Yes - but it is not the only reason this country is going down the shithole - I don't trust any of them in power - they just use us like pawns in a game
We are at 1.56 births per woman in Britain. It needs to be at 2.1 to stabilise the population. Without immigration of working people, the older generations will not be able to retire and get a state pension
i am a foreigner...i live in England...i follow english rules...i don't get offended about "Everything " ...i adopted to English culture instead forcing my culture to English citizens.
Nigel is only telling the truth he is the only one who has the guts to say what is happening. He is not racists he is against all those who hate Britain and our values.. my vote goes to him 💯
What does integration mean according to Farage? Not demonising Hamas? That's what he used to call Muslims a problem. Is it against British values to not believe Hamas are terrorists if the UN believe Hamas are not terrorists?
I’m an Argentinian living in the UK, and I’m grateful England has welcomed me with arms wide opened. I’m here to follow UK law and embrace British values instead of expecting that Britain adapt theirs to mine. Plane and simple.
It is a simple problem to solve. I visited Cyprus some years ago, and asked about illegal immigration. They said there was no problem - boats from the Middle East were landing, they ignored them , gave them no assistance, and shortly after, they returned to their boats and sailed away to Europe. The solution is simple. Benefits should be given only to British citizens.
absolutely, I lived in Greece for 7 years and never expected anything from them, they did treat Albanians badly and most of them moved on. Immigrants come here because they know they get looked after by taxpayers
Absolutely. This would never happen in any other country but here. There is a reason for this, just not sure what it is. They come from France (a safe country) over here because in France they get offered a camp full of tents.
Nigel's 100% right. I lived in the States for a few years and fully accepted their laws and ways even though some made no sense to me. I adapted, enjoyed my time there and made some good friends. The people of any race or religion who come to the UK to live (legally) should be made to accept and adopt a British charter accepting our laws and culture, and agreeing to live by them as a right to stay in this country. And if found to be in breach or failure to accept, its then a criminal offence and they are deported. Any one that comes here illegally should just be deported back to their country of birth or origin.
@@tonybytheway7543 bizarre comment, anyone living in Britain has to obey the law or face the consequences if they're caught breaking it. Don't know how you'd police "accepting our . . . culture" though? Maybe set up a culture police like in Iran?
@@themighty2913 because Farage is talking facts , and he is trying to stir trouble , he another delusional MSN presenter with his own agenda. He also has money , so he doesn't see it at the roots. He was trying to put words into his mouth with lies and MSN spin.
1:15 Jeremy Corbyn supported the ANC and Nelson Mandela who were deemed a terrorist organisation by PM Tatcher at the time. Britain was on the wrong side of history and Corbyn was on the right side.
Nigel knows Phillips for what he is and cannot be drawn into a racist argument. He’s too much of a gentleman. The immigration problem is about unattainable numbers and an infrastructure that cannot go on supporting these numbers.
Me too. I don’t live in the UK any more but this supercilious “gotcha” journalism is not helpful. I did not appreciate all of the sneering and snide chuckling at Farage. I was against leaving the EU at the time. However, this journalist is behaving disingenuously and trying to pigeon hole Farage to avoid engaging with the content of what he’s actually saying. This did not age well with the recent incidents in Manchester and elsewhere and that horrific stabbing.
Go to a mosque in London, Birmingham Bradford etc and see how much they like patriot brits. Go to Luton and see how many Indian and Pakistani people do not speak English
I live in luton. Bury Park here is the ultimate example of integration NOT happening. I still believe Muslims are very much a scapegoat, but luton is one of the cases that does somewhat support farage. Many immigrant Muslim women become stay-at-home parents and don't bother learning English because they barely go out, and if they do it's usually with speakers of their mother language. The thing is, these people not speaking English is definitely not what has fucked the country overall, especially financially, but culturally there's something to be said for the divide when subcultures stick together in smaller groups. But, how can they easily integrate when they are met with so much xenophobia and racism as soon as they venture out? It's hard to navigate a situation like this.
English is the most basic of languages on the planet, there's not a single person I've ever met that doesn't speak English So not sure where all this bollox is coming from, sounds to me like scapegoating the Muslims in the UK when in fact the inherent problems of the UK are lack of support for families, communities, social care, education and prospects, jobs and employment and so on and so forth
I wish he stays on the next 20 years. He will be fainting every month. Muslim, Indian, African, and Caribbean will substantially increase. Which is good news for UK.
If this set of generations had done NATIONAL SERVICE, and served with the British Army and NATO in the middle East; as my generation did, there is no way that any of these Muslims would have been ever allowed in.
Nigel is spot on. Whilst there are many well intentioned British Muslims it can't be denied that there is a significant amount of Muslims in our country who hate everything that this country has been built upon. Well done Nigel on speaking common sense
A point could also be is that there are British Muslims and there are Muslims. Which can result in vastly different outcomes when it comes to what changes policy and legislature could be being pushed. Not say being Muslim is bad. Just that if one doesn't associcate with being British first then British people and any other groups in Britain not identifying as British first are trying to accomplish very different goals.
Is that the same farage that made his anti Semitic dog whistle remarks about a USA Jewish lobby a few years ago It's something his GB news bosses like to forget he mentioned
Not all Muslims. Infact he said there's a small minority of Muslims that absolutely hate everything about Britain and what it stands for! A minority that's actually growing in larger numbers. Young people becoming radicalised! Everything he said was absolutely spot on 100% facts
There are small minority of pretty much every single group that are harmful.. Including White British. Does that justify being racist towards White British? I would hope you'd say no. So what's the point of naming up entire groups just because of small minorities?
There's also a small minority of white British people who hate the establishment in Britain... Why does Farage need to divide people with his comments?!
There's a minority of ALL demographics, including the left leaning youth of today that also despise most things about Britain and it's foreign policy. Also on that point it's not ALL things about Britain people hate, it's their foreign policy.
That's why he was wrongfooted. He relies on playing his tired and unwarranted race card and having people apologise or change their statement and then he's got them. Because Farage was speaking honestly he was able to double down on his statement when pressed. That left the interviewer with nothing left to do but pull faces and feign outrage.
Muslims do NOT go against other Muslims..... until they're shafted by other Muslims. I've personally experienced this. It's a reactive based policy....which is not suitable for political landscapes.
He isn't wrong, worse part is these Muslims flee away from these authorities who wanted Sharia law, and now in their new country, they want to re-elect Sharia law
@@Tylru no i have friends who are successful and intelligent old labour types who play intellectual badminton and fall for the panto youd be suprised how dumb people actually are when it comes to the internal narratives about the system
@@mrdaveythebaby fighting age men!!?? Most of them are in their 70's retirees and the younger ones go home after 14-days of wasting their money on the local economy. Go home, back to work.
@@wallenbergphoto I don't see him that way. I see and hear a person that is passionate and truthful about his country and fellow countrymen. He could see how we were being treated by the EU, so he became an MEP with the objective of exposing the corruption and to get us out of there. Plus, what is wrong if he has cash, stocks etc. ?
British values are based on Christianity. Muslims following Islamic values are therefore against British values. It's an oil and water situation. The two won't mix whatever laws are made to prevent this situation.
Christian values would benefit Muslims.. What Christian values are being upheld here? Pride parades, Church of England not condemning same sex marriages etc..
@@robinbreeds9217 well, we don't really follow pagan values any more do we? - Of course our whole culture is underpinned by Judaeo-Christian values. That doesn't mean to say that is the only input - but it is a very big one.
The host seems to have forgotten that his ancestors were only Muslim because of violent Islamic conquests that forced them to convert, and can't see the irony of blaming their current identity of Christianity on the same type colonialism practiced by the English.
The findings show that the Christian civilization was responsible for the largest amount of kiwiings in history! The results are as follows: 1. Christian Civilization - caused ca 236 million 2. Antitheist Civilization(former Communist Block) - caused ca 124 million 3. Sinic Civilization (East Asian) - caused ca 107 million 4. Buddhist Civilization - caused ca 87 million 5. Primal Indigenous Civilization - caused ca 45 million 6. Islamic Civilization - caused ca 31 million,.,,,,
maybe he is pondering the fact that the same people listened to Farage fake statistics, voted for Brexit, for him to get away from assuming the mess which resulted ?
especially as he wrote a report saying pretty much exactly a the same thing just a few years ago. An utter hypocrite, that Sky interviewer. Also, isn't it funny that they just happen to have a graphic ready to display that lets him try to blame his guest for the migration problem?
