@-Goddess Of Flash- lol there wasn't a love triangle in bleach. Rukia and Ichigo were just really good friends. Orihime just developed romantic feelings faster than he did. You may have not read the manga.
OH PLEASE Trent and gwen only knew each other for a little while, weren’t even together AND heather owed nothing to gwen because they weren’t even friends. Gwen and court were actually friends when it happened you can’t compare the situations
They didn’t ruin Heather, even after giving her a love interest she stayed the same which is why I think Aleheather is such a fan favorite. Their one of the few couples where the creators gave them a bf/gf and they still didn’t change
@@heyheylistennow Scott got ruined when he came back. He was a semi good villain in his debut season. However Alejandro and Heather stayed the same even after becoming a couple thank god cause if either of them changed then I would’ve been completely done with Total Drama
@@USDMXTHEPROEXPERT actually no Trent and Gwen weren’t together when she did that. Kissing someone else’s crush is actually something everyone expects of Heather so no one can really give her shit for it plus she harbored no feelings for Trent and only did it to win, however even though Courtney and Duncan broke up for a short time they did make out later on which basically told us they were back together even tho they didn’t officially say it, no one expects Gwen to even lay her hands on another girl’s bf, crush, or even ex so that’s why everyone’s so shocked and/or pissed this is completely out of character for someone like Gwen-she harbored feelings for Duncan and he and her refused to tell Courtney. She felt guilty about it sure, but even after knowing how Courtney felt about the situation they still stayed together, but Gwen had the audacity to complain about Courtney glaring at her as if she did nothing wrong, get mad when Duncan kept trying to make Courtney jealous (here’s one rule in dating if you’re going to have an affair and eventually get with the person your cheating with, you should expect them to cheat or flirt with someone else because they cheated before so what’s stopping them from doing the same to you. I’m not saying Duncan cheated on Gwen, but he did try to make Courtney jealous showing he still had feelings for her-basically what I’m saying is he cheated on Courtney with Gwen, so Gwen shouldn’t expect him to not flirt with or cheat on her. Once a cheater/flirt always a cheater/flirt), that’s only half of what she made Courtney feel, not only that but she kept trying to apologize to Courtney as if that would erase everything she and Duncan did did, and only broke up with Duncan BECAUSE he was trying to make Courtney jealous not because she missed Courtney
You know she says that Duncan wasn't her boyfriend at the time but that's a dumb excuse but when she confesses to it she says "I finally get friendsh with courtney and I kiss her boyfriend" so she knew what she did wrong and she keeps making stupid excuses
@@bomberdawesome and plus gwen is one of my favorite characters I still think she is one of my favorites but if I have to hear "he wasn't your boyfriend at the time" again I swear to God I'm gonna lose it
The reason why Courtney and Gwen’s friendship was broken completely and both characters has gotten ruined was because the episode “Sundae Muddy Sundae” was poorly bad due to the episode being written by Ed MacDonald. And Courtney has also gotten eliminated also. Gwen has messed up big time! The episode has the biggest mistakes of all time. Poor Gwen/Courtney fans!!
Frl idc what anyone Says mal was just the worst villain in total drama history. Mal almost ruined gwen and Cameron's Friendship Ruined gwen and cortneys Friendship. Sabotaged gwen into losing and getting eliminated Threw both gwen and Cameron back down to level 1 in the finale. And tricked zoey thay Mike was gone forever.
@AMTransitFan he chose to be with Courtney and then he chose to cheat. If he was unhappy he could have broken up with her and dated Gwen. Instead he chose to use Gwen as a side chick and toy with Courtney’s feelings. Him choosing to cheat is his fault.
@@heyheylistennow yeah but Gwen also knew what she did was wrong and was “friend”ish with Courtney, so their both at fault for this. Courtney is a little too for driving Duncan away, but not as much as Duncan and Gwen are because Duncan could’ve easily broken up with her for it before kissing Gwen
Courtney was supposed to win All Stars, but it was later decided to replace her with Zoey. I feel that if Courtney went to the finale, her relationship with Gwen would have been intact and thus they would have been still friends. Their relationship breaking up also felt really abrupt... Even though I'm not a Courtney fan, I really think she deserved to win this one, sigh why producers why.
I know I’m 1 year late but all because Ed Macdonald didn’t want her to win literally I heard all the other writers agreed to make Courtney win all stars but just the one writer didn’t want her to he eliminated her in “Sundae muddy sundae” worst episode of TD history
Heather was originally going to get 6th, Alejandro was supposed to be tenth, Owen was going to be first eliminated, Mal was going to get 5th, Zoey vs. Courtney was the original finale, Gwen was going to be in the final three, Blaineley was (probably) going to be in there to get eliminated, Cameron was originally going to get 4th, Scott was originally going to get 7th, Duncan and Sierra were originally going to switch places (Sierra getting 8th, Duncan getting 9th)
gwuncan would be better off if they were friends. in season one when everyone found out how heather kissed trent , duncan’s reaction was him being furious. so when it came to him kissing gwen , gwen should’ve known exactly how courtney felt. i’m definitely on team courtney.
Courtney was phenomenal in island she was good in action, Ok in world tour then came all stars where the writers absolutely destroyed her character same as Duncan, heather, Gwen
I hate how Gwen says “I’m a horrible person for kissing Courtney’s BOYFRIEND” after she and Duncan first kiss. But then Gwen backpedals after she and Duncan get together and tries to say that Duncan and Courtney weren’t even together when they were so that she doesn’t look as bad… She’s fake. And what I hate most is that Courtney forgives her without getting Gwen to admit that she DID kiss her boyfriend! She was too nice about that.
