I'm remembering all the 99 names of Allah SWT. I reverted to Islam 2 months ago and I remembered 53/99 names of Allah SWT so far. InshaAllah I will memorize all of the names.
Respected Brother Asslam alai kum ( w.w ) Please share with we that dua They Recited last that is darood sharif i think please give me that engish Meaning ......Please Brother
Ar-Rahman 1 The All-Compassionate Ar-Rahim 2 The All-merciful Al-Malik 3 The Absolute Ruler Al-Quddus 4 The Pure One As-Salam 5 The Source of Peace Al-Mu’min 6 The Inspirer of Faith Al-Muhaymin 7 The Guardian Al-‘Aziz 8 The Victorious Al-Jabbar 9 The Compeller Al-Mutakabbir 10 The Greatest Al-Khaliq 11 The Creator Al-Bari’ 12 The Maker of Order Al-Musawwir 13 The Shaper of Beauty Al-Ghaffar 14 The Forgiving Al-Qahhar 15 The Subduer Al-Wahhab 16 The Giver of All Ar-Razzaq 17 The Sustainer Al-Fattah 18 The Opener Al-‘Alim 19 The Knower of All Al-Qabid 20 The Constrictor Al-Basit 21 The Reliever Al-Khafid 22 The Abaser Ar-Rafi’ 23 The Exalter Al-Mu’izz 24 The Bestower of Honors Al-Mudhill 25 The Humiliator As-Sami 26 The Hearer of All Al-Basir 27 The Seer of All Al-Hakam 28 The Judge Al-‘Adl 29 The Just Al-Latif 30 The Subtle One Al-Khabir 31 The All-Aware Al-Halim 32 The Forebearing Al-‘Azim 33 The Magnificent Al-Ghafur 34 The Forgiver and Hider of Faults Ash-Shakur 35 The Rewarder of Thankfulness Al-‘Ali 36 The Highest Al-Kabir 37 The Greatest Al-Hafiz 38 The Preserver Al-Muqit 39 The Nourisher Al-Hasib 40 The Accounter Al-Jalil 41 The Mighty Al-Karim 42 The Generous Ar-Raqib 43 The Watchful One Al-Mujib 44 The Responder to Prayer Al-Wasi’ 45 The All-Comprehending Al-Hakim 46 The Perfectly Wise Al-Wadud 47 The Loving One Al-Majíd 48 The Majestic One Al-Ba’ith 49 The Resurrector Ash-Shahid 50 The Witness Al-Haqq 51 The Truth Al-Wakil 52 The Trustee Al-Qawi 53 The Possessor of All Strength Al-Matin 54 The Forceful One Al-Wáli 55 The Governor Al-Hamid 56 The Praised One Al-Muhsi 57 The Appraiser Al-Mubdi 58 The Originator Al-Mu’id 59 The Restorer Al-Muhyi 60 The Giver of Life Al-Mumit 61 The Taker of Life Al-Hayy 62 The Ever Living One Al-Qayyum 63 The Self-Existing One Al-Wajid 64 The Finder Al-Májid 65 The Glorious Al-Wahid 66 The Only One Al-Ahad 67 The One As-Samad 68 The Satisfier of All Needs Al-Qadir 69 The All Powerful Al-Muqtadir 70 The Creator of All Power Al-Muqaddim 71 The Expediter Al-Mu’akhkhir 72 The Delayer Al-Awwal 73 The First Al-Akhir 74 The Last Az-Zahir 75 The Manifest One Al-Batin 76 The Hidden One Al-Walí 77 The Protecting Friend Al-Muta’ali 78 The Supreme One Al-Barr 79 The Doer of Good At-Tawwab 80 The Guide to Repentance Al-Muntaqim 81 The Avenger Al-Afu 82 The Forgiver Ar-Ra’uf 83 The Clement Malik al-Mulk 84 The Owner of All Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram 85 The Lord of Majesty and Bounty Al-Muqsit 86 The Equitable One Al-Jami 87 The Gatherer Al-Ghani 88 The Rich One Al-Mughni 89 The Enricher Al-Mani’ 90 The Preventer of Harm Ad-Darr 91 The Creator of The Harmful An-Nafi 92 The Creator of Good An-Nur 93 The Light Al-Hadi 94 The Guide Al-Badi 95 The Originator Al-Baqi 96 The Everlasting One Al-Warith 97 The Inheritor of All Ar-Rashid 98 The Righteous Teacher As-Sabur 99 The Patient One
Leaving this single comment here in hope that if you like it I might come back to hear this masterpiece again ... In sha Allah May Allah bless you all.
