chance on me i gave my all and did my best with however again due to health i found myself collapsing in work a few times and the worst one was whilst in a homeless night shelter where i was rushed into hospital for emergency surgery... and informed i had had a golf ball sized Gall Stone, which according to the surgeon had taken around 20+ years to get to that size... the gall bladder however had disintegrated due to the size of the stone... which i found myself struggling more and more... then roll on a few years and i move where i live now, to find out i have had a heart condition since birth, so where everyone would call me lazy and question why i was always tired.... claiming workshy despite me doing all i could to work.... all that never giving up has resulted in worse health, and a life where i am reliant on a stick to get around, i cannot walk far from my home due to pain and constant mobility and mental health problems.... so it's never a case of people like me not wanting to work (granted there are some out there who are like that but those are few and far between), it is more a case of people like me being unable and employers not being willing to take a chance on people like me... due to added risks, potential insurance issues etc and expenses on specialist fittings or measures to ensure we are able to do the job...
The DWP are on my case again..despite the fact I had to take early I'll health retirement in 2011..I had no choice..I was then diagnosed with RA a year later..and I have CPTSD..I am being forced to have a review even though my "circumstances haven't changed"..health hasn't changed for the better..but for the worst..Yet I had to have another assessment..as if my medical records don't count..It is a precursor to cutting my PIP..and forcing me to a tribunal..."We want to make sure you are getting the help you need* they say.....my a***!
For any of us who say "I see a lot of people who "aren't THAT bad", so they're perfectly capable of doing SOMETHING!" : Name one job you'd refer to as "SOMETHING" that pays enough to even survive on? You do understand we "cripples" don't get to live in a special discount version of reality, right? Life doesn't cost any less for us than it does for you.
Every disabled and terminally ill person should be supported to arrive at the daily mail requesting a job and adjustments made for them to work there such as having oxygen therapy available, responding to seizures, rescue medications for spasms and spinal injuries, mobility needs, staff trained to administer injections and depots, support with personal and continence care, ventilation management, be able to communicate in PECs, TEACH, Widgets and makaton, etc.... Wonder what the journalist would say then. Typical ignorant daily mail article
@@tatts1901nah, that's the clowns who show up in the comments with childish counterfactuals because they don't like being told the truth. Like yourself.
@tatts1901 calling you a "troll" doesn't mean the commenter doesn't mean he doesn't believe in free speech. In fact they're using free speech to express their opinion.
The Tories know they're going to lose, so are just throwing out red meat to their base who considers themselves to be the silent majority. Ironically, they are neither silent or the majority.
Every time I think they haven't done enough damage they find ever creative ways to do more and more. Not very long ago this Government was demanding attendence at offices.
You can't take a job you haven't been offered. I've been unemployed for nearly 30 years. Now I'm too sick to work, having acquired illnesses on top of the condition I was born with.
I have depression anxiety Agoraphobia and clinical trauma. When I was last working I was warning £1000 a week before tax. I paid in tax what the average person earned. I HATE being poor. A lack of mental health support from the UK government meant that I was untreated until it became too much of an issue for me to continue working. I went to court to prove I was unable to work and receive disability payments. My anxiety is so great that I feel physically sick when it is bad and I am out somewhere. I have no option but to turn around and go home. But I havent given up. I'm trying to find ways to make some money and take some of the burden off other tax payers. I am hardly "Languishing" on benefits.
‘Languishing’ on benefits means they’re lying about watching telly all day, whereas the reality: I got £57 a week on the sick after 30 years of full-time work. 😡
You have to be chronically unwell to receive the highest levels of PIP. You wouldn’t be languishing you would be coping with profound illness and disability.
Agree 100%, though I would just point out that 'languish' means 'to be stuck in a miserable condition' e.g. languishing in the Tower, which from what you read out would seem to work within the sentence and equivalate your suggestion of 'surviving' on benefits.
I'm disabled and I'll tell you, there are very few people who don't work because it's what they prefer. If you believe that, just take a few months off of work, try to live on what we get each month and then tell me how wonderful it is. This is sickening and disgusting.
Absolutely agree x
Not everyone wants to work and some people claiming could work, even people with a disability could find a job doing very simple work.
Don't worry buddy. The majority of us grounded folk know this. Hope you're as well as can be, and happy.
Surrrrre, I gave up the highly paid job and hard won career that I loved because I _much_ preferred living an impoverished hand-to-mouth existence in a crumbling flat within a degenerating neighbourhood!
@@Harrison_RsThat would require someone to be willing and able to employ them.
My son is one of these languishers. He is 23 years old and has medical and learning needs. His father (my husband) passed away last year from MND. He gets up every day and goes to work voluntarily in charity shops and is part of a volunteering group that helps people with needs gain experience. That is 5 days a week that I transport him around so he can work for no pay. Unfortunately,there are very few employers who would take him on in a paid position, so I have to reduce my hours to facilitate him volunteering. This government know these things but choose to incite rage from their dwindling support. Disgusting!
Fair play to you these people are not worth it hope you and your family gets what you deserve
Are you a carer as well ?do you get carers allowance
@@weedsmokinhippy I do. I only started claiming it last year for the first time when I lost my husband and had to give up work to be around for my son after he left college. It’s tricky finding employment to fit around his hours but I’ve managed to find a job working from home with only a few hours in the office.
