- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- Gerai SIM Lippo Mall Puri Indah berlokasi di Jalan Puri Indah Raya Blok U 1, Puri Indah, Kembangan Selatan, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia.
Alur perpanjangan SIM A:
1. Ambil formulir
2. Isi formulir kemudian diserahkan petugas di pintu masuk dengan membayar Rp 60.000
3. Berkas kemudian diserahkan ke petugas verifikasi di dalam disertai SIM A asli dan fotocopy dua lembar serta copy KTP dua lembar.
4. Tes kesehatan buta warna.
5. Bayar asuransi Rp 50.0000
6. Foto, sidik jadi di mesin scanner, tanda tangan di mesin digital bayar Rp 120.000.
7. SIM A dan kartu Asuransi dicetak.
Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk perpanjangan SIM A hanya 25 menit, kebetulan pagi itu antrean belum ramai.
Memperpanjang SIM dilakukan sebelum masa berlaku jatuh tempo, jika lewat tidak bisa diperpanjang dan harus ujian lagi.
#Lippo Mall Puri Indah
#SIM Keliling
#Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya
Perpanjangan SIM.di Lippo mall Puri .indah.. terimakasih informasinya . Sang membantu informasi bagi masyarakat yg mau perpanjangan SIM👍👍
Terima kasih selalu hadir.
Panen tanaman Gambas ke-9 hasil melimpah, keren bossss, sangat menginspirasi, Like 22, makin sukses.
*assalamualaikum kakak ikut nyimak perpanjangan SIM 25 menit SDH kelar cepat sekali prosesnya*
Waalaikumsalam, benar sekali sangat cepat. Terima kasih telah hadir.
Rawon Setan menu Lebaran di Taiwan, luar biasa mantap, sob. Like 619. Sukses selalu.
খুব ভালো লাগল
Many thanks.
🌟Awesome sharing, great content the looks delicious recipe yummy food, 67 like it. Good luck my friend.
Nyimak video nya .. Perpanjangan SIM A .. Makasih sudah berbagi informasi nya ... Semoga sehat selalu
Amin, terima kasih kembali telah singgah.
Background music untuk RUclips bebas copyright for, luar biasa keren, kawan. Like 35, sukses selalu.
Happy weekend friend good sharing
Stay conected 🤗good tour
Thanks for visiting.
Awesome sharing, great content the amazing super cool the excelent tutorial, 72 like it. Good luck my friend.
So nice video creator channel thanks you so much for your sharing
Many thanks.
🌟Great content the wonderful the looks so beautiful these Ta Prohm temple, Tomb Raider, Seim Reap, Cambodia, 22 like it. Good luck my friend.
Pelayanan yg memuaskan perpanjang sim butuh wkt yg lmyan cepat
Terima kasih telah hadir.
Laga persahabatan Perseba FC vs PSKT FC hujan gol, skor 5 - 5, nyimak sob, keren. Like 80, sukses selalu.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh kawan baru mantap semangatnya untuk melakukan hal yang bermanfaat bagi kita semua keren
Waalaikumsalam, terima kasih telah mampir.
Salam kenal kawan, Nyimak, Merindukan Mu, lagu ciptaan sendiri, luar biasa keren. Like 147, sukses selalu.
Assalamu'alaiqum Warahmatullah Wabaraqatuh
L338 perpanjang sim a di lippo mall prosesnya cepat dan simpel ya
Waalaikumsalam, terima kasih telah mampir.
Jalan Menuju Tempat Wisata Cirebon Terbaru, Talaga Langit, Padepokan Anti Galau, dan Waduk Setupatok, luar biasa keren, bossss. Like 71, salam sukses.
Ikut nyimk video hari ini. Ditunggu video berikutnya
Asiaaaaap,terima kasih telah mampir.
PERBEDAAN SMA DENGAN KULIAH di UNIVERSITAS NEGERI PADANG, nyimak kawan, informatif. Like 6, sukses selalu.
Informasi yang bagus
Sangat bermanfaat sekali
Lebih mudah dan cepat ya di mall
Terima kasih telah singgah.
