First : You don't need employment or not to apply OHIP. Folks you can't afford medical fee if you don't have OHIP cover. OHIP card is free for all *Ontairo Resident* only.(no matter you are working or not).OHIP cover all medical fee except dental and drug
Do you know service Ontario is agent on behalf of Ontario government.? Some of the staff may newee. You don't need empolyment to get OHIP. Everyone who's can proof living at Ontario can apply OHIP card. But the waiting period is 3 month from the first day enter to Ontario. Bank statement with your name and address good to proof.
You need start put some money to RRSP account to reduce your income tax rate on next year. Most of people will put the max allow to RRSP. Put money to RRSP first and the rest put to TFSA
For Canadians, OHIP is not tied to employment. You can be unemployed and still get OHIP. You just need to proof that you are living in Ontario physically 153 days during the last 6 months; or 153 days during the last 12 months; and declare Ontario as your primary residence.
Thank you for sharing the info. Always enjoyed your clips. A word of advice, it is better not to have multiple TSFA / bank accounts. It does impact your Credit Score with the Credit Bureau.
我非常樂意分享一些有關於加拿大的一切經驗。 有問題可以提出或跟我聯絡。
加拿大的醫療保險是因省而異的。 比較熱門的BC 和Ontario 是有等候期的。Alberta 和 Manitoba 抵埗後是可以立刻申而無需工作證明的。其他省份的等候期請上網查詢。
Thank you for your explanation.🥰🥰
First : You don't need employment or not to apply OHIP. Folks you can't afford medical fee if you don't have OHIP cover. OHIP card is free for all *Ontairo Resident* only.(no matter you are working or not).OHIP cover all medical fee except dental and drug
Do you know service Ontario is agent on behalf of Ontario government.? Some of the staff may newee. You don't need empolyment to get OHIP. Everyone who's can proof living at Ontario can apply OHIP card. But the waiting period is 3 month from the first day enter to Ontario. Bank statement with your name and address good to proof.
You need start put some money to RRSP account to reduce your income tax rate on next year. Most of people will put the max allow to RRSP. Put money to RRSP first and the rest put to TFSA
For Canadians, OHIP is not tied to employment. You can be unemployed and still get OHIP. You just need to proof that you are living in Ontario physically 153 days during the last 6 months; or 153 days during the last 12 months; and declare Ontario as your primary residence.
Thank you for your explanation.🥰🥰
For Ontarian only not all Canadian
There is a shortage of family doctors in Toronto area.
yes! :(
下集可唔可以講下,點樣入CRA網站 check自己的TFSA限額…….."
之前Chloe想查少少稅務事宜打過去負責CRA嘅部門問,職員話要交咗第一次T4 slip先會有CRA account,交過嘅直接上返政府CRA網頁用SIN number sign up返就ok㗎啦
@@chloeand012just login to CRA account
想問吓短期醫療保三個月或者六個月是多少錢? 是可以一個月一個月買的嗎?有冇資料?現在是不是已經沒有等候期 for applying OHIP? 我是買了單程機票從香港去多倫多😊
我哋買visitor insurance係可以按日數買,冇記錯應該係2-3蚊一日
另外OHIP係搵到工作而且公司出證明話你會工作6個月或以上就可以申請,到時直接上網揀合適嘅Service Ontatrio申請就得
TFSA如果你今年冇用到$6000 limit. 咁你下年就有total $12,000 limit. 是可以accumulate 的。
想問下拎住letter of introduction (IRCC) (有包埋eTA) 入境,係咪單程機票都入到境?
Yes , they didn’t check or ask
Thank you for sharing the info. Always enjoyed your clips. A word of advice, it is better not to have multiple TSFA / bank accounts. It does impact your Credit Score with the Credit Bureau.
Thank you for your explanation.🥰🥰
Oh my God , that is completely bull shit
Tisa is an asset , not a credit product
Please DO NOT mislead
我哋去申請OHIP嘅時候其實已經住夠153日,但職員都係話一定要有employment letter,話如果係持OWP居住喺安省,申請OHIP條件係已工作夠153日或者公司有文件證明你會工作至少153日,而唔係住滿153日
Thank you
Likes and comments and sharing 😍😍😍
Thank you!!🥰🥰
小新!小白 harry potter so cute 🥺🥺😄😄😄✌️✌️✌️✌️
佢哋真係super cute
Like from Los Angeles
Thank you!!!
如果CONTRACT寫明會做夠1年, 可以提早申請嗎?
@@chloeand012 不好意思, 那想請問拿CONTRACT去OK嗎? 可否不拿EMPLOYMENT LETTER?
@@manatse1578 冇問題呀,Contract或者Employment Letter都可以,只要有齊所需資料就夠🤓🤓
妳們的資料好詳細👍 妳們未申請OHIP前,是買邊間的保險? 可以分享保險資料嗎?
我哋都係直接揀Visitor insurance,search嘅時候發現唔少公司都係出緊Allianz嘅保險,所以揀咗直接去Allianz網站買!
smart 叻人馬👍👍👏👏