You're working two jobs 24/7 and you're saving the state money while suffering financially. The government understands perfectly well how this works in their favour but prefers to take advantage of the love you naturally have for your son. I don't know how our government ever sleep at night knowing what they do to people like your family.
❤To you and your son.
I lost my job as a doctor in 2004 due to brain damage. I was 38. I had worked incredibly hard to achieve that position. I would give anything to stop languising at home. I wish I was normal and could live a normal life. To suffer everyday of your life to watch others live a life that you wish you had can be hard. I've had to learn to accept that my life was destroyed. I have to be excused from driving and enjoying myself because of my illness. The majority of people who appeal getting their benefits removed win their court cases and get their monies reinstated
They have no Love for disabled people they have a death wish for them unable to work in most cases on survival income its not they can get a job for the market is geared for the able bodied and even they struggle to find suitable employment being arrased by this Evil tory govt is the final straw.
I'm sorry to hear your story. I'm 38 and since getting diagnosed with multiple sclerosis ten years ago, I've just seen my entire future disappear. I'm housebound now and can't drive because of my eyesight. I would give anything for this not to be my life, but it is, and I'm struggling to accept it. I hear you
Judging by your written english I highly doubt you were a doctor. Not least because you use the word doctor.
I'm sorry and can't find proper words of comfort, but I do think and pray for you and people like you.
Yet the minority lose their benefits some unfairly. Some people would sooner be on the sick or disability benefits. You're right about the money though pathetic amounts with inflation what it was and still is.
Just when you think the Tories can't get any more evil, they find a new level.
Didn’t you use that one last week?
@@nick1065well if the shoe fits.
@@nick1065Hasn't stopped being true
@@nick1065Tories are consisently venal and cruel.
You'll find that accurate descriptions of their terrible behaviour will repeat, because they haven't gotten any better.
@@Tao_Tology Are you a victim too?
"To find the true measure of a man, give him money, and power, and see how he treats the less fortunate ..."
@@nigelft Amen 🍀🍀
A hence why Britain is circling the drain, we have lost our belief
Well said I agree
As one of those LAANGUISHING...SHAME on the tory nazis
I worked with people with severe disabilities and there is nothing they would rather have than a job. The fact is that very few employers will hire someone with a disability, especially if they have to make adaptions in the workplace.
Who closed Remploy? Tories
The employers only get help with adaptations after they have employed you and only then if the DWP will pay the money
YES!! Glad you mentioned this@@dean8282
....thats true....incentives must be put in place....
@@chatham43not necessarily incentives, but education for employers would be beneficial. If they understood the disabilities that future prospective employees may have, they could become more inclusive and caring.
I’m autistic and rates of employment amongst this community are very low, not because we don’t want to work but because it is so hard to find a job that can accommodate our needs. We want to work and have a job, but it’s difficult to find somewhere that we fit.
Funny how Daily Mail employed Nadine Dorres who was claiming her £86K MP salary paid for Tax Payers money. Strikes double standards to me.
Socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor
This level of 'news'paper has always had double standards...railing at 'filth' in public yet having tittilating pictures inside
@@jrosam9569 thats how it always has been when conservative governments get in regardless of country - the rich love their socialism but think it is only for them and the rest can fight for the crumbs under dog eat dog capitalism
"Rules for thee but not for me"
Double standards for the rich and no standards at all for the rest of us.Sounds about right?
The way a government treats refugees is very instructive because it shows you how they would treat the rest of us if they thought they could get away with it. Tony Benn
Been telling this for yrs
....housed in 4 star hotels you mean...you need to change your medication pal...
Well said. Apt paraphrase
makes no actual sense in today's world, but if it makes you happy, I am happy for you ✌️
Lot of rot in these comments
My wife is on pip and disability, she suffers from heart failure, only 17% of her heart is functioning, she is incapable of working, she gets totally knackered going upstairs, this is so so scary
To a Tory a claimant death is money saved
But, she can get upstairs, pip gone
...my sympathies...it's sad that genuine situations like yours are often undermined by spurious scenarios concocted here to further a political agenda...again my sympathies...
@@chatham43 The media that supports the Tories and lets face it that is over 85% of it according to the Media Reform Coalition's latest report, will never tell you the truth, only that that designed to get you to support the Tories.
Hi James. This discussion about language is one that's fascinated me since I read 1984 about 40 years ago an realised that by controlling language, you control thought.
Love the programme. Thanks for being a beacon of rationality in an increasingly irrational world.
Think about what you are saying. You are correct (although influence thought rather than control). When did all this "language" stuff start? And by who? Because it wasnt the tories. Not even Labour. Its the woke mob and goes back before woke even exisited. Someone for sure is trying to influence thought, the questions are who and why?
@RJHS. ABSOLUTELY ! Language is the key to freedom. We must own it and guard it. We need to watch for slippery abuses like this. I hate it at Election time when the Tories keep telling us that they support “ hard-working families”. It’s not just a simple lie : it’s rabble-rousing with a straight face. I’m so glad James has taken this on.
Funnily enough about forty years ago I started using my brain and opening my eyes. I also realised the importance of the words that the papers use to control thought/opinion.
@@belindamay8063 and what about calling illegal immigrants refugees?
@@LiveFromLondon2 What is the legal definition ?
The same people who say. “ forget immigrants and asylum seekers we need to support our own first!” Are the same people celebrating this
Same party who not only wanted to deprive children of food, but think they could explain away if a school or hospital collapsed and killed children or patients. why are the Tories allowed to exist?
