Chinese Podcast #56: Is China Really that Safe for Foreigners? 中国对于外国人真的那么安全吗?

  • Опубликовано: 3 дек 2024

Комментарии • 61

  • @Laci0001
    @Laci0001 Год назад +13

    I started to watch you guys because of the Chinese language practice, but I really like how varied your topics - guests are. The way you deal with these topics is praiseworthy. In the end, we always get to the education. The more educated people become, the more they know - the less prejudice and hate there will be.😎 抱歉,我的中文不够好,无法写出复杂的想法🎯

    • @dashumandarin
      @dashumandarin  Год назад +2


  • @taahirkamalchagan4018
    @taahirkamalchagan4018 4 месяца назад +1

    Fantastic podcast! As someone whose lived on the mainland for a while, and who works in the education industry, I could resonate with a lot of what was said. Thank you!

  • @dashumandarin
    @dashumandarin  Год назад +4

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  • @lingo-phile
    @lingo-phile Год назад +5

    Yes!! I literally just got home from Beijing last night. I spent 3 weeks there and I felt safer than my own city even walking around at midnight. But I would never give someone the chance to scam me.
    Like Dolores said, I think the “scammers” tend to be foreigners and you’re less likely to be scammed if you don’t go hang out with strangers or are looking for a relationship.

  • @unconventionalchinesewithkeren
    @unconventionalchinesewithkeren 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @gokkkT
    @gokkkT Год назад +1


  • @tiihore
    @tiihore Год назад +2

    一位新西兰老师出来了!🇳🇿🙋 I guess the reason so many foreigners ask those questions is the same reason so many Chinese people stare at foreigners so much: 好奇, 对吧?The problem is when it happens continuously and so often it becomes unbearable. 那,谢谢大家很有意思的讨论。我觉得中国肯定是非常安全,可是新西兰也是😉

  • @FoxinTaiwan
    @FoxinTaiwan Год назад +2

    Hey guys, please make a video about the 關係/人情文化 :)

  • @darrenvegan4815
    @darrenvegan4815 Год назад +1

    Very good ‼️‼️‼️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙂

  • @and1597
    @and1597 10 месяцев назад +1

    I’ve lived in China and heard this “he is just curious” many times and I understand that it’s true, but for some reason if I would to another person’s pocket out of my curiosity I would still be considered a thief, the same thing with racism, intentions don’t really matter actions and how you make the other person feel this is important

  • @realghosts580
    @realghosts580 Год назад +1

    17:09 《天高皇帝远》是一句谚语吗?

  • @realghosts580
    @realghosts580 Год назад +2

    8:08 科技发展可以让世界透明的,但是也让你不知道如照片,视频,或者知新闻是不是真的

  • @मैथिलीगामकगीत


  • @gabcq3300
    @gabcq3300 Год назад +9

    中国非常的安全啊。 只要你是合法的外国人,守法律就不会遇到问题!我是回国的时候才会感觉不太安全了,太习惯住在国内了😂

    • @dashumandarin
      @dashumandarin  Год назад +1

      是啊 遵守中国人普遍接受的道德规范就一定不会有问题

  • @erikosterhagen
    @erikosterhagen Год назад

    5:30 之前很多歐美人覺得台灣的大街小巷的CCTV讓外國人覺得奇怪而且不自由自在的感覺!但他們慢慢理解為甚麼要有這些CCTV。覺得被打擾的人肯定會有什麼惡意或者做壞事的習慣吧。😊

    • @dashumandarin
      @dashumandarin  Год назад


  • @ang1783
    @ang1783 Год назад +1


  • @mingxin1314
    @mingxin1314 Год назад

    不幸的是,我有一次在中国面临追我。 与此同时,我不是一个派对女孩,更喜欢呆在家里。我认识几个其他的外国的女孩也是有这样可怕的经验。(我住在中国四年。)

  • @nurulw8296
    @nurulw8296 Год назад

    I am in beginner level of Chinese. Hope you also add Chinese subtitles.😊😊Xiexie Laoshi

    • @dashumandarin
      @dashumandarin  Год назад

      We have Chinese CC subtitles, you can click the CC to let the subtitles show on the screen.

