ANONYME POPULAR: Anonyme Popular (english lyrics)

  • Опубликовано: 4 дек 2024
    Anonyme Popular
    Anyone-Elortza Aranoa
    The smoke and the mist underfoot
    I’ve left the foundry behind to burn the brush
    Go on along with Gerrikabeitia
    I haven’t hung out my apron from orchard to kitchen
    Anyone-Lopategi Lete
    Live to sing the words
    To risk your life a game can be, perhaps, meanwhile
    The beat of the tambourine
    Is a laughing peal of life-joy life-longing
    Anyone-Larzabal Laboa
    The fakir and the mage
    Howling Lekeitios carry me away off to Orihuela
    Anyone-Mirande Aresti
    The bitters are not honeyed
    Whenever they go to correct me, I always rebut them firmly
    Anyone-Mogel Etxepare
    Time becalmed in the waters
    I’d like my patience, too, to last hundreds of years
    Anyone-Zumeta Oteiza
    Hunting down what’s undeniable
    Giving form to void, my beige blows up in color
    Anyone-Piaf Vargas Franklin
    A living creature is not a doll
    Over and over it sings to me all I don’t want to know
    Anyone-Strummer Yupanqui
    Traditional and punky
    I sing out the hurt of walkers afoot at the top of my voice
    Anyone-Vian Krahe Brassens
    Elephants hung by a thread
    For me a laugh is perhaps the most serious choice
    Anyone-Reed Winehouse Cobain
    Who let the dark side out?
    Leave me alone! Or, don’t I get to live once?
    Anyone-Belli Benedetti
    Dawn comes up at midnight
    I keep flashing back to the moon and its opposite side
    Anyone-Kristóf Carver Chirbes
    All around here accomplices
    It isn’t always so easy for me to behave courteously
    Anyone-Bukowski Kerouac
    The heavens remain unseen
    I don’t have wings myself, and we aren’t angels
    Anyone-Bosch Ameztoy Kahlo
    Grasses, monkey, scarecrow
    I want to paint myself a garden and sleep right there.
    Anyone-Ezeiza Fellini
    Apple of the camera’s eye
    To tell of others’ it’s best if I posit my own
    Anyone-Welles Hitchcock Kievslowski
    As chalk-shriek as enchantment
    I cannot report complexity by calling it jaunty
    Anyone-Yang Kurosawa Ray
    Off there is daylight, night is here
    Walking around has proven to me that the world is not flat
    Anyone-Anonyme Popular
    Whyever ask for too much
    I won’t forever be first person singular

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