Totally agree , the next enemy will be single mothers , homeless people and the disabled , all the Tories know is culture wars . The scary thing is there are quite a lot of sheep that will follow
With 'our own' they really mean 'me, me'! They care for nobody else but themselves!
exactly this!
Along with most of the comments, I receive PIP, I have had it cancelled once being told that I had made a false claim and maybe asked to pay 18 months back. I therefore believed them and basically worked and worked and then had a breakdown and didn't leave my room for 3 months. I eventually got it reinstated, then again they tried to cancel it. My husband fought it hard because of what happened. So I have an invisible disability. I still feel guilty and like a fraud. When a govt body tells me I'm faking I believe them. After so much therapy I still think I am worthless. When I saw this article I had a panic attack. Husband had to step in. He finally sent me this. Anyway that was a ramble.
You are not a fraud, you have been gaslit and abused by the government and profiteers of pain. You are far from alone, many people feel your pain. Bless you and your husband, get better soon.
Don't let them gaslight you into thinking you are the problem. Claim what you are entitled to, if only just to spite them and their client 'journalists' (who are actually all columnists and don't deal in facts)
I got issued with a lifetime ban from commenting on the Daily Mail website for criticising them.
I view it as a badge of honour.
As you should and continuously promote the fact!
...never read it myself...what did you take issue with when you did...?
You're mental.
Fantastic, we’ll done, sir! As you say, a badge of honour.
Well done you! 🙂❤👍
James, this was one of the goals of brexit and what Tories meant about taking back control, removing the protections of the working man in favour of business. Johnson tapped into peoples bigotry to get Brexit over the line and now they are suffering the consequences.
How did he tap into people's bigotry?
By persuading disenfranchised people to punch down & not up. For example, in simplistic terms, an employer may take on an immigrant on lower pay because it saves them money. You are manipulated into blaming the immigrant, where in truth the disaster capitalists at the top have devised a system to extract maximum profit & maintain lower overheads. And that is music to the disaster capitalists' ears. Now they are coming for the rights of freedoms of everyone else thanks to said Brexit.
How they treat the poor is a decent barometer for how they'd treat you if they could. Tony Benn I think. @@cujimmi
@@cujimmi By appealing to their dark underbelly
@@Sea-la-canthhow? Give an example
@@cujimmi How, by becoming aware of societal conditioning and through awareness of societal conditioning observe where it is most prolific. As do ask yourself the question why is it people ' hate ' what they do when they have no experience of coming into contact with what they ' hate ' to derive any kind of honest feeling on what they come to know to hate and in hate support those speaking the same language. Where is the disdain for minority groups generated and does hating as encouraged solve our nations woes or does it make things worse for those encouraged to hate?
In order for sick and disabled people to be made to work there must be employers willing and able to employ them. They never talk about that side of the equation.
Only a soviet style government can do what they are suggesting. Tell those companies who employ workers at home, to employ the sick and disabled. In doing so the able bodied are freed up to work in the fields.
@@johnrussell3961 Sadly, there are not many fields in the cities, which is where most unemployed people live.
And of course the Tories took away support that was in place to help disabled people access the workplace
You can imagine the interviews...'Oh, and due to my chronic pain and inacility to function I can not work 7 days a week and may have to take months off at a time'...'I have chemo on Mondays so can not work that day, oh, and then I will be vomitting and seriously ill until the following Monday, then it repeats.' And on and on, people on long term disabilty are DISABLED not SICK, it is like they think people with the sniffles are on disability benefits.
Care homes for people with disabilities will take anybody.
Rich people getting the poor and middle class to hate the poorest people in the country is a disgusting tactic and I'll never understand how it works.
The Conservative mind works off of excuses and not reason. They want justifications, not thought.
Because they know a sizeable contingent of our population are effectively selfish, greedy and spiteful. A lot of the rest are desperate so hold onto whatever narrative the loudest person offers.
Because the the majority of people are ignorant. But if there not ignorant then its all are faults for not sticking together outside parliament and the mps house's and demanding better.
How do they do that?
@@MCDONALD6969 One example is encouraging landlording as an investment, to get rich and secure your pension.
Tying the lives of the better-off to Capitalist models turns a neutral vote into voting for Capitalism as self-protection.
I fought for my friend to get Personal Independence Payment. I attended three tribunals with him. He had Type 1 Diabetes and chronic depression at losing his job. He could not take another job because his situation deteriorated so much. In the end we won. It took two years and he was awarded £8,000 in back payments. He died six weeks later.
I'm sorry. Total tragedy.
It is undeniable that the Tories have been committing corporate manslaughter, since 2010.
It now seems they are about to up the ante once more against the disabled.
What did he die of? Going nuts in the cake shop?
@@LiveFromLondon2 do you have any concept of 'what goes around comes around'?
Are you naturally funny or did you learn it from a book. Hope your day is full of fun and laughter. By the way, that stone you just crawled out from under is going to fall and hit you on the head.
I can't believe this country isn't more furious. How do the people everybody hates just manage to continue to hold so much power and do so much damage??
I think the country is furious, but the political structures of the society we live in are so closed-off that there's no other way to express that fury than impotent rage. I mean, actual effective protest is basically banned now, it's scary
Because your brainwashed by class and not French.
