BIG CHANGES ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL IN 2023 (Some of you won't be happy about it)

  • Опубликовано: 20 окт 2024

Комментарии • 154

  • @MsDragunlady
    @MsDragunlady Год назад +56

    Wise decision, Mama. I really respect you for this. So many people don't see anything wrong with exploiting their children for money, I'm glad you see the bigger picture and respect your children's privacy. All the best to you in 2023!

  • @aureliar.4233
    @aureliar.4233 Год назад +72

    I find your decision to be absolutely understandable. We are not entitled to see anything regarding you or your surroundings and loved ones, because children deserve privacy and you as their parent are responsible for providing it.

    • @Mayagick
      @Mayagick Год назад

      You're welcome. Follow your gut feeling. It seems you picked up the German idea of Datenschutz (it's protecting data of humans, so a human right, downplayed as privacy concerns). It might be naive, to just enjoy how your bilingual kids are fluid in both languages and cultures, the precious gift) but there are also creeps out there. Very interesting you shared the influencer business model, a plus for kids or maybe a cute puppy...

  • @pismi3110
    @pismi3110 Год назад +35

    Eine großartige Entscheidung, großen Respekt für dich.
    Ich liebe deinen Kanal und dass du dir solche Gedanken über deine Kids und deine Verantwortung für sie machst, spricht einfach nur für dich.
    Ich freue mich auf alle Videos, die noch von dir kommen werden! 🍀🍀

  • @Groffili
    @Groffili Год назад +20

    Frohes Neues Jahr!
    Disappointed? Yeah... maybe... a bit. Seeing you interact with your children always made me smile. The wholesomeness, the love that could be felt through the screen.
    But your reasons to change that are completely understandable and laudable. Respecting and protecting your children's privacy is the best thing you can do... even Emila is still much too young to understand how this will influence her.
    I'm still looking forward to anothe great (and hopefully healthier) year with your adventures in Germany.

  • @archiegates650
    @archiegates650 Год назад +9

    Its a pity that we dont get any more content from you together with your adorable children. But that's your privacy and your decision. And we have to respect that unconditionally.
    I hope you dont stop talking about them on your channel, especially as the transition after 4th grade in the bavarian school system is a big step for children and parents. And I would love to hear how great your daughter is conquering that big leap, although we have to get it second hand.

  • @zorrothebug
    @zorrothebug Год назад +8

    Hallo Antoinette, du hast die absolut richtige Entscheidung getroffen. Kinder können selbst noch gar nicht einschätzen, was mit ihren Bildern/Videos online passiert und was es für sie selbst und die Familie in Zukunft für Auswirkungen haben kann. Ich selbst bin froh, dass ich in einer Zeit groß wurde, als es noch kein Social-Media gab und Fotos und Videos von mir in der Familie blieben. Meine Tochter (14) würde auch schon gerne selber YT Videos machen, aber da muss sie noch ein paar Jahre warten. Berühmtheit hat seine Schattenseiten und ganz groß ist eben auch der Verlust der Privatsphäre. Je berühmter eine Person, desto mehr wird im Privatleben herumgesucht und es ausgenutzt. Erfundene und falsche Gerüchte werden in die Welt gesetzt und sind sie einmal im Umlauf ist es fast unmöglich sie wieder zu korrigieren.
    Persönlich habe ich gerne auch Videos mit deinen Kindern geschaut, wie liebevoll und harmonisch ihr miteinander umgeht und welche tollen Entwicklung deine Kinder gemacht haben, aber ich verzichte gerne darauf. Ich verstehe Dich vollkommen und stehe voll zu deiner Entscheidung.
    Hello Antoinette, you have made the absolutely right decision. Children themselves can't yet judge what happens with their pictures/videos online and what effects it can have for them and the family in the future. I myself am glad that I grew up in a time when there was no social media and photos and videos of me stayed in the family. My daughter (14) would also like to make her own YT videos, but she'll have to wait a few more years. Celebrity has its downsides, and a big one is the loss of privacy. The more famous a person is, the more people search around in their private life and exploit it. Invented and false rumors are put into the world and once they are in circulation it is almost impossible to correct them again.
    Personally, I also liked to watch videos with your children, how lovingly and harmoniously you deal with each other and what great development your children have made, but I gladly do without it. I understand you completely and stand fully by your decision.