Salam kenal bosssss. Nymak, Monumen Palagan Kembang Arum ABRI & Rakyat Melawana Penjajah, Turi, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), keren dan informatif. Like 3, sukses selalu.
asalamuaikum wr wb
Lampung hdir slam knal kak
Waalaikumsalam, terima kasih telah singgah.
Salam kenal sob. Nyimak, acara sembahyangan di Taiwan, Like 5. Sukses selalu.
Wah mantap bang sangat rekomended banget gak harus nunggu waktu lama 25 kelar
Terima kasih telah hadir.
BORONG ES DOGER SAMPAI LUDES, ENJUALNYA LANGSUNG GIRANG, luar biasa keren dan lanjutkan terus berbagi, Like 36. Salam sukses.
Alhamdulillah bang sekarang di permudah oleh pemerintah
Amin, terima kasih telah mampir.
Hardiknas 2022 Media Panjinasional mengadakan Bakti Sosial Momentum peduli guru, luar biasa keren dan menjadi contoh yang baik. Like 60, sukses selalu.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for watching!
🌟Awesome content wonderful the looks Aloo'r Tarkari recipe, 90 like it. Good luck my friend.
Pelayanan singkat no ruwet no ruwet
Petugas itu Pelayan jasa Pengunjung itu yang sebenarnya jadi Bos nya.
Harapan semua orang...
Asiaaaaaaap, terima kasih telah singgah.
Menyanyi Langgam JOWO "Mustika Pancasila", luar biasa keren, bosss. Like 74, salam sukses.
আসসালামু আলাইকুম।
আশা করি পরিবারের সবাই ভাল ও সুস্থ আছেন।
ভাল ও সুস্থ থাকেন এই কামনা করছি।
মাসাআল্লাহ ভিডিওটা অনেক সুন্দর হয়েছে।
অপেক্ষায় রইলাম অন্য কোন নতুন ভিডিও দেখার জন্য।👍👌🌷👈
Big thanks.
🌟Awesome sharing, great content the looks sweet Potato recipe yummy food, 105 like it. Good luck my friend.
Many thanks.
🌟Great content the wonderful so nice the excavator Kobelco, 98 like it. Good luck my friend.
nice safe travel my friend, have a great weekend
Thanks for visiting.
Awesome sharing, great content the amazing gameplay, like it. Good luck my friend.
Wow, what a wonderful upload! This is great! Fantastic! Thanks for another great upload share! Fantastic!
Thank you! Cheers!
Awesome sharing, great content the food looks Bengali Style Smelt Fish Curry tasty recipe, 50 like it. Good luck my friend.
Happy hump day! Thanks for sharing this awesome video with us, keep up the good work, stay safe and happy
Thank you! Will do!
Awesome sharing, great content the wonderful The Aftermath Of The Tulsa Oklahoma Race Massacre Of 1921/ Part 3, 19 like it. Good luck my friend.
Great video 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Great channel 👍🏻 👍🏻 👍🏻
Big thanks.
Welcome. Awesome sharing, great content wonderful place nature so nice tutorial, 29 like it. Good luck my friend.
Very beautiful upload thanks for sharing have a nice evening greetings good luck
Thank you! You too!
Awesome sharing, great content the amazing super cool Hrašćanski Čestitari - S tobom sam sretan ja, 34 like it. Good luck my friend.
Wonderful, interesting, entertaining nd super engaging enjoyment of travelling,,L138👍👍👍🥰🌹
Thank you so much 👍
🌟 Great content the wonderful so nice the lesson and information, 54 like it. Good luck my friend.
L2.. Pangandaran hadir sodaraku.. Ikut nyimak videonya...
Terima kasih telah hadir.
Meluncur di ombak dengan selancar di Pantai Pangandaran, luar biasa keren, bossss. Like 56, sukses selalu.
Ap k videos bahut acche hote hain☺
Nice sharing
God bless you
Big thanks.
Awesome sharing, great content the food looks South Indian style curd rice tasty recipe, 26 like it. Good luck my friend.
Perpanjangan SIM a di gerai terima kasih atas info nya saudara ku is the best good
Terima kasih kembali telah mampir.
Odgj mau menangkap maling, nyimak kawan, Like 1. Sukses selalu.
Makasih dengan informasinya dalam perpanjangan SIM 👍115
Terima kasih selalu hadir.
