The mystery of the Bermuda triangle

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2007
  • The disappearance of US Navy flight 19 is still the most astounding mystery associated with the Bermuda triangle. Could it be solved by using modern means? Taken from TV show: "The Bermuda Triangle" available on DVD at
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Комментарии • 180

  • @Trax_TSO3rdFAN
    @Trax_TSO3rdFAN 13 лет назад

    We talked about the Bermuda Triangle in our talks, "Let's Not Talk About That." Thank you for this great video! It taught us a lot that we didn't know.

  • @hellenkeller234
    @hellenkeller234 15 лет назад

    ive watched this documentary...theres something extremely strange going on in that area that ruins electronic and magnetic devices. there is also a recording of a captain's call to the coast guard where he is panicing and yelling about a huge flying object that "keeps forcing him to change direction". his boat and crew disappeared and has never been found.

  • @evilcripzx10
    @evilcripzx10 15 лет назад

    Bermuda triangle has so strong electromagnetic pulses that any metallic material that ends up there will not only lose contact with the material but the metallic substance will be crushed and thrown from left to right and also will completely shut down until there is nothing of it, that what basically happens when you end up in the core of it....

  • @downbottomman
    @downbottomman 16 лет назад

    Its methane gas bubbles. The methan bubbles some times get built up in the ocean, and then explode upward, causing any ships under it to sink. The methane then goes into the air, causing planes to stall out and fall.

  • @thefaller01
    @thefaller01 15 лет назад

    the most rational explanation that cientist have arrived about that flight 19 was that in a given time, their compass werent giving any good directions, and the flight leader made a turn, thinking they were going on right direction. after awhile, they found some islands and they thought that wasnt making no sence, cuz they were expecting to get to continent or deep sea, dont remember now much....

  • @WutangClan4LiF3
    @WutangClan4LiF3 16 лет назад

    how do you explain the ship case that they found it without the captain and with not hits

  • @UFONightHawk
    @UFONightHawk 15 лет назад

    But do these planes n things start disappearing at the border of every line, or do they occur in diferent places within the "triangle"?? I guess either way, it's pretty strange things are vanishing there anyway. Thanks for the info n peace!!

  • @thefaller01
    @thefaller01 15 лет назад

    confusion and paranoia took control of flight leader and they made a "bad turn". they were actually heading right into florida, which was good, but this last turn made them go into deep ocean. the more the flight leader got confused and stressed, the more errors they commit, including ignoring the members' idea of coming back...
    in the end, they ended up with no fuel and then they crashed on deep sea, on a stormy day...

  • @pissymcfit
    @pissymcfit 15 лет назад

    the most bizarre part has to be the identical planes that were found that proved not to be flight 19..... its kinda creepy

  • @scotty2707
    @scotty2707 15 лет назад

    You have my upmost respect sir =D I 100% agree with you.

  • @skinnywhiteboy1221
    @skinnywhiteboy1221 13 лет назад

    @Cabral2011 past way outside of the bermuda triangle, what happened is when they tured the 2nd time they turned in a circle an flew out to sea

  • @k1ssmyc0w
    @k1ssmyc0w 15 лет назад

    i think its a portal to somewhere else. while i researched online i read that there's a bright light that's usually entering some mists and then they all just disappear

  • @skulldow
    @skulldow 12 лет назад

    oh boy oh boy...

  • @TheConzArtist
    @TheConzArtist 15 лет назад

    i think the weather chages really fast there, there was prolly a water spout

  • @JinKazama92
    @JinKazama92 15 лет назад

    i saw some articles that people had found a few plane debree swept offshore near the damn triangle.

  • @Bobmarleythreebirds
    @Bobmarleythreebirds 15 лет назад

    Alright saying that the Bermuda Triangle has more gravity explains how ships get lost and planes but how about when the compasses start to not work? Or when the devices in the plane or ship don't work?

  • @PutMyBigNameDown
    @PutMyBigNameDown 15 лет назад

    I'm so curious about this ,

  • @UFONightHawk
    @UFONightHawk 15 лет назад

    I find this stuff interesting but does this particular area really form an actual triangle or have people connected imaginary dots? How was this area mapped out? How can anyone really be sure where it begins and ends? Sorry for so many questions but I am new to this phenominum and interested. Thanks n Peace!