  • @Sonnenbogen_Henni
    @Sonnenbogen_Henni Год назад +16

    I am very happy for you that you are making choices that feel the best for you and that you're putting the interests of your family first. You don't have to apologize at all. I wish you all the best

  • @nenussa
    @nenussa Год назад +14

    Dear Antoinette, if anything your decision makes me respect you even more! I find your videos very entertaining, with or without children. Don't beat yourself up about having showed them. It is obvious your intentions were always good, and as a well meaning person it is difficult sometimes to think from a not so friendly perspective. Anyway, I wish you all the best in this new year!

  • @amandadavies..
    @amandadavies.. Год назад +15

    I totally respect your decision, but I'll also say that I don't think there is anything creepy regarding people particularly liking your videos with your daughter. It's just that she's such a lovely girl and it was nice to see her teaching you German. So try not to worry about that or get too deep in thought about it. There is a let's just say "larger than average" family I watch on youtube ( I won't share their name or which country they are in) and it often concerns me that they are all fully visible, plus their full names are known. My kids were born many years before Facebook was a thing, and I have always said that if I had had Facebook when they were young children I wouldn't have put one single photo of them on. As for the video sponsors offering more to show your kids, that's just so wrong.

  • @lotharschepers2240
    @lotharschepers2240 Год назад +1

    Older, native German here: Even if I still belive that we life in a pretty save country, we (for the safty of our children) must be aware that one insane Person ist still one to much. So even if I have allways enjoyd to see the development of your Kids. You made the right decision. All the best to you and your family.

  • @caitlinthorn1
    @caitlinthorn1 Год назад +15

    This is wonderful! I love watching for your expat experience and I always think you've kept your children out of the public pretty well. You have always remained the focus of your channel, unlike other vloggers where it just revolves around the kids. You've also always shared your parenting experiences and stories without featuring the kids so I think it proves anyone who thinks it's necessary to show their kids is doing it all wrong.

  • @Opa_Andre
    @Opa_Andre Год назад +13

    I understand your decision - at least partially. I totally agree your primary reason not to show your kids for their own privacy and safety. However (at least for myself) I don't think this was the only reason for those videos to be the ones with the highest view rates. If you scroll down your actual thumbnails, it's mostly you having a monologue in your home. The only variety now takes place when you do some kind of advertising, be it clothes, jewellery or other things which I'm not that much interested in. That said, I like those videos which are not just "audio books" much more. Be it either your intereraction with your kids (or other people like your mum), or just being outside with your family in NZ, in nature, at a market or whatever. It could be anything to make it more interesting to watch instead of just to hear. It just makes the experience for us viewers more wholesome, so to speak. And thats not directly related to showing your kids, at least not for me. Please don't get me wrong - the rule I totally agree with is "it's your channel, so it's your choice". I don't mind a "audio only" video about a particular topic every now and then, but overall I would prefer a mix of content, be it something funny, serious or even silly, if you know what I mean.

    • @gweisa899
      @gweisa899 Год назад

      Enjoy the mix of content and see parenting side through the lens was nice with the children or not.

  • @jacquelinebucar9485
    @jacquelinebucar9485 Год назад +1

    Totally understand and I agree. But I will really miss seeing your beautiful children and watching them grow up.

  • @uschimehnert4348
    @uschimehnert4348 Год назад +1

    Fantastic decision, agree 100%.Love your videos. Happy New year!!

  • @Alias_Anybody
    @Alias_Anybody Год назад +3

    I absolutely support that decision. Prominence in itself can be dangerous, then there's the child labour aspect (dragging them in front of the camera) and last but not least simply the invasion of privacy they are too young to decline. Things even the most well meaning parent can accidentally fall into. Especially if sponsorships outright encourage it.
    Though at least your daughter could make a comeback in the future IF SHD WANTS - 14yo+ can decide themselves if they are comfortable with being shown online, and I hope you'll still be active in 4 years.

