Reunion with dad

  • Опубликовано: 23 июн 2019
  • So currently my last name is Churchill, and I go onto to find out if I’m related to Winston Churchill. A few months later I get an email from a girl that says that she did a DNA test shows that we are first cousins. So we talk a little bit and we try to find out how related, her mom was adopted her last name is Webster my mom‘s maiden name is Tzen and I’m a Churchill. So she sends me a photo of this guy and I have no clue who it is it’s from the 60s and I sent it to my mom and my mom says oh that’s my old boss from England. So then I ask her so who is he? And she says I’d rather not say. Then ask her is it my dad? And she was silent. So it turns out that my mom who is from England had affair with this guy when he was stationed there, and when she was pregnant she thought was her husband’s but turns out that this man is my real dad and I’m just finding out at 56 years old.
    So all this time I thought that the man that I’ve been calling dad all these years was my real dad but it wasn’t, but he left when I was four and was basically a piece of shit. So I called back this girl and tell her that she’s actually my sister and she finally had a younger brother and she told me that this man was still alive and he’s 91 years old.He’s a World War II vet a Korean war fighter pilot for time bodybuilding champion Mr. United Kingdom in the 60s, and he just this amazing man. So after me and him talking on the phone a little bit, at first he couldn’t believe that I was his but then by looking at the pictures of myself and him when we’re the same age we are looking exactly the same. He had four daughters and he always wanted a son, he even named his youngest daughter Jonnie after him but now at 91 years old he finally had a son he always wanted. So this video is of me meeting my dad, one of my sisters and my niece first time ever in our lives on Father’s Day weekend 2019.
    It gets better, and Father’s Day I end in the hospital for emergency appendix surgery, and two days later my dad is in the hospital for a stroke. So we spent our first meeting week together visit each other in the hospital. Since then he’s recovered and is back home and we talk all the time. What an amazing man he is and I’m so thankful that my sister Tracey reached out and found me.
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