She Died of a Cancer Induced Heart Attack! Listen To What Jesus & Heaven Tells Her!

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 451

  • @patriciaroberts1050
    @patriciaroberts1050 2 года назад +42

    I saw Jesus on my bedroom ceiling ...I was not scared but felt so peaceful and safe...he was looking down at me...🙏

  • @dorothyherndon4444
    @dorothyherndon4444 2 года назад +6

    I believe everything you said Rosemary. When I went thru a bad time in my life when I was younger, I prayed and prayed and nothing seemed to be answered and I literally grabbed two handful of my hair and cried out to the Lord and laid down on my bed and cried myself to sleep. I dreamed I was in this house, it was not familiar. I heard a knock at the front door and I entered the room and there was a young boy going toward the door and I told him not to answer the door because I thought it was Satan. Then a hand came thru the door and I saw the nailprints and I rushed to the door and opened it. It was Jesus and He came into the room and past me and went and talked to the little boy, encouraging him not to stop his prayers because He was sending the answer soon. Then Jesus started to leave and as he reached the door I cried out to Jesus and He turned to me. I asked Him if I could talk to Him and He walked back into the middle of the room and sat down in a large oversized chair and I fell at his feet. I poured out my heart to Him. I saw Him reach over the arm of the chair and pick up what looked like many pages or pieces of paper and When I looked into His eye's they were full of tears and without words I knew He loved me and cared deeply that I was so upset. He told me that the papers/pages He was holding was His promises and any time I thought He wasn't answering my prayers just tell Him about His promises to me and He would move and send the answer. This was two years before we decided to move to a town several hours away and we moved into the house that had been in my dream two years before! I had never been to that town in my life.
    He has done other things in my life since then, but this one I remember feeling perfect peace when I looked into his eye's and I know that I know Jesus, His Father and His Holy Spirit are real! Praise the Lord for His Love and Mercy to us!!

  • @gabyfisher6149
    @gabyfisher6149 2 года назад +60

    I want to thank Rosemary Thornton for her testimony. My husband died from alcohol poisoning. And I blamed myself if I just come home earlier. I mite have been able to save him. I know he was saved, because he excepted Jesus as savior about three months earlier . But I still felt guilty about him dying.
    But God saw me through all the pain. Listening to you reminded me that I did everything I could. There were times I still felt I could have done more. But when you said the angel told you that It was not your fold and that you did everything you could. It made me feel free. Thank you so much.
    Gaby Fisher

    • @vickigentry9426
      @vickigentry9426 2 года назад


    • @esmeraldamontoya8176
      @esmeraldamontoya8176 2 года назад +4

      To Gabby, am so glad he was saved. I had 2 friends that were saved and committed suicide. I did not understand it but God understands that type of sickness. Heard that they can be healed but when I read about Naomi Judd, found out she tried everything and did know Jesus, could not live with that mental illness anymore, so only our Lord understands all that, we can't, but my heart breaks in two when I hear that people commit suicide. No one knows what they are going thru, so we must be saved and pray alot all the time

    • @Reuvenification
      @Reuvenification 2 года назад +1

      @@esmeraldamontoya8176 saved from what, death? You just said it, nobody understands the horrible nightmare of a person whose mental reality is not adequate to assess whether or not a voluntary death is good or bad. Jesus or God or whatever spiritual beliefs you have are or are not the only one who can save a person in such a situation, however, He won't save them from committing suicide, He never has and never will. It is very sad, but conceivably if we are on time and save them, or not, it all depends on how they choose to die and we should not have to take the blame for what they have done is so much and so little we can do to save another fellow person from going through that. Here is the ludicrous idea that God wants us to live, and procreate, and on top of that He gives us free will, which can't be applied to a suicidal person since he or she isn't capable to think stray, so only God is the one guilty in the self-killing act for not protecting this suffered soul. To me, all souls are connected with God and nothing will unlock that, even if a person is a sinner in real life or an impersonator demon living in the sick mind of a serial killer, none are capable of physically detaching from God because by the time we are ready to be born all our biological composition is working and we all agree, but what we haven't demonstrated is what is that spark of energy that moves all these amazing living things, that spark is God for us who think about it and that's in the old testament, the original and only conjunction of books there is in our Western part of the world and some others. I don't care about the annexation of “ The New Testament”, but that's me, and leave it there.
      So, are we all going to heaven, even though we can sin badly? Based on the belief we are an inseparable inspiration from the Almighty God we shouldn't because what leaves the body at the time of our departure is not Joe, Sue, what leaves is a soul that soul must leave the body because it doesn't function anymore. The soul is an eternally living entity that has been encapsulated, whether or not we wanted it to live inside this thing with a life of its own, the soul is only responsible to guide itself through a mentally and physically structure that is flexible for the soul to use these capabilities to do as good as we can, but the body, especially the human body is mentally very complex if something extremely wrong is happening no soul is capable to change that mechanism in some cases. Back into suicide, I can't blame those who successfully complete their own decision of killing themselves, if we can call it that, and more importantly, the act of blaming the one who loved and cared for that someone is self-defeating.

    • @kellyanncostanzo7693
      @kellyanncostanzo7693 2 года назад

      You are NOT responsible for your husbands actions!!! Hear me and be free if that lie now in Jesus name!
      My husband just passed away on April 24, from a massive heart attack. I felt like I should have been more there and available but the truth is, it was Gods will to let him go home. If God wanted him to stay here, the Lord would have quickened my spirit and told me something was wrong. You have to understand everyone is responsible for themselves. My husband knew he has to rid himself of anger which in the end is what took his life. He struggled all his life with abuse, deep pain and trauma. He struggled with letting it all go. The night before he passed he was so angry over a very stupid thing and freaked out. I believe honestly it’s Gods mercy on a person to let them go home early. I don’t know if you’re husband was saved but this i do know, the Lord loves each of us way more than we can love. It’s His business to draw people home.
      Be at peace! God is watching and is in control.