Leaving this comment in hope anybody plz like this to remind me of listening this beautiful n wonderful recitation, to come here again and again, Allah bless you,
I am Hindu, but i respect Islam very much, I respect Allah Taala ✨ i listened this first time on Instagram reel and then came here... Whenever I listened this i felt goosebumps 😌💫
@@davidaustin8262 i dont know whether u are right or wrong but i can definitely say that u are being very harsh...in contrast to your first sentence let me remind you when non muslims disrespect Islam we get triggered and when they do respect then also we get triggered just in your case... ALLAH MUST BE RESPECTED BY ALL... Plz be soft spoken and respectable towrds someone whose trying to learn about Islam and Allah...our words can either bring them back to islam or push them further away... dont be too hard on them they are trying to learn and Allah definitely takes 10 steps towards somebody who takes one step towards Allah....plz be gentle, soft spoken and inviting to those who are trying to learn Islam its our responsibility. Thankyou
@@farah_naaz It's but if you are a Muslim than tell me one thing: Does Allah need anyone's respect? If not then you have got my point.And the person to whom I have said this is considerable for the answer. You are kind to know but The person should use good words and gentle words or he/she should say "I love Allah and Islam or I like deen e Islam but no comments like that!"Hope dear you understand my point of view.
Leaving this comment in hope plz like this to remind me of listening this beautiful and wonderful recitation to come here again and again.Allah bless you❤❤❤ Thanks for likes to remind me.
Please don't lie now our emman is not strong we just want replies to our comment l am not just talking about you l am talking about everyone now our emman is not strong 😢😢😭😔
Respected Brother Asslam alai kum ( w.w ) Please share with we that dua They Recited last that is darood sharif i think please give me that engish Meaning ......Please Brother
don't memorize. They did it for You. Feel. Pray. Kneel. Look Up and Be Free from Guilt. Allah sees and blesses your soul. Sing Your Shame Away. Divine Forgiveness. Allah the Merciful. Sing.
Dear brother, U can remember Allah SWT even by looking around u , the beautifully created nature and all the universe , even our bodies and how it works.
💞 ALLAH 💞 1 AR RAHMAAN الرحمن 2 AR RAHEEM الرحيم 3 AL MALIK الملك 4 AL QUDDUS القدوس 5 AS SALAM السلام 6 AL MU'MIN المؤمن 7 AL MUHAYMIN المهيمن 8 AL AZEEZ العزيز 9 AL JABBAR الجبار 10 AL MUTAKABBIR الْمُتَكَبِّرُ 11 AL KHAALIQ الخالق 12 AL BAARI البارئ 13 AL MUSAWWIR المصور 14 AL GHAFFAR الغفار 15 AL QAHHAR القهار 16 AL WAHHAAB الوهاب 17 AR RAZZAAQ الرزاق 18 AL FATTAH الفتاح 19 AL ALEEM العليم 20 AL QAABID القابض 21 AL BAASIT الباسط 22 AL KHAAFIDH الخافض 23 AR RAAFI' الرافع 24 AL MU'IZZ المعز 25 AL MUZIL المذل 26 AS SAMI' السميع 27 AL BASIR البصير 28 AL HAKAM الحكم 29 AL ADL العدل 30 AL LATEEF اللطيف 31 AL KHABEER الخبير 32 AL HALEEM الحليم 33 AL-'ATHEEM العظيم 34 AL GHAFOOR الغفور 35 ASH SHAKOOR الشكور 36 AL ALI العلي 37 AL KABIR الكبير 38 AL HAFEEDH الحفيظ 39 AL MUQIT المقيت 40 AL HASEEB الحسيب 41 AL JALIL الجليل 42 AL KARIM الكريم 43 AR RAQIB الرقيب 44 AL MUJIB المجيب 45 AL WASI' الواسع 46 AL HAKIM الحكيم 47 AL WADOODالودود 48 AL MAJID المجيد 49 AL BA'ITH الباعث 50 ASH SHAHEED الشهيد 51 AL HAQQ الحق 52 AL WAKEEL الوكيل 53 AL QAWIYY القوي 54 AL MATEEN المتين 55 AL WALIYY الولي 56 AL HAMIDU الحميد 57AL MUHSI المحصي 58 AL MUBDI المبدئ 59 AL MU'ID المعيد 60 AL MUHYI المحيي 61 AL MUMIT المميت 62 AL HAYY الحي 63 AL QAYYUM القيوم 64 AL WAAJID الواجد 65 AL MAAJID الماجد 66 AL WAAHID الواحد 67 AL AHAD الاحد 68 AS SAMAD الصمد 69 AL QAADIR القادر 70 AL MUQTADIR المقتدر 71 AL MUQADDIM المقدم 72 AL MU'AKHKHIR المؤخر 73 AL AWWAL الأول 74 AL AAKHIR الآخر 75 AZ DHAAHIR الظاهر 76 AL BAAT'IN الباطن 77 AL WAALIالوالي 78 AL MUTA'ALI المتعالي 79 AL BARR البر 80 AT TAWWAB التواب 81 AL MUNTAQIM المنتقم 82 AL 'AFUWW العفو 83 AR RA'UF الرؤوف 84 MALIK UL MULK مالك الملك 85 DHUL JALAALI WAL IKRAM ذو الجلال و الإكرام 86 AL MUQSIT' المقسط 87 AL JAAMI' الجامع 88 AL GHANIYY الغني 89 AL MUGHNI المغني 90 AL MANI' المانع 91 AD DHARR الضآر 92 AN NAFI' النافع 93 AN NURالنور 94 AL HADI الهادي 95 AL BADI'I البديع 96 AL BAAQI الباقي 97 AL WARITH الوارث 98 ARRASHID الرشيد 99 AS SABOOR الصبور
Take a few seconds and say Astaghfirullah x3 SubhanAllah x3 Allhamdulillah x3 Allah-hu-Akbar x3 La ilaha illallah x3 Congratulations good deeds for both of us
Brother choose your words wisely when you speak about something like this... Its not insane.. Its the most sane thing. Im sure you did not mean that but still... Assalamu alaikum😊
In nov 2024 .....i am still listening.... My lil son Arhaan listen it continuously before sleeping ....N alhamdulillah i am memorizing the. names of almighty Allah ❤️..