  • @ingvarjensen1088
    @ingvarjensen1088 Год назад +5

    Congratulations to your decision 🙂 I've often wondered why you let your beautiful children be part of your videos, even if it was only occasionally. But I didn't want to be that "German" giving unwanted advice ❤️ Happy New Year, Antoinette 🤗

  • @MrLuddis
    @MrLuddis Год назад +5

    You made the right decision. Since your children are getting older, it is better to keep them out because they could also get bullied by other children if you show them online. I will always follow you for the interesting content you create. So don't you worry!

  • @idgiethreadgoode1498
    @idgiethreadgoode1498 Год назад +1

    Best decision! You never know who might save or screenshot your kids' faces. It's the best for your children's saftey and privacy. And I think it's very dodgy of these companies to offer you more money if you included your children. Big red flag!!
    I discovered your channel a few years ago. I was (and I still am) very interested in your point of view as a New Zealander living in Germany. (Btw I'm sorry you've had such a hard time in the beginning...💔) You often point things out I never thought of. It's fun to see my country thru your eyes. 😃
    Here's to a great 2023 with more great content from your point of view! Never apologize for such a decision regariding your family. Protect those ones you love!
    Love from Anne xx
    P.S.: I love your beautiful NZ accent. 👍🫶

  • @1109sonja
    @1109sonja Год назад +8

    Love your decision! I watched a Video from Alicia Joe about those topics und since then cleared my Abos.. and try not to follow anyone who loves the vlogging life with their children. Although I actually enjoy looking those vlogs.. but still, since I know more about that topic it just makes me feel awkward. Absolutely understand your decision! I Love your videos!! And I’m exited what the new year will bring for you 🤍

  • @vbvideo1669
    @vbvideo1669 Год назад +7

    Frohes Neues Jahr! Du machst das schon ganz richtig! :)

  • @andrewclarke3622
    @andrewclarke3622 Год назад +2

    I completely agree. I think the gossip potential in social media is far too great. Thats the main reason I have no desire to be a creator.

  • @guyro3373
    @guyro3373 Год назад +2

    Good decision, if a bit regrettable. Seeing children (and the parent's or parents' interaction with them) in videos, especially of channels you have been following quite some time and can see how they grow up, is always nice.
    Regarding "Emilia being a popular name": it was the most popular girl name in 2022 where I live...

  • @TourdionInstrumental
    @TourdionInstrumental Год назад +2

    That’s a really good decision you’ve made regarding your kids’ online exposure. Seeing kids on their parent’s social media has always seemed to me too invasive for their future selves, no matter how innocent the media is. Their privacy is the most important thing. Good decision!

  • @sisterclp
    @sisterclp Год назад +1

    I totally understand and support your decision! ❤️ The internet can be a scary place, and it makes me sick how some adults are using it without thinking twice.
    Have a happy and healthy 2023!

  • @timolynch149
    @timolynch149 Год назад +2

    Big huge thumbs up for not showing your kids on the channel and keeping part of your private life, well, private. This is absolutely the right decision. Well done.

  • @ab.5196
    @ab.5196 Год назад +1

    A very sensible decision, I'm glad you're protecting your children. Wouldn't it be better to stop the RUclips channel altogether, though? Even if you only show your children from the side or behind, you would still be recognised in public and attract interest at playgrounds etc, because people know YOU.

  • @oliviam1277
    @oliviam1277 Год назад

    I completely support your decision Antoinette and I love the fact that you’re willing to do what you need to do for your family💗

  • @Lillidoo
    @Lillidoo Год назад +1

    That's sad... 😥I really liked the Videos with your children and to have a face to the Person your talking about...and I don't think there is anything wrong with the Videos you have done with Them...don't feel bad about this...but I know that there are a lot of negative aspects to this and respect this decision

  • @Lilliput288
    @Lilliput288 Год назад

    Not only is this the absolut right decision, no matter what other people might think, it's totally up to you. But it's immensely big of you to admit that you made a mistake and corrected it now. You set a huge example for your children who have to grow up in a world full of decisions like this! I think they will be very proud of you some day. 🙂

  • @courtneymcwilliams6571
    @courtneymcwilliams6571 Год назад

    You go Mama!! So proud of you!!
    We have thought about starting a RUclips channel but we will never show their faces.
    Wow! The sponsored videos is crazy and not okay.