A few things I'd like to say about this video: Gwen is guilty. She dated her friend's boyfriend knowing full well they both were still together (& even if Courtney & Duncan broken up, she still is kind of wrong for breaking the girl code). Courtney is a very controlling girlfriend, she wants Duncan to be what her definition of a perfect boyfriend is. I get she loves him but treating your partner as if they're a Sims character is just horrible because you can't really change someone especially if you're expecting them to change their whole existence to fit your tastes. Duncan is a douchebag. He randomly flirts with women, cheats on his girlfriend with her own friend, then after breaking up with Courtney & starts dating Gwen he makes googly eyes on Courtney then after Gwen breaks up with him, he doesn't want to let things go once he found out that the girls have made up with each other. Conclusion, everyone is shit but atleast Gwen tried to fix things between Courtney & Duncan can't live without the "bad boy" attention
Yeah and it makes me sad on how everyone really just blames it on Gwen. My personal opinion I think it’s Duncan’s fault like why tf would you flirt with random girls when your with someone? He’s such a hypocrite he gets mad at Courtney for flirting with Alejandro and Tyler while he does the same with Gwen and heather???
@@gwenfromtdiI wish people didn't bland courtney too cuz she didn't even cheat on Duncan but same! I think Duncan is the one who should get all the hate
@gwenfromtdi I agree with you on people blaming Gwen being too much. I personally think all 3 of them were at fault, though! Also I never cared for Courtney! She was too annoying to me!
This what I don’t get about gwen. In World Tour She kiss Duncan behind Courtney’s back but only focus on staying in the game and voting Courtney off not to mention never actually apologizing Courtney. But in All Stars she does anything to win back her friendship with Courtney?
gwen’a character was really cool in the first season but i hated how they ruined her character by turning her into a whole home-wrecker, she became better in all stars though but her saying that she got with duncan when he wasn’t with courtney was just a full on lie
Honestly Courtney was a strong person, I really think that she was very hurt and I'm pretty sure Gwen knew Duncan and Courtney were together at the time. Honestly thought Duncan could have brought out the better side of Courtney
He did bring out the better side of Courtney and made her less uptight in S1, and Gwen knew she confesses and said “after I get friend-ish with Courtney I kiss her boyfriend”, she knew they were dating and was just making excuses every time she said they weren’t dating
People like Duncan cz they think he's a saint...but they forgot how he did Gwen and Courtney dirty (especially Courtney) He never even apologized. Duncan is a jerk
nobody EVER said duncan is a saint. everyone did something bad in this show, i mean, we are talking about silly teenagers in a tv show. he cheated on her and that was wrong. but courtney acted manipulative all the time after tdi. she was so toxic for duncan. and gwen in tdas acted really cold with him too, so she is also at fault. i honestly hate total drama all stars because everyone was so out of character and it didn’t make sense. duncan isn’t the type to want everyone to look at him and fight for him, that was so not him.
Not me. Justin didn’t do too much dirty work (except getting Gwen eliminated from the Screaming Gaffers so she can make up for Trent) (or for manipulating Lindsay and Beth a lot).
Okay, what I have to say about this is yes, Gwen was wrong, wrong for not seeing what she did wrong and owning up to it, she should have said something a long time ago, and Duncan was wrong for cheating without being considerate about Courtney's feelings, but the relationship between Duncan and courtney was bound to not work out because they did not quite suit each other I mean personality wise... but Duncan and gwen really vibed and were really feeling each other, as we could see courtney was always complaining and wanted to change Duncan, and that's not right, you should not have a problem with the person you're going out with because that's how they were like when you first got with them. Y'all understand? But I'm glad Gwen tried to make it better with courtney.
Gwen and Duncan liked to hang out with eachother (I think we saw that in one of the aftermaths in action) but Courtney and Duncan couldn't work out courtney wanted Duncan to change and I know it was for the better and Courtney did it so they can become a better relationship but it would have ruined Duncan's character.
Totally, I thought gwen and duncan would be a thing in s1 when I first saw them but well did not happen, then s2 Trent and Courtney both were extremelly jelous bc let's face it even if they were just friends they were also pretty similar (trent even said it) and if u watch carefully Duncan was actually WAY happier and loyal to gwen (s1 he flirts with lindsay in that nasty food challenge and Courtney was eliminated like 2 episodes ago, then when they are in the island duncan says he is caught in a dessert island with 2 pretty girls (one of them being gwen) later heather pretends to be scared and asks duncan to hug her (stategy for stealing him the map) and he is ok and even hugs her back they literally sleep hugging each other AND HE WAS COURTNEYS BOYFRIEND AT THAT MOMENT, s2 was similar some flirtings with heather and he went protective to gwen and lets no forget he knew more about gwen than any other in the finale, then in s3 heather flirts with him and he just ignores her and runs to see gwen, when he finds out she is going to be eliminated he is sad, next chapter heather "do you mind if I hug u?" Duncan "actually I do" and they fight, same chapter he draws gwen in the plain, next chapter when cody asks if gwen was the eliminated girl who will come back duncan is smiling ear to ear, he gets eliminated and then he is always next to gwen and hugs her when the bear gets "angry", all stars: "I only came back for Gwen" and even when I know he does not stand Courtney igboring him (I think it was bc his ego more than he likes her) he is still VERY lovely with gwen he even becomes a hero bc he wants to protect her and that kiss in the checek was just beautiful, and then saying he miss her and blowing a kiss to her "scince when I throw kisses?" Scince he is ACTUALLY happy and in love with his gf)
TDI is the only real canon season for the main cast in my eyes. Minus Aleheather, Justin trying to be smart, Courtney being friends with Gwen, and Brittany the raccoon. Every other season for them was just haha funny’s.
I would say 40% Duncan's fault 40% Gwen's fault 17% Chris's fault 2% Alejandro's fault 1% Tyler's fault And no Courtney is not to blame because she felt bad about what she did to Duncan, she mentioned it in episode 10 of World Tour.
If you think about it, the kiss wasn’t really completely Gwens fault. I mean Gwen did have a crush on Duncan in action and the beginning of World Tour. But, Duncan had no regrets and didn’t apologize and just wanted to be with Gwen. However, Gwen felt really bad and after she kissed Duncan and apologized a LOT of times.
Looking back on it, many years into my adult life, I am entirely on Team Courtney. Gwen is the worst person on the show. She pretends to be nice yet trash talks everyone and breaks up a relationship just to end it later. Gwen isnt a hero. Not at all. Not even in the slightest.
