The dump? You take your garden waste to a dump? And then the host comments on your "love of nature?" What? That's reckless to the environment. Compost your waste! It's kind of outrageous that you don't, especially with all you've planted. Don't get me wrong; it's beautiful, but for all that beauty, you create an equal amount of waste.
You have to be very careful with composting plant material from diseased plants. The pathogens can live in your compost pile, and then you helpfully spread the diseases to all your other plants. There are valid reasons to burn garden waste or take it to the dump.
Absolutely stunning!
Absolutely beautiful! I would hope that I could see it !
I am Montagnard indigenous live in North Carolina I love flowers so beautiful I can walk in you garden all day .
Beautiful 😍
Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed seeing the different garden areas which all fit together so well. The daylilies certainly are stunning.
I've been there it's just as beautiful now as it was years ago.
Deer Heaven!
I've been there
The dump? You take your garden waste to a dump? And then the host comments on your "love of nature?" What? That's reckless to the environment. Compost your waste! It's kind of outrageous that you don't, especially with all you've planted. Don't get me wrong; it's beautiful, but for all that beauty, you create an equal amount of waste.
You have to be very careful with composting plant material from diseased plants. The pathogens can live in your compost pile, and then you helpfully spread the diseases to all your other plants. There are valid reasons to burn garden waste or take it to the dump.