And ten states that he fails to understand that Farage after cutting him off and speaking over him every time Farage speaks. The interviewer is clearly an anti-white crusader on a paid agenda.
On 12 December 2021, members of Hindu right-wing groups allegedly set fire to Christian religious books in Karnataka’s Kolar district. According to a report by NDTV, this was the “38th attack on religious minorities in Karnataka in the last 12 months”. The report also said that the number of attacks on the community has increased ever since the government started considering a bill to ban forcible religious conversion.
On 3 October 2021, a prayer house in Roorkee was allegedly vandalised by a mob of nearly 250 people after accusing Pentecostal evangelist Prio Sadhna Potter and those present of illegal conversions.
The following month, members of the Bajrang Dal and the RSS allegedly vandalised a newly set up church in Delhi’s Dwarka area. The people who were participating in the Sunday prayer meeting at the Church were accused of violating the Delhi Disaster Management Act (DDMA) guidelines as the premises had not been officially registered as a religious site.
Yes. Isn’t it sweet watching!!! He’s great for democracy and free speech in this country which gave the world the mother of parliaments and the rule of law, and yet the establishment are calling him a fascist!!! Bring it on Nigel! Speak truth to power! ✌🏻 🇬🇧
Nobody really takes Farage seriously except a very vocal minority. Farage can't even win a local election and thinks he is some popular guy lol. Deluded springs to mind
I’m a Portuguese citizen living in the UK and couldn’t agree more with Mr Nigel. The reason why many Europeans are leaving is because we identify with English values and those seem be thrown away. I’ll be leaving the country soon because of what I’ve mentioned above and the lack of security.
There are 50 countries in Europe which are Islamic the highest percentage were taken by Islamic violence others simply surrendered to avoid Islamic brutally
@@MrWrath777 yup, because that's an entirely separate network, under different ownership. Confusingly, because they share a name and logo. But nothing to do with Sky News in the UK.
@@MrJohnfoster70 Fascism is about state and corporations acting in unison. Thatcher's Public Private Partnership, Blair's Private Finance Initiative, 'State subsidy of private profit'.
@@MrJohnfoster70 Farage belongs to the stoke broker belt of England, he is of an higher class of us mere mortals, has friends with no chins and massive bank balances and think anyone "below" him are peasants. And we fall for it. His only interest is that of self interest.
We have a very dear Muslim friend, I still got pissed off with him for saying his girls are 'so westernised' what does he expect, when they live in England, go to school here, 🤔
Actually nuts. I’m from S.A. My great grandfather and everyone before him was born here, he fought in the war and was one of the first men to face mustard gas. It took me 10 years of fighting and getting different visas to get permanent residency here and somehow people are able to come here without any issues at all I don’t get it
I'm Spanish and it makes me really happy to see European people standing against the agenda that is being forced upon us. We're together on this, let's keep our traditions, values, principles and most importantly, let's keep it safe! Gracias.
The truth is the new immigrants have much higher birth rates so immigation was bound to increase e.g birth rate Poland 1.3 Nigera 5 so far more dependants have come in. They are also much more likely to stay permanently than from EU countries especially as average living standards in the EU have recently overtaken the UK. This should have been pointed out during the interview.
@@saveandinvestwithgiorgiolo8375 truth is there’s longer but more productive options that the government could implement tomorrow without letting these people in. Hungary is a good example of moving native birth rates in the right direction
Channels like Sky are part of the problem over the years they never reported these problems with too many migrants arriving too quickly that the country cannot cope.
The presenter advocates integration and respect of English values and culture. However when confronted with blatant bigotry that Muslims are anti-British it's in his duty to to correct the bigot
@@sulaak Re the presenter regarding a 615 page ICM survey: Phillips wrote that the poll reveals "the unacknowledged creation of a nation within the nation, with its own geography, its own values and its own very separate future." He added: "I thought Europe's Muslims would gradually blend into the landscape. I should have known better."
As an American woman of creamy color, when I visited other cultures, dressing and behaving respectfully like those around me, the only people who were over-the-top pushy, intrusive, dominating, and menacing were Middle Eastern men like this interviewer. My entire body screamed "danger," unsafe, and my comments were rudely brushed aside, dismissed. Eye contact and respect were never used. Hats off to Nigel for good-naturedly sitting through this interviewer's entire pounding.
@@KS-gt9uptwo wrongs do not make a right. Do not use "diversity" as a revenge tactic. Immigrants are welcome as long as they integrate. It applies to every country where they go. -immigrant from a colonized country
What does integration mean here? Not demonising Hamas? That's what he used to call Muslims a problem. Is it against British values to not believe Hamas are terrorists if the UN believe Hamas are not terrorists?
It’s unbelievable that an interviewer is arguing with a person who is saying what we can all see when we walk round the cities of Britain. How dumb does he think we all are
@@mikedon5205 there's more than enough eu's where I live , it's an eu ghetto now . I have no chance of selling my house , there are no council houses and I hate my neighbours.
It might be ‘incendiary’ but Nigel is being brave enough to point out the growing problem we have that far too many people in ‘leadership’ and the mainstream media completely failed to see or discuss. Well done, Nigel.
All Nigel does is point out 😂😂 Thought brexit was his answer ffs if that chart is right it drove the Europeans out and replaced them with Muslims 😂 the irony
@@mikedon5205 That chart didn't drive them out. the government should be in charge of immigration now. why are they favouring other countries over EU citizens ? EU citizens aren't banned. And what about the 6 million who stayed here under settled status, have they been drove out ? It is the government not Brexit. Another point. There is nothing on that fake chart about the Ukrainians who came here, which dwarfs the rest at 250,000.
This is not a Muslim country, is millions of Westerners settled in a Muslim country, trust me they would be welcomed with tolerance and open arms. Time for England to be English again.
No we are not l, because we have destroyed those countries through over 20y of delivering democracy hard, flattening cities, creating wars and stealing everything we could, oil, gold, uranium, together with U.S. and EU. Now we are surprised those people come here. This is total lack of acountability through blaming the victim.
A black fella who sympathises with his islamic heritage, struggles to understand the negative impacts of islamic migration to a non Muslim country........ Why is he conducting debate with his elementary level of maths ability. Secondly, How does canceling freedom of movement in europe lead to higher migration from elsewhere, if not for poor leadership? Poor leadership leads to poor results regardless of brexit. And thirdly, Anyone who begins each comment with "I don't understand" after consistently cutting people short deserves to remain uninformed.
That second point is so spot on. Crazy that people are actually arguing that somehow because we’ve left the EU then it’s an unavoidable consequence that we’d get mass immigration from outside the EU. It was the same with the Brexit negotiations; all these hurdles that get presented to us like the laws of physics. It’s all been made up by human beings and none of it happens unless someone is making it happen.
@@Phoonguythere is no forced conversion in Islam so no they weren’t forced, they were taken out of ignorance, what has Christianity done for Ethiopia? Highest HIV/AIDS rates in the world and poverty all this without traditional colonialism how pathetic
@AlexJordan-ik6is Blair caused it, Starmer protected it and every other weak politician is scared to do the right thing. Nothing to do with Brexit, all to do with politicians and the EU
British Muslim here, my grandparents immigrated from Pakistan to the UK in the 1960s for better opportunities. I do agree with how Farage said that immigration works when there is integration involved, which was the case for my family. I have seen that Britain has provided much better for me being able to have a better life than if I was in Pakistan. However, the Muslims which do not integrate are often the illegal ones that often cause crime, such as with the grooming gangs in the UK and furthermore do not contribute to the British economy. The illegal immigrants as a result tarnish Muslims as people and also Islam as a religion. Also, the Islamic fundamentalist groups which are often seen within the illegal Muslim immigrants alienate Islamic beliefs as well and makes people brand Islam as a 'fifth column' and Muslims as people who do not integrate at all. Also, some Muslims have wanted Sharia law to be implemented in the UK, which I have been strongly against because immigrating to the UK, would mean integrating to the values of the UK and coexisting peacefully with fellow Britons, and not trying to force the foreign laws and culture to everybody else in the UK. If people wanted Sharia law to be implemented in the UK, there is the option of moving to the Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia.