MURAI BATU BORNEO GACOR, keren dan mantap, bossss. Like 30, sukses selalu.
So nice vlog. 👍👍🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀
Thanks for visiting.
Awesome sharing, great content the amazing super cool the Tim - Yara 'Baja", like it. Good luck my friend.
Hadir ni 👍👍👍👍❤️
Mantap video nya
Semoga sukses chanelnya
Amin, terima kasih telah mampir.
Salam kenal kawan. Nyimak, Nansi Kuning Mbah Gureng, luar biasa mantap. Like 31, sukses selalu.
Nice video my friend,,watching again ,,keep safe always for driving ❤😊
Thank you 👍
🌟Great content, the really amazing are beautiful cover music, 36 like it. More success my friend.🙏🙏❤❤
Selamat Pagi juga Pak.
Perpanjang Sim A di Gerai Lippo Mall Puri Indah mantapppp Pak👍 + lokasinya jg sgt baguss.
Salam sukses selalu ya!🙏🙏🙏
Amin, terima kasih telah singgah.
🌟Luar biasa keren dan bahagia, bunga dan kue cantik untuk Ultah Oma, Like 34. Sukses selalu di sana, sob.
Selamat beraktivitas .. Nyimak video nya .. Perpanjang SIM A .. Makasih sudah berbagi informasi nya ..
Terima kasih telah singgah.
Background music yang luar biasa keren, kawan. Like 46. Sukses selalu.
~~I watched all of your videos to the end and watched all of your commercials. See you again.~~
Many thanks.
Awesome sharing, great content the wonderful your decoration looks amazing specially to the lighted candle, 237 like it. Good luck my friend.
Ikut nyimak video nya malam ini. Perpanjangan Sim A
Terima kasih telah singgah.
SERVICE HP INFINIX SMART 5, CHARGING BERMASALAH, nyimak kawan, informatif. Like 39, sukses selalu.
Mashallah. Nice place. Thank you so much ❣😒
Thank you too.
🌟Awesome sharing, great content the wonderful so nice Guanyin Bodhisattva, 32 like it. Good luck my friend.
Izin nyimak vidionya ka.
Salam sukses dan kompak selalu 🙏
Amin, terima kasih telah singgah.
Salam kenal kawan. Nymak, cara buat cutting sticker batu nisan, luar biasa keren dan sangat menginspirasi, Like 74. Salam sukses, salkomsel.
Nyimak perpanjangam sim semoga lancar boskuh
Amin, terima kasih telah singgah.
Mafia gedang solo, luar biasa mantap, bossss. Like 7, salam sukses.
Bagus....pelayanan maksimal....
Terima kasih telah singgah.
Penangkaran Rusa di Ranca Upas-Ciwidey, luar biasa informatif, kawan. Like 61, salam sukses.
Buongiorno amico mio e complimenti per il tuo splendido video un bellissimo ed emozionante film con panorami fantastici e riprese bellissime ottimo lavoro grazie per la condivisione grande like per te e grande supporto per il tuo bellissimo canale, ti auguro una splendida giornata e tanta felicità e fortuna 👍👍👍🔝🔝💯🤗🤗🤗👏👏👋👋👋🙌✌👋👋👋👋🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
Big thanks.
Awesome sharing, great content the amazing super cool ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL REMIX 2022 We Don't Need P. Pirupa, 229 like it. Good luck my friend.
Salam perkenalan 🍀🍀 terima kasih perkongsiannya 🤗🤗
Terima kasih telah hadir.
Salam kenal kembali bosss.Nyimak, AIR STONE , buat pilihan sebelum beli, luar biasa keren dan informatif. Like 72, sukses selalu.
Like 119 Have a wonderful day to u my friend. Enjoy watching here the beautiful scenery around the city. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for visiting.
Awesome sharing, great content the wonderful place road trip to Penampang, Kota Kinabalu, 29 like it. Good luck my friend.
Sangat cepat perpanjangan sim nya sobat..bagus banget itu.
Terima kasih telah singgah.
Panen padi dengan hasil melimpah, sangat menginspirasi, bossss. Like 240, salam sukses.
Nyimak Kak.....Nyimak Kak.....Beautiful 😍😍.....❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Terima kasih telah hadir.