  • @ingridhofmann3534
    @ingridhofmann3534 Год назад

    I completely understand your decision! In no way did I think it was ever inappropriate what you showed us. I enjoy your family and your stories. There is no need to show your children. I am just glad that you are all happy and doing well.

  • @fipsvonfipsenstein6704
    @fipsvonfipsenstein6704 Год назад +1

    Happy new year to you too.
    I´m so glad that you have finally managed to make this decision.

  • @arnoldkegebein2147
    @arnoldkegebein2147 Год назад +3

    Not only do I respect your decision, but I also support it. I do not have children, but I think parents should be careful when they presenting their whole family on the Internet. It is unbelievable what information someone can pull from the Internet, even from unrelated websites. For example, look how Internet sleuth helped the FBI to tracking down January 6 insurrectionists. So, I am fine watching your videos about your experience in Germany without seeing your children. Keep up the great work you are doing!

  • @aarongreenway7002
    @aarongreenway7002 Год назад

    You are a very wise mother! Best to you and your family in 2023!

  • @christin3778
    @christin3778 Год назад +7

    That’s the best decision made, Antoinette! I absolutely support your decision and didn’t understand why you were showing your children in the first place. Great choice! Can’t wait for future content and wishing you and your family the best for 2023!

  • @elileit
    @elileit Год назад

    That's super creepy about the views being higher on the videos with the kids. I don't post anything of my kids online. Just one photo when they were born on Facebook. I am happy that you feel great about your decision! I watched your videos because of you, not your kids. Thank you for your wonderful content!

  • @patriciajas1167
    @patriciajas1167 Год назад +1

    Love your decision! :) I think the privacy and savety of your children is really important.

  • @msfrehel8758
    @msfrehel8758 Год назад +3

    I‘m very happy about your decision! There’s an interesting novel to the topic: Delphine de Vigan, „Die Kinder sind Könige“ I think you may be interested in. All the best for you and your family! I‘m looking very much forward to the new videos, as I especially enjoy your view on cultural-related contents. 🤗

  • @fridaoumpapa59
    @fridaoumpapa59 Год назад +3

    Frohes neues Jahr ! This is by far the best decision someone could make ! There are too many channels exploiting children and your decision is the best way to protect them and their privacy.

  • @florisvansandwijk6908
    @florisvansandwijk6908 Год назад

    Antoinette, this is a very good decision. I had already wondered why you included them. Especially with privacy laws, I think you are opening yourself to problems in the future, if you had kept including them.

  • @antjeneumann17
    @antjeneumann17 Год назад +1

    I wish you and youre family a healthy year 2023. It is youre decision not to show youre kids. No one has to criticise you. It is youre way! Stay save...💜

  • @freshcoffee4871
    @freshcoffee4871 Год назад +2

    I think you’ve made the best decision for your children.

  • @MrHermanguerrero
    @MrHermanguerrero Год назад +1

    Great decision I always was happy to see your kids but I was also always worried about who else sees your videos. My daughter forbids me to show my grandchildren on Facebook and so on. Great Video!!!!

  • @wtsalive8210
    @wtsalive8210 Год назад +3

    Happy New Year to you and your family
    That we won’t see your children anymore ist a pity, but I understand your decision

  • @tiffanimilburn8885
    @tiffanimilburn8885 Год назад +22

    I don’t blame you for not wanting to share certain things online. I think that’s completely your choice and you have to share or not share whatever makes you feel comfortable.

  • @lele199926725
    @lele199926725 Год назад +1

    I'm so happy about your decision ❤️

  • @NoNoTheGreenOne
    @NoNoTheGreenOne Год назад +2

    I support your decision. Obviously, you guys are a lovely family and the videos with your kids were nice to watch.
    However due to you amping up your families privacy now, your kids, as they grow older will get to decide for themselves if and how they will participate in social media.
    Just like we did, back in the days. 🙂

  • @carlosmiro4932
    @carlosmiro4932 Год назад +1

    Antoinette, you probably also have the expression “gut feeling” in Kiwi English, then follow it! While some of us like seeing your children grow up, never mind seeing Emilia correcting your German, your decision is spot-on.
    The good news is that as your children grow up they will become less and less recognizable; however your and your husband’s looks are set for many years to come as adults, so you will be reciognized.
    Happy New Year to to you and your family! Greetings from a rainy (finally!) but stormy Sacramento, CA (USA).