Subhanallah filled my heart with imaan and my eyes with tears. Allahu Akbar He is the most Merciful and the most Honourable amd the Mighty and The Giver of Protection ☝️
Yes. I See You. Yes. I Remember You. Yes Child. No. I'm not offended not mad at you at all. Again. Want to Fly With Me??? My Son In Law wants to be Your Friend. My Nephew Wants to Sing with You. My Dog wants to Show You Water. My Cat say Miau Miau 😊. One more for You.
i never had very good friends but after knowing the meaning of the beautiful names of Allah i realised i will always have AL WALEEY by my side and i need no friends
Beautiful comment. Indeed our Prophet Yusuf peace be upon him had no friends in reality, even the one he trusted to relay his tale to help free him forgot him, and he knew Allah was his Protector and loved him so he remained strong and faithful and pure and noble
Beshak 💯♥️ Mera ALLAH pak har cheez par QADIR hay beshak 💯♥️ Mera ALLAH pak bohot rahem karnay Wala Mahrabaan hay aur wo sab se bada badshah hay beshak 💯♥️ Meray ALLAH pak ke Siwa koi Mabood nahi koi ibadat ke layak nahi Ibadat ke layak srif ALLAH pak ke zaat hay beshak 💯 ♥️ wahien Mabood e bar Haq hay❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Subhanallah this is so peaceful and so satisfying, how these brothers have memorised Allah azz'awajal's names may Allah grant us the same gift Aameen Allahu Akbar
Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters, For the past two and a half months I have tried hard to memorize this despite many obstacles and I recite it daily as a prayer(for a wish) In Shaa Allah I will come here and inform you after my wish is fulfilled. Edit: It didn't happen. But still I'm recite it daily❤
I'm remembering all the 99 names of Allah SWT. I reverted to Islam 2 months ago and I remembered 53/99 names of Allah SWT so far. InshaAllah I will memorize all of the names.
That's very good....but in Islam follow the path of Ahlebait a.s
ما شاء الله
Masha Allah ❤
Welcome to this Deen ❤️❤️❤️
I Am Leaving This Comment In Hope That Whenever Someone Like This Comment, Will Remind Me Of This..❤
@@timetravelr5464 😅
did you hear it again
Yes I Listened this so many times
I'm leaving this comment
In hope that when ever someone
Like comment
Will this remind me of this❤
mash allah
Respected Brother Asslam alai kum ( w.w ) Please share with we that dua They Recited last that is darood sharif i think please give me that engish Meaning ......Please Brother
Ar-Rahman 1 The All-Compassionate
Ar-Rahim 2 The All-merciful
Al-Malik 3 The Absolute Ruler
Al-Quddus 4 The Pure One
As-Salam 5 The Source of Peace
Al-Mu’min 6 The Inspirer of Faith
Al-Muhaymin 7 The Guardian
Al-‘Aziz 8 The Victorious
Al-Jabbar 9 The Compeller
Al-Mutakabbir 10 The Greatest
Al-Khaliq 11 The Creator
Al-Bari’ 12 The Maker of Order
Al-Musawwir 13 The Shaper of Beauty
Al-Ghaffar 14 The Forgiving
Al-Qahhar 15 The Subduer
Al-Wahhab 16 The Giver of All
Ar-Razzaq 17 The Sustainer
Al-Fattah 18 The Opener
Al-‘Alim 19 The Knower of All
Al-Qabid 20 The Constrictor
Al-Basit 21 The Reliever
Al-Khafid 22 The Abaser
Ar-Rafi’ 23 The Exalter
Al-Mu’izz 24 The Bestower of Honors
Al-Mudhill 25 The Humiliator
As-Sami 26 The Hearer of All
Al-Basir 27 The Seer of All
Al-Hakam 28 The Judge
Al-‘Adl 29 The Just
Al-Latif 30 The Subtle One
Al-Khabir 31 The All-Aware
Al-Halim 32 The Forebearing
Al-‘Azim 33 The Magnificent
Al-Ghafur 34 The Forgiver and Hider of Faults
Ash-Shakur 35 The Rewarder of Thankfulness
Al-‘Ali 36 The Highest
Al-Kabir 37 The Greatest
Al-Hafiz 38 The Preserver
Al-Muqit 39 The Nourisher
Al-Hasib 40 The Accounter
Al-Jalil 41 The Mighty
Al-Karim 42 The Generous
Ar-Raqib 43 The Watchful One
Al-Mujib 44 The Responder to Prayer
Al-Wasi’ 45 The All-Comprehending
Al-Hakim 46 The Perfectly Wise
Al-Wadud 47 The Loving One
Al-Majíd 48 The Majestic One
Al-Ba’ith 49 The Resurrector
Ash-Shahid 50 The Witness
Al-Haqq 51 The Truth
Al-Wakil 52 The Trustee
Al-Qawi 53 The Possessor of All Strength
Al-Matin 54 The Forceful One
Al-Wáli 55 The Governor
Al-Hamid 56 The Praised One
Al-Muhsi 57 The Appraiser
Al-Mubdi 58 The Originator
Al-Mu’id 59 The Restorer
Al-Muhyi 60 The Giver of Life