    • @rosemarythornton3593
      @rosemarythornton3593 2 года назад

      Thanks, Gaby. It was such a relief when I heard the message that, "We must work out our own salvation. His (your husband's) salvation is not your business." That relieved so much of the guilt that I had experienced.

  • @mikebriglia5476
    @mikebriglia5476 2 года назад +30

    Rosemary, I have had many encounters with Jesus. I too was sent back. The part of your story where you said you still get angry for what your husband did, made me remember what Jesus told me about that. He told me THAT is an attack thought. Say instead: This I do not want, I choose instead the peace of God. Thanks for your message. Mike

    • @rosemarythornton3593
      @rosemarythornton3593 2 года назад

      That's a very good point. I want to "choose peace" in every path in life. Thank you for this lovely insight.

    • @animaladvocate8938
      @animaladvocate8938 Год назад +1

      Can you please share your story?
      What a blessing you had.

  • @marcybrock8224
    @marcybrock8224 2 года назад +154

    This helped so tremendously. MY SOUL MATE MY husband died when I was 28. He was diagnosed with Esophageal cancer. He died at 32. We have two children together they were one and 5 yrs old. I've carried survivors guilt since his death. This was such a healing process for me. Survivors guilt is horrible. To know how much Jesus loves me and feeling suicidal at times, that God took the wrong parent...I've had tears streaming through her whole story. No accident I watched this video. Thank you so much for your healing testimony!!!

    • @victoriafreudenthal4528
      @victoriafreudenthal4528 2 года назад +9

      So sad. Bless you 🙏

    • @luzmiranda2288
      @luzmiranda2288 2 года назад +9

      Beautiful testimony 🙌 shalom Yehovah bless this daughter of Zion.Yah bless you Brother Randy n ur beloved wife n family 👪 in Yahushua Ha'Mashiach powerful blessed name 🙏 ❤️ ♥️ 💖

    • @judahslion5611
      @judahslion5611 2 года назад +7

      I'm praying God give you grace in abundance. Grace to accept that He is in control and always has been. Grace to trust in Him when you feel weak. Grace to come into God's rest and find lasting peace.
      Matthew 11:28
      [28]Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
      He is with you, Marcy.

    • @jamesrobertburke9500
      @jamesrobertburke9500 2 года назад +2

      Have you listened to Kat Kerr Marcy , beautiful Heavenly stories

    • @christineeversole4974
      @christineeversole4974 2 года назад +6

      @@victoriafreudenthal4528 God bless you Sweetheart.

  • @sandrastorer5628
    @sandrastorer5628 2 года назад +55

    I've watched several of these interviews, and what so strikes me is how each experience was uniquely tailored to each unique individual and God's purpose for their lives. There's nothing "standard" or cookie cutter in how God does things!

    • @xamurai00
      @xamurai00 2 года назад +2

      well, the ''first veil'' after death is tailored to every individual. God manifest things that you are comfortable with. Be it your garden, grandparents, parents, pets etc. The second veil is the one you dont come back from and thats when you are allowed into the celestial city and truly be with God. This is according to Jim Woodford. He had a similar experience.

    • @michellecardenas6072
      @michellecardenas6072 2 года назад +1

      So very true

    • @maryseale982
      @maryseale982 2 года назад +1

      Very well be

    • @scottiemon9036
      @scottiemon9036 2 года назад +3

      Yet Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever

  • @ceecha
    @ceecha 2 года назад +62

    I’m overwhelmed by Gods love listening to this testimony. Oh I have a maker who deeply cares!

    • @nancykane735
      @nancykane735 2 года назад +2

      Yes, we are God’s hands here on earth 🙏

    • @cherrybell2995
      @cherrybell2995 2 года назад +3

      Jesus christ said cast all your cares upon me for I care for you.

  • @faithcrownofjewels4467
    @faithcrownofjewels4467 2 года назад +11

    I had a dear friend who lost his wife to stage 4 mastic breast cancer after 5 years of marriage. He loved her very much. I came in contact with him again 6 months after she died. I chose to be a vessel that God could use to help him see where his wife was in heaven. The Holy Spirit showed me and him her healing and her peace in heaven. I had three different dreams about her. I prayed for him, I fasted for him, I sent him beautiful christian songs ✝️ and scripture. However, he became angry with me and said unkind words and ended our 11 year friendship. I am devastated and my soul 💔 hurts. The hurt is so deep I sob in my spirit day and night. Please 🙏 for me.

    • @Ole67
      @Ole67 Год назад +1

      Just read what you wrote. I pray you are feeling better now, that The Holy Spirit of God has restored the situation or you and given you insight. Your acts were unconditional love in the spirit of Christ, I was so moved when I read it. I will pray for your friend, that he may come to the proper understanding of your help and come to know Jesus and be restored through The Holy Spirit. I myself know the pain of separation. I didn't see my mother for 17 years before she passed away a few years ago. She became mentally ill during the 90s and didn't want contact. She was possessed by spirits and I was afraid to meet her, because I didn't had enough faith that God would protect me. I saw her body only when I had to lift the lid off her kasket in the church, together with the undertaker. That I didn't get to see her before she passed away has haunted me so much. After I found Jesus, I started to pray for her, that she may be saved by Him. It is my daily act of repentance and love for her, to send her love and pray for her. I pray that the Lord will Show me one day that He saved her.