  • @silmuffin86
    @silmuffin86 Год назад

    You made the best decision for your family, don't apologize! My Instagram is public (and not "famous" at all), and I never post my kids there. You never know who's on the other side of the screen

  • @coreyjenkins5651
    @coreyjenkins5651 Год назад

    Antoinnette I’m so exited for you in your new decision! So happy for you that you love your family more than money!! You’re channel is just as awesome and entertaining when you tell about your life as a New Zealander living in Germany when your precious children aren’t in the videos. I wish you so well! Stay healthy! You and your family!

  • @lornajoy8765
    @lornajoy8765 Год назад +3

    That's the right decision! Your children will be able to make their own decisions when they are older 😎

  • @ElizabethJW
    @ElizabethJW Год назад

    I saw your comment on dad challenge podcast about you taking your children off your channel..I just had to comment and give you huge kudos! I used to post my children on my Facebook and Instagram all the time until watching DCP so I understand how you feel 100% ❤ You’re awesome mama!

  • @inaw1692
    @inaw1692 Год назад +1

    Gives me goosebumps when you talked about companies who urgently wanted your children included for a cooperation. I've never judged anyone showing their kids but always thought why? I'm happy you are back and am excited for new videos ❤

  • @mummamarsh1180
    @mummamarsh1180 Год назад

    Gday Antoinette Emily, I just picked up on your video and must say congratulations on your decision to protect your children’s privacy. I’m sure your dedicated followers will agree and understand that family is a sacred area of your life . I have full praise for your decision. I hope your channel continues to thrive , you may get more accolades from viewers because you set a moral example on this media. In a day and age where everyone seems to have access to so much information about us, it certainly gives me the creeps. In Australia we have been subjected to quite a few major hacks of sensitive databases. It’s just not cricket!!! Good luck for the future 🥰🥰

  • @juliajules1727
    @juliajules1727 Год назад

    Tolle Entscheidung! Ich finde es absolut bewundernswert, dass du so reflektiert hast.

  • @pgoessnitzer
    @pgoessnitzer Год назад

    You made the right choice! There are many reasons for maintaining privacy. It's also nice to see that you don't give in to higher offers from advertisers. That alone seems freakish. Happy New Year!

  • @fgentry1148
    @fgentry1148 Год назад +1

    I've enjoyed seeing your beautiful kids, but so respect your decision. Children are grossly exploited by some parents although never by you.

  • @cherls15
    @cherls15 Год назад +1

    All valid points and I agree with you, parents who regularly show their kids are ultimately exploiting their kids. Unless their kids are older and choose to be in the videos (they then should get money too 😏) This is also your channel. I think it's healthier for parents to have something that is autonomous and separate from their kids and the same goes for kids too. All the best for this year and hopefully your new videos will workout for you.

  • @tjaakjeh
    @tjaakjeh Год назад

    I liked to see your kids as well, but I totally understand your decision. Thanks for explaining, you didn't even need to do that. I was as trusting as you, but we probably shouldn't be up to this level.

  • @Julia-gh1dc
    @Julia-gh1dc Год назад +5

    Dear Antoinette, you shouldn’t worry so much about the amount of views videos with your children have received. I’m sure most people aren’t interested in your kids particularly, they just like family style vlogs because usually such videos are more fun and related to everyone’s own family and kids.
    But anyway your decision is wise and deserves respect and understanding. No one knows and feels better than you what’s appropriate and safe for your family and what’s not.

  • @khalif19971
    @khalif19971 Год назад +3

    I can respect the decision especially if random people are hitting you up online and people staring at you out in public. Saying hi is one thing but staring makes anybody uncomfortable.