Cos thy got the police an army behind thm all i dont get how these people just follow there rules but thts the state we are in an always will be
Because instead of protesting those same people point at protestors and activists and laugh at them, calling them disruptive or violent despite the fact that any progressive change would benefit them.
This allows the government to work with corporations to target the most vulnerable populations level by level from refugees and disabled people to lgbt, poc and gender minorities slowly but surely making it impossible to rebel at all.
Maybe the other recent J OB video about shoplifting provides some response... Maybe that's the new anti-Tory rebellion! 🙂 But lifters have to raise their sights a bit. Shoplifting from Poundland and tubes of Nivea aren't going to cut it. They need to start shoplifting in Fortnum and Mason! 🙂
Daily Mail readers may be surprised to learn that many disabled people want to work, but have had their livelihoods destroyed by the same party in government those readers voted for. Which then proceeded to make working conditions mean, nasty and horrid to its own citizens.
Spot on.
well said
Actually I think that a lot of disabled people should report at the Daily Mail offices, since they seem to have the answer and will employ them. It's time to start kicking back at these turds.
Who closed Remploy so disabled people were forced to languish? Tories
Shhh lol Don't spoil the narrative. Spongers everywhere, mate! The ones who salted away something like £32 billion in unpaid tax in 2015/6 (?) in the havens, when the UK needed something like £34 billion that year to fund services are the worst, but don't let a few disabled people being punched down on to get in the way of 'British fair play' as exemplified by the average reader of that rag. They're patriotic, but not decent. They have no sense of fair play, just envy. It's appalling. They are unashamed of themselves, too.
I'm excluded from seeking work because of my mental health, and while I'd love to work, being ordered to seek it would have the exact opposite effect.
If the Daily Mail is for something then I am against it if they are hostile to an issue then I am for it simples.
....simple is...as simple does...😊
@@chatham43you'd know.
It break's my heart, again picking on the sick what a bunch of losers 😡
Deflecting is a specialty. They can't have you questioning their awful suggestions and actions.
Well...when they are being heartless to the immigrants we agree, did you think they wouldn't turn on "you" too
The Daily mail is a vile rag.Sad that so many buy it and accept what they read without a second thought.
....what have you found vile about it...never read it myself so can't make a judgement.....
My friend's boy is on disability benifit? He has got serious OCD to the point where he will starve himself to death if he can't find a full ingredient list of anything he is about to eat. His, as many others' condition is not well understood by medics. His problem is not that he doesn't want to work, it is that nobody would or could work with him. So it's really not about abiut his motivation, Cutting his benifits is not going to find him a job. Employers do not want anybody who comes with that baggage,
And added to that mental health services are severely underfunding, by the Tories!
how do you know he will starve to death? Eventully, when he is hungry enough, his brain will skip the ingredient list and start eating. And if it doesnt...... The sooner these people stop being molly-coddled the sooner they will adjust to reality.
@@dc56789 yes, it can be very severe. As can BPD.
That's a truly horrendous condition. I suffered from it mildly myself & medication fixed it to a point. So sorry for your friend.
This is having your legs smashed up. learning to walk again, finally feeling hope and having them smashed again. Over and over and over. That's what this feels like.
This is just evil.
Economy on its knees, cost of living crisis, and more inequality than ever. Oh yeah, let's start picking on disabled people and those with mental health problems, that will really help.
When your entire poltical philosophy is predicated on punching down, the most vulnerable in society inevitably become fair game.
They feed hate and anger and then complain that people are popping their tops and lashing out at each other. Humans were not made to deal with constant stress.
If they want to go down this inhumane route, then force employers to change their attitudes! They write off those with disabilities.
Thank you James for your comments
It’s shameful how disabled people are treated
What about the 'disabled' who aren't disabled?
@neilrafferty2097 . You can do whatever you like Neil
@neilrafferty2097 well you can't be legal disabled if you don't have a legal disability so not too sure what you're talking about.
@@neilrafferty2097please enlighten me, what do you consider to constitute a disability?
@louisejohnson6057 If you can see,walk,talk and move you aren't disabled.But of course you might have mental health issues.And then again,you might not.If you see what I mean?
I would give anything to work. I completed a Master’s degree to work in my profession. Now I have to live on a MONTHLY check that is less than what I used to make in a WEEK. Those pigs should become fully disabled for a couple years and see how much fun it is.
They have machine hearts, machine minds, they don't care about you and others. A truly nasty, callous bunch.
I wish you the best in life, there are people like me who care, we have hearts and fight against discrimination towards the disabled. Take care.
My check is like 1/38 of what i used to make
@@Miafunfactory I certainly feel for you!
@@benji.B-side thank you for your kind message 💕. It helps knowing kind, pragmatic minds & hearts exist!
How about saying employers will be forced to employ disable people. Which they are very reluctant to do because a lot of the time has to be taken out for doctors and hospital appointments. My disabled friend was so excited when a scheme was launched to help people to find work. The only people helped find work were the people employed to do it. She was left feeling very demoralised and dejected.
Why does the Daily Mail vilify people? Just because their readership laps up such language.
Don't discount the possibility that they may also be a bunch of nasty sociopaths
Cause they want to make people hate and they want to have an enemy on a daily basis.
Control. Setting the people against each other by weaponising harmless differences. It's the same reason they demonise immigrants. "Look at them over there, but don't look at us - the tax dodgers, the phony crony contract getters, the liars and scumbags who steal from everyone else to live a life of luxury. Its those people over there who are slightly different to you who you need to worry about! Not us!".