When Courtney was elimated in season 1 her and Duncan broke up Duncan fell in love with Gwen well they both fell in love with eachother thats why Gwen always says he wasent her boyfriend at the time GwenxDuncan
I really liked Duncan and Courtney's relationship in TDI, but in my opinion , it just went downhill from there. As much as I love Gwen with Trent, I also really like her with Duncan because of how much she loves hanging out with him and just being with. With Gwen, Duncan didn't have to change himself for her in any way, shape or form. I just think they're a good match
People keep saying they were just bad for each other but to be honest, Gwen was a better choice. Courtney tried to forcefully change him, and also just kept playing with him (Justin for example).
How the ships should went Duncan and Courtney should just ended things for good they were too toxic forcing someone to change for you isn't a good relationship it's terrible plus Duncan is a scumbag Gwen would been better choice but he played her feelings Courtney was better with Scott at least since he seemed to not push her limits then make Courtney be abusive
finally!! thank you! courtney’s fans make up excuses like “duncan and gwen are more like siblings” and stuff like that. absolutely not. courtney became so toxic in tda, the way she manipulated and treated duncan was horrible. i think duncan should have dumped her instead of cheating but she definitely wasn’t a good match for him.
Fun fact Courtney was supposed to be in the final two with Zoey and win but because of the whole stupid Mal thing they scrapped it. Another fun fact lightning and Courtney were supposed to interact and eventually date taking Scott’s spot, but they also scrapped it and made lightning the second one out. If you think this would’ve been better. 👇
I feel like im the only one who thinks both Courtney and Duncan were toxic people and neither should be in relationships atm. Gwen fucked up too, but not to the extent of those two.
There friendship was the best ... The fact that it broke because of a guy and the one THATS MY FAV smh total drama ... Really messed up Chris is such a mood lol
5:12 This is Courtney’s Harassment on Gwen and I wish Gwen would get back on Courtney, but I’m sad she didn’t. You know, Gwen looks nice on her goth style. And this is what girls will do to their friends
@@gamingwithtdcoco I know she tried to change Duncan to improve his behavior but she did it to show her affection towards him. Then Gwen shows interest in Duncan and that's when shit hits the fan considering that Gwen should've known better then to show interest in her best friend's boyfriend. I don't blame Courtney when she gets mad at both Duncan and Gwen.
What made me mad about all stars was that literally gwen has done so many heroic stuff throughout the season and yet Chris kept her on villians but when cortney did that one thing in the leech episode she got switched to villains team and when Duncan showed his soft side he got switched to heros
@@Sydney_o it's my opinion aright you like Gwen and that is ur opinion keep your opinion to yourself I like courtney but not her always she is good but I like others to so u can shut up
Gwen is better because throughout the majority of the series in every season she was in, she had morals. Gwen wanted to play the game fairly and was a good/supportive teammate. Even after she made out what Duncan in the confessional. She felt guilty about it if; she wanted to come clean. Had she come clean instead of Tyler putting her on blast; I don't feel as though she would have received as much backlash from Courtney(Sure she'd still be angry but she'd have most likely given Duncan a much harder time) Remember she intended to tell Courtney the truth about her wrong doing. Courtney, well, I do not like her character but even I have to admit that she's headstrong, a great strategist, and a good competitor. However, she is rude, violent, and condescending. TBH If she had never gotten into a relationship with Duncan would anybody even like Courtney like be for real? His flirting is what made her popular; before their season 1 kiss no one gave a damn about her character. Overall Gwen for me is more of a relatiable character and despite her flaws & mistakes she has owned up to each and every one of them. Has apologized and was done dirty by the writers since season one (After they made her drink punch from the toilet they'd better had given her the win) Gwen>Courtney
FR The writers ruined Her and Court is SO toxic *COURT PLAN* Court:*Being mad at Duncan cuz he cheated* HMMM NO Court:*being mad at Gwen for being honest and being with who she wants* YES SHE IS EL-LI-MI-NA-TED
You kidding me right now... Courtney treats the guy like a slave worst a pet in need of training... And keeps trying to change him... If you love the 1 accept who they are... Gwen did that to him & He to Gwen... I know the show got them to break off & shit but in reality they have alot common & can be... Are like best friend more than the show put Courtney & Gwen... from like friendzone to the end zone... Like Kim & Ron from Kim possible! Danny & Sam from Danny Phantom! So in my version it's like this... To those who don't like it! 🖕 After getting out of prison he went straight home... Greeted by he's family... Changed he's way a bit accepted who he is now & was a sweetheart but he still was a bit trouble maker & kept he's punk look... He asked Gwen put again... She was nervous & shy at 1st but decided to give him another chance... But take things slow this time... So they became friends... Best friends & Couples... After few dates they were official & at a restaurant they proposed each other at the same time too... She told him she's with babies... Twins! & got married after few weeks... He had gone to a musical school & she her dream art school! Now he's in a band! He's a loving husband caring father... And she went to a loving wife caring mother... And in a very well good & healthy relation!
@@Emmmmak24 sweeter? What was sweet about her again? She ditched Duncan right after he wrestled an alligator for her... After that it's all calling her lawyers & lawsuits...
Bruce Wayne she helped Duncan overcome his fear also, and she even did something bad with him, even though it didn’t last long. It’s like she was bipolar or something...she switched so quickly when she was voted off and from there on she was crazy.
@@Emmmmak24 Voted off??? Have you seen TDI? See was kicked out cuz if Harold & even before she was horrible... With all her bitching bout how she's SIT...
Gwen wants Courtney to vote for herself, because, she wants her gone, plain and simple, I don't like that she has to "PROVE" anything to Gwen, by Voting for herself, that doesn't even make SENSE
I hated how their friendship ended on all stars. I also hated the love triangle drama in world tour.
Flower Fennec Fox yea and they didn’t even fix their friendship
@-Goddess Of Flash- lol there wasn't a love triangle in bleach. Rukia and Ichigo were just really good friends. Orihime just developed romantic feelings faster than he did. You may have not read the manga.
Damarius Griffin Are u talking about a different tv series?