  • @MHK6620
    @MHK6620 Год назад

    Antoinette, thank for starting being aware of the impression of presenting your children to the "world". To me the main reason to listen to yur channel is to listen to the way you speak. I am about to learn the different accents of english. Love your accents, giving me a lot of clues to understand the "Kiwi" accent. In the case of preserving the privacy of your children, you've became more Germanized. Amazing, isn't it. I follow a lot of english spoken channels, and your's the first one which is concerned to present the childrens. Thank you for that. Big hugs for(to) your family. Go on, and feel free to talk of your experiencies at all. Tell us more about New Zealand. I am desperaly longing to visit your country ( as you know it's all about the money). I'd like to dance a Haka for your decision..Like your channel (love is so american). Martin ( a dedicated viewer from Northern Germany)

  • @AnnaMitZuckerguss
    @AnnaMitZuckerguss Год назад

    I am so happy you made this decision. I find myself NOT clicking on Videos where kids are shown because I don't want to support this. So many parents exploit their children for money and ignore the privacy rights or even safety of them.
    You made a wise decision here and I wish you all the best for 2023 🙏

  • @natashaw401
    @natashaw401 Год назад

    Love that. Went to bed before midnight but still went out celebrated 🍾 new year

  • @asdt2858
    @asdt2858 Год назад

    This is an amazing decision! I hope more parents follow suit. Children should not be content. I applaud you!

  • @TheBusterhund
    @TheBusterhund Год назад +1

    Take care of you and yours ...RUclips can wait.

  • @juleschreiber1117
    @juleschreiber1117 Год назад

    Good responsible decision!! Sounds really scary, when the clicks on your videos on RUclips showing your kids just go mountains comparing to your regular content! Also I can totally understand you wanting your kids to stay safe and unknown in real life! Take care and stay all healthy! Love, Jule

  • @patrickchambers5999
    @patrickchambers5999 Год назад

    My New Year's Eve plan was to watch 12 Charlie Chan movies I got from my library. Started early but only made it to 11 and fell asleep as the 12th was starting. Woke up with a really stiff neck and the fireworks didn't wake me. I guess that is what comes from being 76.

  • @MichuKaiou
    @MichuKaiou Год назад +1

    Understandable decision. These days showing children on social media just isn't safe.
    It does hurt. And I will be honest. As someone, who doesn't know, who her father is, who was abandoned by her own mother at age two, as someone, who grew up and still lives with her grandparents at the age of 36, with a grandfather, who is a choleric alcoholic, with only fighting between them. With the only other family either dead or well beyond 70 and no meeting ever since before Covid, with an uncle and aunt, who really only have time one or maybe twice a year for a short dinner, as someone, whose life is riddled by physical and mental illness (depression, social anxiety due to the family circumstances and being severely bullied at school)... Those videos with you and your kids, especially the language videos with your daughter, were always a ray of sunshine in my pretty dark life. Losing that is very hard and I already cried through a pack of tissues.
    But I understand it, and I want to thank you for giving me at least these little rays of sunshine. If you feel comfortable with it, please also extend my thanks to your kids.

  • @sigridholzner2807
    @sigridholzner2807 Год назад +1

    Hi Antoinette, I did like the videos with your children but I absolutely agree to your decision to not show them anymore. There are always crazy people on the internet and you never know what they will do.

  • @susanne527
    @susanne527 Год назад +1

    You have every right to do what works best for you and your family.. you do make videos online for strangers, to be honest. You will be recognized. thats part of the nature of online life.If you worked in an office you would not have strangers recognize you. Let me be clear, you have every right to do what works for you. I do not believe that people enjoying the videos with your children or family on holiday or for whatever had any ill intent. im one of your viewers that loved seeing your family vlogs. i loved seeing your daughter correct your german :)) It was adorable. My daughter would have been the same way. I think most of the people watching felt the same. I look forward to seeing your content. All the best for the new year

  • @reginas.3491
    @reginas.3491 Год назад +1

    I think you made a wise decision 👍🙋‍♀

  • @felimuller909
    @felimuller909 Год назад +1

    no need to explain or apologize for this (very sensible!!) decision!

  • @gweisa899
    @gweisa899 Год назад

    Respect your decision in having your children kept private. I did enjoy watching your daughter pronunciation videos. Since, I was amaze how much she love correcting you. Also, enjoy seeing in your family together. Understand this is a big choice and still support whatever you decide.