It's rage-bait. People who get angry at others and blame them for failings in their own life are far more likely to come back for more.
People read the daily mail for the same reason people listen to a broadcaster talking about the daily mail. Angry sells papers, angry sells radio ads.
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me.
That lesson from history has already been well adapted to suit our more modern times. The lesson was of course warning the future of the dangers of being divided.
Thanks again James O'BRIEN 👏👏👏👏👍
What I never understand is the fact being disabled is actually the only minority group you could actually end up belonging to at any time.
They really do want us to wish it on them!
I think there are plenty of refugees who never thought it was possible that it could happen to them. But yes, point taken.
You can just pretend you’re the wrong gender and boom, you’re in a minority group.
I am disabled and have been unemployed since I was made redundant. I am trying desperately to find a job but it's not easy. Most of my skills, experience and qualifications are in an industry that I am no longer physically able to work in. I can't afford to retrain (though I am building my skills with free courses), when I asked if there was help available from the job centre, I was told there would have been, pre-brexit, but not any longer. Living on benefits is incredibly hard. - life is pretty miserable. A few months ago, because my redundancy payment pushed me slightly over my monthly amount, I was left for 9 weeks with no money whatsoever. We're having to eat less and go without heat and even then I couldn't manage if I didn't have help from family. If someone offered me a job that I could do within the limitations of my health, I would bite their hand off. I want to work, but I need a job that is not going to damage my health even further.
This government's policies are very reminiscent of a certain group from the 1930's. I'm genuinely afraid for friends and family who may be deemed members of minorities this government is targeting.
do you mean the Nationalsozialistische? Do you have any real idea of what was going in those days? And how that compares to today? Because if you think the similarity is how disabled are treated then you really are not understanding anything. But more to the point, why bring the words 1930s into this? Unless you are trying to sow serious problems. Or more likely you are a bot.
@@LiveFromLondon2 Its exactly the same , demonizing parts of a society to gain power, he said the 30's not the 40's and thats exactly what happened!
Not just this government for Cameron trialled this kind of abuse to be met with public acceptance of which was generously fluffed by the media , all of the media including the effing Guardian.
@@LiveFromLondon2 The language being used by this Tory government is alarmingly similar. I'm not the first to point it out, as the video says, survivors of that regime are also pointing it out.
Maybe you didn't watch the video?
@@dexocube and maybe you dont really understand what was happening back then, and why. Im am not saying it was right, but I am saying that there was a reason for it. The Nazis and the current govt couldnt be more different. Nazis tried to solve a problem current govt and future Labour are the cause of the problem. This is something that more people need to look at more closely and not fall into the trap of that is being set.
They’ve(conservatives) driven themselves mad with paranoia and indignation at the mere thought of someone not breaking themselves down from youth to the grave.
I love it
Anyone except themselves of course. For instance Nadine Dorries.
The "othering", gathers pace. It's only a case of how much fear can be instilled in the population, and anyone with half a brain knows this country is going down the drain.
If the majority of those Tory ministers did a day's work it would their first
and their last.
As someone who has been unemployed for the last 4 years due to mental issues the best way to get people back into work is to improve the systems that are surposed to help people back into work.
The fedcap company, look them up, are a joke.
Those who work in the DWP know who can’t be helped back into work so don’t waste any money on them.
How about you help yourself and stop hiding from life
"Systems" is a generous term. There's also a system to process asylum claims. Westminster should scoop up every job-seeking person legitimately able to work, and train them for those systems. Invest in human resources, and help other humans in the process.
@@vinny6967Clearly you have never suffered from mental health issues. Mentality, yes...
@@One-Gothmaybe just not diagnosed
Finally someone in the media who takes the time to talk about the language being used . Its more and more villifying. When they will have convinced all the angry people that everyone but them is lazy and perverse then it will be easier to actually hurt those people
Sometimes James is brilliant. 10 out of 10.
What do you mean "sometimes"? 🤣
@@carolkelly5578 Sometimes he is on form sometimes he isn't, just like everyone else. Don't get me wrong. I love his show and his common sense and honesty.
I think he's brilliant all the time 😂😂😂
@@amcc5887 I think most of the time he is and now and again he gets exhausted by the mental trauma of having to listen to the right wing malevolent ravings. As every normal person does.
He's a pleb and massively short sighted
I have a disabled son I care for, I feel quite happy to hate the folk who facilitated his marginalisation and now seek to penalise him for it. It might be all I've got left
Any one of the vile people using that language should consider that they themselves or a loved one may be just one mis-step away from finding themselves with a crippling disability.
Going through this dreadful system, yes you can have your welfare taken away from you. I missed an appointment because of my disorder, and I got £205 taken off my monthly payment. You can ask for a mandatory reconsideration if you disagree with their decision, but only around 16% of them actually have a different outcome, and when challenged at a tribunal, 81% of sanction decisions are overturned. I am considering taking them to a tribunal myself.
Most of the people high fiving over the marmalade will be retired.... They're a drain on the state with their pensions and healthcare, but they see themselves as entitled and deserving of that money, and they see disabled people as not.
Demonising the disabled was the start of austerity,here we are,full circle!