Mobil PickUp Melaju Dengan Kecepatan Tinggi Dan Melompat, Game Mobil Seru, luar biasa keren, Like 542. Makin sukses kawan.
Perpanjangan SIM A di Gerai Lippo Mall Puri, terima kasih atas sharing dan informasinya ...
Terimakasih telah mampir, sukses selalu, sob.
Good morning dear friends nice video thanks for sharing I wish you good health and good luck 💖🌺
Big thanks.
Awesome sharing, great content the amazing oh oh yeye cover music, 22 like it. Good luck my friend.
Wow so wonderful video 💗💗💗💗💗💗
Many many thanks.
Welcome. Awesome sharing, great content the amazing super cool gameplay Matchington Mansion Cruise Ship Theater Ep.5, 31 like it. Good luck my friend.
wonderful sharing! keep it up my friend!
Thanks for visiting.
Awesome sharing, great content the food looks Nagaraya Original Cracker Nuts 160g, Random Product Review, 34 like it. Good luck my friend.
Perpanjangan SIM... terimakasih atas informasinya.. hati hati dijalan pak.bos👍👍
Terima kasih kembali telah hadir.
Strike belut monster, luar bisa keren sensasinya, bossss. Like 45, sukses selalu.
infonya mantap pak bos
selamat malamm
Terima kasih telah hadir.
Vlog Jalan-Jalan di Siu Sai Wan Hongkong, luar biasa keren kawan. Like 58, salam sukses.
What a lovely sharing ,thank you for showing us around .
Big thanks.
Awesome sharing, great content the amazing super cool very nice back yard, love the plants, flowers and trees, 26 like it. Good luck my friend.
Mksh sering perpanjangan simnya slm santun
Terima kasih telah hadir.
Tutorial bagian 1 membuat lontong, keren dan bermanfaat, kawan. Like 47, sukses selalu.
chào bạn. cảm ơn video chia sẽ rất thú vị luôn ủng hộ bạn like98
Big thanks.
Awesome sharing, great content the wonderful place very beautiful and nature farm, 371 like it. Good luck my friend.
Yet another excellent creation with so nice driving trip through the beautiful place. Thanks for sharing. Good luck and all the best. Like 107
Many thanks!
Awesome sharing, great content wonderful relax music, 61 like it. Good luck my friend.
Mantap om, pelayanan perpanjang sim nya, sangat cepat, 👍
Asiaaaap, terima kasih telah singgah.
Aktifitas di pagi hari di desa, joging ke desa terpencil, keren bossss. Like 17, sehat selalu.
L91 looks foggy many Trees passing by. Hello host good Morning Macau time 1:57 a.m keep safe God bless fully watch.
Thanks for coming.
Awesome sharing, great content the amazing super cool live streaming have a wonderful weekend, 67 like it. Good luck my friend.
Mantap maze informasine, kudune sim seumur hidup men ora perpanjang terus
Asiaaaaap, terima kasih telah singgah.
Perjalanan dari TSM ke TELKOM University Bandung, nyimak kawan, Like 35. Sukses selalu.
Semakin mudah perpanjangan SIM...makaseh infonya Pak.slm kenal ya😊
Terima kasih telah hadir.
Salam kenal kembali bossss. Nymak, lucu dan sangat menghibur, Like 41. Sukses selalu.
Terima kasih banyak atas informasinya kak
Terima kasih kembali telah singgah.
Salam kenal, sob. Nyimak, INSTRUMEN SULING SUNDA PAPATONG, luar biasa keren. Like 38, sukses selalu.
Ikut nyimak salam silaturahmi om
Terima kasih telah singgah.
Mantan TKI KOREA sukses ternak domba Garut, sangat menginspirasi, kawan. Like 28, tetap semangat.
Thank you for sharing
happy weekend friend
Big thanks.
Awesome sharing, great content the amazing super cool to get approval from others, but the true approval has to come from yourself, 79 like it. Good luck my friend.
Lumayan cepat juga prosesnya sahabat, sukses terus channelnya sahabat ku
Amin, terima kasih telah hadir.
Membuat Bonsai mame dari bahan Serut, luar biasa keren dan inspiratif, bossss. Like 182, sukses selalu.
Mashaallah jamil very like 10👍👌
Big thanks.