  • @Never_again_against_anyone
    @Never_again_against_anyone Год назад

    Oh yeah, colds🤧🤧🤧
    Since late August I have been healthy for maybe one month in total. And people around me also had similar experiences.

    • @AntoinetteEmily
      @AntoinetteEmily  Год назад +1

      It's been so rough, hasn't it? Get well soon 🤗

  • @LaureninGermany
    @LaureninGermany Год назад

    People are saying don’t worry, but you are right to worry and remove those videos, Antoinette. I am sure you didn’t do it sooner because it is simply impossible to comprehend the darker reasons why those videos were so popular for decent people like yourself and the people commenting here. I applaud you for listening to your gut, which of course you only could have got the feedback from after a while, with comparison and time. The way you talk about your children is beautiful and you can only ever do your best with what you know at that point in time. Make vlogs with them, but keep it for just family and friends to view at home. All the very best and it’s absolutely wonderful to see someone putting their children before yt success.

  • @Julia_USMidwest
    @Julia_USMidwest Год назад

    I think your decision is a good one. Too bad we have to be so protective. I will say, though, that it is natural in a good way for videos with children to get more views, as good people take joy in pets and children.

  • @519djw6
    @519djw6 Год назад +1

    Eine gute Entscheidung!

  • @071949
    @071949 Год назад

    Hi Antoinette, I just want to add my name to the list of subscribers who support your decision to exclude your children from your videos. I hope that it does not cause you to lose subscribers, but if it does, the peace of mind you gain from this decision is worth far more than numbers. Wishing you and your loved ones peace, good health, and happiness in 2023.

  • @MyR12S
    @MyR12S Год назад

    Hallo Antoinette, Ich persönlich finde deine Entscheidung super, Obwohl ich, zugegebenermaßen mir sehr gerne die Videos mit deinen Kindern angesehen habe, war und bin ich nie wirklich ein Freund davon, die eigenen Kinder auf RUclips zu zeigen. Ich freue mich schon auf all deine neuen Videos und vielleicht sehen wir deine Kinder irgendwann wieder, dann aber hoffentlich deutlich älter und mit einem eigenen Kanal.

  • @dannyf359
    @dannyf359 Год назад

    I'm very happy you took your children out your channels it is your private live . Looking forward to see more videos about your live without your kids

  • @samfetter2968
    @samfetter2968 Год назад +1

    Good decision👍
    I liked videos with your children in them.
    But to keep them out is the better way to do it.

  • @ulrichhamacher8208
    @ulrichhamacher8208 Год назад

    You are right with that decision!

  • @e-r-d-l-i-n-g
    @e-r-d-l-i-n-g Год назад +2

    Mature and good decision

  • @Louisefenner
    @Louisefenner Год назад

    I thought you made this decision some time back. I don’t recall seeing the children for ages, other than in your NZ video.

  • @tamara4piano
    @tamara4piano Год назад

    Congratulations to a very good decision!!

  • @Rose-Marie.
    @Rose-Marie. Год назад +1

    Great decision 👌🏻👍🏻

  • @arnodobler1096
    @arnodobler1096 Год назад +2


    • @tasminoben686
      @tasminoben686 Год назад

      Hey, endlich finde ich mal wieder einen Kommentar von dir! Wenn auch spät, bisschen zu spät: schönes neues Jahr Arno!😂

    • @arnodobler1096
      @arnodobler1096 Год назад

      @@tasminoben686 Hallo Ben, dir auch! Hatte mich schon gefragt, wie es dir geht!
      Dabei war ich doch so fleißig am kommentieren überall haha! Habt ihr euch schon etwas eingelebt?

  • @anthony64632
    @anthony64632 Год назад

    Do what you feel right !