Since your response sounded so thoughtful and self-reflective I have to ask. Why haven't Muslims of like mind to yourself not engendered some sort of Islamic Reform movement? To address those incoming Muslim immigrants that the "lens" that they see as being faithful to Islam must also be focused to adhere and abide by their hosting cultures laws. As I write this I know I make it appear a simple idea, I know it isn't. But there must be some way of persuading people towards that idea without coming off as an apostate to your faith. And maintaining your loyalty to your nation as well.
@@josephbuckley7240 Muslims like myself haven't made any sort of Islamic reformation akin to Protestants probably because of how the Quran and the Hadiths are seen as the authority for the world. However, the Quran and Hadith interpretations have been distorted so much by Radical Islamists like Al Qaeda or ISIS, that it makes Islam seem a medieval and hostile religion for many. The only way of making Islam seem favourable to UK culture without being seen as an apostate to Islam is to not follow the teachings of new fundamentalist movements such as the Wahhabis which often advocate for Islam to be the sole religion of the world and for all other religions to be persecuted, in which the Quran is against it.
@@josephbuckley7240 There has not been some sort of Islamic Reform movement because of how it could potentially go against the Quran, in which according to Muslims is the perfect and undisputed authority of the world. The fundamentalists have interpreted the teachings of the Quran in a strict way, similar to the medieval ways, which results in the Quran coming across as oppressive. Furthermore, there are Islamic scholars today who create beliefs that are false. The only way for Muslims and Britain to come hand in hand without Muslims being seen as an apostate is to follow the Quran in a normal approach without the influence of fundamentalists and furthermore Islamic scholars from conservative 'sects' who follow further than the normal beliefs of the Quran.
@@josephbuckley7240because we are not a community. There no such thing as a 'muslim community' Muslims are diverse and come from different backgrounds. The likes of farage are ignorant of this in Muslim countries things are dealt with not per religion, they deal with problems as problem not a 'community' perspective. If someone bot following the law, causing harm to others and preaching nonsense are dealt with using the law. Whereas ad in Britain we are tarnished with the same brush as criminals by purpose. In terms of shariah law, no such thing even exist in Muslim countries because the quran o ly deals with marriage,divorce,inheritance, Wrongful killings and peace keeping on society. Our great faith has been tarnished. But we have a duty to clear things up.
Nigel is the best leader our country has produced in years. He knows his stuff, he doesn't shy away from questions like other politicians. He is the only person fit for the role of prime minister
The root of the problem is in the language: calling immigrants ‘Muslims’ and not Turkish, Moroccan, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis or whatever nationality they might be. When Europeans come to the Middle East they are not called Catholic or Christian. This classification on the basis of religion needs to change.
Mind Begs the Question: ▪︎Jews unsafe to German Values/Identity Fear mongering - Fascist ▪︎Muslims unsafe to Western Values/Identity Fear mongering - Not Fascist?
Mind Begs the Question: ▪︎If God forbids - Usury/Interest Banking,Homosexuality,Adultery,etc ▪︎If Western Values are - Usury,Homosexuality,Adultery,etc ▪︎If Muslims abstain from Western Values ▪︎Anti-West or Pro-God?
Britain's problem is that even Nigel Farage doesn't dare to bluntly name the fact that islam is the origin of most of the problems. We, the Netherlands, have several politicians (especially Geert Wilders) that are not afraid to speak up. 🇳🇱🇳🇱
Taqiyya is an Islamic practice of concealing one's religious beliefs or duties when faced with the threat of harm or death. The word comes from the Arabic word waqa, which means "to shield oneself". Taqiyya is used for self-protection, or to protect a community, and is based on two statements in the Qur'an. It's an accepted principle in both Sunni and Shi'a Islam, but the practice is interpreted differently by each sect: Shi'a Islam Taqiyya is a key belief in Shi'a Islam, and is used to preserve the lives of the community, family, or individual. The practice is rooted in the early days of Islam, when the prophet Muhammad and Ali used taqiyya to strengthen the religion. Sunni Islam Sunni scholars view taqiyya as a form of deception and hypocrisy, and consider it to be lying or denying one's faith. Sunni Muslims have gained political power over time, so they rarely need to practice taqiyya.
Except that he agrees with Farage and is pretending otherwise. This guy was suspended from the Labour Party for making comments about Muslims that had exactly the same meaning. Starmer undid that, whilst pretending there's an independent process, and the media didn't call him out on it. Philips is asking the question a journalist should, but Farage knows Philips is being a performative hypocrite and the questioning is in fact soft-balled precisely because both men know what the other is thinking.
Interviewer made himself look like an idiot here. He's talking about the net migration numbers as if the government has nothing to do with it and it's all Brexit. Those visas are issued by government!!!
I know a Pakistani who voted for Brexit because he said they need immigrants to do certain jobs and it will create more visas for Pakistanis. UK is letting in too many Europeans and making it hard for other immigrants to get visas. 😂😂 I guess it worked 🤷🏻♂️
Mind Begs the Question: ▪︎Claiming Jews unsafe to German Values,Identity is Anti-Semitic ▪︎Claiming Muslims unsafe to Western Values,Identity is Democratic?
But when they go Pakistan, theh feel completely out of place and have nothing in common with their tradition and values apart from having parents from their. Who's traditions are so outdated that Pakistan is modernised but Pakistani in Britain and holding onto old values. They're confused as he'll don't belong or have anything in common with them and isolated and segregated here. Not really belonging any where.
@@wajn4785 Yes, one of the charms of the Euro/UK models of immigration. See, it's always been the case that it's not a big feat to immigrate somewhere and then stick out like a swollen thumb.
Stating facts isnt an attack. I have loads of Muslim mates from growing up in the 90s and not one of them is interested in fighting for the UK, some of them are talking about moving to the middle east even. And their parents, mainly the mothers for some reason can not speak a word of English even though they have been in this country for over 40 years. Thats not attacking Muslims.
It is just fact that Muslims who have been raised in a completely different culture, have a completely different set of values to us! It's just saying they are different and they are not gelling with us! How is that such an awful statement to make?
In 2014 Sweden had the lowest crime rate per capita in Europe. In 2015 they took in 160k refugees. today they have the second highest violent crime rate in europe. 89% of people in prison for violent crime are the refugees. 48% of them are unemployed. i cant remember the exact number but since October 2023 theyve had over 200 explosions. Per political correctness: the previous prime minister vaguely said 'hey i think we have a problem with people from different cultures' and, literally, had to leave the country because of that (called racist etc). the only country that immediately and together acknowledged the problem and then took actual action to undo it was Finland. they maintained their super, inordinately nice attitude towards other people, everything remained progressive- except their refugee policy where they literally declared some parts of Syria safe so they could go back there. very passive aggressive and weirdly still polite actions to try and get rid of them. even the refugee advocates there admit there is an unsolvable problem, but theyre just sad that it exists. I am a muslim whose parents are immgrants and even i know that there are massive, massive problems in this country. e.g. random example- do these look like people who've assimilated?видео.html
This is a direct result of the ruling elite liberal lefty European mindset, believing all peoples of the world think and behave in the same way as civilised Europeans...WRONG!!!!
@@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings its a politic-thing, just from the religious pov, no jew, muslim or christian have to fight, and i dont remember any serious religion that ever dictates to its followers to inherently be against a certain group or religion, religion is being used for political gains by the elites who stay in the shadows
@@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeingsMuslims do not believe that Jesus Christ is our God Lord and savior! So, their ideas are very different than Christianity ideas
How anyone can claim we don’t have a problem with immigration is just deluded.
Yes - but it is not the only reason this country is going down the shithole - I don't trust any of them in power - they just use us like pawns in a game
We are at 1.56 births per woman in Britain. It needs to be at 2.1 to stabilise the population. Without immigration of working people, the older generations will not be able to retire and get a state pension
@@stewlew8449don’t talk sense, it confuses those that think foreigners are the causes of all the problems in this country ..
@@stewlew8449You're wasting your time
@@richardvitty1745 probably am, but I hate that this comment section is an echo chamber of brexiteers who have done so much damage to this country
i am a foreigner...i live in England...i follow english rules...i don't get offended about "Everything " ...i adopted to English culture instead forcing my culture to English citizens.
Wish more foreigner's realised it is a privilege to live in The British Isle. They should respect the native Britons traditions and way of life!!
@margotruthkerr1571 ......not sure "privilege" is a correct sentence
@stephenford8775 Visa is literally given. Who said I needed visa. do not presume
@@ashleymcmurray5060 "Safe"?