  • @joyceanthony-huff2914
    @joyceanthony-huff2914 2 года назад +69

    Rosemary you are terrific and inspiring. My precious 62 year old brother died 5/9/22 of horrific face cancer. He grew close to Jesus but still suffered. Now I know he's happy and healed but boy I miss him.

    • @animaladvocate8938
      @animaladvocate8938 2 года назад +5

      He literally died of face cancer? Melanoma?.Or squamous cell?
      Im so sorry.

    • @joyceanthony-huff2914
      @joyceanthony-huff2914 2 года назад

      @@animaladvocate8938 squamous cell carcinoma of the face. It was in his sinus, behind his eye and brain.

    • @animaladvocate8938
      @animaladvocate8938 2 года назад +5

      I saw your answer but it seems to be deleted now. Squamous Cell carcenoma!
      Wow. Thats terrible. They must have caught it too late? Thats supposed to be the easier cancer. How devastating.
      I had it myself manifested overnight.
      In the face. How heartbreaking. Im so sorry.
      I use alternative methods.
      Thanks for sharing. Hugs.

    • @cherjohnson5807
      @cherjohnson5807 2 года назад +4

      I’m so sorry 😢 yes he is whole an happy.

    • @lilycat1694
      @lilycat1694 2 года назад +2

      Sorry for your loss. My elderly Dad died from the same type of cancer on his face. That was in 2019.

  • @rosemarysimington13
    @rosemarysimington13 2 года назад +5

    You are amazing. I loss my daughter at the age of 5 months. God showed me her in a vision in heaven before comforting my heart before she pass. She is totally healed . We share the same name .

    • @maryanneswinarski6944
      @maryanneswinarski6944 Год назад

      Thank you dear sister for sharing your testimony. I was greatly blessed.

  • @dlkline27
    @dlkline27 2 года назад +24

    What an awesome story. Rosemary's knowledge of the Bible is amazing. I pray her message will help who are experiencing troubles to heal.

  • @janethagen3385
    @janethagen3385 2 года назад +72

    I love her sense of humor and honest way she spoke to the angels and asks questions.

    • @mayneubauer8008
      @mayneubauer8008 2 года назад +2


    • @bradjohnson5889
      @bradjohnson5889 2 года назад +1

      What a smart woman. Thank you !!

    • @janasalerno3534
      @janasalerno3534 2 года назад


    • @brendadegraw1688
      @brendadegraw1688 2 года назад +1

      I so relate to this experience, different circumstances. Same feelings of Divine Love. Thank you for sharing this experience.

  • @marianneal1570
    @marianneal1570 2 года назад +18

    This was very comforting as I listened to Rosemary. I am going thru a very difficult time and listening to her helped me. I am a Christian woman relying on God’s strength & love during this period of my life.

  • @jacquiehenifin5541
    @jacquiehenifin5541 2 года назад +31

    Thank you for sharing. I have been healed many times just by believing His Word and spending time with Him. The Bible says He sent HisWord to heal us. Believe and don’t waiver. God Bless.

    • @paulette-rose
      @paulette-rose 2 года назад

      AMEN!!!! Praise the Lord! ♥️

  • @gaylemarie3913
    @gaylemarie3913 2 года назад +7

    Thank you Rosemary! Our son took his life three yrs in July. Please pray for me and my husband and my family! Thank you~

    • @VM-123
      @VM-123 2 года назад +1


    • @carolejones9044
      @carolejones9044 2 года назад +1

      Praying that you draw close to the Holy Spirit and know His comforting Presence love and peace

    • @sandymauch6938
      @sandymauch6938 2 года назад +1

      So sorry 😢 prayers for comfort and peace.❤️‍🩹✝️🙏🙏

    • @rosemarythornton3593
      @rosemarythornton3593 2 года назад

      Hi Gayle Marie, I'm at six years now (since my husband's suicide). I still miss him. I still think about him. I still care about him, but the agony of losing him to suicide has mostly faded away. If that happened for me, I am praying that it will happen for you. But suicide really is a "death like no other." I will pray for you.

    • @animaladvocate8938
      @animaladvocate8938 Год назад

      Please seek out Padre Pio. He creates miracles and answers prayers.
      I've experienced them myself.
      Im so very sorry for your loss.

  • @tammyjoma
    @tammyjoma 2 года назад +22

    What a wonderful, fantastic experience, told by a master storyteller. Thank you, Rosemary, for your honest, practical story. I am very inspired and encouraged to read God's Word. It is so comforting to know our Lord has made a place for us and continues to deliver us from the fear of life in this world and with death. I'm so glad you were comforted for your husband's eternal life and that he is in the Shepherd's hands. It's a wonderful truth to consider. Thank you, Randy. I sincerely enjoy your channel and am so encouraged by these stories. May God bless you & every one who may be reading this comment. Hallelujah. ❤️

  • @thevintagemom5455
    @thevintagemom5455 2 года назад +73

    I love that she retains a sense of humor even after death. It confirms to me an understanding that humor is part of God's repertoire

    • @godsfamily4802
      @godsfamily4802 2 года назад +16

      It is . Even people who have experienced NDE like Rosemary too have confirmed how humorous Jesus was or still is and obviously that goes for God the Father and the Holy Spirit too. 😀😀Yes just put it this way, because we are made In His image we have every good stuff in us that He has put there in and for us including our personalities. It only gets compromised based on life and listening to the devil and if we decide to go with the enemy. May God help us to continue to listen to the voice of God everyday in Jesus Name!

    • @elaineerskine
      @elaineerskine Год назад

      We are made in God's image. He graced me with a sense of humor so he must have one too.

