Really good trick in combination with Recall. It's because you do not need to target the nexus, just mouse-over somewhere around your base and it will recall. Great video, thx. Sadly I don't play as toss and terran to try their cool features :(
Man, the Protoss hate is just never ending in this game. I can't even watch a TeamLiquid tutorial video without feeling like a piece of shit for playing toss... Fucking so annoying.
Lol I first saw this in a youtube ad and couldn't believe my eyes...hilarious as well.
"not a cure for 1a syndrome or any other known protoss diseases"
How do you not have all the subscribers yet???
Really good trick in combination with Recall. It's because you do not need to target the nexus, just mouse-over somewhere around your base and it will recall. Great video, thx. Sadly I don't play as toss and terran to try their cool features :(
༼ つ ◕_◕༽つ THE POWER OF PROTOSS ༼ つ ◕_◕༽つ
I see how you almost ran out of breath there in the end.
what do you know about Ray Finkle?
did you see? or did you hear?! :P
Tutorial Central Sc2 omaga
Best video to date XD
Everyone will be protoss soon.....WHAAAAAT an understatement.......
Every zerg can tell you that this works with injects too
I wanna name my kid Like Him
well done
Anything with the letter c? Ok:
Oh. Dyac that was supposed to be an N
Is there any way to add additional alternates for the purpose of having rapid fire warpin, rapid fire recall, rapid fire feedback etc etc
Nope, but you can bind your recall, feedback, etc buttons same as your alternate
Can you do a contaminate episode? like what does it do to a CC or OB? can it still lift/land mule?
absolutely :)
This guide was like actually 97% a joke and I still don't get how to do it. Hahahaha.
Are Rapidfire hotkeys allowed in Tournaments?
yeap, pros have been using rapid fire for quite some time now.
Tutorial Central Sc2 thats why toss are getting the upper hand lately... ITS ALL BECAUSE OF YOUUUUU
Lol too funny.
They have to be crunchy croutons though. ;)
Cuestions. XD
Man, the Protoss hate is just never ending in this game. I can't even watch a TeamLiquid tutorial video without feeling like a piece of shit for playing toss... Fucking so annoying.