Andrew Weiland true. Duncan is a douche. He doesn’t deserve Courtney or Gwen
Lesbian Frenemies
Not Heather singing Boyfriend Kisser too. The hypocrisy 🤣
well trent and gwen weren’t even together when she kissed him. gwen just had a crush on him
@@iviario4088 She still knew she liked him
@@iviario4088 it's still hypocritical
Tbh Heather didn't love or even want to hook up with trent.
OH PLEASE Trent and gwen only knew each other for a little while, weren’t even together AND heather owed nothing to gwen because they weren’t even friends. Gwen and court were actually friends when it happened you can’t compare the situations
This whole drama makes me cringe. They were great friends and the writers ruined the most powerful players in the game
It is called total drama
So...Scott Alejandro and Heather?
They didn’t ruin Heather, even after giving her a love interest she stayed the same which is why I think Aleheather is such a fan favorite. Their one of the few couples where the creators gave them a bf/gf and they still didn’t change
@@heyheylistennow Scott got ruined when he came back. He was a semi good villain in his debut season. However Alejandro and Heather stayed the same even after becoming a couple thank god cause if either of them changed then I would’ve been completely done with Total Drama
* one of
Dont hate Gwen or Courtney, hate the writters
Hate the Teletoon executive who demanded that Courtney and Duncan and Gwen and Trent needed to end for 'reasons'.
No, hate the network exectutives
No, hate Chris McLean!
No hate gwen
@@herseyikemalyaptmesude NO HATE CHRIS
7:20 that little voice crack made me cry
She need hug.😢
I’m sorry but what she did was wrong and she should be crying
Gwen have the best voice cracks
I love her voice
If the positions were reversed you wouldn't be saying the same.
@@GracieGorbo no frl
Boyfriend kisser is actually a bop, fight me
Yes 😀
Núria Pla True, it’s one of my favorite moments in the series
Heather is also a Boyfriend Kisser cause she kissed Trent.
@@USDMXTHEPROEXPERT actually no Trent and Gwen weren’t together when she did that. Kissing someone else’s crush is actually something everyone expects of Heather so no one can really give her shit for it plus she harbored no feelings for Trent and only did it to win, however even though Courtney and Duncan broke up for a short time they did make out later on which basically told us they were back together even tho they didn’t officially say it, no one expects Gwen to even lay her hands on another girl’s bf, crush, or even ex so that’s why everyone’s so shocked and/or pissed this is completely out of character for someone like Gwen-she harbored feelings for Duncan and he and her refused to tell Courtney. She felt guilty about it sure, but even after knowing how Courtney felt about the situation they still stayed together, but Gwen had the audacity to complain about Courtney glaring at her as if she did nothing wrong, get mad when Duncan kept trying to make Courtney jealous (here’s one rule in dating if you’re going to have an affair and eventually get with the person your cheating with, you should expect them to cheat or flirt with someone else because they cheated before so what’s stopping them from doing the same to you. I’m not saying Duncan cheated on Gwen, but he did try to make Courtney jealous showing he still had feelings for her-basically what I’m saying is he cheated on Courtney with Gwen, so Gwen shouldn’t expect him to not flirt with or cheat on her. Once a cheater/flirt always a cheater/flirt), that’s only half of what she made Courtney feel, not only that but she kept trying to apologize to Courtney as if that would erase everything she and Duncan did did, and only broke up with Duncan BECAUSE he was trying to make Courtney jealous not because she missed Courtney
@Eve do you even watch total drama?
You know she says that Duncan wasn't her boyfriend at the time but that's a dumb excuse but when she confesses to it she says "I finally get friendsh with courtney and I kiss her boyfriend" so she knew what she did wrong and she keeps making stupid excuses
PAZZO right even in the tda special they were still together.
yeah I guess you know she didn't see courtney and Duncan making out on the bus which was the reason the bus flew off a cliff
PAZZO Lol i agree.
@@bomberdawesome and plus gwen is one of my favorite characters I still think she is one of my favorites but if I have to hear "he wasn't your boyfriend at the time" again I swear to God I'm gonna lose it
Gwen is still cool Courtney annoys me
The reason why Courtney and Gwen’s friendship was broken completely and both characters has gotten ruined was because the episode “Sundae Muddy Sundae” was poorly bad due to the episode being written by Ed MacDonald. And Courtney has also gotten eliminated also. Gwen has messed up big time! The episode has the biggest mistakes of all time. Poor Gwen/Courtney fans!!
I agree with this lol
But just because Sundae Muddy Sundae is terrible, doesn’t mean the entire season is bad.
exclamation marks
Frl idc what anyone Says mal was just the worst villain in total drama history.
Mal almost ruined gwen and Cameron's Friendship
Ruined gwen and cortneys Friendship.
Sabotaged gwen into losing and getting eliminated
Threw both gwen and Cameron back down to level 1 in the finale.
And tricked zoey thay Mike was gone forever.
I also agree :)
I hate Duncan for planning the love triangle and cheating on Courtney and I hate Mal for exposing Courtney’s chart.
im sorry i just dont know who to like...
@Alexis Borrero k cool
@Villain Fanyou're not alone
it’s not his fault, Courtney was not the greatest.
@AMTransitFan he chose to be with Courtney and then he chose to cheat. If he was unhappy he could have broken up with her and dated Gwen. Instead he chose to use Gwen as a side chick and toy with Courtney’s feelings. Him choosing to cheat is his fault.
Gwen’s voice crack kills my headphones lmao :P
Tbh I kinda wish courtney would've taken it off on Duncan instead because it ruined the whole friendship
@Pr.incorporated Duncan was the one dating
She kicked Duncan in the nuts and slapped Gwen so she went on both of them
@@heyheylistennow yeah but Gwen also knew what she did was wrong and was “friend”ish with Courtney, so their both at fault for this. Courtney is a little too for driving Duncan away, but not as much as Duncan and Gwen are because Duncan could’ve easily broken up with her for it before kissing Gwen
Courtney was supposed to win All Stars, but it was later decided to replace her with Zoey. I feel that if Courtney went to the finale, her relationship with Gwen would have been intact and thus they would have been still friends. Their relationship breaking up also felt really abrupt... Even though I'm not a Courtney fan, I really think she deserved to win this one, sigh why producers why.