Al-Mumit 61 The Taker of Life
Al-Hayy 62 The Ever Living One
Al-Qayyum 63 The Self-Existing One
Al-Wajid 64 The Finder
Al-Májid 65 The Glorious
Al-Wahid 66 The Only One
Al-Ahad 67 The One
As-Samad 68 The Satisfier of All Needs
Al-Qadir 69 The All Powerful
Al-Muqtadir 70 The Creator of All Power
Al-Muqaddim 71 The Expediter
Al-Mu’akhkhir 72 The Delayer
Al-Awwal 73 The First
Al-Akhir 74 The Last
Az-Zahir 75 The Manifest One
Al-Batin 76 The Hidden One
Al-Walí 77 The Protecting Friend
Al-Muta’ali 78 The Supreme One
Al-Barr 79 The Doer of Good
At-Tawwab 80 The Guide to Repentance
Al-Muntaqim 81 The Avenger
Al-Afu 82 The Forgiver
Ar-Ra’uf 83 The Clement
Malik al-Mulk 84 The Owner of All
Wal-Ikram 85 The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
Al-Muqsit 86 The Equitable One
Al-Jami 87 The Gatherer
Al-Ghani 88 The Rich One
Al-Mughni 89 The Enricher
Al-Mani’ 90 The Preventer of Harm
Ad-Darr 91 The Creator of The Harmful
An-Nafi 92 The Creator of Good
An-Nur 93 The Light
Al-Hadi 94 The Guide
Al-Badi 95 The Originator
Al-Baqi 96 The Everlasting One
Al-Warith 97 The Inheritor of All
Ar-Rashid 98 The Righteous Teacher
As-Sabur 99 The Patient One
Mashallah brother thanks❤🌹
Mashallah ❤❤
Idk konw the 99 names of Allah in English this helped
Masha Allah
Leaving this single comment here in hope that if you like it I might come back to hear this masterpiece again ... In sha Allah
May Allah bless you all.
Inshallah, only commenting to promote this video in the youtube algorithm
Bismillah, I invite you to hear the beautiful names of Allah once again. May Allah grant you success in this world and the Hereafter 🤲🏻❤🥰
So xf
Come back n listen ryt now
reminder ❤
i am leaving a comment here so that every time some one likes this i will get a reminder to listen this
come back
I downloaded it🥰😇
I am leaving this comment whever someone like this comment will reminder for me to hear the names of Allah.❤❤❤
Leaving this comment in hope anybody plz like this to remind me of listening this beautiful n wonderful recitation, to come here again and again, Allah bless you,
Time to fresh up habib
I am Hindu, but i respect Islam very much, I respect Allah Taala ✨ i listened this first time on Instagram reel and then came here... Whenever I listened this i felt goosebumps 😌💫
Try to learn & understand Quraan.
Search : quraan only urdu translation in RUclips.
Allah bless you
@@davidaustin8262 i dont know whether u are right or wrong but i can definitely say that u are being very harsh...in contrast to your first sentence let me remind you when non muslims disrespect Islam we get triggered and when they do respect then also we get triggered just in your case... ALLAH MUST BE RESPECTED BY ALL...
Plz be soft spoken and respectable towrds someone whose trying to learn about Islam and Allah...our words can either bring them back to islam or push them further away... dont be too hard on them they are trying to learn and Allah definitely takes 10 steps towards somebody who takes one step towards Allah....plz be gentle, soft spoken and inviting to those who are trying to learn Islam its our responsibility. Thankyou
Bro it's called the power of Islam
It's but if you are a Muslim than tell me one thing: Does Allah need anyone's respect?
If not then you have got my point.And the person to whom I have said this is considerable for the answer. You are kind to know but The person should use good words and gentle words or he/she should say "I love Allah and Islam or I like deen e Islam but no comments like that!"Hope dear you understand my point of view.
Gooshbumbs whenever I heard the meaning of all 99 names 👏
*goosebumps *
I am leaving this comment and revise Allah name Allah will be happy of him
Leaving this comment when someone like I remember this
I am leaving this comment here so that time someone likes this i will get a reminder to listen this ❤
Your reminder to come back and listen to this again 🤍
listen today
reminder ❤😊
Listen to plessss
Leaving this comment in hope plz like this to remind me of listening this beautiful and wonderful recitation to come here again and again.Allah bless you❤❤❤
Thanks for likes to remind me.
