Reconciliation Through Obedience? Examining a CONTROVERSIAL Statement by Ellen White!
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- What does the Bible say about perfection? Many believe that we will never reach such as state. However, Ellen White seems to disagree with this. Let us examine her claims under the scrutiny of scripture to test if they are true or not.
#sdachurch #seventhdayadventist #adventista #perfection #ellenwhite #jesus #god #abraham #3abn
You Nailed It Elder Edwin when you said only being in a spiritual mindset can we keep His Commandments! Blessings
So why are you breaking three of them right now?
@@JamieElison, and they are...?
Faith in Christ leads to new birth. New birth and faith in Christ gives fruit. Fruits are visible like a new kind of behaviour. Works give us possibility for boasting, fruit is the work of Christ in me... Christ in us the hope of glory.
Salvation= Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification. Ellen White teachings were based on Sanctification. Faith without deeds is dead. How can you say you have faith in Jesus Christ, if you continue to live in sin. Sin is defined as the transgression of the Law(10 commandments, including profaning the Sabbath) This is basic fundamentals of Christianity
So why are you still being a sinner? are you sin free right now?
People do understand that you can never be sinless. Paul says he would die each day from self. Ellen white just teaches us to strive to be perfect like christ. So what is your argument here? Should we sin?
@Retro_gx1 no Jesus come to make sure that you're (covered) and you're not understanding what (He did at the cross)! that's what SDA does . Destroys what He did at the cross! who is Daniel 8:14 the( misinterpretation of it)!!! otherwise it would have (never existed).....(Jesus put you (in) him).. and when God looks at you..( he's really looking at Jesus Christ!!! Who is (perfect )(that's what Jesus did at the cross )...(but you're not understanding that).. that's why you're always going to be a sinner .!.(while you're on the Earth).. (and no)!!!!!!! you're not going to sin deliberately ..God forbid!... (and that's why He's the (mediator)!!!!...(( Ellen actually says (you) have to be perfect )!!!!and that's never going to happen !(that is actually what she says.!
@@Retro_gx1that's not what she teaches she says you have to be perfect. That's never going to happen for you because you rejected Jesus At The Cross
@Retro_gx1 she says to makes sure you don't have one outstanding sin. Also says that your future sins would be held against you lol. That's wild but it's a fact. If you follow that logic to its end, you would have to be sinless at that point, as to not sin in the "future" and to be fit for heaven, especially since Jesus will not be changing ANYTHING about your character.
To all dear critics:
That is the God I believe in, the God of the Impossible, the God who can Sanctify someone until they reach the PERFECT character of Jesus. THIS is salvation through faith, accepting that Jesus can transform your heart completely.
Look ..for sure ..the weak God do you have ?that can't forgive you at the cross ?and says the sins are never blotted out ..remembered no more.( to an SDA person).
. look what for sort of God is still investigating you? after He has forgiven you .?.claiming he does not know anything ??so He needs to investigate???? that's your God.!
@@MarkChupp-j5i Still on that same old fallacies Mark? You don't tire?
Ah, right... that's how Satan works, to deceive people. Restless. Angry. You can't get one thing write. Not one statement from SDA, not a single quote comes even closer to what you just said. That was pathetic, Mark. Or is it James? I dunno anymore. All you just wrote is just a big lie about Adventism and a Blasphemy against God. But, it is as Pastor Myers once said: If you try to deceive with LIES, nobody is gonna listen to you. That's why I never care about what you have to say, but please, keep talking nonsense, help this channel reach more people, please, by all means, start another conversation where you're gonna be put against the wall with truth, and then you'll run or delete the comments, like you always did and accuse the "uploaders for deleting your comments".
Or would you rather accuse me of "breaking the 9th commandment" like all the single time you're accused of the same thing you're doing? Oh, right. You're the one doing it.
You still couldn't provide a single verse where the Scapegoat is Jesus, while we did, not once, but every single time you tried to engage with me. We showed you Sins in the Sanctuary. We should you the meaning of IJ, yet, you're either blind, or you're in a strong delusion for you have no love for truth. Repent while you still can. Your lies will lead you nowhere, and you, my friend, are lying.
@@MajorGarithat's exactly right..( Satan did take you over ..(from Daniel 8:14)! Unto this day don't know what it says... And you can't print the math equation that gets you there.. because it doesn't exist!
@MarkChupp-j5i your god is the god of rebellion, the one who denies the power that is in Christ, the one who denies that with God ALL things are possible.
@toddarcand6002 with my God all things are possible!!( you got an 1844 Levte. Jesus ..(that you created )with a math equation just print the math equation that gets you to 1844 October the 22nd from your starting point
show me how that's going to work ..if you can't (you're a liar ).everything you believe hangs on that math equation!
Some are seared, but the fact that they are reading EGW Is proof that God is calling everyone to him and it's up to them to allow God to work in their hearts and lives! Not all will, obviously but many who are watching them will see that God is truly working on them! Amen and hallelujah!!!
Continue to defend the faith!! There are some who allow doubt to enter and convolute Gods word! By you making it plain to see I am sure that you all are making a tremendous difference, AMEN!