  • @karlkbrown
    @karlkbrown Год назад

    Deloris老师好, 我也在中国住的美国人。肯定一些最发生问我的问题是“你觉得中国好,还是美国好。 我也非常讨厌这个问题

  • @gabcq3300
    @gabcq3300 Год назад +1


    • @dashumandarin
      @dashumandarin  Год назад +1


    • @dashumandarin
      @dashumandarin  Год назад +1


  • @Chineseforall
    @Chineseforall Год назад +2


    • @gabcq3300
      @gabcq3300 Год назад +1


    • @dashumandarin
      @dashumandarin  Год назад +1


    • @Chineseforall
      @Chineseforall Год назад

      @@dashumandarin 确实,个人以为隐私跟人身安全比起来不值一提,不过有时也会影响到人身安全

  • @rairaidj1
    @rairaidj1 10 дней назад +1


  • @amanchina-rg8cj
    @amanchina-rg8cj Год назад +1


    • @dashumandarin
      @dashumandarin  Год назад +2


    • @amanchina-rg8cj
      @amanchina-rg8cj Год назад +1

      @@dashumandarin 那个播客视频我下载之后没有字幕。

  • @jovensalabre1792
    @jovensalabre1792 Год назад


  • @realghosts580
    @realghosts580 Год назад +1

    16:55 这个男女对立可以有意思的视频的话题。。。但是太猛吗?

    • @wyz9815
      @wyz9815 Год назад +1

      除非认为特别严重,中国人一般对于不太认同的东西采取忍耐或隐忍的态度,实在不对付则"我惹不起我躲得起"和你保持距离,很少会象国民性相对亚洲人好斗的西方人那样,非要针尖对麦芒去跟你掰扯清楚"我是对的你是错的",或非要弄个我赢你输而去主动挑起争端。 正因为中国人这种"得饶人出且饶人"和不爱用冲突的方式解决人与事的态度,无形中给了对方或彼此空间。
      男女和同性之争背后的思维模式是典型西方的思维模式。西方文化是博弈的文化,西方讲究个人主义,底层逻辑就是每个人只对自己负责,自己的权益也主要靠自己去争取, 在解决和他人矛盾时,没有"忍"和"让"的概念,只有输赢,而且赢者通吃。所以往往你死我活,只有你输了=我的受益。 西方的政府之所以会被视为必要的恶,因为从原则上执政党派本身也是"独立个体",它主要对自己的党派负责,照顾百姓与其说是责任不如说是其维系执政的成本。 而民要争取权益必须和政府博弈,所以游行示威和"言论自由"对西方人来说是最基本的博弈权力,所以什么事都爱用对抗的方式表达诉求。 我不希望中国被西方影响,以通过各种议题来制造社会各方冲突的方式去炒作性别或煽动任何对立,而是以自己的文化思维 - 协商 - 来解决各种矛盾。
      By the way, 我对同性恋没有想法,都是爹娘养大,各有各的喜好,只要不妨碍他人,怎么都行。但很不认同西方同性恋运动的做法, 他们/她们不是在争取和他人一样的同等权益,而是要求超越他人的特殊待遇。 比如为了自己特殊的如厕自由,挤占多数人的社会公共空间, 还让其他人不知道该怎么上厕所了或对上厕所感到极为不适,这样以侵犯他人的权益来争取自己权益的做法,就过了,也不符合他们信奉的"少数服从多数"的主张是吧。

  • @wyz9815
    @wyz9815 Год назад +1

    山东的事之所以在中国成为如此大的新闻,主要因为它是个体事件和比较恶劣,正好说明在中国这种现在不普遍。 而在欧美,街头的暴力袭击,抢劫,枪击已经成为社会性问题,具有一定的普遍性,所以二者比较不是很合适。

  • @fghjj908
    @fghjj908 Год назад


  • @dn-anonymous
    @dn-anonymous 11 месяцев назад

    Scammers abound - a colleague got scammed in BJ for 1000¥ for a haircut, because they started doing treatments he hadn’t ordered. Scum exists everywhere.

    • @dashumandarin
      @dashumandarin  11 месяцев назад

      sorry to hear about it, some hair salon really not trustworthy

    • @dn-anonymous
      @dn-anonymous 11 месяцев назад

      @@dashumandarin is it common in this specific industry? Or just a problem in some places?