  • @thb3306
    @thb3306 Год назад +2

    In short: your decision is long overdue (typical German directness 😉). I always feel really strange watching some (almost all) of these (often very young) children even if I really enjoy some of the videos and they are often really cute. I'm not against any content with kids but if it seems to be(come) the main focus? It can creep me out a little bit. And sb giving out very personal information like birthday dates (not you as far as I know) - for everyone to see? The total opposite of what children should be taught - by their parents! - about responsible online behaviour! End of rant 😉

  • @marahberakdar5778
    @marahberakdar5778 Год назад +3


  • @mattesrocket
    @mattesrocket Год назад

    I will never understand why youtubers appologize for not making videos. I even didn't noticed that you didn't upload so much cause we all were busy with christmas and flue.
    Your decision with your children is PERFECT, also your reasons.
    I loved your videos with your kids because of the biligual topic and I found it very reasonable how you did, but recently I didn't like it anymore when I saw your daughter* cause I thought: people judge other people, especially when there is something to compare "oh ... she changed/developped like...", Germans "love" to judge other people and their development, but kids should feel unjudged through all their childhood. And other kids some day could bully her even on the base of very old videos (what is not logical to adults, but kids do bully you also for very old things) and if any (school-)kids would bully her for something in the videos, it would be late to turn down then the videos.
    And all the other reasons.
    That you never made ad-videos with your kids just because it would bring a good income shows how great you are as mother and person.
    Everything was good so far but it's a perfect moment now to change it.
    And stay relaxed with how often you upload a video. Everybodys life is not equal every week. We can wait if you need to focus here and there more on yourself.
    *and because it simply reminded me how, at her age now, it started in my childhood that I got bullied, so I felt generally sensitive just by the general posibility that she could be judged negatively (even for no propper reason, just because she is seen there)

  • @uwelohr7958
    @uwelohr7958 Год назад

    Your channel, your decisions... Simple as that..

  • @pkorobase
    @pkorobase Год назад

    A sensible thing not to show your relatives, esp. your kids. 👍 its sufficient to talk about them, if at all. 😅

  • @Never_again_against_anyone
    @Never_again_against_anyone Год назад +1

    I understand the decision not to show your children online, anymore. It is good to protect them.

  • @connyapfelbaum4498
    @connyapfelbaum4498 Год назад +4

    Hallo Antoinnette, ich freue mich über die Entscheidung, die Du getroffen hast. Man muss Deine Kinder nicht in den Videos sehen. Es gibt viele schlechte und perverse Menschen auf dieser Welt, die sich gerne Videos mit Kindern ausehen, um sich daran zu erfreuen. Es ist nicht richtig, seine eigenen Kinder dafür zur Verfügung zu stellen. Du machst alles richtig und schützt auch die Privatsphäre Deiner Kids. Sie können unbeschwert aufwachsen. Wahrscheinlich werden viele Follower, die Deinen Channel wegen der Kids geschaut haben, Deinen Videos nicht mehr folgen. Aber man kann auch einen Familienkanal haben, ohne seine Kinder in aller Deutlichkeit zu zeigen. Notfalls kannst Du auch nachträglich in einer Aufnahme die Gesichter unkenntlich machen.
    Liebe Grüße aus Düsseldorf

    • @tasminoben686
      @tasminoben686 Год назад +1

      Hey, was für ein schöner Zufall! Eigentlich wollte ich dir, wie im vorletzten Jahr, zum Geburtstag gratulieren! Aber leider konnte ich dich nicht finden. Inzwischen ist es ein bisschen zu Spätpunktpunkt deswegen nur dies hier: schönes neues Jahr! Ach Punktpunkt bin ja wieder zu Spätpunktpunkt LG Ben😅🎉

    • @connyapfelbaum4498
      @connyapfelbaum4498 Год назад

      Ja, ich erinnere mich, danke nochmal und auch für Dich alles Gute im neuen Jahr.

  • @natashaw401
    @natashaw401 Год назад +1

    10 dang wow. Remember when you said she is just starting school

  • @suzetteospi
    @suzetteospi Год назад

    Very good decision!

  • @eagle1de227
    @eagle1de227 Год назад

    No apologies ! It's your channel and you decide what happens on it.
    personally i wouldn't care so much about "strange" people looking for children in youtube videos rather than people wanting to exploit children for economical reasons.
    When it comes to privacy it's very reasonable you've been germanized 😉
    Just lately i've seen a couple which became victims of cyberbullying showing how important privacy is for youtubers. Good decision!

  • @jma3181
    @jma3181 Год назад

    i think you made the right decision to not show your children anymore online. i am sure they will thank you for that in the future. ein frohes neues jahr 🎉