In my humble opinion, this is a very well organized presentation. Its historical references are short and clear, and the delivery is very well performed.
"The Dark Ages" although not really used as a proper historical era, mainly refers to the Early Middle Ages around 500-1000 AD approximately. The period following the collapse of the Roman Empire (where we had a lot of written evidence and art) through to the Anglo-Saxon migration (where there is apparently much less writing and art -although this is disputed nowadays) The Dark ages arguably finished with Alfred the Great who centralised power and government in England and by then we started having more written evidence in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles......Some may argue that it ended with the Norman Conquest as late as 1066........................ Whereas the Middle Ages ended with the death of Richard iii Plantagenet (a descendant of Norman ancestry) in 1485 at the Battle of Bosworth.........and we then entered the Tudor period - an era of art, prosperity and discovery.
There really isn’t a hard set date, but most historians agree anywhere between the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 to the end of the Reconquista, 1492
In my humble opinion, this is a very well organized presentation. Its historical references are short and clear, and the delivery is very well performed.
Correction: after hell Dante passed through *Purgatory.
Correction: "Cordoba" sound different, the strong sound is in the first syllable not in the second one.
"The Dark Ages" although not really used as a proper historical era, mainly refers to the Early Middle Ages around 500-1000 AD approximately. The period following the collapse of the Roman Empire (where we had a lot of written evidence and art) through to the Anglo-Saxon migration (where there is apparently much less writing and art -although this is disputed nowadays) The Dark ages arguably finished with Alfred the Great who centralised power and government in England and by then we started having more written evidence in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles......Some may argue that it ended with the Norman Conquest as late as 1066........................ Whereas the Middle Ages ended with the death of Richard iii Plantagenet (a descendant of Norman ancestry) in 1485 at the Battle of Bosworth.........and we then entered the Tudor period - an era of art, prosperity and discovery.
Dante’s work is amazing
They preserved import pieces of science and engineering
Correction: Please see Mr. Russo's comment below.
Time period is 500 to 1500 or 1400 hundred I am confused about the date
Pratima Sapkota from 476 a.C at 1492.
There really isn’t a hard set date, but most historians agree anywhere between the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 to the end of the Reconquista, 1492
The dates are theories. Isn't sure.
Was this during the Islamic golden age or after the Mongolians attacked, I'm never sure about the timeline of those events happening
Read more then
@@iiReLaX Do you know then?
The Middle Ages are anywhere between 500-1500 AD, Islam started in the mid-600s, the golden age was between 700-1300 AD