I know I’m 1 year late but all because Ed Macdonald didn’t want her to win literally I heard all the other writers agreed to make Courtney win all stars but just the one writer didn’t want her to he eliminated her in “Sundae muddy sundae” worst episode of TD history
wait do you know where i can find a link to this or something
@Villain Fan 2nd worst for me. The only episode I hate more is the finale of All Stars. And I only hate it more because of the balloon thing.
@@totaldramaboss7008 5th worst to me. El Bunny Supremo is my most hated. I also hated the first episode of TDPI.
Heather was originally going to get 6th, Alejandro was supposed to be tenth, Owen was going to be first eliminated, Mal was going to get 5th, Zoey vs. Courtney was the original finale, Gwen was going to be in the final three, Blaineley was (probably) going to be in there to get eliminated, Cameron was originally going to get 4th, Scott was originally going to get 7th, Duncan and Sierra were originally going to switch places (Sierra getting 8th, Duncan getting 9th)
Hunter XD 0:37 All the *BLACK* nail polish in the world would it get me out there.
Hunter XD I mean she is actually white
@@swillzmegamitensei lol
"You messed with the wrong white girl!" 😂
This aged really well can’t believe I’m back here
I love how Gwen said she date with Duncan when he was single, but in Tour world she say she kissed Courtney's boyfriend
Right she’s making excuses
gwuncan would be better off if they were friends. in season one when everyone found out how heather kissed trent , duncan’s reaction was him being furious. so when it came to him kissing gwen , gwen should’ve known exactly how courtney felt. i’m definitely on team courtney.
Me too.
Nah Courtney was also too much, Duncan deserves the blame tbh
Well courtney did treat duchan like shit in TDA but it was wrong for duchan to create a love triangle between him courtney and gwen
I'm Team Gwen. BOO-YA!
@CJM94 ME TOO!!!
I loved Courtney in TDI. Yeah she was uptight but still kind and sweet. Now she's extremely rude and she doesn't accept her mistakes.
I still like her
@@miltongutierrez8934 lol not me
@@heyheylistennow IDC that's your problem
Courtney was phenomenal in island she was good in action, Ok in world tour then came all stars where the writers absolutely destroyed her character same as Duncan, heather, Gwen
12:04 Even Alejandro fell annoyied with this love triangle between Dunan,Gwen,Courtney.
Annoyed ****
Cat fight
Their hips with those bulked up calves and small bodies
I wish Duncan and Gwen were together first Courtney honestly deserves someone better to bring the best out of her
Gwuncan is awesome Courtney is just toxic with the triangle so hopefully she’ll get someone better
I agree but I cant see country with anyone else
@@Lara-zb4ok how 🤦♀️ Gwen isn’t the one making rules for Duncan and trying to change his whole personality for the sake of herself
I hate how Gwen says “I’m a horrible person for kissing Courtney’s BOYFRIEND” after she and Duncan first kiss. But then Gwen backpedals after she and Duncan get together and tries to say that Duncan and Courtney weren’t even together when they were so that she doesn’t look as bad… She’s fake. And what I hate most is that Courtney forgives her without getting Gwen to admit that she DID kiss her boyfriend! She was too nice about that.
It's True!
Just shows how bad the writers fucked up.
EXACTLY she was trying to make excuses. 😭
You don't get to cheer 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
A few things I'd like to say about this video:
Gwen is guilty. She dated her friend's boyfriend knowing full well they both were still together (& even if Courtney & Duncan broken up, she still is kind of wrong for breaking the girl code).
Courtney is a very controlling girlfriend, she wants Duncan to be what her definition of a perfect boyfriend is. I get she loves him but treating your partner as if they're a Sims character is just horrible because you can't really change someone especially if you're expecting them to change their whole existence to fit your tastes.
Duncan is a douchebag. He randomly flirts with women, cheats on his girlfriend with her own friend, then after breaking up with Courtney & starts dating Gwen he makes googly eyes on Courtney then after Gwen breaks up with him, he doesn't want to let things go once he found out that the girls have made up with each other.
Conclusion, everyone is shit but atleast Gwen tried to fix things between Courtney & Duncan can't live without the "bad boy" attention
Yeah and it makes me sad on how everyone really just blames it on Gwen. My personal opinion I think it’s Duncan’s fault like why tf would you flirt with random girls when your with someone? He’s such a hypocrite he gets mad at Courtney for flirting with Alejandro and Tyler while he does the same with Gwen and heather???
@@gwenfromtdiI wish people didn't bland courtney too cuz she didn't even cheat on Duncan but same! I think Duncan is the one who should get all the hate
@gwenfromtdi I agree with you on people blaming Gwen being too much. I personally think all 3 of them were at fault, though! Also I never cared for Courtney! She was too annoying to me!
Courtney ! ❤️❤️ Gwen was my favorite at some point, but I like Courtney more now :)
Mariana Estevez same
I always like Courtney
hopefully you've grown form this tho
@@brianatrester6906why shes not my fav
Wdym gwen my fav
Gwen should've went out with Cody, even though I still prefer Gwent.
Yep I think so too
Yassss he just wanted her to be happy😭😭
@@Emmmmak24 nah F Cody
Nah i think they’re better being friends
No, let him be with Sierra.
I know this is about the Gwen Duncan Courtney love triangle but Geoff and Bridgette are so fuckjng funny as hosts 😭😭😭 theyre perfect
Unpopular Opinion: I like Courtney better.
I dont think its unpopular 😂
Creek Trash I like Courtney WAY better
Well my opinión is gwen is better
I like them both
This what I don’t get about gwen. In World Tour She kiss Duncan behind Courtney’s back but only focus on staying in the game and voting Courtney off not to mention never actually apologizing Courtney. But in All Stars she does anything to win back her friendship with Courtney?