Leaving this comment here cause whenever someone likes , i may come here again
I Am Leaving This Comment In Hope That Whenver Someone Like This Comment, Will Remind Me of This
May Allah Bless you❤
Bismillah i invite you to listen beautiful 99 names of Almighty Allah (swt) ❤😊
what a wonderful idea❤
Here's your reminder
Leaving this comment here cause whenever someone likes it i may come here again
Bismillah, I invite you to hear the beautiful names of Allah once again. May Allah grant you success in this world and the Hereafter 🤲🏻🥰
Bismillah, I invite you
Aa jao
Welcome again
I am leaving this comment in hope someone please like this it, it will remind again to listen to this beautiful recitation. ❤❤❤ May Allah bless you
Same here
Come here for Allah and listen again♥️
Listen sister 🤍
I am leaving this comment in hope that whenever someone like this comment , will remind me of this ..❤
i am leaving this comment for those who remember allah for sometime but they do so many sins they didn't think that allah is seeing us everytime
i am christian but hearing this makes me very happy and feel peace, Allah bless us all
A Christian 😂😂😂 says ALLAH bless us all😂😂😂😂😂😂
Sorry not trying to be mean or rude
I Am Leaving This Comment In Hope That Whenever Someone Like This Comment, Will Remind Me Of This..
Please don't lie now our emman is not strong we just want replies to our comment l am not just talking about you l am talking about everyone now our emman is not strong 😢😢😭😔
Now just look at the next comment that why I send because I see the comments in the Surah Mulk Surah Rahman
Respected Brother Asslam alai kum ( w.w ) Please share with we that dua They Recited last that is darood sharif i think please give me that engish Meaning ......Please Brother
thank you for all like this comment❤❤❤
ap ka emman strong hy na
I Am Leaving This Comment In Hope That Whenever Someone LIKE This Comment, Will Remind Me Of This.. ❤
Edit:thank you guys for 16 likes
1. Ar-Rahman
2. Ar-Rahim
3. Al-Malik
4. Al-Quddus
5. As-Salam
6. Al-Mu'min
7. Al-Muhaymin
8. Al-'Aziz
9. Al-Jabbar
10. AI-Mutakabbir
11. Al-Khaliq
17. Ar-Razzag
18. Al-Fattah
19. Al-'Alim
20. Al-Qabid
21. Al-Basit
22. Al-Khafid
23. Ar-Raft'
24. Al-Mu'iz
25. Al-Muzil
26. As-Sami'
27. Al-Basir
28. Al-Hakam
29. Al-'Adl
30. Al-Latif
31. Al-Khabir
32. Al-Halim
33. Al-'Azim
34. Al-Ghafoor
35. Ash-Shakur
36. AI-'Ali
37. Al-Kabir
38. Al-Hafiz
39. Al-Mugit
40. Al-Hasib
41. Aj-Jalil
42. Al-Karim
43. Ar-Raqib
44. Al-Mujib
45. Al-Wasi'
46. Al-Hakim
47. Al-Wadud
48. Al-Majid
49. Al-Ba'ith
50. Ash-Shahid
51. Al-Hagg
52. Al-Wakil
53. Al-Qawee
54. Al-Matin
55. Al-Walee
56. Al-Hamid
57. Al-Muhsi
58. Al-Mubdi'
59. Al-Mu'eed
60. Al-Muhyee
61. Al-Mumeet
62. Al-Hayy
63. Al-Qayyum
64. Al-Wajid
65. Al-Wahid
66. Al-Majid
67. Al-Ahad
68. As-Samad
69. Al-Qadir
70. Al-Muqtadir
71. Al-Mugaddim
72. Al-Mu'akhkhir
73. Al-'Awwal
74. Al-'Akhir
75. Az-Zahir
76. Al-Batin
77. Al-Wali
78. Al-Muta'ali
79. Al-Barr
80. At-Tawwab
81. Al-Muntagim
82. Al-'Afuww
83. Ar-Ra'uf
84. Al-Muqsit
85. Aj-Jami'
86. Al-Ghanee
87. Al-Mughnee
88. Al-Mani'
89. Ad-Darr
90. An-Nafi'
91. An-Nur
92. Al-Hadi
92. Al-Hadi
93. Al-Badi'
94. Al-Bagi
95. Al-Warith
96. Ar-Rashid
97. As-Sabur
98. Malik Al-Mulk
99. Zul-I-Jalal wal-Ikram
Allha bless you😊
Brother/sister the last got mixed up please try correct😊
Lord krishna and shiva has 108 names
Mashallah bro
I'm 12 years old and I will memorize all beautiful names of allah
In sha Allah
Inshallah. may Allah bless you with all goodness in this life and hereafter Ameen.
Machallah bro
May Allah azzawajal bless you
Finally, i am extremely happy to remember the 99 name of Allah
Just like every morning 🌄 i listen to this, and eventually, after a month, i remember the 99 names of Allah . May Allah help you to memorize these
MashaAllah brother
Ussss alhumdulilah 💜💛🖤🖤💙💛🖤🧡❤❤🤎💜💜🤎🖤🤍🤍❤🤎💚🧡🧡🤎🖤
I learned these 99 names over 10 months SubhanAllah Al Hamdoulillah Allahu Akbar 😍🤲🏼
I am leaving this comment to acknowledge that this is incredible !
