When i listen this song, i'feel closing my eyes, removing my body and got dragged myself into heaven! GREAT SONG, JAM PROJECT !!!!!! 私はこの歌を聞くと,目を閉じて, 私の体を取り除き、自分自身を天国に行くと感じる! ステキな歌,JAM PROJECT!!!!!!
You'd think this song would be a bit expensive to do live, considering the instruments required to do it right. But if there's ever time to throw money at the stage, it's for a filmed concert at the Budokan.
さぁ 目を醒ませ 未知なる力 感じるはず 胸深く
さぁ 君だけの 明日を行け
そう 迷わず 扉開き 進化の過程を(進め!)
過ぎた日々の後悔や 繰り返したあやまちに
今別れを告げよう そうさ きっと 未来は変えられるから
さぁ 目を閉じて 耳をすませ 聞えるだろう 希望の歌が
今 恐れずに 前を向き
さぁ 羽ばたけ 光になれ 新たな歴史を(刻め!)
終わりの無い争いと 積み重ねたおろかさに
今別れを告げよう そうさ きっと 未来は変えられるから
荒ぶる魂と 自由な発想で Ah 僕らは行く 僕らの理想へ
運命さえ乗り越える 迷いの無いまなざしで
今すべてを抱きしめる そうさ きっと 世界は変えられるから
恐れ知らぬ魂は 迷うこと無く荒海へ
Step by step, we'll move on.
Groundbreakers come and pave the future now.
Step by step, we'll move on.
Groundbreakers come and pave the future now.
JAMprojectよ 永遠なれ
When i listen this song, i'feel closing my eyes, removing my body and got dragged myself into heaven! GREAT SONG, JAM PROJECT !!!!!!
私はこの歌を聞くと,目を閉じて, 私の体を取り除き、自分自身を天国に行くと感じる!
ステキな歌,JAM PROJECT!!!!!!
The best thing on you tube!! And I don’t understand one word!!
This is called, JAM PROJECT
Best band
You'd think this song would be a bit expensive to do live, considering the instruments required to do it right. But if there's ever time to throw money at the stage, it's for a filmed concert at the Budokan.
I think JAM's concert ticket price is very cheap considering it's quality:)