  • @jesserosieb
    @jesserosieb 2 года назад +4


  • @lindaknaus448
    @lindaknaus448 2 года назад +18

    I sense that the dark space described here is akin to being in the womb. What a beautiful nde, best I’ve heard… thank you for coming back🙏🏻💖

  • @nataliewilkinson8347
    @nataliewilkinson8347 2 года назад +30

    This was a winner! What you said really "imparted" to me!!! Thank you. Your words have changed me.

  • @Brenda-bc1oz
    @Brenda-bc1oz 2 года назад +4

    Thank you Randy & Rosemary. I'm going through very hard times right now. You have brought me to tears. Your dear sister in Christ, please please pray 🙏 for me ❣️

  • @marylonsford42
    @marylonsford42 2 года назад +9

    Your testimony of heaven is AWESOME and I believe every word! May the Lird continue to use u!!

  • @fawnadams3154
    @fawnadams3154 2 года назад +7

    This is the second time listening to this delightful sisters testimony. Absolutely beautiful! Thank You Jesus!

  • @avrildixon7291
    @avrildixon7291 2 года назад +7

    Thank you for this video. If I can share my experience here . I'll try to keep it short. I am a Christian and had many different phenomenon experiences. About the darkness!
    My sister was brutally murdered. I planned her funeral bcz my parents were devastated. I had to be strong and supportive during this time so I did not cry or go through the grieving. After the funeral my mom gave me so of my sister's clothing , I accepted it for closeness. Spots of her blood were on the clothing, the police said she fought for her life ( inside her home).. When I ironed her clothing I broke down, having a delayed reaction.. That evening I dreamt about my sister..I saw her in complete darkness walking like somebody who was cripple. but there was someone walking/ like a shadow.. holding her hand.. She came towards me and wrapped her arms around me saying I must not worry she loves me. After the dream all my pain and sorrow was removed I felt a peace beyond my understanding..
    The second time I saw the darkness/ like a pitch black void was a dream .. shortly after my brother's son died.. at age 33. I saw in the dream
    him being lifted out of the grave.. but he looked like the age of about 13/14 years old.. wearing a check shirt . only one arm was in the shirt sleeve . the other sleeve was hanging lose..Again I could see who lifted him but knew he was not alone.
    I wondered if the tatoos on his arm had anything to do with the one sleeve that was not in his arm.
    nevertheless, I'm amazed to hear that the beautiful lady also spoke about the darkness in heaven..
    I have many phenomenon stories even about G-D speaking / in an audible voice, giving me instructions and a msg to take to a group of people. With this I can say. A promise HE makes is a promise he keeps. and HE told me. HIS Hand is over the people. in closing I say .. What a mighty God we serve..

    • @rosemarythornton3593
      @rosemarythornton3593 2 года назад

      I love that you mention "The peace that passes all understanding." That's the whole thing, isn't it? And you're right: God's promises are sacred. Thank you for responding.

  • @carolejones9044
    @carolejones9044 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for your encouraging testimony Rosemary. So good Randy that you let your guest tell their story without interruption but chat the way you do with them. Your programmes are very much appreciated. Blessings

  • @nancyduynslager6981
    @nancyduynslager6981 2 года назад +16

    Thank you for your story
    God is using you for His Glory

  • @NancyKSmith-xs2yw
    @NancyKSmith-xs2yw 2 года назад +5

    Found this helpful. My husband did as hers in 2007. Left me with 3 kids to raise. God healed my heart and my kids, though traumatized, have come thru it also. NDE stories have helped me. I listen to Randy Kay and Pegi Robinson podcasts. My favorite teacher is a NDE survivor named Kevin Zadai. He got an upgrade when he returned also. So glad God has allowed these people to return and tell their stories. They have helped me so much. I forward these to my kids but I don't know if they listen to them. I especially liked this as it was similar to my experience. Another I found helpful was John Davis NDE story.

    • @rosemarythornton3593
      @rosemarythornton3593 2 года назад +2

      Pegi Robinson is a favorite of mine too! I was on her show a few weeks ago. She and I have talked about the fact that God and the Bible seem to be disappearing from some of the "most popular" NDE accounts. I don't understand that. And I've heard from two ministers who have put together sermons based on what I was told ("You're the image and likeness; I'm the Original" - Gen 1:27). Someone told me that if I would just take "God and the Bible" out of my account, it'd be a bigger hit! So I don't know how anyone does this without God - on any level!

  • @sarahjarrell1262
    @sarahjarrell1262 2 года назад +17

    BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL testimony! This touched me deeply and I felt the strong grip of the Holy Spirit come over me many times throughout the video!! 🙋‍♀️🙏🙏❤️

  • @ElmosMum8
    @ElmosMum8 2 года назад +10

    Wow, what a touching interview. Randy your heart shines. Rosemary, I believe God was holding you and shielding you from the view of your body, this was the darkness.

  • @sherijacobsen1077
    @sherijacobsen1077 2 года назад +43

    I also feel like Rosemary has a special annointing on her life. While the traumas we have suffered are different, that "black night of the soul" that actually dips clearly into mental illness, brings a commonality that surpasses the cause.
    It's hard to put into words how encouraging and inspiring Rosemary is. Her testimony is amazing and interesting, but I don't even think that is the sum of her gifting. I do like to listen to the NDE stories, and she has a great well as a terribly traumatic one. Regardless of the story though, her gift of knowledge of the word and ability to speak in a way that conveys the fullness of both the depths and the heights is unique and seems to be a special gifting that pulls the listener into an understanding that is very inspiring, peace-giving and hopeful. Thank you so much for sharing!

    • @freeindeed5393
      @freeindeed5393 2 года назад +3

      She is a good storyteller! She would be good at hosting!