I am leaving this comment in hope that whenever someone like this comment ,will remind me of this ❤❤❤insha allah
Come back
Trying to memorize ❤ plz pray for me❤
Me too❤
In sha Allah ❤❤❤
Inshaallah you will
Allah is always there to help all of us
don't memorize. They did it for You. Feel. Pray. Kneel. Look Up and Be Free from Guilt. Allah sees and blesses your soul. Sing Your Shame Away. Divine Forgiveness. Allah the Merciful. Sing.
I love my Allah Pak ❤❤❤❤ilove my muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam ❤❤❤❤❤❤ilove my Quran and my islam❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉
I am leaving comment here so that after a month or a year or a decade when some one likes it, I get reminder of listening this again.......❤❤❤❤
Brother, set a reminder on your phone for every day or week you come to listen
Dear brother, U can remember Allah SWT even by looking around u , the beautifully created nature and all the universe , even our bodies and how it works.
Bismillah, I invite you to hear the beautiful names of Allah once again. May Allah grant you success in this world and the Hereafter 🤲🏻🥰
@user-mg3be4dr9y sure
I hope you will listen this again ❤
Iam leaving this comment.In hope that whenever Someone like this comment,will Remaind me of this masterpiece ❤... Alhamdulillah for Everything ❤😊
Allah AP sab sehet banae
😊 All indeed
1 AR RAHMAAN الرحمن
2 AR RAHEEM الرحيم
3 AL MALIK الملك
4 AL QUDDUS القدوس
5 AS SALAM السلام
6 AL MU'MIN المؤمن
7 AL MUHAYMIN المهيمن
8 AL AZEEZ العزيز
9 AL JABBAR الجبار
10 AL MUTAKABBIR الْمُتَكَبِّرُ
11 AL KHAALIQ الخالق
12 AL BAARI البارئ
13 AL MUSAWWIR المصور
14 AL GHAFFAR الغفار
15 AL QAHHAR القهار
16 AL WAHHAAB الوهاب
17 AR RAZZAAQ الرزاق
18 AL FATTAH الفتاح
19 AL ALEEM العليم
20 AL QAABID القابض
21 AL BAASIT الباسط
22 AL KHAAFIDH الخافض
23 AR RAAFI' الرافع
24 AL MU'IZZ المعز
25 AL MUZIL المذل
26 AS SAMI' السميع
27 AL BASIR البصير
28 AL HAKAM الحكم
29 AL ADL العدل
30 AL LATEEF اللطيف
31 AL KHABEER الخبير
32 AL HALEEM الحليم
33 AL-'ATHEEM العظيم
34 AL GHAFOOR الغفور
35 ASH SHAKOOR الشكور
36 AL ALI العلي
37 AL KABIR الكبير
38 AL HAFEEDH الحفيظ
39 AL MUQIT المقيت
40 AL HASEEB الحسيب
41 AL JALIL الجليل
42 AL KARIM الكريم
43 AR RAQIB الرقيب
44 AL MUJIB المجيب
45 AL WASI' الواسع
46 AL HAKIM الحكيم
47 AL WADOODالودود
48 AL MAJID المجيد
49 AL BA'ITH الباعث
50 ASH SHAHEED الشهيد
51 AL HAQQ الحق
52 AL WAKEEL الوكيل
53 AL QAWIYY القوي
54 AL MATEEN المتين
55 AL WALIYY الولي
56 AL HAMIDU الحميد
57AL MUHSI المحصي
58 AL MUBDI المبدئ
59 AL MU'ID المعيد
60 AL MUHYI المحيي
61 AL MUMIT المميت
62 AL HAYY الحي
63 AL QAYYUM القيوم
64 AL WAAJID الواجد
65 AL MAAJID الماجد
66 AL WAAHID الواحد
67 AL AHAD الاحد
68 AS SAMAD الصمد
69 AL QAADIR القادر
70 AL MUQTADIR المقتدر
71 AL MUQADDIM المقدم
72 AL MU'AKHKHIR المؤخر
73 AL AWWAL الأول
74 AL AAKHIR الآخر
75 AZ DHAAHIR الظاهر
76 AL BAAT'IN الباطن
77 AL WAALIالوالي
78 AL MUTA'ALI المتعالي
79 AL BARR البر
80 AT TAWWAB التواب
81 AL MUNTAQIM المنتقم
82 AL 'AFUWW العفو
83 AR RA'UF الرؤوف
84 MALIK UL MULK مالك الملك
85 DHUL JALAALI WAL IKRAM ذو الجلال و الإكرام
86 AL MUQSIT' المقسط
87 AL JAAMI' الجامع
88 AL GHANIYY الغني
89 AL MUGHNI المغني
90 AL MANI' المانع
91 AD DHARR الضآر
92 AN NAFI' النافع
93 AN NURالنور
94 AL HADI الهادي
95 AL BADI'I البديع
96 AL BAAQI الباقي
97 AL WARITH الوارث
98 ARRASHID الرشيد
99 AS SABOOR الصبور
Thank you
Thanks you are getting virtue cuz cuz of u i am able to memorize it and evry time anyone read it you get some of the virtue too❤
thanks you
Maa Sha Allah❤
Inshallah i'm gonna memorize these 99 names of ALLAH.
