Please Help us Continue Filming our Great Cities. Don't forget to Subscribe, Like, or Comment, and Share the Video with your Loved Ones... Thanks in Advance Full Ahead Channel Team
Whalley, Goffe, and Dixwell. They were 3 Judges, there is a small cave formed by large rocks, where they hide. Read a true story. The church on the corner of Temple and Chapel has graves in the basement. The upper green was a cemetery at one time and when filled in, the church built over it with the graves intact. Downtown NH was all water, part of the long wharf. Some of the older homes on orange st, to kimberly squre still have widow walks. NH has a lot of history.
All its missing is a bunch of GTA 5 Explosions in the background, people driving up the wrong lane to cut you off at stop signs, a bunch of yale students j walking withought looking at the road, and gang members following you block to block to make sure your not the cops. Try driving a tractor trailer truck in New Haven. 4k wont make it as pretty.
Bunch of goof bags that should be in jail the little mountain called it a sanctuary City but all the hard-working stable people have to avoid the obstacles when they try to take everything you have and they never get punished
Please Help us Continue Filming our Great Cities. Don't forget to Subscribe, Like, or Comment, and Share the Video with your Loved Ones...
Thanks in Advance
Full Ahead Channel Team
lovely video... keep going
Hahaha exactly
Great channel!
great drive
Whalley, Goffe, and Dixwell. They were 3 Judges, there is a small cave formed by large rocks, where they hide. Read a true story. The church on the corner of Temple and Chapel has graves in the basement. The upper green was a cemetery at one time and when filled in, the church built over it with the graves intact. Downtown NH was all water, part of the long wharf. Some of the older homes on orange st, to kimberly squre still have widow walks. NH has a lot of history.
Was and still is , owned by the black hand
All its missing is a bunch of GTA 5 Explosions in the background, people driving up the wrong lane to cut you off at stop signs, a bunch of yale students j walking withought looking at the road, and gang members following you block to block to make sure your not the cops. Try driving a tractor trailer truck in New Haven. 4k wont make it as pretty.
Bunch of goof bags that should be in jail the little mountain called it a sanctuary City but all the hard-working stable people have to avoid the obstacles when they try to take everything you have and they never get punished