Yia sour re Kosta. Pezeis oraia! Now this is what I call a very musical rendition of this fine though difficult to play piece by Luis who I haven't seen in years. I remember advising Luis to write easier stuff if he wanted to sell the music. How many people can play this piece, I remember telling him. There's more money in simpler compositions that are easier to play. Good old days. I was trying to see if I could listen to Luis playing this piece but Kostas is certainly a polished performer.
The best Pajarilo ever!!
Pajarillo's guitar arrangement is one of my favorites. I'm so proud of my music :).... Venezuela!!!!
This master is amazing...
Que magnifica interpretacion . BRAVO .
Yia sour re Kosta. Pezeis oraia! Now this is what I call a very musical rendition of this fine though difficult to play piece by Luis who I haven't seen in years. I remember advising Luis to write easier stuff if he wanted to sell the music. How many people can play this piece, I remember telling him. There's more money in simpler compositions that are easier to play. Good old days. I was trying to see if I could listen to Luis playing this piece but Kostas is certainly a polished performer.
Such technically demanding thing played so effortlessly!
Μπράβο Κώστα!!!!
One of his favourite pieces!!!
Bravo friend.....
Who are these 7, who disliked this?! Must have brain problems,
Nobody plays like Costas
Donde se puede encontrar la partitura original para guitarra
Μια ζωη ψαχνω την παρτιτουρα απο το Pajarilo και δεν μπορω να την βρω...Στο τελος 8α του τηλεφωνησω...
please Tab!... tablature o partiture?
Seis por Derecho in minor tonality
Yes, that's the name it's given. Although the Pajarillo is played as much if not more than the Seis Por Derecho