All your videos are so amazing ! I think the scenery and the interesting places in your country are beautiful and I love the wildlife and also appreciate the manmade environment.
Thank you very much Morelia, I am happy with your words and see that you enjoy the videos. All the best. Muchas Gracias Morelia, me alegran tus palabras y ver que disfrutas con los videos. Un saludo.
All your videos are so amazing ! I think the scenery and the interesting places in your country are beautiful and I love the wildlife and also appreciate the manmade environment.
Thank you very much Morelia, I am happy with your words and see that you enjoy the videos. All the best.
Muchas Gracias Morelia, me alegran tus palabras y ver que disfrutas con los videos. Un saludo.
Muito bom mesmo ❤️🎵🚗
Izaskun forma parte del municipio de Ibarra .En realidad la virgen de la ermita es la que da nombre a este precioso lugar de la comarca de Tolosaldea.