Mind Begs the Question:
▪︎If a person takes refuge in a Nation
▪︎Must conform
▪︎Free to follow own Culture,Ideas
▪︎So long as Following Laws?
The Home Office refuses to release crime figures relating to mass immigration. Why ?
He never mentioned immigrants at all. He did say MUSLIMS though.
Maybe because other countries would do the same in relation to British immigrants to their countries, and it would be embarrassing?
Which countries do the British migrate to?@humanpotatoes4958
@@humanpotatoes4958 Not even close.
Nigel is only telling the truth he is the only one who has the guts to say what is happening. He is not racists he is against all those who hate Britain and our values.. my vote goes to him 💯
What does integration mean according to Farage? Not demonising Hamas? That's what he used to call Muslims a problem. Is it against British values to not believe Hamas are terrorists if the UN believe Hamas are not terrorists?
@@tupierorosa723 It means not trying to kill little girls
@@leefox5596 Murderers exist in all ppl. Pretending it doesn't isn't going to do u any good.
Yh these foreigners just look at u like were u from cuz I'm half cast an there shocked wen I say wales I'm from I'm like the won't let u in 😂😂
@@tupierorosa723is l am is causing mayhem everywhere
The Interviewer said the same thing about muslims 10 years ago and yet no one called it islamophobia.
@@JV-NY987search it only takes 1 minute to fins
Also the interviewer said the same thing again in 2020.
Reform doesnt believe that islamophobia isnt real
literally on there policies page and wiki
I’m an Argentinian living in the UK, and I’m grateful England has welcomed me with arms wide opened. I’m here to follow UK law and embrace British values instead of expecting that Britain adapt theirs to mine. Plane and simple.
They expected us Africans in Africa to follow their values still do ? They don’t like it ? 😅😅
Sounds like colonialism. I thought this was a free country. If so why do people have a problem with others being different.
Trevor Phillips really?
Didn't invade...defended..@@Englsh129
It is a simple problem to solve. I visited Cyprus some years ago, and asked about illegal immigration. They said there was no problem - boats from the Middle East were landing, they ignored them , gave them no assistance, and shortly after, they returned to their boats and sailed away to Europe.
The solution is simple. Benefits should be given only to British citizens.
absolutely, I lived in Greece for 7 years and never expected anything from them, they did treat Albanians badly and most of them moved on. Immigrants come here because they know they get looked after by taxpayers
Correct but the government is to thick to work it out.
@@paulgranpop536no they caused it that’s why they hold the guilt simple as that
@@cherfauvelwhy would Albanians go to Greece ??
Absolutely. This would never happen in any other country but here. There is a reason for this, just not sure what it is.
They come from France (a safe country) over here because in France they get offered a camp full of tents.
Nigel's 100% right. I lived in the States for a few years and fully accepted their laws and ways even though some made no sense to me. I adapted, enjoyed my time there and made some good friends. The people of any race or religion who come to the UK to live (legally) should be made to accept and adopt a British charter accepting our laws and culture, and agreeing to live by them as a right to stay in this country. And if found to be in breach or failure to accept, its then a criminal offence and they are deported. Any one that comes here illegally should just be deported back to their country of birth or origin.
@@tonybytheway7543 bizarre comment, anyone living in Britain has to obey the law or face the consequences if they're caught breaking it. Don't know how you'd police "accepting our . . . culture" though? Maybe set up a culture police like in Iran?
This guy talking to Farrage is exactly whats wrong with this country
Please explain why
@@themighty2913 because Farage is talking facts , and he is trying to stir trouble , he another delusional MSN presenter with his own agenda.
He also has money , so he doesn't see it at the roots.
He was trying to put words into his mouth with lies and MSN spin.
The interviewer said the same thing as Farage 10 years ago, what a bloody hypocrite.
@@themighty2913 Trevor Philips almost almost lost his career in 2015 for saying the same thing as Farage after presenting a Channel 4 documentary
l agree
Wow so the interviewer is doing nothing but trying to deflect from the problem and trying to make this a racism thing.
Because it is a racism thing
The truth hurts
1:15 Jeremy Corbyn supported the ANC and Nelson Mandela who were deemed a terrorist organisation by PM Tatcher at the time. Britain was on the wrong side of history and Corbyn was on the right side.
Nigel knows Phillips for what he is and cannot be drawn into a racist argument. He’s too much of a gentleman. The immigration problem is about unattainable numbers and an infrastructure that cannot go on supporting these numbers.
They always do
As an immigrant and someone who has lived in UK for 3 decades, I can honestly say he isn't wrong..
Thanx for speaking up
@@Cuban-o2gAn immigrant in Britain is as wrong as a Brit abroad.
@@CLWWLC No it's not. Russian troll perhaps?
Sky News is disgustingly biased. The more they try to slander him the more I want to vote for him.
Me too. I don’t live in the UK any more but this supercilious “gotcha” journalism is not helpful. I did not appreciate all of the sneering and snide chuckling at Farage. I was against leaving the EU at the time. However, this journalist is behaving disingenuously and trying to pigeon hole Farage to avoid engaging with the content of what he’s actually saying. This did not age well with the recent incidents in Manchester and elsewhere and that horrific stabbing.
@@owenjj93 I thought that was the job of the BBC & Channel 4. 😊
It's not Sky News, it's that particular reporter with Sky News. Making it personal instead of discussing society and policies.
Go to a mosque in London, Birmingham Bradford etc and see how much they like patriot brits. Go to Luton and see how many Indian and Pakistani people do not speak English
I live in luton. Bury Park here is the ultimate example of integration NOT happening. I still believe Muslims are very much a scapegoat, but luton is one of the cases that does somewhat support farage. Many immigrant Muslim women become stay-at-home parents and don't bother learning English because they barely go out, and if they do it's usually with speakers of their mother language.
The thing is, these people not speaking English is definitely not what has fucked the country overall, especially financially, but culturally there's something to be said for the divide when subcultures stick together in smaller groups. But, how can they easily integrate when they are met with so much xenophobia and racism as soon as they venture out? It's hard to navigate a situation like this.
I actually go to a mosque and actually do see ethnical Brits in there.
Indian Muslim here. Everyone in my family speaks better English than the majority of White British people I know
English is the most basic of languages on the planet, there's not a single person I've ever met that doesn't speak English
So not sure where all this bollox is coming from, sounds to me like scapegoating the Muslims in the UK when in fact the inherent problems of the UK are lack of support for families, communities, social care, education and prospects, jobs and employment and so on and so forth
Well said Nigel, standing up for what is right and not taking his nonsense.
I wish he stays on the next 20 years. He will be fainting every month. Muslim, Indian, African, and Caribbean will substantially increase. Which is good news for UK.
@@Jokmulu Good for the housing shortage and crippled NHS that those people have never paid into
If this set of generations had done NATIONAL SERVICE, and served with the British Army and NATO in the middle East; as my generation did, there is no way that any of these Muslims would have been ever allowed in.
Nigel is spot on. Whilst there are many well intentioned British Muslims it can't be denied that there is a significant amount of Muslims in our country who hate everything that this country has been built upon. Well done Nigel on speaking common sense
The majority of them hate Non-muslim values.
A point could also be is that there are British Muslims and there are Muslims. Which can result in vastly different outcomes when it comes to what changes policy and legislature could be being pushed. Not say being Muslim is bad. Just that if one doesn't associcate with being British first then British people and any other groups in Britain not identifying as British first are trying to accomplish very different goals.
India just called they want their wealth back and that big fat stone.
It’s not your country 😂😂😂😂
Backup your baseless claim with evidence or remain silent.
Nigel Farage is not a racist. He speaks facts.
Trevor Phillips trying to put words into Nigel Farage mouth but Nigel wasn’t going to let him. Mr Farage spoke the truth.
And i suppose your have a good friend who is Muslim?
He is and always has been a race grifter.
He’s right. It’s worrying that hardly any politicians are talking about the very real threat to this country.
Is that the same farage that made his anti Semitic dog whistle remarks about a USA Jewish lobby a few years ago It's something his GB news bosses like to forget he mentioned
Or local problems!
The very real threat to this country are those who stir hate and racism amongst people .like farage
Not all Muslims. Infact he said there's a small minority of Muslims that absolutely hate everything about Britain and what it stands for! A minority that's actually growing in larger numbers. Young people becoming radicalised! Everything he said was absolutely spot on 100% facts
young people see british allies killing their family back home. Young people get angry. "white brits" = angry. Xd ok buddy
There are small minority of pretty much every single group that are harmful.. Including White British. Does that justify being racist towards White British? I would hope you'd say no. So what's the point of naming up entire groups just because of small minorities?