There was atleast a year time gap between World Tour and All Stars so she could’ve changed her mind about the whole thing
11:23 chef looks beautiful
Chief is always beautiful
11:25 Chris, stop!!!
gwen’a character was really cool in the first season but i hated how they ruined her character by turning her into a whole home-wrecker, she became better in all stars though but her saying that she got with duncan when he wasn’t with courtney was just a full on lie
I'm team Gwen backstabbing your friends too far
Gwen was my favorite character when I watched this show.
froggys same
💙 her, too. And Courtney. I wish they never fought.
Andrew Weiland same.
Honestly Courtney was a strong person, I really think that she was very hurt and I'm pretty sure Gwen knew Duncan and Courtney were together at the time. Honestly thought Duncan could have brought out the better side of Courtney
He did bring out the better side of Courtney and made her less uptight in S1, and Gwen knew she confesses and said “after I get friend-ish with Courtney I kiss her boyfriend”, she knew they were dating and was just making excuses every time she said they weren’t dating
People like Duncan cz they think he's a saint...but they forgot how he did Gwen and Courtney dirty (especially Courtney)
He never even apologized. Duncan is a jerk
Finally someone who knows this
nobody EVER said duncan is a saint. everyone did something bad in this show, i mean, we are talking about silly teenagers in a tv show.
he cheated on her and that was wrong. but courtney acted manipulative all the time after tdi. she was so toxic for duncan. and gwen in tdas acted really cold with him too, so she is also at fault.
i honestly hate total drama all stars because everyone was so out of character and it didn’t make sense. duncan isn’t the type to want everyone to look at him and fight for him, that was so not him.
@@tatakve_ duncan tdi seeing girls fighting over him: i thinked they prefered athletes *laughs
I love them both and want them to be friends!
Honestly, Gwen and Courtney should win 🤣
Edit: Omg? 72 likes? WOW TYSM!
Edit 2: 76? WOW TYSMMMM
Savanna Hernandez Gwen did win season 1 in Canada
Duncan and Courtney
@@brianatrester6906 YES I AGREE the ship is better than gwenucan...sorry Gwen!
Gwen did not win Owen did
@@trixie-jm4hd Okie then
So did most people forget that Courtney was basically the main Villain in TDA
Heather mandou abraços né
Not me. Justin didn’t do too much dirty work (except getting Gwen eliminated from the Screaming Gaffers so she can make up for Trent) (or for manipulating Lindsay and Beth a lot).
More like Duncan was
She is the best character on tda❤
Sure. Regardless, she at least made TDA interesting
I blame all three in this scenario tbh😑
Fair enough that makes sense 😓. Duncan is bad, and Gwen should of been honest up front to her friend.
@@flowerfennecfox and Courtney IS to blame for pushing him so hard to change to HER imagine of perfection
Yesika Narvaez yep. I agree
@@yesikanarvaez5027 my God, Courtney has her bad things but that never gave Duncan the right to cheat on her
@@Lara-zb4ok well it's her fault they Duncan lost interest in her she is a awful girlfriend
I like Courtney more than Gwen but I like them both in island 💚💛❤ I dont like gwuncan but I like duncey.
but still team courtney👍
They should’ve been friends 😭 and we should’ve had more scenes of Courtney and Bridgette. WE WERE ROBBED
team gwen outsells
Courtney until the end of the universe!
There is no end to the universe, with me protecting it.
Courtney can take down a Shark, but not a Deer?
Okay, what I have to say about this is yes, Gwen was wrong, wrong for not seeing what she did wrong and owning up to it, she should have said something a long time ago, and Duncan was wrong for cheating without being considerate about Courtney's feelings, but the relationship between Duncan and courtney was bound to not work out because they did not quite suit each other I mean personality wise... but Duncan and gwen really vibed and were really feeling each other, as we could see courtney was always complaining and wanted to change Duncan, and that's not right, you should not have a problem with the person you're going out with because that's how they were like when you first got with them. Y'all understand?
But I'm glad Gwen tried to make it better with courtney.
Gwen and Duncan liked to hang out with eachother (I think we saw that in one of the aftermaths in action) but Courtney and Duncan couldn't work out courtney wanted Duncan to change and I know it was for the better and Courtney did it so they can become a better relationship but it would have ruined Duncan's character.
Totally, I thought gwen and duncan would be a thing in s1 when I first saw them but well did not happen, then s2 Trent and Courtney both were extremelly jelous bc let's face it even if they were just friends they were also pretty similar (trent even said it) and if u watch carefully Duncan was actually WAY happier and loyal to gwen (s1 he flirts with lindsay in that nasty food challenge and Courtney was eliminated like 2 episodes ago, then when they are in the island duncan says he is caught in a dessert island with 2 pretty girls (one of them being gwen) later heather pretends to be scared and asks duncan to hug her (stategy for stealing him the map) and he is ok and even hugs her back they literally sleep hugging each other AND HE WAS COURTNEYS BOYFRIEND AT THAT MOMENT, s2 was similar some flirtings with heather and he went protective to gwen and lets no forget he knew more about gwen than any other in the finale, then in s3 heather flirts with him and he just ignores her and runs to see gwen, when he finds out she is going to be eliminated he is sad, next chapter heather "do you mind if I hug u?" Duncan "actually I do" and they fight, same chapter he draws gwen in the plain, next chapter when cody asks if gwen was the eliminated girl who will come back duncan is smiling ear to ear, he gets eliminated and then he is always next to gwen and hugs her when the bear gets "angry", all stars: "I only came back for Gwen" and even when I know he does not stand Courtney igboring him (I think it was bc his ego more than he likes her) he is still VERY lovely with gwen he even becomes a hero bc he wants to protect her and that kiss in the checek was just beautiful, and then saying he miss her and blowing a kiss to her "scince when I throw kisses?" Scince he is ACTUALLY happy and in love with his gf)
Poor Gwen. My heart's breaking. I wish Courtney understood all this...
@hager alharthi S5 E4 Food Fright
@Villain Fan I agree. I don't see how she forgave Gwen.
