Try not to beat yourself up if you have days when you don't get any writing done. Stuff comes up and life takes priority. I've had loads of days where I've decided, "I have some free time today and I'm going to spend all that time writing!" And life just says, "Nope. Unexpected family emergency. No writing for you today!" You've just got to learn to let those days go and not let them discourage you. ❤ 23:20 Your daughter is so cute btw! ... Hellooooooooooo! 😁
Your daughter is adorable, she made me smile.
Your keyboard is really nice, I really like that sound it makes as you are typing too.
I missed the video of you sharing your channel!! I’m gonna have to catch up on all of these!! 🤍
Try not to beat yourself up if you have days when you don't get any writing done. Stuff comes up and life takes priority. I've had loads of days where I've decided, "I have some free time today and I'm going to spend all that time writing!" And life just says, "Nope. Unexpected family emergency. No writing for you today!" You've just got to learn to let those days go and not let them discourage you. ❤
23:20 Your daughter is so cute btw! ... Hellooooooooooo! 😁
Thank you 😊 yes that is definitely something I am working on. Not easy but I am getting there.