We would love to go back to a time when my wife was able to work but life ain't perfect. After getting injured following an accident at work causing spinal damage the next few years were the most stressful firstly fighting her employer to delay her sacking then having her benefit stopped and having to go to a tribunal against dwp,and during this period it becoming fairly obvious she also had MS but takes a while to get diagnosis. Its not nice coming home from work and finding her on the floor and needing picking up and i would love to know the employers that would be happy to have people potentially collapsing regularly on their premises. I know at some point she will come under attack again and i will be ready to support her through it again at that time even if the stress does make us both ill.
We see the same rhetoric here in Australia. Just people needing someone to punch down on.
My father was an engineer in the Army and when he left after 30 years he got a job as an engineer making farming machinery.
The company was sold to a foreign monopoly and immediately shut down all Australian factories.
Dad spent the next 10 years trying to find a job, he even took volunteer work in the hopes of landing something permanent from it. He got nothing and had to survive on welfare.
It utterly broke him, so seeing people wanting pick on those like my Dad falsely saying that they are lazy, really enrages me.
Prople are not lazy, and don't enjoy scraping by on welfare that keeps them on or below the poverty line.
It will be the same people who are cheering this on who also say when talking about asylum seekers tell us "We need to look after our own"
Tbf, according to gb news comment sections, they're still too concerned about the foreigners to really care. It's all the immigrants fault apparently
I'm a nurse, I have CPTSD and have been off work just over a year due to very poor mental health, functioning at present. I have no income at all since August. I'm afraid to try and claim benefit due to the shame and complicated way of claiming. I've worked all my life and I'm genuinely ill at the age of 50. I don't know what to do and I hope you keep talking about these things because it's a terrible position to be in and I feel like there is no way forward 😢.
Feel for you
@@tipples thank you so much.
You have paid into the system and you need your benefits, no shame. If you’re struggling with the paperwork perhaps Citizens’ Advise can help.
@@janegreen9340 thank you so much for caring x
Thank you for your service x
I guarantee there is a job for every disabled person in this country.
But it probably is nowhere near where they live.
It is probably in an industry that is not prepared to hire them
It is probably in an industry not prepared to adapt for them
Or accommodate them at all
Or support them
Or train them
Or keep them on if there is someone better abled or cheaper they can get instead.
And it will likely be cost prohibitive for them to take on the job.
Travel and clothes will equal or exceed the wages in many cases
But that just means they're languishing doesn't it.
I appreciate the sentiment and largely agree, however there are large numbers of disabled people who are physically and or mentally completely incapable of performing any work function regardless of the amount of support and accommodation provided to them.
@@SilverMKII've no arms nor legs, I'm deaf dumb and blind, and they clapped me on the back and said I perfectly fit the role of a door stop! Just think of how many doors there are that are un stopped! It's a solid job, with huge potential benefits! So that's you taken care of, off you roll!
@siep6922 unfortunately you have seizures and are doubly incontinent, plus all the medical equipment and 1:1 carer block the doorway :P
Needs must
Life ain't easy
Quite a few could work from home though, only fair to try and help them do this
I have a mental disability and some debilitating physical ailments that prevent me holding down a job or, on some days, getting out of bed. The "handouts" I get are not enough to survive on as it is and so at 35 I am forced to live with and rely on my parents. I hate it. I would love to work and live independently but I simply can't and cutting my "handouts" won't suddenly make me well but will instead increase the financial burden on my parents. This policy will help no one. At best it will force people to try and work who are unable and make them more ill in process. Incidentally, a person being made to feel like a burden is a solid predictor for suicide and suicidal ideation.
Surely it depends on the nature of the disability. I have worked alongside disabled colleagues who have had a very productive career, and come across those with mental or physical disablities who will regrettably (for themselves) never be able to work.
Of course
I would say the moral high ground belongs to those that refuse to cooperate at all with this government.
I would rather starv to death than do there bidding
Casual reminder that UC doesn't count charity-work as "real work". Anything that doesn't benefit a private business isn't valid. Also the reason why you can't get housing benefit for renting from a relative.
They don't want you being productive or self-sufficient; they want you labouring and vulnerable.
Also, just a general question, at which point does stopping the Tories from getting power count as 'self defence'?
Im back at work after 6 years on disability with mental health, Ive been back in work a year now but its hard. I only lost my job 6 years ago due to a bullying boss with no understanting of mental health resulting in me going on the sick and the company making me redundant.
I wouldn't let anyone near my house that read the daily mail !!!
"Are there no Prisons?" said the Spirit, turning on him for the last time with his own words. "Are there no workhouses?" The bell struck Twelve.
“If they would rather die they had better do it and decrease the surplus population”
Very apt for the Tory mindset!
So on point 😢
be like when they told my cousin with a broken back who can only stand for small periods he was ok to be a chef again. even tho the expert spinal surgeons said he cant. i assume we still use the tory donor's company for these assessments?
I served 30yrs NHS Operating Theatres, before the days if lovely lifting devices. I had to pack up work as I have 7 unoperable slipped discs & degenerative spine. I miss work every day. Trust me PIP is an emotionally traumatic quagmire, the forms are incredibly detailed & you have to provide medical evidence. Benefits keep me in poverty. Used all my savings!
i have an uncle who has had multiple strokes leaving him with no movement in 1 side of his body and last year after an assessment was told he was fit for work. why Because when asked if he would raise his arm above his head he refused saying he couldn't so they said he was being uncooperative and failed him. thankfully 6 months later he was able to reclaim his benefits but only after having to sell his and my aunt's house forcing them to downsize.
spot on James again a quality discussion-thank-you
I was disabled by the NHS the government said there would be no compensation because me and other could claim pip and uc likes it's some kind of life I'm £15000 a year worse off in a wheelchair with PTSD because of what happened to me and now I'm scared that the pittance they pay me for survival will get taken away they are vile humans
might as well just end it all now, whilst you still can.