There's also a small minority of white British people who hate the establishment in Britain... Why does Farage need to divide people with his comments?!
Forage is correct
There's a minority of ALL demographics, including the left leaning youth of today that also despise most things about Britain and it's foreign policy. Also on that point it's not ALL things about Britain people hate, it's their foreign policy.
The interviewer is missing the point completely. He asked Nigel the question and Nigel answered the question honestly
That's why he was wrongfooted. He relies on playing his tired and unwarranted race card and having people apologise or change their statement and then he's got them. Because Farage was speaking honestly he was able to double down on his statement when pressed. That left the interviewer with nothing left to do but pull faces and feign outrage.
Terrible journalism from Trevor Phillips
He’s been paid to play the game mate💭
He is on a copium rich diet
Muslims do NOT go against other Muslims..... until they're shafted by other Muslims. I've personally experienced this. It's a reactive based policy....which is not suitable for political landscapes.
He isn't wrong, worse part is these Muslims flee away from these authorities who wanted Sharia law, and now in their new country, they want to re-elect Sharia law
Still pretty good compared to the average!
People really do dislike hearing uncomfortable truths.
We just hate hearing mindless nonsense.
@@Tylru no i have friends who are successful and intelligent old labour types who play intellectual badminton and fall for the panto youd be suprised how dumb people actually are when it comes to the internal narratives about the system
The British media have an enormous problem with fear of being labelled racist… so much so that they can’t call anything clearly
Farage is absolutely correct. This country and Europe is in one hell of mess
he is absolutely wrong about most things, he is zionist ownwed serving Israel and American corporations and banks.
British Empire = Pakistan 🇵🇰 ❤
Definitely, the UK are complicit in genicide
@kennyken4461 maybe Britain shouldn't have colonised other countries, just like what Israel is doing now!
@@shab152skSweden has terrible immigration problems and wasn't a colonial power
The interveiwer is predujuice from the start against britts
Migrating to another country and integrating is different to using excessive migration as a weapon to disrupt sovereignty. It's happened worldwide
Check out the 45 Goals of Communism 1963 trial. This is all coming from the elite lot - managed decline leading to an ultra controlled society
That's why the Algarve is in such a state, can't hear a Spanish vouce for miles. British fighting age men are taking over.
Just look at Iran to how it once was,go back to the 60,s in Iran,it looked just like London
@@mrdaveythebaby fighting age men!!?? Most of them are in their 70's retirees and the younger ones go home after 14-days of wasting their money on the local economy. Go home, back to work.
@@KCBRYAN_1525what? A sh*thole?
Nigel is spot on !!!!! And the main stream doesn’t like him stating it !!!! THE UK NEEDS TO WAKE UP 🏴🇬🇧
When will people see this guy Nigel only is a super narcissist and care about his cash, stocks etc... And want attention?
main stream
People use your votes, it's your voice,show them by voting ! Turn up on the 4th. 👍
@@wallenbergphoto I don't see him that way. I see and hear a person that is passionate and truthful about his country and fellow countrymen. He could see how we were being treated by the EU, so he became an MEP with the objective of exposing the corruption and to get us out of there. Plus, what is wrong if he has cash, stocks etc. ?
He is spot on. Nothing to do with racism, just talking facts.
Islam is not a race mate.
@@BigBrother4Life more like a cult
Once upon a time, Hitler said similar for Jews...
Islam is based
British values are based on Christianity. Muslims following Islamic values are therefore against British values. It's an oil and water situation. The two won't mix whatever laws are made to prevent this situation.
Christian values would benefit Muslims.. What Christian values are being upheld here? Pride parades, Church of England not condemning same sex marriages etc..
@@robinbreeds9217 well, we don't really follow pagan values any more do we? - Of course our whole culture is underpinned by Judaeo-Christian values. That doesn't mean to say that is the only input - but it is a very big one.
The host seems to have forgotten that his ancestors were only Muslim because of violent Islamic conquests that forced them to convert, and can't see the irony of blaming their current identity of Christianity on the same type colonialism practiced by the English.
@@robinbreeds9217Tom Holland, a well known historian, would disagree.
@@ninacee9140Muslims didn’t do violent conquests only Christians did, read a history book ffs
It ain't racist when facts are facts. Ignoring it is grossly irresponsible and naive.
It's wasn't a fact. Therefore it was racist
What facts?
Come on then, tell us what British values are? Put it down on paper so to speak, so we can compare notes.
@@Soul_of_a_RobotYes it is true 💯
The findings show that the Christian civilization was responsible for the largest amount of kiwiings in history! The results are as follows:
1. Christian Civilization - caused ca 236 million
2. Antitheist Civilization(former Communist Block) - caused ca 124 million
3. Sinic Civilization (East Asian) - caused ca 107 million
4. Buddhist Civilization - caused ca 87 million
5. Primal Indigenous Civilization - caused ca 45 million
6. Islamic Civilization - caused ca 31 million,.,,,,
Farage didn’t say all Muslims ffs!! That interviewer needs to wake up
Then why did he need to mention Muslims at all? Clearly he had a problem which is what the interviewer was getting at
@@zainh261 So the interviewer is allowed to "get at" a problem but when Farage does it he's not allowed?
Farage is right. He's identified a real problem in the UK @@Justin-yt8zv
It's not always about what's said, rather what's implied.
@zainh261 God bless Isreal 🏴🇮🇱🇬🇧
Not good to see the Interviewer smirking whilst ignoring the facts along with the opinions of a very large number of British citizens.
People, especially lefty liberals, don’t like hearing the truth
maybe he is pondering the fact that the same people listened to Farage fake statistics, voted for Brexit, for him to get away from assuming the mess which resulted ?
"large number of British citizens" yet nobody really voted for UKIP, Reform or Brexit party
especially as he wrote a report saying pretty much exactly a the same thing just a few years ago. An utter hypocrite, that Sky interviewer. Also, isn't it funny that they just happen to have a graphic ready to display that lets him try to blame his guest for the migration problem?
This interviewer is so unprofessional, Nigel speaks facts. We all know it but this guy just interrupts. Just unbelievable.
And ten states that he fails to understand that Farage after cutting him off and speaking over him every time Farage speaks. The interviewer is clearly an anti-white crusader on a paid agenda.
I am an Indian citizen and a non-practising hindu. I think Farage is talking sense. No shared values; no integration.
no such thing as non-practising hindu. Even the atheist are counted as a part of Hindus
[X] doubt.
On 12 December 2021, members of Hindu right-wing groups allegedly set fire to Christian religious books in Karnataka’s Kolar district. According to a report by NDTV, this was the “38th attack on religious minorities in Karnataka in the last 12 months”. The report also said that the number of attacks on the community has increased ever since the government started considering a bill to ban forcible religious conversion.
On 3 October 2021, a prayer house in Roorkee was allegedly vandalised by a mob of nearly 250 people after accusing Pentecostal evangelist Prio Sadhna Potter and those present of illegal conversions.
The following month, members of the Bajrang Dal and the RSS allegedly vandalised a newly set up church in Delhi’s Dwarka area. The people who were participating in the Sunday prayer meeting at the Church were accused of violating the Delhi Disaster Management Act (DDMA) guidelines as the premises had not been officially registered as a religious site.
They're absolutely petrified of Nigel Farage, aren't they?
🛴 boy
Yes. Isn’t it sweet watching!!! He’s great for democracy and free speech in this country which gave the world the mother of parliaments and the rule of law, and yet the establishment are calling him a fascist!!! Bring it on Nigel! Speak truth to power! ✌🏻 🇬🇧
🏁🤺 "they're
shitting bricks
✊ *COME* *ON* *THE* *GG*
Yes...he is a danger to this country in his reckless pursuit to promote his own deluded self worth....
Nobody really takes Farage seriously except a very vocal minority. Farage can't even win a local election and thinks he is some popular guy lol. Deluded springs to mind
My Italian family came over in WW2 and we all love Britain and we served also
Mine too - my Father had to change his name to serve in the army and he fought for British values!
@@Loveclassical2011 100% British values are based off of loving your naibour. That hate coming into this country is like mixing oil into water
I loved it when Nigel said ' I'm the only one willing to tell the truth ' he is 100 % correct
Since when was Islam a race ?
