Featured Speakers, in order of appearance in the film: Adlai Stevenson II [1900-1965], former Governor of Illinois and two-time Democratic Nominee for the Presidency of the United States. Dr. Louis S. Osborne [1923-2012], director of the Synchrotron Laboratory at MIT. Dr. William C. Davidon [1927-2013], "Brillian Chicago physicist" and, in 1971, the mastermind behind the burglary of the Media, PA FBI field office. Eleanor Roosevelt [1884-1962], former first lady of the United States. Prof. Leslie Clarence Dunn [1893-1974], Columbia University, Dept. of Zoology and Genetics.
Featured Speakers, in order of appearance in the film:
Adlai Stevenson II [1900-1965], former Governor of Illinois and two-time Democratic Nominee for the Presidency of the United States.
Dr. Louis S. Osborne [1923-2012], director of the Synchrotron Laboratory at MIT.
Dr. William C. Davidon [1927-2013], "Brillian Chicago physicist" and, in 1971, the mastermind behind the burglary of the Media, PA FBI field office.
Eleanor Roosevelt [1884-1962], former first lady of the United States.
Prof. Leslie Clarence Dunn [1893-1974], Columbia University, Dept. of Zoology and Genetics.