    • @rosemarythornton3593
      @rosemarythornton3593 2 года назад

      Sheri, thank you so much for these words. After Randy said that (that I have a "special annointing"), I put that message on my bedroom wall so that I can remember that I came back for a REASON. Thank you for saying this. It means so much to me.

  • @marcybrock8224
    @marcybrock8224 2 года назад +10

    I can't Thank her enough for this healing process..I have experienced survivors guilt since 99 I feel so inspired qnd healed

  • @sylviadavidson8913
    @sylviadavidson8913 2 года назад +2

    I also once was fearful in the dark, now I spend time with my Beloved in the dark, I don’t see things to distract me. He is most beautiful, I have also been told my husbands salvation belongs to God, not to me. No more guilt about the forty three years I’ve waited for him to turn to Jesus.
    Bless you Rosemary for sharing all you have. 🔥😇🥰❤️

  • @78twood
    @78twood 2 года назад +6

    This account really blessed me! Those of us who live with grief, despair are guilt need to hear this! We can be healed and set free through the miracle power of Jesus Christ 💜 God bless you 🙏

    • @cherrybell2995
      @cherrybell2995 2 года назад +3

      Thank you lord Jesus christ you hold us and comfort us. Praise Father God and his son Jesus christ and the Holy spirit amen glory to God.

  • @sylviamcbride6117
    @sylviamcbride6117 2 года назад +13

    I loved listening to Rosemary, she made it so intriguing. As a two years old child I had an 'NDE' but I only remember going through a blackness and seeing a bright light. Listening to Rosemary made me both laugh and cry, it was wonderful.

  • @kathyconn5504
    @kathyconn5504 2 года назад +15

    Beautiful message. Keep on sharing with others. They need to hear it. Love your sense of humor. You are proving to people that. God is real and. His miracles are real. This blessed my heart. I also had a near death experience and God Let me live and it has been a real blessing to me. I didn't actually die but I was 2 minutes from it. I did get to talk to. Jesus. What a privilege. God bless all of you.

  • @carolkillip9691
    @carolkillip9691 2 года назад +13

    An amazing experience!! He wasn’t in hell “ the Holy Spirit how amazing!! I needed to here this tonight so worried about my sick husband was meant to hear this Thank you both & Lord✝️

  • @annmarieohara7750
    @annmarieohara7750 2 года назад +3

    It was so special and we are blessed to have two such warm caring indivuals who are serving Jesus with such genuine and palpable kindness

  • @djsgarden3361
    @djsgarden3361 2 года назад +1

    WOW Thank you. Lost my Husband a year & half ago. Bless you for your story. The suffering that we deal with reminds us that we still have issues to work through.

  • @lisanewton3154
    @lisanewton3154 2 года назад +8

    Thank you Rosemary, for your wonderful testimony.
    God bless you 😊💗🌈✝️👑🔥💖

  • @billieburns6708
    @billieburns6708 2 года назад +8

    I’ve been through hell in high water for decades I grew up into domestic violence and was abused by both parents and sexually assaulted from 12 to 15 and with God it took decades but I got through all of it no medication God as my counselor God‘s word as my counselor no help or understanding from anyone so yes you can do it by yourself on your own with God I wouldn’t be here today without him I wouldn’t of made it without him he’s the only reason I’m still here he’s the only reason I made it through everything I got put through hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus I’ve never been able to rely on any human being or trust human beings never

    • @lindamoses3697
      @lindamoses3697 2 года назад

      Congratulations for making it through! What an ordeal you went through! I too can't trust people.

  • @annwilson6899
    @annwilson6899 2 года назад +3

    What amazing testimony! Cried through the whole thing! Thank you for reminding us to LOVE ❤️

  • @pressedearth9492
    @pressedearth9492 2 года назад +1

    Beautiful story! A magnificent glimpse into the eternity that surrounds us and the God that loves us.

  • @ginarubio2253
    @ginarubio2253 2 года назад +10

    Wow! That was a powerful interview. I was so blessed by this.

  • @3962_
    @3962_ 2 года назад +13

    I loved listening to this, great insights. Thank you for sharing.

    • @tracygaylor9505
      @tracygaylor9505 2 года назад +3

      very specific descriptions other's say they are unable to describe, this is a blessings

  • @maryfolks9368
    @maryfolks9368 2 года назад +9

    I want to thank you for posting this beautiful testimony. As we get older I believe we get wiser and it's hard to deny that God exists. Especially when we start to really see the beauty in the small things. I can't tell you how much her story touched my heart and how "on time" this was for me. Thank you and God Bless you all.

  • @ThePosh777
    @ThePosh777 2 года назад +3

    Love you so much community of believers God answering prayer like crazy! 💕

  • @charliestanley9599
    @charliestanley9599 2 года назад +2


  • @samanthaworkman-fenn8754
    @samanthaworkman-fenn8754 2 года назад +1

    Wow…….what an experience you had ….thanks for sharing ❤

  • @christachavez1061
    @christachavez1061 2 года назад

    Rose Marie, listening to this made my heart explode! Thank you for who you are and for all that you are giving on this side of the door 🤍✨️💙

  • @gmhun
    @gmhun 2 года назад +20

    Thank you Rosemary for you beautiful testimony and Thank you Randy Kay, I’ve been praying for healing, my body has so many issues. I am asking for prayers. I usually don’t ask but I have reached the end of what else to do the Drs don’t seem to find out what is making me so weak

    • @button814
      @button814 2 года назад +3

      Praying complete healing over you by the authority of the blood of Jesus Christ! God give her supernatural strength and take away every point of pain!