  • @TravisCadello
    @TravisCadello 14 лет назад

    Guess you're right. but maybe the electronic fog needs to be stronger for the planes to malfunction.
    But the Ships experience a "Rogue Wave" which means a lot of little waves come together and make a huge wave that can easily take down the largest ship.
    I just watched History channell lol

  • @yoson25
    @yoson25 15 лет назад

    has it ever occured to anyone that theres a massive whirlpool in the centre of the bermudian triangle hence if anything crashes in that region or a ship travels near it it would simply pull it down to its very core! simple as that.why do people always go straight to the paranormal when they don't understand something, that pisses me off

  • @Mudoglav
    @Mudoglav 16 лет назад

    Maybe magnetic field are pull down metal vehicles or something like that

  • @xivid1234
    @xivid1234 15 лет назад

    This game looks awesome im gona buy it

  • @turkeysandwich11
    @turkeysandwich11 15 лет назад

    Yeah, basically. It's the remaining material of an exploded star that creates a tornado of gravity that can suck anything up.

  • @alan2008james
    @alan2008james 15 лет назад

    I think this is a gateway to another dimension.

  • @JinKazama92
    @JinKazama92 15 лет назад

    i saw a few articles before that people had found some plane debris swept offshore from that damn triangle. they cant just disappear, something happened in those misty seas.

  • @crazytuner111
    @crazytuner111 16 лет назад

    I dont get it. Shouldnt more people be investigating the Triangle? It could give humans some answer and make new discoveries but a bunch of people are just not caring thinking "Oh its just a weird place where people go missing, no big deal"

  • @Brian626
    @Brian626 16 лет назад


  • @TatorMusic
    @TatorMusic 15 лет назад

    ye, me..

  • @VerdugoX2L
    @VerdugoX2L 15 лет назад

    i know that for a conclusion...but why settle with such simplicity?

  • @tofurulez33
    @tofurulez33 13 лет назад


  • @1alexandra12
    @1alexandra12 15 лет назад

    that's still a mystery...

  • @CompletelyDepped
    @CompletelyDepped 15 лет назад

    If there was a whirlpool or something in the Bermuda triangle, we would be able to see it via satellite. But I agree, we shouldn't jump straight to the paranormal activity conclusion.

  • @AlterEgo2k8
    @AlterEgo2k8 15 лет назад

    I want to dive in the scuba diving in the Bermuda Triangle to see what the fuss is about.

  • @048821831
    @048821831 13 лет назад

    get some heavy rope, iron or someting. Fix one side to a ship in the triangle and the other end to a stronger ship outside the trianglr.

  • @crazytuner111
    @crazytuner111 16 лет назад

    Uhhh ok that might explain the missing planes and ship but what about the missing people?

  • @itzkar1zma
    @itzkar1zma 15 лет назад

    hmm if its something in the water how the heck did it even bother the planes way up there...?

  • @nawabmevans
    @nawabmevans 15 лет назад

    People just need to accept that their are forces beyond scientific explanation

  • @thefaller01
    @thefaller01 15 лет назад

    well sure, i was just explaining the flight 19 crash ^^'
    there are tons of unexplainable things that happened there, like the fact that a ship was discovered sailing the bermuda waters, and there was nobody in there despite a dead canary and an apple on the captain's desk.... the crew have just vanished

  • @yoyoyohommie101
    @yoyoyohommie101 15 лет назад

    i agree that there is probubly nothing strange about the aria, but it would make a good movie wouldent it?

  • @alfredxwar3
    @alfredxwar3 15 лет назад

    I don't think there's anything massive enough on Earth to be able to collapse into a black hole.

  • @cpanigoni
    @cpanigoni 16 лет назад

    the same one...

  • @Jonny2myren
    @Jonny2myren 14 лет назад

    I walked across the street yesterday and didnt die.
    Therefore, no one has ever been killed crossing the street...