Might as well be.
A race to the bottom, look at the middle east.
Since it suited the Muslim narrative to silence its critics.
Since always
Trevor Phillips - A clown,
Sky news - the clown’s circus.
I’m a Portuguese citizen living in the UK and couldn’t agree more with Mr Nigel.
The reason why many Europeans are leaving is because we identify with English values and those seem be thrown away. I’ll be leaving the country soon because of what I’ve mentioned above and the lack of security.
Hurry up smd leave
Farage is talking rubbish.
@EUpunisher Nordrhein-Islamia...
Happening all over the west. Uk, France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Ireland all of it. Gonna have to move to Russia 😂
Return to Portugal. Give our country a second chance
The journalist missed out that his ancestors were forced to convert to Islam 💀
no they werent
Yes this is true
There are 50 countries in Europe which are Islamic the highest percentage were taken by Islamic violence others simply surrendered to avoid Islamic brutally
He is saying what the UK people are thinking
So the rest of the British support a terrorist state they created in 1948?
So they must shut him up immediately!
Its called racism
@@batcollins3714 it's not racism. It's facts.
@@batcollins3714you can't be racist towards a religion.
The overwhelming majority of comments support Farage and not the DEI presenter.
Didn't Earn It.
Not true.
@@primalconvoy Looks true to me.
Mind Begs the Question:
▪︎Jews unsafe to German Values/Identity - Fascist
▪︎Muslims unsafe to Western Values/Identity - Not Fascist?
It's called Sky News because they have their heads in the clouds.
some of them.....some on sky news Australia are much better.
@@MrWrath777 yup, because that's an entirely separate network, under different ownership. Confusingly, because they share a name and logo. But nothing to do with Sky News in the UK.
He’s completely right - he just has the guts to say it
Trevor philips is a clown
He's flushed out Farage the fascist. Farage is not like one of us.
@@MrJohnfoster70 Fascism is about state and corporations acting in unison. Thatcher's Public Private Partnership, Blair's Private Finance Initiative, 'State subsidy of private profit'.
He's got Farage on the ropes. There's nobody more unbritish than Nigel Farage.
@@MrJohnfoster70 Farage belongs to the stoke broker belt of England, he is of an higher class of us mere mortals, has friends with no chins and massive bank balances and think anyone "below" him are peasants. And we fall for it. His only interest is that of self interest.
@@MrJohnfoster70 He does talk straighter than most middle class English - that's true. Typically, they would rather pretend the problem didn't exist.
Trevor is blinded by his ignorance of the real state of the UK.
He is posh and doesn't have any clue what the world looks like
No he is blinded by his hatred for White people.
He's just winding up Nigel
He doesn’t share working class values
Every time he speaks, I realise more that reform UK is the only way
The dark side of this is that the interviewer actually knows the other guy is speaking facts, he is just trying to stop him doing so.
The interviewer is clearly complicit with an agenda .
Is he a Biased BBC reporter ?
100% as all BBC reporters are!
Why because he begs to have a different view ? 😂
Nigel is talking a lot of truth
We have a very dear Muslim friend, I still got pissed off with him for saying his girls are 'so westernised' what does he expect, when they live in England, go to school here, 🤔
Ditch them
If they were a majority I bet he wouldn’t be so friendly
If he doesn't like western culture why did he move to England ?
Not a friend get rid.
See they hate us
Actually nuts. I’m from S.A. My great grandfather and everyone before him was born here, he fought in the war and was one of the first men to face mustard gas. It took me 10 years of fighting and getting different visas to get permanent residency here and somehow people are able to come here without any issues at all I don’t get it
I'm Spanish and it makes me really happy to see European people standing against the agenda that is being forced upon us. We're together on this, let's keep our traditions, values, principles and most importantly, let's keep it safe! Gracias.
I know sometimes there are small frustrations between us, but I want to make it clear, we love Spaniards and we love Spain here.
Go to spain
Which agenda is that?
I agree with this so much! ❤ Keep European values ❤
Arriaba España!
Truth hurts don’t it sky
The truth is the new immigrants have much higher birth rates so immigation was bound to increase e.g birth rate Poland 1.3 Nigera 5 so far more dependants have come in. They are also much more likely to stay permanently than from EU countries especially as average living standards in the EU have recently overtaken the UK. This should have been pointed out during the interview.
@@saveandinvestwithgiorgiolo8375 truth is there’s longer but more productive options that the government could implement tomorrow without letting these people in. Hungary is a good example of moving native birth rates in the right direction
Channels like Sky are part of the problem over the years they never reported these problems with too many migrants arriving too quickly that the country cannot cope.
Truth does hurt, my comment got deleted lol
@@ancietman they probably got paid or ordered to look the other way, none of this is by accident
Does the presenter think everyone in the world has the right to live in Great Britain? It certainly sounds like it.
The presenter advocates integration and respect of English values and culture. However when confronted with blatant bigotry that Muslims are anti-British it's in his duty to to correct the bigot
@sulaak a lot of them are though. Look at some of the councilors that have just been elected.
Come on then, tell us what British values are and put them down on paper so to speak, let's compare notes about what values each other shares
@@sulaak Re the presenter regarding a 615 page ICM survey: Phillips wrote that the poll reveals "the unacknowledged creation of a nation within the nation, with its own geography, its own values and its own very separate future." He added: "I thought Europe's Muslims would gradually blend into the landscape. I should have known better."
@@blindbrad4719You first.
As an American woman of creamy color, when I visited other cultures, dressing and behaving respectfully like those around me, the only people who were over-the-top pushy, intrusive, dominating, and menacing were Middle Eastern men like this interviewer. My entire body screamed "danger," unsafe, and my comments were rudely brushed aside, dismissed. Eye contact and respect were never used. Hats off to Nigel for good-naturedly sitting through this interviewer's entire pounding.
Trevor Phillips out of his depth...
Take note of what Farage intimated... The key to success is immigrants that integrate... This is absolutely on the money.
Same applies for everyone
Did Europeans integrated with world.Descendemts of looters will be looted one day .
lol oh come on. So much dog whistling here I have lost partial hearing.
@@KS-gt9uptwo wrongs do not make a right. Do not use "diversity" as a revenge tactic. Immigrants are welcome as long as they integrate. It applies to every country where they go.
-immigrant from a colonized country
What does integration mean here? Not demonising Hamas? That's what he used to call Muslims a problem. Is it against British values to not believe Hamas are terrorists if the UN believe Hamas are not terrorists?
@@winnikvinniSo long the host country needs those immigrants and support themselves not on the back of the people.
It’s unbelievable that an interviewer is arguing with a person who is saying what we can all see when we walk round the cities of Britain. How dumb does he think we all are
That post brexit chart hit home though 😂 uk drove out the Europeans and replaced them with Muslims 😆 no getting away from that fact
Those countries weren’t Muslim ones though 😅
What country did have colonies around the world specifically in the east area? 🤔
@@mikedon5205we should rejoin EU but disobey their “human rights” laws
@@mikedon5205 there's more than enough eu's where I live , it's an eu ghetto now . I have no chance of selling my house , there are no council houses and I hate my neighbours.
This started in the 90s in the back of lorrys from France and the Government did nothing and have done nothing since. People trafficing is what it is.
It might be ‘incendiary’ but Nigel is being brave enough to point out the growing problem we have that far too many people in ‘leadership’ and the mainstream media completely failed to see or discuss. Well done, Nigel.
All Nigel does is point out 😂😂
Thought brexit was his answer ffs if that chart is right it drove the Europeans out and replaced them with Muslims 😂 the irony
@@mikedon5205 That chart didn't drive them out. the government should be in charge of immigration now. why are they favouring other countries over EU citizens ? EU citizens aren't banned. And what about the 6 million who stayed here under settled status, have they been drove out ? It is the government not Brexit.
Another point. There is nothing on that fake chart about the Ukrainians who came here, which dwarfs the rest at 250,000.
Farage? He's never integrated with we British people. He keeps on running away to the USA.
They still cant see it! look at the comments! we want our country back
Obvious brigade
This interviewer is the prime example of burying your head in sand
For a buck
Best comment.
Oh we have a farage supporter woooow great
@@shabbaman1313 As opposed to a Sky News supporter?
How many Christian Churches accepted in Muslim countries I would like to see statistics on that one !!
islamic law forbids the building of new churches and forbids the repairing of existing churches.