    • @sherijacobsen1077
      @sherijacobsen1077 2 года назад +5

      I know that Chronic, undiagnosed illness is a horrible, horrid burden to bear. I pray that the Lord would show you the answers that you need, comfort your fears and heal you completely. Lord, you sent your word and healed them, and you healed everyone who came to you when you were physically present. Lord I pray for this one who needs your wisdom, your peace and your touch. Be all that she needs.
      I know that there are a zillion things that can come against our flesh and weaken us, so I'm not assuming that you would have the same affliction as me, but I suffered weakness and just a plethora of seemingly unrelated symptoms and earnestly believed I was dying until about the 6th yr when I realized it hadn't killed me yet and although I was very sick, I was not progressing to being more and more ill. I was about 30 when I got sick. And was diagnosed at age 42. Realizing that I know nothing about you, only that you are weak and ill and undiagnosed, I would just throw an idea your way. You can Google it and see if any of it seems to fit. Altho there is a move toward more medical recognition, sadly, my story of being undiagnosed for 12 yrs (and longer or shorter) is still very common. I have a condition called POTS Dysautonomia. POTS stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia syndrome. Dysautonomia is a dysregulation of the autonomic or "automatic" nervous system so, it can and does affect so many areas of our body that we don't even realize because they generally function automatically and quietly, and the kinds of things that go wrong are just not generally tested for or even considered. I have no idea whether this will be of any use for you, but it can lead to some other interesting findings that while uncomfortable and sometimes even disabling (like impossible weakness or fatigue) as one Doc told me, "POTS won't kill you, but it can make you wish it would." Well, that sounds horrific but as the mother of 3 small children, I just wanted to be here for them...and they are all grown now, and I am actually probably slightly healthier after 26 yrs of POTS than I was when I was finally diagnosed after 12 yrs. So, take heart and know that God is good and even though we may suffer, he makes a way. I have been very blessed. I raised my babies!!! If you research and feel the symptoms fit, I would be glad to help you navigate the medical process and coping ideas in any way that I can. Please look me up on Facebook. I live in Juneau, Alaska and my photo is dominated by my red curly hair...feel free to look me up if it looks like POTS or any of the associated conditions might fit your symptoms. Above all tho, I wish you peace as it is so healing in itself!

    • @tracygaylor9505
      @tracygaylor9505 2 года назад +2

      me as well I'm far to young to be going to an extended care facility @ 38, I suffered the kind of stroke a person doesn't recover from. My husband requires prayer as well God knows what they are

    • @tammyjoma
      @tammyjoma 2 года назад +2

      Glenda, do you think it might be Lyme? If you have access to an understanding doc, maybe you can do a month of antibiotics to see if it changes your health. May God bless you!

    • @carmenbravo2989
      @carmenbravo2989 2 года назад +1

      Praying for you in Divine Will

  • @sandramelia3765
    @sandramelia3765 2 года назад +6

    Thank you for sharing an answer to my heart’s question to God today. You answered it in a few sentences of your testimony.

  • @person-ey2ct
    @person-ey2ct 2 года назад +1

    Healing does come from worshiping Jesus and reading his word praying in holy ghost daily help

  • @pearllast8249
    @pearllast8249 2 года назад +2

    🇨🇦🌹🌹🌹 Thank you Rosemary for sharing., I needed to hear that there is hope., in our family there was a suicide too., it’s been 3.5 years since that terrible day., indeed it’s a healing process!

  • @sarahmutchler4117
    @sarahmutchler4117 2 года назад +1

    Praise the Lord!:) Yes Jesus Christ, is our Healer. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @lindamoses3697
    @lindamoses3697 2 года назад +2

    Craving beauty is craving the Spirit of God. Nature , music, poetry, art and intelligence, scriptures, prayer is the heaven on Earth.

  • @andredurand3913
    @andredurand3913 2 года назад +1

    So grateful to hear this. Provided healing and clarity to my heart

  • @virginiacadriel4038
    @virginiacadriel4038 2 года назад +2

    awesome testimony! healed from guilt and to have that supernatural peace! I love it.

  • @carolyn.turnerrose571
    @carolyn.turnerrose571 2 года назад +2

    Thank you enjoy your words of God 🙏 God Bless you I Love you

  • @berthaurquhart536
    @berthaurquhart536 2 года назад +4

    The thought came to me and many times I expressed this line to the people who had a lot of arguments with what I shared, I would interject This “ the person with an experience is never at the mercy of the person with an argument”,. I so enjoyed your message/testimony, God Bless you Rosemary 🙏🕊❤️🌹🤗

  • @israelsaka7678
    @israelsaka7678 2 года назад +1

    Thank you both for this great interview. I have learned a lot. Healing of the soul. Rosemary your sense of humour is a gift from God.

  • @annmarieohara7750
    @annmarieohara7750 2 года назад +2

    Ye I too. Loved Rosemary sense of humour. I was also touched by the Pastor when he mentioned the less fortunate and became so emotional at their plight🙏😇💞

  • @linnethhenry9108
    @linnethhenry9108 2 года назад +1

    Wow!! We are made in the image and likeness of God. Powerful reminder!

    • @rosemarythornton3593
      @rosemarythornton3593 2 года назад

      And there's an Original! I'd studied this one verse (Gen 1:27) for years, and yet I had nothing thought about it terms of "The Original."

  • @LynntheNewf
    @LynntheNewf 2 года назад +6

    Really enjoyed listening to this woman speak. I esp. liked the part that we are made in the image and likeness of God... spoke to me.

    • @cherrybell2995
      @cherrybell2995 2 года назад +1

      That's beautiful I love that also, were made in God's image, Jesus is the original son and we are his children glory to God amen.

  • @debratope9688
    @debratope9688 2 года назад +3

    Wow I love her story. She has a beautiful way of telling her story.