InshaAllah, I’m rooting for you.
Ishallah we all
Ameen summa ameen
In sha Allah ❤
Yes yes we will stand with 😊 Palestine
Salaams, I'm ten in 6 days and I can almost memorize without this mashallah.
Masha Allah allahumma barik ✨
Mashallah 🥰
ما شاء الله ونعم بك يا بني
Take a few seconds and say
Astaghfirullah x3
SubhanAllah x3
Allhamdulillah x3
Allah-hu-Akbar x3
La ilaha illallah x3
Congratulations good deeds for both of us
I am leaving 💚This comment in hope that whenever someone like ❣️this comment will remind me of this ❤
When I was 7 years old I knew all the 99 names of Allah!!Mashalla,
Please write 4 "A" whenever you write it like " Ma Sha Allah" otherwise meaning can be change
4 "A" ❤ it doesn't happen
@@md.shirazparwez3959 what's
Your mean ?
Mashallah I am 8 years old and I only know 20/99
MA SHA Allah❤
This is insane my body feels like Goosebumps while hearing this ❤️ Mashallah
Same here and alhamdulillah blessed as ummat e muhammadiya...and as a muslimah ..
Me too bhai :)
Brother choose your words wisely when you speak about something like this... Its not insane.. Its the most sane thing. Im sure you did not mean that but still... Assalamu alaikum😊
Assalam o Ali kum
In nov 2024 .....i am still listening.... My lil son Arhaan listen it continuously before sleeping ....N alhamdulillah i am memorizing the. names of almighty Allah ❤️..
Writing Writingthe name makes it easier to memorise if Allah wishes❤
I am hindu but I still listen this. It's so good to listen. ❤
May allah guide you brothe
read the Quran once with understanding
Insha allah you are all understood
that means that there is light in your soul that is yearning for islam 🤍hold that light, look into islam and may Allah guide you and soften your heart
❤ masshallah 😊❤❤ love Allah ❤
Iam leaving This comment in Hope That Whenever Someone like This Comment, will Remind Me Of This...❤
You should listen it today since today is also a date of Layla tul qadr
@@augmentaus correct
Come back, listen again. Speak with them in sync.
Mashallah ❤️❤️❤️ finally my soul found peace........ whenever I am getting ready for school that time I listen this nd my day becomes cheerful 🥰🥰
Very good habit brother/sister❤
Mashallah better than music mashallah 😊✨💫
My mamma said me whoever recites 99 names of Allah SWT will inshallah enter into jannah!❤ If someone likes it it will make me happy so i get sawab😊
Come hear my Sister or brother
Thank you so much bro and sis
I try to bygard 99 names for Allah 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
Same same my mother also said
As far as i know
You have to memorize 99 Names of Allah (SWT) and not only to recite to get that opportunity, not really tough one to do, isn't it?😊
Your màma wrong
Subhanallah filled my heart with imaan and my eyes with tears. Allahu Akbar He is the most Merciful and the most Honourable amd the Mighty and The Giver of Protection ☝️
Yes. I See You. Yes. I Remember You. Yes Child. No. I'm not offended not mad at you at all. Again. Want to Fly With Me??? My Son In Law wants to be Your Friend. My Nephew Wants to Sing with You. My Dog wants to Show You Water. My Cat say Miau Miau 😊. One more for You.
I don't have words how much i feel relax to hear it 🕊️☝🏻♥️
Of course
Anyone here 2025 😊
Alhamdulillah ♥️♥️
Salam to all my Muslim Brothers and Sisters may we all achieve success in both in this world and the hereafter ❤
Walaikum assalam ❤
Wa alaikum alsalam and ameen
Leaving this single comment heare in hope that if you like it i might come back to hear this masterpiece again.❤
Allah bless you all.❤ 3:32
Bismillah, I invite you to hear the beautiful names of Allah once again. May Allah grant you success in this world and the Hereafter 🤲🏻🥰
@@s.a1284 thank you brother
aaja bhai
I mean come brother
i never had very good friends but after knowing the meaning of the beautiful names of Allah i realised i will always have AL WALEEY by my side and i need no friends
Beautiful comment. Indeed our Prophet Yusuf peace be upon him had no friends in reality, even the one he trusted to relay his tale to help free him forgot him, and he knew Allah was his Protector and loved him so he remained strong and faithful and pure and noble
Mashallah mashallah subhanallah Allah ramzan Mubarak 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم Said, "If anyone recites Surah Kahf on Friday, a light will shine brightly for him till the next Friday." (Tirmidhi)A♥
Subhan Allah❤
Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W) ❤
Every morning I Love to listen this Allah name and I get relax❤❤❤ Al humdilallah
Most beautiful recitation ever Mashallah ❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I am leaving a comment here so anyone that saw this comment will like to make me come back again so don’t leave me out!!!!!!!!!!