As a christian travelling in middle east I was able to visit so many beautiful churches, christians in middle east practice more than the west.
My family are from over seas... we love the UK. I am voting Reform UK 100% they came here for a better life. Let's keep GB better.
Nice fantasy story, thanks for sharing.
Israeli bot
Yes, let's keeb Britain great and Christian/Renaissance
Ok, but where is the surname “sj3wm7ex5m” from, I dont recognise it?
@@BeobachterofTruthWe can't have people praising the UK. Can we now ?
This is not a Muslim country, is millions of Westerners settled in a Muslim country, trust me they would be welcomed with tolerance and open arms. Time for England to be English again.
No we are not l, because we have destroyed those countries through over 20y of delivering democracy hard, flattening cities, creating wars and stealing everything we could, oil, gold, uranium, together with U.S. and EU. Now we are surprised those people come here. This is total lack of acountability through blaming the victim.
Anyone else think that Trevor Phillips is a slimey liar with his own muslim agenda?
@@MEERU_K yes definately !!
Interesting he mentioned the slave trade of the Christian countries . No mention of the Arab/Muslim Slave trade .
Yes I do think that.
Vote reform!!!!!
A black fella who sympathises with his islamic heritage, struggles to understand the negative impacts of islamic migration to a non Muslim country........
Why is he conducting debate with his elementary level of maths ability.
How does canceling freedom of movement in europe lead to higher migration from elsewhere, if not for poor leadership?
Poor leadership leads to poor results regardless of brexit.
And thirdly,
Anyone who begins each comment with "I don't understand" after consistently cutting people short deserves to remain uninformed.
That second point is so spot on. Crazy that people are actually arguing that somehow because we’ve left the EU then it’s an unavoidable consequence that we’d get mass immigration from outside the EU.
It was the same with the Brexit negotiations; all these hurdles that get presented to us like the laws of physics. It’s all been made up by human beings and none of it happens unless someone is making it happen.
And is he not aware of how black people became Muslims? It wasn’t through gentlemanly debate
He has no idea how his ancestors were made muslims, also Christianity was in Ethiopia centuries before Europe,
@@Phoonguythere is no forced conversion in Islam so no they weren’t forced, they were taken out of ignorance, what has Christianity done for Ethiopia? Highest HIV/AIDS rates in the world and poverty all this without traditional colonialism how pathetic
100% agree with Nigel. This reporter is loving this as an opportunity to shout racism. 🙄
Totally correct, that is exactly what he wants to label Nigel with…
If the cap fits...
@@sallirobinson2907 Even though he has appologised fort getting it wrong saying Muslims will not intergrate.
@AlexJordan-ik6is Blair caused it, Starmer protected it and every other weak politician is scared to do the right thing. Nothing to do with Brexit, all to do with politicians and the EU
Well... because it is racist XD
Who does the interviewer think 'converted' Africans to Islam in the first place? -- and not gently.
dont think christianity was gentle either. south america anyone???
Who converted Africans to Christianity ? ( and not gently)
everyone carries on as if 'conversion' is some irreversible 'chemical reaction'
How is it going in Nigeria Trevor?
@@Mollica999What about South America exactly? Supply your documents.
British Muslim here, my grandparents immigrated from Pakistan to the UK in the 1960s for better opportunities. I do agree with how Farage said that immigration works when there is integration involved, which was the case for my family. I have seen that Britain has provided much better for me being able to have a better life than if I was in Pakistan.
However, the Muslims which do not integrate are often the illegal ones that often cause crime, such as with the grooming gangs in the UK and furthermore do not contribute to the British economy. The illegal immigrants as a result tarnish Muslims as people and also Islam as a religion. Also, the Islamic fundamentalist groups which are often seen within the illegal Muslim immigrants alienate Islamic beliefs as well and makes people brand Islam as a 'fifth column' and Muslims as people who do not integrate at all.
Also, some Muslims have wanted Sharia law to be implemented in the UK, which I have been strongly against because immigrating to the UK, would mean integrating to the values of the UK and coexisting peacefully with fellow Britons, and not trying to force the foreign laws and culture to everybody else in the UK. If people wanted Sharia law to be implemented in the UK, there is the option of moving to the Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia.
Since your response sounded so thoughtful and self-reflective I have to ask. Why haven't Muslims of like mind to yourself not engendered some sort of Islamic Reform movement? To address those incoming Muslim immigrants that the "lens" that they see as being faithful to Islam must also be focused to adhere and abide by their hosting cultures laws. As I write this I know I make it appear a simple idea, I know it isn't. But there must be some way of persuading people towards that idea without coming off as an apostate to your faith. And maintaining your loyalty to your nation as well.
@@josephbuckley7240 Muslims like myself haven't made any sort of Islamic reformation akin to Protestants probably because of how the Quran and the Hadiths are seen as the authority for the world. However, the Quran and Hadith interpretations have been distorted so much by Radical Islamists like Al Qaeda or ISIS, that it makes Islam seem a medieval and hostile religion for many.
The only way of making Islam seem favourable to UK culture without being seen as an apostate to Islam is to not follow the teachings of new fundamentalist movements such as the Wahhabis which often advocate for Islam to be the sole religion of the world and for all other religions to be persecuted, in which the Quran is against it.
@@josephbuckley7240 There has not been some sort of Islamic Reform movement because of how it could potentially go against the Quran, in which according to Muslims is the perfect and undisputed authority of the world.
The fundamentalists have interpreted the teachings of the Quran in a strict way, similar to the medieval ways, which results in the Quran coming across as oppressive. Furthermore, there are Islamic scholars today who create beliefs that are false.
The only way for Muslims and Britain to come hand in hand without Muslims being seen as an apostate is to follow the Quran in a normal approach without the influence of fundamentalists and furthermore Islamic scholars from conservative 'sects' who follow further than the normal beliefs of the Quran.
@@josephbuckley7240because we are not a community. There no such thing as a 'muslim community' Muslims are diverse and come from different backgrounds. The likes of farage are ignorant of this in Muslim countries things are dealt with not per religion, they deal with problems as problem not a 'community' perspective. If someone bot following the law, causing harm to others and preaching nonsense are dealt with using the law. Whereas ad in Britain we are tarnished with the same brush as criminals by purpose. In terms of shariah law, no such thing even exist in Muslim countries because the quran o ly deals with marriage,divorce,inheritance,
Wrongful killings and peace keeping on society. Our great faith has been tarnished. But we have a duty to clear things up.
Nigel is the best leader our country has produced in years. He knows his stuff, he doesn't shy away from questions like other politicians. He is the only person fit for the role of prime minister
Trevor Phillips failed as an interviewer - Stay strong Nigel
Stay strong, because Trevor kicked your back. Muahahahahaha
Trevor Phillips wouldn't have such a cushy job in any other country
No he would not agree 👍
100% with Farage on this.
He's just stating an uncomfortable truth.
Exactly, how can any of his be sorted out if people are in complete denail
The root of the problem is in the language: calling immigrants ‘Muslims’ and not Turkish, Moroccan, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis or whatever nationality they might be. When Europeans come to the Middle East they are not called Catholic or Christian. This classification on the basis of religion needs to change.
Mass migration, Islam and crime are big issues facing this country right now.
They’re really not
@@MIEJ4 47% support Hamas, 25% Oct 7th, 51% make homosexuality illegal, 40% Sharia law.
Ostrich much?
@@MIEJ4 London is very culturally rich ahahahah
Rent is going up next month
most certainly are
How is it that whenever something is mentioned about Muslims, then we are asked how we have hurt the feelings of Muslims???
They don't have feelings
@@User_Paris_0606 I'm loving post Brexit Britain. Free from the corrupt EU.
@@JazzFunkNobby1964really? I thought we were doing everything they wanted, paying for it, and having no say whatsoever?
Thats why they continuously throw the Made-up word Islamaphobia at us - made up to stop any criticism of the cult .. & the waycist card too !
@@Durka-Durka how is the medical personnel in your durka house?
Well done Nigel, not frightened to say it how it is, Reform will be getting my vote
Mind Begs the Question:
▪︎Jews unsafe to German Values/Identity Fear mongering - Fascist
▪︎Muslims unsafe to Western Values/Identity Fear mongering - Not Fascist?
If British values are to be complicit in g.cide then I don't blame them for not supporting British values
@@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings Back by previous tragedies like bombings, riots etc, a big NO!