  • @deborahballard7662
    @deborahballard7662 2 года назад +2

    Wonderful!!! Great testimony. Give many people hope. Jesus is real!

  • @sharronbarajas4875
    @sharronbarajas4875 2 года назад +1

    You deeply blessed me by your testimony. The two weapons we have against satan are the Precious Blood of the Lamb and our testimony of how God has changed us from the inside out. Thank you for your eloquent spirit. I love you.

  • @christineeversole4974
    @christineeversole4974 2 года назад +1

    Randy, and Rosemary...thank you for your powerful messsage.

  • @dorothyharford7334
    @dorothyharford7334 2 года назад +3

    Thanks for sharing 😊💖 your story Rosemary! Your journey is so very encouraging to me. I've been through teams too. Jesus Christ my Lord is so precious to me! My Grandmother said to me Never give up, always put your foot in front of the other and keep on going, and you will make it to your destination!

  • @DrCMD1
    @DrCMD1 2 года назад +2

    Thank you to Rosemary for sharing her story! My husband too committed suicide and I found him. Here it is 25 years later God has transformed life into becoming a physician of the soul- a licensed counselor. Suicide is not an easy death to overcome. Thank you for sharing again and for the humor sprinkled throughout!

  • @lindybelo426
    @lindybelo426 2 года назад +1

    Yes I was taken to the Throne room..I had a very traumatic life divorced left with 3 boys...God came to me and helped me and gave me a ministry I can encourage others and love people...

  • @robmadera9757
    @robmadera9757 2 года назад +8

    I send lots of love from me to the universe and my beautiful angels I love you God with all my heart and soul thank you thank you thank you 💕💞💓💗💖💝💘♥️❤️💜💚🧡💛💙🕊️🙏

  • @AMELIA10041
    @AMELIA10041 2 года назад +8

    I knew at the Beginning of this video I FELT STRONGLY that The Greatest BLESSING WE HAVE & OTHERS HAVE is the HOLY SPIRIT that dwells in each of us -- that is how we need to care for others (minister to the Spirit inside each of us) ty HEAVENLY Father for the Love you poured in Jesus & the obedience of Messiah & the GIFT of the HOLY GHOST/SPIRIT 🕯️🛐🙏✝️🕊️💟

    • @cherrybell2995
      @cherrybell2995 2 года назад +1

      Amen, Thank God Holy spirit that you help us each day. Glory to God amen.

  • @DebbieHollandNZ
    @DebbieHollandNZ 2 года назад +16

    A beautiful testimony x I understand how she felt after her husbands death. I have lost a dear family member to suicide and saw first hand how the pain of that stole peoples sanity for a time and the terrible guilt that followed for all of us. The Lord showed me also that He had redeemed that person and that they were NOT lost but receiving healing and instruction in Heaven. He showed me also through His word "that He does NOT crush the bruised reed". "that a broken and contrite heart He does not despise". "that our loved one was in the courts of the Lord". Suicide is a thorny subject but Jesus has the last word in this matter.

    • @miraclesforus2
      @miraclesforus2 2 года назад +3

      Thank you

    • @rosemarythornton3593
      @rosemarythornton3593 2 года назад +1

      Beautifully said. Thank you! I love that Bible verse (about the bruised reed). Who among us hasn't felt broken by life? It's so encouraging to know that God is tender-hearted and loves us like a mother. People get upset when I talk about God like a mother, but my father was a brute, and when people say that God is our Father, I cringe.

    • @DebbieHollandNZ
      @DebbieHollandNZ 2 года назад

      @@rosemarythornton3593 Yes I understand that - my mother was sexually abused by her own father. She eventually gained healing when she was born again. It took her many years to find her "Heavenly Father"but she did in the end. You maybe still have some healing left to do. Some things are only healed in Eternity but I always remember a poster I had in my office that spoke of "the cave we fear to enter is where our treasure is". not biblical but I think the bible says the same thing when Isaiah talks of "treasures hidden in darkness" 45:3. xxx I pray you find your Mother AND FATHER IN YHWH. I call Him Abba which means daddy - we are beyond blessed to know Him.

  • @phyllisdano1423
    @phyllisdano1423 2 года назад +14

    I agree that the Word is all important and answers all questions about God. But one should always read with an ear to the Holy Spirit to say the true meaning for you at this time.

  • @dawnboggs5023
    @dawnboggs5023 Год назад +1

    I had an open vision years ago and saw my uncle join his parents in a whiter than white room in Heaven, as my vision ended, my mom called me telling me my uncle had just passed, I told her I knew because I had already saw him enter in. Sounds like the white room she was talking about. This is amazing.

  • @sjb2105
    @sjb2105 2 года назад +5

    What a sense of humour! Love it!!

  • @ronbryant2674
    @ronbryant2674 2 года назад

    She is such an encouragement and cheerful. Her testimony has really encouraged me, and her sense of humor has lifted my spirits and made my day..Thank you for sharing Ms. Thornton

    • @rosemarythornton3593
      @rosemarythornton3593 2 года назад

      Hi Ron. Thank you for taking time to comment! I'm so grateful to know that this message is an encouragement to you. Thanks!

  • @Christbearer57
    @Christbearer57 Год назад

    A real blessing! Thank you, Rosemary and Randy!

  • @janettucker5615
    @janettucker5615 2 года назад +5

    This is sooo Beautiful ❤️ praise God for you 🎉🎉🎉

  • @lavernejackson7262
    @lavernejackson7262 2 года назад +1

    Good 👍🏽 She IS so very articulate in expressing to us!