@@LiveFromLondon2wtf is wrong with you
This includes my daughter who is recovering from leukemia!
My son had a heart attack at 22 is dependant on 8 medications daily & has had 2 more in last 5 years, I saw this devastate my childrens youth when the one thing you should be able to rely on is your health.
Work is detrimental to their health & both took over a year because first & second attempts were refused.
Despite a minister on tv saying he can guarantee nobody who’s suffered a heart attack will be refused benefit’s!!
I can guarantee that’s a blatant lie!!!
The same people celebrating this are the same people who post "we should of been looking after are own first" whenever somebody claims asylum.
In 2010 the first hate campaign from the Tories I had to carry a doctor's note with me to shove in people's faces when I parked in a disabled parking space at a shop, the harassment and abuse were horrendous, my crime I use a walking stick and only true disabled people are in wheelchairs apparently, the staff in the shop were wonderful and often stopped people from following me into the shop, however eventually I gave up going shopping on my own it got to much to cope with, guess it's going to get worse again
It would help if employers would actually employ sick and disabled without letting them go after a short period of time. The token ‘accommodations’ that don’t really help the longevity of anyone with disabilities.
After my accident 2 months ago i have the worst time in my life. The s**t sick pay, lack of an affordable beds, made me homeless. And all councils just passing me by from one side to another.
I am crippled and i need a desk/sitting down job unfortunately. I searched, without experience and i only received reply as not suited... Trying to find a free course but ... no luck.
So im stuck in this situation.
Thank you UK.
I know 400£/month is enough to survive and live amazingly.
I stay during the day in a library thats why i have power and internet. Fortunately
Are 'they' going to force employers to employ disabled people with all our additional individual needs and costs, training for the existing and new employees?
They shouldn’t be called benefits they should be called entitlements as most have contributed so they are getting the help they are entitled to but only after jumping through hoops and put under stress for months sometimes over 13 months 😡😡😡😡😡
A lot of these people on benefits are working also, and they are on benefits because of austerity, and yes in most cases rthey have contributed through taxation, but where does that taxation go! not back into the economy.
Correct, for the DM fascists are unaware , financial support when one is ill is one of the benefits of what we pay in National Insurance.
@@alimantado373 Benefits have likely kept many small and local businesses alive.
Poor people have to spend all their money every month, meaning it's pumped directly into businesses.
I wonder if billionaires are spending all their money each month?
Or just hoarding it off shore and in other tax dodging schemes.
Or buying up land and property to ensure people can't afford even a home.
I am a healthcare professional and have had Long Covid since September 2020. Wouldn't it be better if the Government spent time and money on research into treating us rather than making us work when we cannot.
...here we go again, back to the same policies and vilifying language that we had in 2011. The economy is up the spout so lets go after those out of work.
Didn't the Torys already have power back in 2011?
@@falconeshield Yes, yes they did...It's been a long thirteen years. Now they are back to the same ideas they had at the beginning of taking office with austerity.
Well done on that observation, for that is exactly what they're doing.
Someone in my circle has been sanctioned by UC, for 90% of their monthly benefit. They did not complete the agreed job search criteria over the course of 2 weeks.....
this was at a time where they had a doctors 'fit note' (they call it a fit note, nowadays, for what we used to call a sick note) for the whole period for which they were sanctioned.
90% of their monthly income for 2 weeks out of a month - WHEN THEY HAD A DOCTORS 'FIT' NOTE.
It is disgusting and just sums up the attitude of the unemployment system
If theres a job give it to someone who really wants it.
UC and even when it was known as Job Seekers Allowance, even ESA is not even enough to survive on.... you cannot pay your bills you cannot buy luxuries unless you were on enhanced rates, and even that those rates were because you were incapable of work deemed by the system....
nowadays as a disabled person myself, I have been told by employers and doctors that my health is that bad I couldn't hold down a job, that's not to be mistaken with 'I dont want to work' but instead that health has diminished so much that I have no choice but to step back and accept i may never be able to given the condition and state of my health, as the physical and mental health effects each other like a constant battlefield.
I used to work a fair amount doing nights which as health both physical and mental got worst i refused to give in... i would push myself until an issue in work where i used to work said nights.... forced me out...
i would voluntarily go through the Job Seeker's route (without any pay) get treated like a dole dosser yet despite this, i pushed through and kept applying... and yet despite my willingness to work but need for a local job where i used to live I got 3 interviews in literally 3 years...
and those were in retail in local stores...
2 for the same place and all were for well known retail companies... the one i got the interview once for, a school leaver who had stated he "had no intention of working here, i just applied cos the JC said i had to" he did 30 minutes work next day walked out no one knew he'd walked out... but because of that they apparently didn't have the budget to employ more...