I was in a situation like Gwen had before.
if your best friend kiss your boyfriend would you forgive her
5:16 Sierra just casually holding Courtney back😭😭
Courtney VS Gwen Nice 👍🏻
9:07 something about happy heather is cute some how
Courtney could have say to Gwen..."Why can't you just go back to Trent your old Ex Boyfriend!?"
She's got my vote
Go Cody, hurry! Fly! Fly!!!!
So their whole rivalry started just because Courtney accidentally flung oatmeal at Gwen when she was trying to hit Heather. Wow.
I’m just making All Stars non-canon in my head because it was so poorly written, individual scenes made it hard to watch.
Everything in All stars is non canon except Aleheather
TDI is the only real canon season for the main cast in my eyes. Minus Aleheather, Justin trying to be smart, Courtney being friends with Gwen, and Brittany the raccoon. Every other season for them was just haha funny’s.
I love these two as friends
It was 100% Duncan’s fault.
im sorry ok
The writers' fault!
I would say
40% Duncan's fault
40% Gwen's fault
17% Chris's fault
2% Alejandro's fault
1% Tyler's fault
And no Courtney is not to blame because she felt bad about what she did to Duncan, she mentioned it in episode 10 of World Tour.
@TDHeatherFan I agree. But Chris is to blame too.
Agreed like frl
If you think about it, the kiss wasn’t really completely Gwens fault. I mean Gwen did have a crush on Duncan in action and the beginning of World Tour. But, Duncan had no regrets and didn’t apologize and just wanted to be with Gwen. However, Gwen felt really bad and after she kissed Duncan and apologized a LOT of times.
Looking back on it, many years into my adult life, I am entirely on Team Courtney. Gwen is the worst person on the show. She pretends to be nice yet trash talks everyone and breaks up a relationship just to end it later. Gwen isnt a hero. Not at all. Not even in the slightest.
Season 1 Courtney is Good But In Season's 2 and 3 she Down right awful
Season 1 Gwen is Great, but Seasons 2, 3 and 5 Gwen was bad because she wasn't acting like a goth
@@deibu_1361 she really wasn’t acting like a goth in the first season she was normal.
My least favorite is Leonard. He pretends to be a wizard and is dumb
YESSSSS THANK YOU! She's worshipped just bc she's a goth and she's cynical? lol i don't get it she's a bad person
When Courtney was elimated in season 1 her and Duncan broke up Duncan fell in love with Gwen well they both fell in love with eachother thats why Gwen always says he wasent her boyfriend at the time GwenxDuncan
I really liked Duncan and Courtney's relationship in TDI, but in my opinion , it just went downhill from there. As much as I love Gwen with Trent, I also really like her with Duncan because of how much she loves hanging out with him and just being with. With Gwen, Duncan didn't have to change himself for her in any way, shape or form. I just think they're a good match
People keep saying they were just bad for each other but to be honest, Gwen was a better choice. Courtney tried to forcefully change him, and also just kept playing with him (Justin for example).
How the ships should went Duncan and Courtney should just ended things for good they were too toxic forcing someone to change for you isn't a good relationship it's terrible plus Duncan is a scumbag Gwen would been better choice but he played her feelings Courtney was better with Scott at least since he seemed to not push her limits then make Courtney be abusive
True. Courtney became annoying and controlling
finally!! thank you! courtney’s fans make up excuses like “duncan and gwen are more like siblings” and stuff like that. absolutely not. courtney became so toxic in tda, the way she manipulated and treated duncan was horrible. i think duncan should have dumped her instead of cheating but she definitely wasn’t a good match for him.
Fun fact Courtney was supposed to be in the final two with Zoey and win but because of the whole stupid Mal thing they scrapped it. Another fun fact lightning and Courtney were supposed to interact and eventually date taking Scott’s spot, but they also scrapped it and made lightning the second one out. If you think this would’ve been better.
My opinion îis GWEN 🏆❤️
Gwen doesn't deserve to be eliminated cuz Courtney has been mean to Gwen and it was a accident edit: ty for the likes
Okay never mind.
@@mrkinkles2360 lol
And Gwen should have been on heroes not courtney
@@xavierandrews5774 yea
Gwen is always using cody to not vote her out
13:38 The irony 🤦♀
I feel like im the only one who thinks both Courtney and Duncan were toxic people and neither should be in relationships atm. Gwen fucked up too, but not to the extent of those two.
Yep when you compare it to those two, Gwen's an angel
0:51 my likeness for Trent 📈
she sounds so genuine in 7:15
7:15 don’t cry, my dear baby 🥺🖤
@hager alharthi food fright
@@girlynamedavani why did you remind me of this😭😭
This is why I consider everything that happened after season 1 non-canon 🤣
Courtney for the win
11:14 chris iss sooo messy😂😂😂
Courtney and Gwen’s beef was so funny 😭 it made the show better. I’m team Courtney though because she’s more funny.
GWEN ALL THE WAY(i support your opinion)
Why are they fighting each other? They should be fighting Duncan! 😤
Why can't just act like her normal self from season 1 and not try and vote Courtney out because she hasn't forgiven her.
Duncan is wrong here:
He messed up Gwen
He messed up Courtney
He messed up Trent
He ruined everyone
He didn't really try to apologize
Don't hate courtney. hate writers 🤦😡
Agreed 👍
Hate Chris
There friendship was the best ... The fact that it broke because of a guy and the one THATS MY FAV smh total drama ... Really messed up
Chris is such a mood lol
Gwen really should have come clean ASAP to Courtney.
Duncan really ruined their friendship
5:12 This is Courtney’s Harassment on Gwen and I wish Gwen would get back on Courtney, but I’m sad she didn’t. You know, Gwen looks nice on her goth style. And this is what girls will do to their friends
why should Gwen get back on her if she literally ruined her whole mental health
Courtney had every right to be angry at Gwen considering that Duncan was her boyfriend! Not Gwen's!
but Courtney is not innocent either because she tried to change Duncan
@@gamingwithtdcoco I know she tried to change Duncan to improve his behavior but she did it to show her affection towards him. Then Gwen shows interest in Duncan and that's when shit hits the fan considering that Gwen should've known better then to show interest in her best friend's boyfriend. I don't blame Courtney when she gets mad at both Duncan and Gwen.