When I listen Asma ul husna…
I listen one word of Allah swt
Mashallah all 99 name of Allah Swt
Came on my tounge 😊
I am a Hindu but I love Islam, we are all one ❤
I am so happy for you I am a Muslim but I respect all religions 😊❤
Yes we are all one in humanity.
may allah guide u brother
Yes brother we are one
Allah pak ap ko iman se nawazey .. insha'Allah... Eqenan ap skoon me raho gee
Ya allah make us memorize Al Asma ul Husna
Ameen 🤲🤲
I am leaving this comment so that if anyone likes this comment I will get reminder of all these allah ji names ❤
Im a muslim and I started listening this from past few days and i leraned about 10 names out of 99
now 16+
@@Arsh913blackalhamdulillah. May you learn many more inshallah
When I feel alone I listen 99 names of Allah then I recognised that I'm not alone Almighty ALLAH is with me❤❤❤❤
@@KONNER62. Am u ofxh😅😅 house and on
I leave this comment in hope that if you like ,will remind me 😊❤
Beshak 💯♥️ Mera ALLAH pak har cheez par QADIR hay beshak 💯♥️ Mera ALLAH pak bohot rahem karnay Wala Mahrabaan hay aur wo sab se bada badshah hay beshak 💯♥️ Meray ALLAH pak ke Siwa koi Mabood nahi koi ibadat ke layak nahi Ibadat ke layak srif ALLAH pak ke zaat hay beshak 💯 ♥️ wahien Mabood e bar Haq hay❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
"❤Beshak Allah ka Siwa koi Ibadat ka laik nahi Wo Akala ha uska koi Shareek Nahi Or Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W) Allah ka Aakhri Rasool or Nabi hain"❤
After listening hundreds of times ,my soul is still thirsty for this💖.
Better than music Masha allah
Definitely masha allah
Yessss obviously
Music is haram
Much much better... Music is a trap of satan
The Way You Understand Yes. Be Careful! With Your Words For Others. Be Gentle With Your Words For Yourself. Want to Fly With Me???
Whenever i listen these names
My mind remains peaceful 😌💕
Is se dil ko sukoon milta hai mashallah 💕❤️❤️
Heart warming to hear it. I love to hear it often.
My nephews 1 year old girl and 6 months old boy enjoy hearing it.
Saya bangga jadi orang Islam... Setiap kali dengar ni meremang bulu roma sy. Respect anda proud islam
Iam leaving a comment here so that every time someone like this i will get a reminder to listen 🥹🥹
Listening before going to office praying that I may achieve my goal❤ Ya Kareem🥲
Aisa sukoon kisi chiz ko sunne m nahi milta jaisa Allah ka nam sunne milta...❤❤❤❤❤
I read 49 asmaul husna . Thanks I love asmaul husna
Anyone Here 2025
🙌🙌🙌indian Muslim lady😊
I'm here 2025
Subhanallah this is so peaceful and so satisfying, how these brothers have memorised Allah azz'awajal's names may Allah grant us the same gift Aameen Allahu Akbar
Mashallah Dil ko sukoon milta he Allah ji ka naam sunke ❤🎉
Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters, For the past two and a half months I have tried hard to memorize this despite many obstacles and I recite it daily as a prayer(for a wish) In Shaa Allah I will come here and inform you after my wish is fulfilled.
Edit: It didn't happen. But still I'm recite it daily❤
Walaikum assalam ❤
Mashallah may allah accept your hardship❤
Better than Your Wishes is God's Gift. One More Time for You.
Allah knows what's better for us, Allah gave you better Al Adheem
Mashallah beautiful voice of all
I feel peace when I hear 99 names of allah❤
This is powerful! My whole body was shaking! ❤
breathe. Dream.
Very good i love it they are saying it at samarkant
I am 10 years and I have remembered all names of Allah subhanallah
I am leaving this comment for whenever this comment get like i can remind of this❤
Bismillah, I invite you to hear the beautiful names of Allah once again. May Allah grant you success in this world and the Hereafter 🤲🏻🥰
Ameen 🙏💓
😊MashAllah Just so soothing and calming ,
Love Allah and his beloved prophet ﷺ
This is the beauty my Islam Masha Allah
Who all cried watching such magnificence? 🥹
حان اللہ ماشاہ اللہ تبارک لہ لا قوۃ الا باللہ😮❤
the most beautiful thing I have heard in my life. Subhanallah
Who said music heals heart?
This is way better than any music💚💚
Right ❤
Right x2 🧡
Leaving a comment whenever anyone likes it I'll listen again❤
Beshak sirf Allah ka naam Dil ko sukoon aur aaram deta hai❤❤❤❤❤❤
Beshak ❤
Alhamdolillah.. it gives me goosebumps everytime i head it. SubhanAllah ❤
so satisfing , relaxing ,smooth
This is insane my body feels like Goosebumps while hearing this ❤ Mashallah
ماشااللہ سبحان اللہ ❤️
Mashallah kitne piyere name hain 99 ❤
I 'm reading this video continuously and Alhamdulillah I have learn it .❤