  • @09afzali
    @09afzali 12 лет назад

    What actually is the cause is that no one knows what really it is but I think that underneath the water there is a huge magnetic force connected to Miami barmuda and the the other island

  • @Highschoolkid2
    @Highschoolkid2 15 лет назад

    i dont get it. is the bermuda triangle still there? and does it eat u

  • @andonisha
    @andonisha 16 лет назад

    thats good tahnx

  • @vijayram6557
    @vijayram6557 12 лет назад


  • @gunther25689
    @gunther25689 15 лет назад

    Didn't they make a show on the Bermuda triangle?

  • @davybarbossa
    @davybarbossa 15 лет назад

    when the day the world ends comes, i'd like to go to bermuda triangle..i'd like to know if it's true, if i'd disappear and where i'd go then..

  • @SparkieGoth
    @SparkieGoth 16 лет назад

    I thought it was more like a trapezium.

  • @teckim
    @teckim 15 лет назад

    something like magnetic fioeds i suppose

  • @yanyansadik
    @yanyansadik 15 лет назад

    s the triangle true?

  • @arnar2rs
    @arnar2rs 15 лет назад

    but there was i thing i was reading and it said it was like a wormhole at the bermuda triangle and spotting U.F.O

  • @victoriscool1
    @victoriscool1 15 лет назад

    it is not a mistery anymore i investigated it the bermuda triangle is an magnetic field that causes instrument failure and it turns the steer real hard so you cant controll it anymore there is one woman who survived a crash in the bermuda triangle and she said that they suddenly fell over with the plane and the pilot couldent controll the steer anymore but flight 19 dindt had any new instruments only a compass and it failed they made a wrong turn and kept going further in the sea

  • @Alexyohomeboy
    @Alexyohomeboy 15 лет назад

    wow bermuada trinagle is a mystery anything can be there i want to grow up and study it maybe

  • @ktm5194
    @ktm5194 16 лет назад

    reminds me of Lost

  • @Enveryasarr
    @Enveryasarr 15 лет назад

    i think theres prirates with subamrines or sumthing

  • @terryan244
    @terryan244 15 лет назад

    u know that the bermuda triangle isnt really a trangle?? its more like a polygon....

  • @xXPurplePenguinzXx
    @xXPurplePenguinzXx 15 лет назад

    what you think is not wrong.. but let your imaginations run free and you can think of anything right!

  • @Luka804
    @Luka804 14 лет назад

    @slammer902 yeah right

  • @planbsk8er912
    @planbsk8er912 15 лет назад


  • @rrrohan2288
    @rrrohan2288 15 лет назад

    just because they cant explain what happens doesnt mean its not true

  • @lewistedstone
    @lewistedstone 16 лет назад

    they have discoverd a a couple of them plaines they went of course i watched some doc!

  • @xAlexizzx
    @xAlexizzx 15 лет назад

    The truth is:
    The radiation of a cople of very large suns opened a rip in time on a few locations on the earth where the magnetic field is stronger.
    most planes get a weird megnetic radiation witch makes gadgets useles for the driver, and send them into different times.
    the bermuda triangle has the strongest radiation so any object in that zone will have problems, and may vanish.

  • @moopshock
    @moopshock 15 лет назад

    its the island of the fates you go you die inless you can kill anything the island is shrouded by fog so you cant see it till you crash into it

  • @jimmyjambhere
    @jimmyjambhere 15 лет назад

    that place is weird

  • @hitmankillzone
    @hitmankillzone 15 лет назад

    there can't be a black hole..wouln' it say the water too?

  • @cyflip
    @cyflip 13 лет назад

    Here's the Enlightenment. The Disappearance is cause by a Wormhole to the other Dimension. It opens up and close. We don't have the technology yet to see Wormholes. Those people who got sucked is still alive. This place is like a Buffer between different dimensions.

  • @TheGoofyKidBand
    @TheGoofyKidBand 15 лет назад

    I wonder if the Bermuda triangle is linked to the crystull skulls.

  • @TheGoofyKidBand
    @TheGoofyKidBand 15 лет назад

    Just look them up, its just as interesting as the bermuda triangle!

  • @BigManJevnikar
    @BigManJevnikar 11 лет назад

    plane being flown into the pentagon was explained too.pretty sure it didnt happen

  • @Shano00769
    @Shano00769 15 лет назад

    well I flew over the bermuda triangle to a foreign country....but im still alive?