@@johnnyngo2896 She tried to change him a lot if Courtney really loved Duncan she Wouldn't have wrote a freaking 32 page letter
@@gamingwithtdcoco I know. What i'm saying is that Courtney wanted to improve on Duncan's behavior to make him a better person.
@@johnnyngo2896 You're not getting my point
Ngl I think Gwen and Duncan are better together ,they get each other more
Shantaya Fairclough same
Yeah, but they have a lot in common which makes their relationship boring.
(P.S. Boyfriend Stealing is bad)
They’re literally only together cuz they’re alt like bruh
What made me mad about all stars was that literally gwen has done so many heroic stuff throughout the season and yet Chris kept her on villians but when cortney did that one thing in the leech episode she got switched to villains team and when Duncan showed his soft side he got switched to heros
Gwen all the way.
Tyler Lantz yes
Sydney Harvey Gwen all the way
@@Sydney_o courtney all the way becuase she is da best
Tina the deppresed potato How about no
@@Sydney_o it's my opinion aright you like Gwen and that is ur opinion keep your opinion to yourself I like courtney but not her always she is good but I like others to so u can shut up
Gwen is better because throughout the majority of the series in every season she was in, she had morals. Gwen
wanted to play the game fairly and was a good/supportive teammate. Even after she made out what Duncan in the confessional. She felt guilty about it if; she wanted to come clean. Had she come clean instead of Tyler putting her on blast; I don't feel as though she would have received as much backlash from Courtney(Sure she'd still be angry but she'd have most likely given Duncan a much harder time) Remember she intended to tell Courtney the truth about her wrong doing. Courtney, well, I do not like her character but even I have to admit that she's headstrong, a great strategist, and a good competitor. However, she is rude, violent, and condescending. TBH If she had never gotten into a relationship with Duncan would anybody even like Courtney like be for real? His flirting is what made her popular; before their season 1 kiss no one gave a damn about her character. Overall Gwen for me is more of a relatiable character and despite her flaws & mistakes she has owned up to each and every one of them. Has apologized and was done dirty by the writers since season one (After they made her drink punch from the toilet they'd better had given her the win) Gwen>Courtney
FR The writers ruined Her and Court is SO toxic
Court:*Being mad at Duncan cuz he cheated* HMMM NO
Court:*being mad at Gwen for being honest and being with who she wants* YES SHE IS EL-LI-MI-NA-TED
Courtney Vs Duncan
Gwen throwing away her friendship with Courtney in the trash just cuz of a fling/hookup was so disappointing to watch.
How could you?! I though we are friend-ish! I hate you! I hate you!!!
Lol 😂
Wow, Courtney, you are mad as heck mate.
If Courtney didn’t eat the bird poop, then maybe Chris would’ve still let her win, causing Scott to lose or mal/mike.
they would have a BEAUTIFUL friendship,but writers RUINED it with the whole STUPID love triangle sh*t😒🤦♀️
That’s why total drama met it’s fate
This whole show could’ve been long running if it weren’t for the writers
12:03 🤣🤣🤣that always gets me
5:06 idk why they had to destroy their friendship like this :(
Gwen is stupid, She shouldn't believe ANYTHING Scott says, Scott is The Worst of THEM ALL
Gotta hate Alejandro for it
(Not Tyler)
Team Courtney
1:58 whatever you do, do not piss her off.
7:00 Ok Cassie 😂
You kidding me right now... Courtney treats the guy like a slave worst a pet in need of training... And keeps trying to change him... If you love the 1 accept who they are... Gwen did that to him & He to Gwen...
I know the show got them to break off & shit but in reality they have alot common & can be... Are like best friend more than the show put Courtney & Gwen... from like friendzone to the end zone... Like Kim & Ron from Kim possible! Danny & Sam from Danny Phantom! So in my version it's like this...
To those who don't like it! 🖕
After getting out of prison he went straight home... Greeted by he's family... Changed he's way a bit accepted who he is now & was a sweetheart but he still was a bit trouble maker & kept he's punk look... He asked Gwen put again... She was nervous & shy at 1st but decided to give him another chance... But take things slow this time... So they became friends... Best friends & Couples... After few dates they were official & at a restaurant they proposed each other at the same time too... She told him she's with babies... Twins! & got married after few weeks... He had gone to a musical school & she her dream art school! Now he's in a band! He's a loving husband caring father... And she went to a loving wife caring mother... And in a very well good & healthy relation!
Bruce Wayne Courtney was sweeter in TDI before she was voted off. The writers just messed her character up and it was annoying
@@Emmmmak24 sweeter? What was sweet about her again? She ditched Duncan right after he wrestled an alligator for her... After that it's all calling her lawyers & lawsuits...
Bruce Wayne I said BEFORE she was voted off. The alligator stuff was after.
Bruce Wayne she helped Duncan overcome his fear also, and she even did something bad with him, even though it didn’t last long. It’s like she was bipolar or something...she switched so quickly when she was voted off and from there on she was crazy.
@@Emmmmak24 Voted off??? Have you seen TDI? See was kicked out cuz if Harold & even before she was horrible... With all her bitching bout how she's SIT...
the rivalry no one wanted
Boyfriend kisser is that song!
Courtney vs. Duncan like👍
*gwen lookin’ a little green*
I’m crying bc every season except season 1 and 2 got removed on Netflix
Team Courtney all the way!
Gwen wants Courtney to vote for herself, because, she wants her gone, plain and simple, I don't like that she has to "PROVE" anything to Gwen, by Voting for herself, that doesn't even make SENSE
Duncan :💔
What u mean by Gwen 👎
@@saturnanimates6497yeah it should be Gwen:🖕🏽
You shut up about gwen
@@queenmari99 nah that middle finger should be for Courtney
@@anonymous-tb3dn no for Gwen and courtney was right to get mad Gwen lettierly kissed her boyfriend I would be upset too
Does everyone ever think that this video reminds you of Courney x Gwen moment?