Also in Romans chapter 8 there are one of my favourite words about obedience to the law of God:
- "For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE LAW MIGHT BE FULFILLED IN US, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit" (Rom 8:3-4)
We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us 😊
Help me out here Edwin and crew, I am trying to flesh something out in Romans 5:10 that the critics miss. In the phrase "much more we are saved by His life " I see more than a package (for wantof a better term) delivered to us, but an active participation on our part. In other words, we are saved by His living, in us ,
and how did He live? in total obedience to His Father's commands!
So why don't you have the first commandment ?you're breaking the sixth commandment ..and the 9th all at the same time!
@@MarkChupp-j5i I asked for a response from ADL. Have you joined them and I didn't know it?
@@rickbrauner1373you wouldn't be asking that question in the first place ..if you're SDA.. if you understand what you really believe!
When God speaks, His word effects. Very good starting point for understanding even the law itself, the fact that God Himself spoke the law, "Thou shalt not..." the Word itself acts, in "those who believe" is the crux, same as Salvation by Jesus, John 3:16. And this also the difference in the heart of stone vs the heart of flesh, Jeremiah 36.
@ReboneMora you got it my friend!
Question: what is the explanation as to why Abraham still sinned after God called him to be perfect, or more so blameless?
It just goes to show that our dependence must be upon God at every moment. The moment we lose sight of Him, we will fail. Always look to Christ. Hebrews 12:2.
Faith come from hearing the Word of God. Acting upon ( obedience to) the Word from God ( it must be from Him and not ourselves). To act on it one must believe. To believe and not act on the belief is not faith.
Cooperation with the process of sanctification, “bringing all things into captivity to the mind of Christ” DA
Everything God spesks, is LAW. So when he says anything about his statues or commands, it is not always pertaining to the 10 or the more detailed laws of Moses. To have anything written onto your heart starts with obedience to the word that is being expressed, spoken or instructions.
Woo, Brother Edwin got that fire today. 🔥 🕯️
@@MillzJ34 that guy can't have fire until ..he can reach October the 22nd 1844 with 2300.. from the starting point! otherwise everything he would be teaching would not be the truth!
God is the same today as he was then and will be forever. So any teaching pointing us back to the simplicity of it all pertaining to his WORD, our Faith through obedience and his promises it is welcomed for me for these matters and it's TRUTH and consistency will always REMAIN. Despite our differences in DOCTRINE, this truth will never fall, it was all ordained and established from the beginning. So whatever sword fight you want to engage in amongst others, my only warning is woe unto you. Some of us just want to break bread not books over each other's heads. If it's not an attack on core belief or setting anyone up as disadvantage to accept the gift of salvation, then leave it be. There is nothing these gentlemen have said that left me feeling confused or bewildered, it is sound doctrine and it is sweet. It brings hope, and motivation 🕯️
@@MillzJ34 God is... but you don't have God if your SDA and these people are changedt( who Jesus is)!!! with Daniel 8:14.. unto this day you can't interpret Daniel 8... or give me the( math equation) to solidify your lie!.
@@MillzJ34 if your SDA you can't have the real Jesus! that is their confession of Faith!! he does nothing at the cross created by Daniel 814 !(nothing you said their matters if the confession of faith is that he's cleansing a dirty Sanctuary with Daniel 8:14!
Gal 2:21 "I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain." So then, righteousness comes also through the grace of Christ?
It didn't for Abraham it came through his faith what SDA does not have
“When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and SIN NO MORE.”
John 8:10-11 KJV
Do you actually make headway with any of these people who refute Adventism? Hopefully, they will totally convert during the mark of the beast crisis.
Jesus fulfilled the law (Matthew 5:17) and redeemed us from its curse (Galatians 3:13). The law's purpose was to reveal sin (Romans 3:20), but it could never stop sin (Romans 8:3).
Now, in Christ, you are dead to the law (Romans 7:4-6) and not under it (Romans 6:14). Without the law, sin has no power (Romans 7:8). Trying to follow the law to be righteous puts you under a curse (Galatians 3:10).
Righteousness comes by faith alone (Galatians 2:16), and you now live by the Spirit, not the law (Galatians 5:18).
The law is obsolete (Hebrews 8:13). Any attempt to put believers under it denies Christ’s finished work (Galatians 2:21).
Sda does not know what the words mean being( in )Christ.mean.. we believed (he forgave us at the cross)! you don't! that's why it's written down for you!! Because what you did was deliberate. and that's why you have judgment. (and they don't). That is Christians do not heavy judgment for sin... you won't print a math equation will you??.. because that's what got you saying what you just said!!! nobody in the world believes anything you say!. This part you're right on (because you're not forgiven present past in future)!!! so you're deliberately what you're doing!
Some do, some don’t…just like any other human denomination.
Adventist theology in this regard is very 18th century, first great awakening in language. I do believe it is time to revisit this language and clarify this understanding with the church as a whole.
@PrairieChristianOutreach if they knew what that meant they wouldn't be SDA
@ Adventism is a wonderful theological position. It is more Biblical than most and sticks to some very important truths. Is it perfect, nope, but I have not found better.
If you find a church that truly reflects Christ, meaning they love their neighbors as He did let me know. 👍
@PrairieChristianOutreach that's because you don't know who Jesus Christ is and what he does at the cross and you don't know what Daniel 814 is saying
@ That is a mean spirited and jaded statement to make to a fellow Christian. I hope you are ok. Jesus is all about love and compassion, not theological bullying.
I need help with this 🫤 I feel like I’m almost getting it but I feel stuck. Can someone give me an extra helping hand ?????
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