  • @reecered
    @reecered 15 лет назад

    why dont the army go and look at the burmauda triangle

  • @vijayram6557
    @vijayram6557 12 лет назад

    its like a vaccume

  • @praleson
    @praleson 15 лет назад

    thats what i used to think

  • @Cubameriguense
    @Cubameriguense 16 лет назад

    there's a protoss warpgate there. either that or Bill Cosby chucks pudding pops at the planes till they crash

  • @konzolmester
    @konzolmester 15 лет назад

    they were shoot down

  • @tvbcouchpotato777
    @tvbcouchpotato777 15 лет назад

    i agree with bigal2024

  • @maaanddeuta
    @maaanddeuta 16 лет назад

    So u mean she is younger than before!!

  • @Abb697
    @Abb697 16 лет назад

    yeeaaahhh thats actually realy smart!!!

  • @fartboy56
    @fartboy56 16 лет назад

    my mom went there last week and shes fine...

  • @620sly
    @620sly 15 лет назад

    dont wanna be a smart ass but when they fly out of the water they are call US> undefined sumersable object(s)

  • @smashes4444
    @smashes4444 16 лет назад

    when im 21 im so goin to see wats up at the bermuda triangle me and my friends if they wont to come and ill see wats up

  • @1alexandra12
    @1alexandra12 15 лет назад

    a mysterious part of the ocean...many person died there
    sorry for my english...

  • @ideagirlconsulting
    @ideagirlconsulting 13 лет назад

    interesting story, your children can read about this in the bermuda triangle by andrew donkin. I just read the book and did a review on it, i'm posting this video on my psychic investigation page with some questions. linda randall

  • @MuazRaslan
    @MuazRaslan 15 лет назад

    i think that there is a monster or something..thats weird..

  • @tiffydoyle
    @tiffydoyle 13 лет назад

    Emp culd b a possibilty bt mayb we r jus not meant to know all the secrets of the world

  • @pissymcfit
    @pissymcfit 15 лет назад

    well ye but theres no theory to this theory, which i have heard before, what science explains mysterious fog, non functioning compasses and general inexplicable confusion

  • @bushdidit2u911
    @bushdidit2u911 13 лет назад

    the download legally in full link is a spam virus site!! wtf

  • @thecursewithinme
    @thecursewithinme 15 лет назад

    i say, its a portal to the inner earth.

  • @wassupyman220
    @wassupyman220 14 лет назад

    hmmm i dunno, that guy looks like chris taylor from the chasers wawr on everything :P

  • @x3zaizaizai
    @x3zaizaizai 12 лет назад

    Spirit Science can show you the truth which quite believable.

  • @denirio
    @denirio 16 лет назад

    the bermuda triangle is a wormhole...

  • @J1ZZ3D
    @J1ZZ3D 15 лет назад

    Look you gota admit it is wierd that everyone who has gone near the bermuda triangle has had major failings and just gona with no one to know. I mean you got the big sea and that could have nuclear energy which could interfear with the power. Who knows?

  • @deathtothehuns
    @deathtothehuns 13 лет назад

    Area has something to do with it... I know it does..

  • @jasonmhc
    @jasonmhc 14 лет назад

    when i was in the navy we sailed right through the middle of the bermuda triangle and fuck all happened! im still here arnt i?

  • @skinnywhiteboy1221
    @skinnywhiteboy1221 14 лет назад

    flight 19 has been found

  • @jooona
    @jooona 16 лет назад

    not really =/

  • @jtherussian
    @jtherussian 14 лет назад

    It could be a wirm hole

  • @anilkumarekka
    @anilkumarekka 15 лет назад

    what that black hole is doing in earth. if gravity is too much there then there should b a hole in the water.m i rite

  • @J1ZZ3D
    @J1ZZ3D 15 лет назад

    Sure you have gone there. If people whent there it would be on the news in big letters like this "BERMUDA TRIANGL HAS BEEN A MYTH FOR HUMANS HAVE BEEN THERE WITH NOTHING TO HAPPEN"