Awesome sharing, great content the food looks Receta de Beghrir, like it. Good luck my friend.
Informasi yang bermanfaat kawan
Terima kasih telah hadir.
Cara pasang dinamo mesin cuci 1 tabung part 2, informatif kawan. Like 3, salam sukses.
Perjalanan yang panjang sukses terus kawanku
Amin, terima kasih telah mampir.
Motif Bonsai Serut unik dan istimewa, luar biasa keren dan indah, kawan. Like 35, sukses selalu.
Selamat malam 🙏
Izin nyimak meramaikan kegiatan perpanjangan sim A, mantap sekali informasi om😊👍
Terima kasih telah hadir.
Best Mullet Hairstyles For Men's, luar biasa keren dan informatif, kawan. Like 169, salam sukses.
Perpanjangan sim.makasih info nya Bosq👍
Terima kasih kembali telah singgah.
BAKWAN UDANG CRISPY, luar biasa mantap, Mbak. Like 96, sukses selalu.
Nice one and thanks for sharing
Thanks for watching.
Awesome sharing, great content the looks incredible decor with fruits and flowers, 174 like it. Good luck my friend.
like 112, perpanjang SIM
di Lippo, mkasih sharing videonya
Terima kasih telah singgah.
Cara Membuka 4 Aura Dasar, Mengenal Sedulur Papat Limo Pancer, luar biasa keren bossss. Like 290, sukses selalu.
Like 17 👍🏻
Wah cepet ya cuma 25 menit
Lancar dan sukses, Kawan
Amin, terima kasih telah singgah.
Perbedaan wangsit dan bunga tidur, sangat informatif, kawan. Like 238, sukses selalu.
Beautiful sharing stay connected keep sharing
Thanks and sure.
Awesome sharing, great content the food looks Eid Special Recipes delicious, 55 like it. Good luck my friend.
Wow another nice your my frns
Thanks for coming.
🌟Awesome sharing, great content the wonderful so nice Selosa beach, 33 like it. Good luck my friend.
Great sharing my friend.Stay safe.😍👍
Thank you! You too!
🌟Awesome sharing, great content the wonderful unbox Huawei Matepad, 90 like it. Good luck my friend.
very nice beautiful sharing stay safe and stay healthy 🇵🇰💚
Big thanks.
Awesome sharing, great content the food looks Tori Ke Recipe, Special Piyaz Tori ki Sabzi, 70 like it. Good luck my friend.
Ótimo vídeo deixo meu positivo 👍
Big thanks.
Awesome sharing, great content the amazing super cool Esconderijo de Deus, 51 like it. Good luck my Pr.
สวัสดีมีความสุขมากๆนะครับผม มารับชมและทักทายด้วยคนนะครับผม
Big thanks.
🌟Great content, these amazing are beautiful fishing fish, like it. Good luck my friend.🙏
Terimakasih infonya bang, lancar selalu aktivitas nya
Amin, terima kasih telah singgah.
Dua Minggu setelah dipupuk organik durian ochee dan bawor tumbuh tunas daun muda, keren bossss, inspiratif. Like 107, sukses selalu.
Proses yg begitu cepat dan sesuai prosedur utk kepengurusan sim dll.
Asiaaaaap, terima kasih telah hadir.
🌟Luar biasa informatif, caraq bikin video RUclips dengan HP, Like 15. Sukses selalu.
Wow so beautiful and amazing friend 🥰❤️
Thank you so much 😊
Awesome sharing, great content the wonderful place going to Village so really very nice vlog, 47 like it. Good luck my friend.
Big Like video
Many thanks.
Awesome sharing, great content the amazing old knife, 25 like it. Good luck my friend.
Beautiful and relaxing place to come and thanks for always sharing
Thanks for visiting.
Awesome sharing, great content the wonderful Royal Icing Rose Flowers, Unwired & Delicious Sugar Flowers For Cake Decors, 112 like it. Good luck my friend.
Mantab perpanjang SIM di Mall bisa cepat selesai
Terima kasih telah singgah.
Banyak pilihan restauran Jepang di kawasan Blok M, Jakarta Selatan. Restorannya serasa makan di Jepang, luar biasa mantap, kawan. Like 100, salam sukses.