I moved south and got 2 jobs within a month, one working zero hours and one working part time in a major retail company's store near where i'd moved to... later becoming homeless and thus health worsened, i had to give up the Zero Hours job because of it clashing with the contracted work, and the council claimed they couldn't help me get rehomed on a zero hours contract, no private landlord would take a chance despite having an income... however the retail company who did take a chance on me i gave my all and did my best with however again due to health i found myself collapsing in work a few times and the worst one was whilst in a homeless night shelter where i was rushed into hospital for emergency surgery... and informed i had had a golf ball sized Gall Stone, which according to the surgeon had taken around 20+ years to get to that size... the gall bladder however had disintegrated due to the size of the stone... which i found myself struggling more and more... then roll on a few years and i move where i live now, to find out i have had a heart condition since birth, so where everyone would call me lazy and question why i was always tired.... claiming workshy despite me doing all i could to work....
all that never giving up has resulted in worse health, and a life where i am reliant on a stick to get around, i cannot walk far from my home due to pain and constant mobility and mental health problems....
so it's never a case of people like me not wanting to work (granted there are some out there who are like that but those are few and far between), it is more a case of people like me being unable and employers not being willing to take a chance on people like me... due to added risks, potential insurance issues etc and expenses on specialist fittings or measures to ensure we are able to do the job...
The DWP are on my case again..despite the fact I had to take early I'll health retirement in 2011..I had no choice..I was then diagnosed with RA a year later..and I have CPTSD..I am being forced to have a review even though my "circumstances haven't changed"..health hasn't changed for the better..but for the worst..Yet I had to have another assessment..as if my medical records don't count..It is a precursor to cutting my PIP..and forcing me to a tribunal..."We want to make sure you are getting the help you need* they say.....my a***!
I’m disabled, it’s smashing I’m the next target. When are people going to come together and resist this mob?
For any of us who say "I see a lot of people who "aren't THAT bad", so they're perfectly capable of doing SOMETHING!" : Name one job you'd refer to as "SOMETHING" that pays enough to even survive on? You do understand we "cripples" don't get to live in a special discount version of reality, right? Life doesn't cost any less for us than it does for you.
Daily Mail says and I stop paying attention.
“the measure of society is how it treats the weakest members” Thomas Jefferson (well known lefty)
Does that include the slaves he owned?
@@cujimmi From a tie when churchmen owned slaves?
Every disabled and terminally ill person should be supported to arrive at the daily mail requesting a job and adjustments made for them to work there such as having oxygen therapy available, responding to seizures, rescue medications for spasms and spinal injuries, mobility needs, staff trained to administer injections and depots, support with personal and continence care, ventilation management, be able to communicate in PECs, TEACH, Widgets and makaton, etc.... Wonder what the journalist would say then. Typical ignorant daily mail article
You underestimate how evil this government is...
Love this show. Straight shooters, rational, compassionate thinkers.
@@tatts1901nah, that's the clowns who show up in the comments with childish counterfactuals because they don't like being told the truth. Like yourself.
@@tatts1901- just run run along you troll...
@@tatts1901thats a very well thought out opinion. I like how you backed it up with examples and counter points.
@tatts1901 calling you a "troll" doesn't mean the commenter doesn't mean he doesn't believe in free speech. In fact they're using free speech to express their opinion.
@@tatts1901 Yup, you got it.
The Tories know they're going to lose, so are just throwing out red meat to their base who considers themselves to be the silent majority.
Ironically, they are neither silent or the majority.
Fantastic video James
Every time I think they haven't done enough damage they find ever creative ways to do more and more.
Not very long ago this Government was demanding attendence at offices.
anyone notice how the number of people claiming health related benefit has risen exponentially with the rise in State Pension age ...? funny that
You can't take a job you haven't been offered. I've been unemployed for nearly 30 years. Now I'm too sick to work, having acquired illnesses on top of the condition I was born with.
I have depression anxiety Agoraphobia and clinical trauma. When I was last working I was warning £1000 a week before tax. I paid in tax what the average person earned. I HATE being poor. A lack of mental health support from the UK government meant that I was untreated until it became too much of an issue for me to continue working. I went to court to prove I was unable to work and receive disability payments. My anxiety is so great that I feel physically sick when it is bad and I am out somewhere. I have no option but to turn around and go home. But I havent given up. I'm trying to find ways to make some money and take some of the burden off other tax payers. I am hardly "Languishing" on benefits.
There would not be as many people unable to work because of sickness/disability if the NHS services were funded probably.
‘Languishing’ on benefits means they’re lying about watching telly all day, whereas the reality: I got £57 a week on the sick after 30 years of full-time work. 😡
I think that was about how much my mate got until he become an alcoholic, now his rent and bills are all paid and he gets about £160 a week.
It is disgusting that was all your thirty years of hard work afforded you
You have to be chronically unwell to receive the highest levels of PIP. You wouldn’t be languishing you would be coping with profound illness and disability.
If I'm in a state where I can't leave my room, let alone my house, if someone ordered me to do so I'd just end myself right there
That language is enticement to abuse,
Its too FAR !!
And they need "reigning in"
I imagine Jacob Rees-Mogg will be celebrating this.
Agree 100%, though I would just point out that 'languish' means 'to be stuck in a miserable condition' e.g. languishing in the Tower, which from what you read out would seem to work within the sentence and equivalate your suggestion of 'surviving' on benefits.
The floggings will continue until moral improves.
My morale would improve greatly if all Tory MP’s where flogged.
@@johnrussell3961 *were
@jeffsimon9594 but if you want to ask "flogged where", my answer might be unprintable!