Gum trees are EXELLENT for smelting iron, old bushies used the hole in a gum tree's center, in an old stump, naturally, and pack it with old iron nails, scrap etc some limestone and, let it burn for a day....a nice bloom is left.
The Blacksmith is right, forging is better, All the old books and cataloges from the 1890's to 1940's reminded the chisel purchasers to "PEEN YOUR POINTS", etc, as grinders were made to buse steam driven belts...people were starting to grind tools and the sellers didin't was to see an important aspect to tool sharpening, die out...sadly it did.
Gum trees are EXELLENT for smelting iron, old bushies used the hole in a gum tree's center, in an old stump, naturally, and pack it with old iron nails, scrap etc some limestone and, let it burn for a day....a nice bloom is left.
I love his convict uniform...
I have blacksmith skills too...
This is so rad!
You need to know our history.
Bosch tank water jacket. Do you do this for a living? You sound Kiwi.
The Blacksmith is right, forging is better, All the old books and cataloges from the 1890's to 1940's reminded the chisel purchasers to "PEEN YOUR POINTS", etc, as grinders were made to buse steam driven belts...people were starting to grind tools and the sellers didin't was to see an important aspect to tool sharpening, die out...sadly it did.
First! -Cleveland, Ohio
Make 500 of them. then you will know.