I believe many audiences of professor are here to study the philosophy of Buddhism instead of practicing or seeking refuge in the triple gems. If that's the case one should be careful in experimenting with 禅定 because when you do that you are opening the main door of your soul to all sorts of realms. If you have good moral conduct and are compassionate, then you will make connections with the good realms and vice versa. So if you want to do 禅定, it is better to do it under the guidance of a good master because then you will get the protection of the Buddha and other 护法神。 My master once told me that when he was at the cusp of enlightenment, beings from 化乐天 contacted him through something like telepathy . They told my master that he used to come from 化乐天 and invited him to join them to set up a network on earth. But my master respectfully declined them because he was more interested in nirvana, and then my 师公 helped to resolve the intervention from the 化乐天. There is a very interesting world out there that is beyond our imagination.
合十,感恩分享共勉之 。
大概听完后,个人也认同陶教授认为这一部经与佛教的说法,有个比较特别之处 。首先,菩萨为何也会有病 ?
第二,这一位居士其实生活在凡间里其中家境富裕,且拥有一群妻淁成罗的修行居士 。
确实有别修行者修淨心淨土为基本领悟之修 。
或许这部经典所要表达内容,是针对于"非学佛者"的一般世人的普通凡夫俗子们所能够比较接受,和看得比较能够明白的佛法带出一些"精髓之处" ?比方说,佛法不想让一般人感到是种不能明白的事,于是集一般凡人对佛法的想法而写述精简而简单的讲述,终究佛法其实是给一般的凡夫使人所看的《书》
比如陶教授指出两点特别之点,提供出值得参考和思考的论点,是相当不错让人直接看到为何会有这些不同特别之点 ? 而佛教对世人一直强调其中最重要的教义,并不是要世人知道《佛法》究竟是多么多么厉害和多么多么神圣的道法 。。。。。
而是最终,佛法终究是要世人能够学习理解到 : 众生皆平等的意义,无论什么样的人,都是普通一个凡人而并无其他分别 。
而且道出人想学佛修行,总不能无明要做出抛弃至亲的家人,断送一切生活所需的价值与物品,最后还需要做出"自行断绝六亲大义"之事 ........
方能开始出家修行,悟道,学佛 ?
这些复杂人事物就是讲述主要处理意义吧 ? ( 纯粹个人观点 )
于是佛学对一般想要学佛的凡夫俗子才会另出这本特别讲经吧 ?
就是修行,也可以在家一边过生活,一边参考如何自修佛法 ......
而自修时候,人也会有生病的时候 .......
嗯 .........为何菩萨也会有病 ?
这名修佛的居士在实际是个生活在富裕家境的背景 ,
可他却真实是一名修行颇有层次的居士 。
内容终极所言的要点,也许就在这些 分别的方面作出一种明态.......吧 。
其余个人所听不明白的,便放下 。
( 合十与共勉之,感恩 。)
短片提及「供」養的「特別」讀音(粵音),其實與佛教無關,本來就應該讀第三聲(同音字如「貢」),用作奉獻(offer) 、崇敬/拜(respect/worship)的意思;所以,「供」養、「供」奉都讀如是。
但是,「供」給、「供」應則應該讀第一聲(同音字如「工」),是提供(supply, provide)的意思。
I believe many audiences of professor are here to study the philosophy of Buddhism instead of practicing or seeking refuge in the triple gems. If that's the case one should be careful in experimenting with 禅定 because when you do that you are opening the main door of your soul to all sorts of realms. If you have good moral conduct and are compassionate, then you will make connections with the good realms and vice versa. So if you want to do 禅定, it is better to do it under the guidance of a good master because then you will get the protection of the Buddha and other 护法神。
My master once told me that when he was at the cusp of enlightenment, beings from 化乐天 contacted him through something like telepathy . They told my master that he used to come from 化乐天 and invited him to join them to set up a network on earth. But my master respectfully declined them because he was more interested in nirvana, and then my 师公 helped to resolve the intervention from the 化乐天. There is a very interesting world out there that is beyond our imagination.