  • @deannathompson2421
    @deannathompson2421 8 дней назад

    This was such an encouraging testimony, even though I haven't gone through anything even close to this. ❤

  • @aMAZEingU
    @aMAZEingU 2 года назад +1

    Rosemary, you are so brave to share your story. Thank you for sharing, because the things you went through and learned can help others. I really liked when you shared about how the angels told you it was not your responsibility to save your husband....each must choose for themselves.
    I've gone through some deep pain recently, and did not know how to heal. Jesus showed me a picture of Himself, with my wounds on Him, and me whole. He bore all our suffering and wounds....and sets us free. I encourage anyone who has wounds and suffering to give them to Jesus....cast all your cares on Him, because He cares for us.
    Randy, I have watched many of these stories, and thank you for your ministry. I find so many truths in the stories, and feel comforted. It helps to set one's mind on things above, when we know something of what is indeed above.

    • @yvonnegill1382
      @yvonnegill1382 2 года назад +1

      You are so right. Without God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit is where we find help and hope!

    • @yvonnegill1382
      @yvonnegill1382 2 года назад +1

      Currently I am living in a lot of pain….still after a stroke 7 years ago.

    • @aMAZEingU
      @aMAZEingU 2 года назад

      @@yvonnegill1382 I am so sorry to hear of your suffering! I pray for your healing in Jesus Name. He has taken all your sickness and infirmity on Himself and overcome. I command all pain to go in Jesus Name.

  • @kozetamata4477
    @kozetamata4477 2 года назад +3

    Great story of sharing God’s love ❤️ how merciful our Lord is and that heaven is real tr to

  • @rachaelclarke9951
    @rachaelclarke9951 2 года назад +1

    Once I did something I was guilty about and my friend prayed for me and god blessed me and it felt very nice

  • @miriamtait8854
    @miriamtait8854 2 года назад +6

    I can't tell you how much I learned from the last part of your story...we are here to work out our own salvation. I never understood that but I get it. We aren't the Savior. We can love, pray , point. But not give away our life jacket.

  • @Tony-tn2dj
    @Tony-tn2dj 2 года назад

    Thank you for your story, Rosemary. I am a total believer in NDE or life after death experiences. I have numerous books written by people having gone through a life-after-death experience. I enjoy watching videos like this because I keep learning how the Lord relates to each person in so many different ways. Everyone is unique, and these testimonies show how the Lord interacts with each of us in so many varied ways, but one thing always in common is the Love they feel there and the beauty in Heaven. It is all more than people can describe in human words. It's so amazing. Thank you for sharing these stories.

  • @Paula-fs8qq
    @Paula-fs8qq 2 года назад

    Wow! We are to work out our own salvation. To be a sheep and not a shepherd. Be light, thank you Randy.

  • @christinam777
    @christinam777 2 года назад +2

    She tells this so well.

  • @alicewarner5172
    @alicewarner5172 2 года назад +3

    WOW!!! This is the best testimony I have ever heard

  • @mary0308
    @mary0308 Год назад +1

    I thoroughly enjoyed Rosemary's NDE. It was healing to me. My brother committed suicide and I try not to carry any guilt for it but it was traumatic for all of our family members. Rosemary is so witty and funny. She is the kind of person who I would love to have as a friend.

  • @henriettebrendell1920
    @henriettebrendell1920 2 года назад

    So comforting to know that I am not wrong about what I experienced. And I praise God for giving me that life changing experience. May God bless your testimony.

  • @robmadera9757
    @robmadera9757 2 года назад +3

    Thank you for the message God bless you and your family 💖💙🕊️🙏

  • @AMELIA10041
    @AMELIA10041 2 года назад +1

    I Agree with Randy ~ Ministering to the inner spirit of a person in need is GREATER THEN being concerned with their outer shell (like homelessness or a physical disability)...

  • @carolineburns1816
    @carolineburns1816 2 года назад +1

    It is something quite extraordinary that this woman of God has experienced.
    This message is very encouraging for me as I myself have been through trauma,
    maybe not the same kind of trauma but just as vivid. God healed me from ovarian
    cancer and even before I was diagnosed, I knew in the back of my mind as well
    in my spirit that it was cancer. Through it all, I had a peace of mind from God and
    I knew that even though I was going to go through a hard time that God would be
    with me and he truly was. He is with us wherever we are and what ever we are going through.

  • @billieburns6708
    @billieburns6708 2 года назад +1

    Your sense of humor is amazing and I love it it’s a necessity in this life

  • @marcellemcdonald7762
    @marcellemcdonald7762 2 года назад +2

    Thank you dear sister for sharing your amazing NDE with us ❤️..
    *And I love LOVE your honest sense of humor* 😂 God bless everyone ❤️

  • @Tryagain563
    @Tryagain563 2 года назад +2

    Wow Rosemary! Just wow!
    What a beautiful representation of Christ you are - sincere, honest, humble, fun-loving, caring and very appreciative of all He has done for you.
    I'd just love to meet you - I feel like I have though.
    May the Lord continue to bless you and to give you souls for His Kingdom, in Jesus Name, amen.

  • @signetulupan
    @signetulupan 2 года назад

    I went to a white room in heaven also after asking God to rapture me! I thank God, I was asking him to show me what the white room meant, so, here is God answering that, just asked him the other day, he’s soooo good! If anybody else has experienced the white room and went past it, will u please SHARE!? I’m still contemplating this! Gods blessings

  • @angelasmithgiardina9121
    @angelasmithgiardina9121 2 года назад

    Thankyou Jesus for your Servant Rosemary for speaking Word d that will impart in me to Glorify God in Jesus Name.

  • @PickledPepperz
    @PickledPepperz 2 года назад +1

    I feel Holy Spirit during this, Glory to God!