The reason these enlightened monks discourage thinking, like what professor said 'stop thinking', is for the sake of achieving '般若无知 无所不知',with 无知equivalent to 'stop thinking '. I believe the best way to do it is to start from 小乘 like myself, the foundation in Hinayana will enable one to appreciate 大乘 much better. I remember the first time I heard 金刚经 about 20 years ago, it was like music from heaven. On the other hand, if one does not have the right foundation then one may feel depressed upon hearing things like emptiness or 梦幻泡影。Or one may find it boring because one has not developed the necessary neuron circuits to appreciate it; it is like watching a movie with muted volume and in low resolution format compared to watching it in full surround sound and ultra HD if one has the right foundation. So I suggest for those who are genuinely interested to engage a good master and seek refuge in the triple gem in order to get the ultra HD (佛加持) experience 🙏
The reason these enlightened monks discourage thinking, like what professor said 'stop thinking', is for the sake of achieving '般若无知 无所不知',with 无知equivalent to 'stop thinking '.
I believe the best way to do it is to start from 小乘 like myself, the foundation in Hinayana will enable one to appreciate 大乘 much better. I remember the first time I heard 金刚经 about 20 years ago, it was like music from heaven. On the other hand, if one does not have the right foundation then one may feel depressed upon hearing things like emptiness or 梦幻泡影。Or one may find it boring because one has not developed the necessary neuron circuits to appreciate it; it is like watching a movie with muted volume and in low resolution format compared to watching it in full surround sound and ultra HD if one has the right foundation.
So I suggest for those who are genuinely interested to engage a good master and seek refuge in the triple gem in order to get the ultra HD (佛加持) experience 🙏
其實真係好多 在位者 好似梁武帝咁