Michael Flatley's Feet of Flames: The Impossible Tour -- Gypsy (feat. Andrea Papp-Kren)


Комментарии • 18

  • @ELY359
    @ELY359 3 года назад +17

    I feel like I've been personally called out by Blurb Writer because I always whine about the original music being better. And yes, Gillian was the first bad-girl of Irish dancing and she did it flawlessly but this woman's interpretation is, literally, awesome. (I also used to whine about the very, very short skirts Budapest-era but Andrea rocks that catsuit). The OG troupe were trailblazers and these dancers are every bit as talented. Magnificent.

    • @MichaelFlatleysLordoftheDance
      @MichaelFlatleysLordoftheDance  3 года назад +12

      From Team Lord: not personally called out, but rather finally addressing something with the fanbase at large which at some point needed to be discussed, and now is the right time to do so: that for some fans, LOTD's identity is solely tied to what came out in the 90s. Interestingly, this appears to be *more* true for people who never actually saw the show live, and instead only saw the videos (especially those videos from 1996 and 1998).
      And, to be fair, what was originally created is absolutely iconic. So how do you get everyone on board with the New Generation?
      The answer is to present them -- and the entire show -- audiovisually in a way that classic fans will recognize: by editing the Impossible Tour performance videos in the same style as David Mallet's 1996 video. (Interestingly, the Feet of Flames set we used in Taiwan is a boon towards this end, because its retro throwback design looks and feels much more like classic LOTD than the more updated sets from 2011 and 2014.) By presenting the New Generation in this fashion onscreen, it will feel to classic fans like a soft reboot, recapturing the magic of the original show while still driving forward into new territory (such as the use of onstage GoPro cameras on the dancers themselves, which to our knowledge no one has tried before in the arts).
      Does that mean that this 2020 version of Gypsy is a 1:1 visual corollary with David Mallet's 1996 version? No. There are deliberate differences, because there are two different filmmakers at the helm, and we must continue to push into new territory as a show and in terms of how the show is presented electronically. Mallet's version of Gypsy uses a lot of overcranked slow-motion shots and long crossfades; if we did the same today, it would feel derivative. Instead, this version uses almost entirely hard cuts -- something which historically is rarely done with female performers in a LOTD video -- and a *faster* editing cadence. This matches Andrea's style as a performer, but also gives the show as an audiovisual product a modern feel that captures the energy of what it was like on that night in front of a 15,000-seat stadium.
      The goal is not to replace what was done before; the goal is to create something new which expands the show's audience *and* which a hardened classic LOTD fan can look at, enjoy, and say, "You know what...that was just as good."

    • @ELY359
      @ELY359 3 года назад +4

      @@MichaelFlatleysLordoftheDance I was joking about being personally called out but thank you for the comprehensive response. I've seen the show twice, once on the opening night at the London Coliseum in 1996. I had no preconceptions apart from the knowledge that Michael Flatley was dancing and that was enough for me. Although it was a tiny stage and the production was a little rough around the edges I was immediately consumed and enchanted with the show. By the time I saw it at Wembley Arena it had become a phenomenon but at its core, the star of the show for me, on both occasions, was the dancing, from the leads and from the ensemble.
      It is my personal opinion that during the 2000s, the show somewhat lost its way in terms of production, music and costumes and although I never saw it live again, the videos I've seen from that era clearly demonstrate that the quality of the dancing never changed. The dancers give 100 per cent of themselves 100 per cent of the time and from the clips I see here, that clearly remains the same.
      During my youth, Irish dancing was considered a dying artform. I have nothing but respect and admiration for the dancers who made a profession from something they love doing and I'm so happy to see the breadth of nationalities represented in the casts, some of whom have no Irish connection but do it because they love the medium. The professionalism, the training, rehearsing and general commitment to their art is admirable.
      I'll admit that what initially attracted me to this channel was the OG content and the supercuts. However, I stick around for a) the dancing, b) the Blurb Writer and c) the show, which will always have a place in my heart. I very much enjoy the clips of the current dancers and I recognise and applaud their brilliance. I look forward to seeing the whole show as a cohesive narrative in its digital form and I will always be a fan of Lord Of The Dance in all of its iterations and of all of the dancers within it.

  • @rainerdorr2939
    @rainerdorr2939 3 года назад +1

    One word: FANTASTIC 👏👏👏

  • @elainewalls1965
    @elainewalls1965 3 года назад +2

    That was breathtaking. The music is perfect for her moves! 👏👏👏

  • @kislanymanci7603
    @kislanymanci7603 3 года назад +1

    Nemcsak fenomenális az Andi, minden egyes mozdulatában, de aki már találkozott /diskurált vele, láthatta, hogy egy végletekig szerény, és kedves lány, nagyképűségnek nyoma sincs benne, hiába lenne rá oka❤️ A z öccse, Krén Andris dettó! Apuka-anyuka kitűnő munkát végzett velük!!! Nagyon büszkék lehettek magatokra, Andi-Bandi! 🏆

  • @tothsteff
    @tothsteff 3 года назад +1

    I can't believe Andrea is still dancing! I remember I danced with her 12 years ago. I am now well retired and she is like undistructible machine! Well done Andrea! Pity the touring had to stop for a while. Hope you doing well!

  • @1CelloOne
    @1CelloOne 3 года назад +1

    Love it!

  • @trevg0ld
    @trevg0ld 2 года назад +2

    Will the music from the Impossible Tour ever be available ? This is an awesome and fresh take on the character, I love it !!

  • @eranagy1861
    @eranagy1861 3 года назад +1

    Ebben a szuper csapatban magyarok is táncolnak. Tudtam már korábban is. Olyan jó érzés!!!! Mert az egész fantasztikus, amit csinálnak. Imádom őket, az ír zene pedig gyönyörű.

    • @bobeerosne1163
      @bobeerosne1163 3 года назад +1

      A szívemből szóltál. Én kb 40 évvel ezelőtt hallottam először ír népzenét majd láttam ír néptáncot azóta a szívem csücske. Az meg, hogy magyar fiatalok is részesei nagy büszkeség.

  • @rusraul1114
    @rusraul1114 3 года назад

    Thank you.

  • @bobeerosne1163
    @bobeerosne1163 3 года назад +3

    Bravó Andrea, további sok sikert.👏

  • @jimbojimbog1598
    @jimbojimbog1598 3 года назад +1

    What can one say except PHEW.

  • @chuangemily9542
    @chuangemily9542 Год назад


  • @ladyolga88
    @ladyolga88 3 года назад +1


  • @sebastianaguilar9938
    @sebastianaguilar9938 3 года назад

    I have almost nothing negative to say! You are correct Adrea is absolutely fantastic in her own right, her interpretation is a unique one, I didn't expect enjoy her predatory atmosphere! so I can I'm wrong there and will even admit yes it 'works great!
    My only real problem is the pleather!
    I'm not sure whose idea that is but its continuous presence in these shows really knocks them all down a peg, and that's a shame because I kinda like this costume, at least more than I expected too! Though I'm biased and will say the corset boning would look even better over a skirt, STILL in this instance, For Andrea at least it works damn well especially in this context so no complaints!