Mind Begs the Question:
▪︎If God forbids - Usury/Interest Banking,Homosexuality,Adultery,etc
▪︎If Western Values are - Usury,Homosexuality,Adultery,etc
▪︎If Muslims abstain from Western Values
▪︎Anti-West or Pro-God?
I'm black and British.
Nigel speaks the truth
I hate politicians but I do agree 💯with Farage
I am not a fan of Farage but we have eyes, he is 100%
Britain's problem is that even Nigel Farage doesn't dare to bluntly name the fact that islam is the origin of most of the problems. We, the Netherlands, have several politicians (especially Geert Wilders) that are not afraid to speak up. 🇳🇱🇳🇱
Full of hate
Farage is 100% right.
he says anything to convince old gammons
@@BDafarmer Yeah, i heard your mum was voting too.
Taqiyya is an Islamic practice of concealing one's religious beliefs or duties when faced with the threat of harm or death. The word comes from the Arabic word waqa, which means "to shield oneself".
Taqiyya is used for self-protection, or to protect a community, and is based on two statements in the Qur'an. It's an accepted principle in both Sunni and Shi'a Islam, but the practice is interpreted differently by each sect:
Shi'a Islam
Taqiyya is a key belief in Shi'a Islam, and is used to preserve the lives of the community, family, or individual. The practice is rooted in the early days of Islam, when the prophet Muhammad and Ali used taqiyya to strengthen the religion.
Sunni Islam
Sunni scholars view taqiyya as a form of deception and hypocrisy, and consider it to be lying or denying one's faith. Sunni Muslims have gained political power over time, so they rarely need to practice taqiyya.
According to interviewer its offensive to point out the fallout from illegal migration
Same as accusations of anti Semitism of anyone who criticizes Israel
its an interview. the question is intended to draw out farage's views.
@@TalesFromTheBlahSide Nothing wrong with that.
It’ll be illegal soon.
Except that he agrees with Farage and is pretending otherwise. This guy was suspended from the Labour Party for making comments about Muslims that had exactly the same meaning. Starmer undid that, whilst pretending there's an independent process, and the media didn't call him out on it. Philips is asking the question a journalist should, but Farage knows Philips is being a performative hypocrite and the questioning is in fact soft-balled precisely because both men know what the other is thinking.
Interviewer made himself look like an idiot here. He's talking about the net migration numbers as if the government has nothing to do with it and it's all Brexit. Those visas are issued by government!!!
And since Brexit it's how the UK attracts skilled workers.
He's pretending, which anyone who knows about Philips can see.
I know a Pakistani who voted for Brexit because he said they need immigrants to do certain jobs and it will create more visas for Pakistanis. UK is letting in too many Europeans and making it hard for other immigrants to get visas. 😂😂 I guess it worked 🤷🏻♂️
Mind Begs the Question:
▪︎Claiming Jews unsafe to German Values,Identity is Anti-Semitic
▪︎Claiming Muslims unsafe to Western Values,Identity is Democratic?
Quite agree, but they are issued by the corrupt civil service
Trevor Phillips is offensive.
Agree - He was on the back foot.
He is an absolute pleb 🤡
@@Goozo612 NF For PM....
@@susiesukes21 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
He is a very dangerous 'COWARD'!
Farage is trying to deliver the logical facts and this interviewer clown is having an irrational emotional response.
Nigel is right! We all think the same, but we are afraid to say it out loud!
Say it loudly by voting Reform UK
The interviewer is so smug for someone who doesn’t know what he’s talking about
bertiebasilbennett, Exactly!
I think he does ...have a look at his previous role
He doesn't care what he is talking about as long as he is paid well enough.
Because he’s dined out on the race card all his life, it’s probably how he got his job. He didn’t get it on the basis of any talent as we can see.
He knows what he's talking about. He's doing a performance: look up Trevor Philips comments that got him suspended from Labour for a while.
There are many places in London where even the road signs and street names, are in a foreign language and not British this isn’t right
Hahaha - Where ?
Where???? I am from London and have never seen a 'Muslim Road' or 'Allah Street!' 🤣😂🤣😂 Come on now!!!! 😂😂😂
@@johncoffey724 East London
@@Mary-ahern Where exactly?
Keep sticking it to um Nigel. Nigel is the proper voice of Britain
when 1st generation Pakistani referes to Pakistan as home there is no hope there are no British Muslims only muslims in Britain
But when they go Pakistan, theh feel completely out of place and have nothing in common with their tradition and values apart from having parents from their. Who's traditions are so outdated that Pakistan is modernised but Pakistani in Britain and holding onto old values. They're confused as he'll don't belong or have anything in common with them and isolated and segregated here. Not really belonging any where.
@@wajn4785 Yes, one of the charms of the Euro/UK models of immigration. See, it's always been the case that it's not a big feat to immigrate somewhere and then stick out like a swollen thumb.
I guess other countries should take the same attitude to first generation British emigrants? I saw a lot of Union Flags in Spain…
Free hotel accommodation free food no gas bill no electricity bill no council tax bill and the cults still want more .
ask your PM (Rishi) he is a proud hindu and his hand is full of yellow bands,
Stating facts isnt an attack. I have loads of Muslim mates from growing up in the 90s and not one of them is interested in fighting for the UK, some of them are talking about moving to the middle east even. And their parents, mainly the mothers for some reason can not speak a word of English even though they have been in this country for over 40 years.
Thats not attacking Muslims.
I'm pretty sure next gen muslim ladies would speak English.
Probably because they don't interact with English speaking people much
I know English people who can't speak English properly and most of them women were most likely housewives hence very little English
They should go to the middle east that's if they can get a visa
I'm Scottish, I'd never fight in these ridiculous and illegal foreign wars for the UK.
Well done Nigel, say what the media are scared of saying. The truth
It is just fact that Muslims who have been raised in a completely different culture, have a completely different set of values to us! It's just saying they are different and they are not gelling with us! How is that such an awful statement to make?
In 2014 Sweden had the lowest crime rate per capita in Europe. In 2015 they took in 160k refugees. today they have the second highest violent crime rate in europe. 89% of people in prison for violent crime are the refugees. 48% of them are unemployed. i cant remember the exact number but since October 2023 theyve had over 200 explosions. Per political correctness: the previous prime minister vaguely said 'hey i think we have a problem with people from different cultures' and, literally, had to leave the country because of that (called racist etc). the only country that immediately and together acknowledged the problem and then took actual action to undo it was Finland. they maintained their super, inordinately nice attitude towards other people, everything remained progressive- except their refugee policy where they literally declared some parts of Syria safe so they could go back there. very passive aggressive and weirdly still polite actions to try and get rid of them. even the refugee advocates there admit there is an unsolvable problem, but theyre just sad that it exists. I am a muslim whose parents are immgrants and even i know that there are massive, massive problems in this country.
e.g. random example- do these look like people who've assimilated?видео.html
how is the weather in Tel Aviv?
This is a direct result of the ruling elite liberal lefty European mindset, believing all peoples of the world think and behave in the same way as civilised Europeans...WRONG!!!!
I saw that documentary it is awful ❤🇬🇧yes this mass immigration will affect all those living here we will be overcrowded
That's why we have democracy? immigration is a distraction from the real problem..
That says it all.
It's not about racism it's about principles and we don't have the infrastructure on this little island it's as simple as that.
It’s not about “blaming Muslims” it’s about failing our own British values
Mind Begs the Question:
▪︎If Christians and Muslims
▪︎Both revere Jesus{pbuh}
▪︎Must be Foes or Friends?
@@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings its a politic-thing, just from the religious pov, no jew, muslim or christian have to fight, and i dont remember any serious religion that ever dictates to its followers to inherently be against a certain group or religion,
religion is being used for political gains by the elites who stay in the shadows
How can it be about failing British values, if "Muslims" don't or Won't integrate at all???
@@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings good point... So why do we treat them as foes?
@@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeingsMuslims do not believe that Jesus Christ is our God Lord and savior! So, their ideas are very different than Christianity ideas
Im a ex muslim and i can say with chest muslims are not compatible with the west.
what should we do?
@@MarkSteggles 💡🐛
@@buzz5695 hard r?
Ex Muslim 😁😁😁 still Muslim 😁😀😄😀
@@MarkSteggles if ex muslims controlled the border & deportations this country would change so quickly.