Lk6.Hadir bng👍👍🌷🌻
Terima kasih telah singgah.
Detailing Daihatsu Xenia R Sporty 2013, luar biasa keren, kawan. Like 37, sukses selalu.
Super cool upload, bigliked
Thank you! Cheers!
Awesome sharing, great content the wonderful place the Orchid City of the Philippines, 41 like it. Good luck my friend.
Always be careful in your daily driving routine.
Salamat pagi
Thanks, you too!
Awesome sharing, great content the wonderful Pile Harvesting/Pilote Philippine Construction Boom, 31 like it. Good luck my friend.
Nice images of the street! Greetings from Mallorca! Like 101
Thank you! Cheers!
Awesome sharing, great content the wonderful place Jardines de Alfabia Mallorca 🇪🇸Abril 2022, 61 like it. Good luck my friend.
Perpanjang sIM ..sip ini contoh yang taat undang undang yaa Bos ...tetap semangat
Asiaaaaaap, terima kasih telah hadir.
Wajah New Brio Urbanite, Sporty & Stylish, luar biasa keren, kawan. Like 6, sukses selalu.
Cửa hàng SIM Lippo Mall Puri Indah rất thú vị với nội dung chi tiết rất hấp dẫn. Bạn đã giới thiệu đề tài rất thú vị và truyền tải thông tin một cách dễ hiểu và tuyệt vời. Tôi mong muốn xem thêm nhiều video từ Bạn trong tương lai.
Big thanks.
🌟Great content the wonderful so nice the pray temple super cool, 363 like it. Good luck my friend.
Hello. It's a wonderful road. I pray that good things will happen to you.
Many thanks.
🌟Wonderful content, the looks these amazing a beautiful sunrise, 15 like it. Good luck my friend.
Thank you. Have a nice day.
Another wonderful sharing views
Great job
Thank you! Cheers!
Awesome sharing, great content wonderful solution of Matrices and Determinants Question, 8 like it. Good luck my friend.
Nice video friend
Thanks for the visit.
Awesome sharing, great content the amazing super cool prefer fantastic jewelery, 59 like it. Good luck my friend.
Perpanjangan SIM A di Puri indah Mall malah teringat makan Beef steak Salam sukses Kak
Asiaaaap, terima kasih selalu hadir.
Resep Goreng Ikan Kepala Batu, Vlog BMI Taiwan, luar biasa mantap, sob. Like 43, salam sukses!
Mantap 👍
Terima kasih telah singgah.
Salam kenal bosssss. Nyimak, bongkar rahasia sukses youtuber pemula modal hp jadul sampai bisa gajian, luar biasa keren dan inspiratif. Like 261, sukses selalu.
Very nice video L ⚘ 🥀 32
Thank you! Cheers!
Awesome sharing, great content the wonderful place Ali Haidari and the summer nights, 44 like it. Good luck my friend.
So beautiful the street,very nice sharing. Thank you very much.!
Thanks for visiting.
Awesome sharing, great content the amazing super cool place Saigon and this zoo and botanic garden, 42 like it. Good luck my friend.
nice sharing ,thank you so much
Thank you! Cheers!
Awesome sharing, great content the amazing super cool the streets of your town are very lively, 19 like it. Good luck my friend.
Waah keren 25 MUNITE jadi buat SIM
Terima kasih telah hadir.
🌟Great content the wonderful the looks so nice for sharing, like it. Good luck my friend.
Alhamdulillah mudah-mudahan alloh Akan selalu melindungi kita semua
Amin, terima kasih telah hadir.
Bercerita dengan pelanggan grab soal pembebasan dari pemerintah pemakaian masker, nyimak bosss. Like 16, salam sukses.
Terbilang cukup mudah untuk memperpanjang sim, mantab bang informasinya dan sangat berguna ❤️
Terus berkarya dan sukses 👍
Salam pemula 🌱🙏
Amin, terima kasih telah singgah.
Salam kenal. Nyimak, jalan-jalan mengelilingi bukit di desa Panjerejo, Kabupaten Pringsewu, luar bisa keren, sukses selalu, kawan.
Nice! Great share
Thank you very much!
🌟Awesome sharing, great content the look delicious recipe yummy food, 49 like it. Good luck my friend.