Wow, Ive been asking God to show me who I am for a long time. It's kind of like this responsibility and pressure to have it all figured out, but I am never able to out of my own strength. This sermon just completed dismissed my worries, fears and this baggage of uncertainty. I learned that my identity is found in Christ. Once my foundation is set in Him, so will my identity be solidified. I pray that this sermon will open up the hearts of everyone who hears it, and that it will bring clarity like it just did with me today. Thank you so much Sadie, this was fantastic!
You are so right, Lee. The Bible says 'we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and strength, and soul and love others as ourself...then all else will be added, pressed down, shaken together, and running over! It is easy to put being a police officer, as I was, a teacher, a homemaker, a nurse, or a singer or preacher in our focused career, and good blesses our 'job' in life but not our spiritual being if we don't love our Savior with ALL our heart and have an intimate relationship with Jesus. I was reminded of this today after I said a really stupid thing to the Lord: Lord, I am retired, and have many health issues, and not valuable in my small world any longer. Then the Father said to me, "I gave you My most precious and valuable gift, My Son who bled and died because of My eternal love and sacrifice for you, My child." No person, no title, no possession is more important than knowing that 'I am my Beloved's and He is mine!' See, Lee, how stupid I was!
Sadie, you are a gift to your generation and an anointed messenger to many more. Know that countless Believers love you and are praying against all darkness. Blessings and Peace from your Father.
This was soooo deep for me and the fact that i watched this after almost ignoring this video makes me feel like God really wanted me to hear this and the devil knew it would totally change me
This is so touching. When you talked about being 17 it touched me, and God has called me for a purpose and called me to go forward. You were literally talking to me legit.
Very strong and pure message. I am impressed by her spirit and I love how God uses her character (made in his image) to glorify His purpose and will in our lives. We are wonderfully and fearfully made. It astonishes me to experience the passion and discipline, clearly demonstrated here, from the standpoint of a woman. Truly inspiring.
Thats exactly what i needed right now! I felt so down and didnt know what i should do with my life… I always had the feeling i have to know who i am … but instead i have to know who god is!!! Thank you sooo much ! You are a gift from heaven❤
Amen hallelujah Jesus is my lord my only God my savior my protector my everything i love you dear lord Jesus with all my heart for all your love and blessings.
Oh Sadie I was so so amazed by what you spoke on this tape. I have been struggling with low self-esteem lately and I thought if I could start reading scriptures that talk about my identity in Christ that that would help build up my self esteem; however I'm looking in the wrong place. I almost want to quote the song that says, " looking for love in all the wrong places". Where I need to look at Christ, God and who He, "I am who I say I am", cuz it's within Him that I find my TRUE identity in myself! May God richly bless you for your passion and your desire to be the light to the world!
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ROMANS 12:2
Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure ISA 46:9-10
And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad." But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, "this is evident sorcery!" 
Por eso siempre lo pido a gracias a Dios que llegue aquí California este llegaron los prisioneros los de Carlos palacios me recibí y me subí estuvo tenían ahorita tengo varios amigas y amigos jóvenes aquí California fresno y y por eso lo cuido mucho porque yo sé que no vine aquí por papel también yo sé que sí falta respeto por eso pero gracias a Dios que me dio buenas ideas y para hacer cosas bien donde quieras hay chance que puede vivir donde sea cuando
Tengo más amigo lo mejor aquí de Estados Unidos y México por qué no sé solamente Dios sabe por qué los jóvenes conoces Yo me gusta respetar y ellos me hablan cada día más cómo está está bien le doy gracias a Dios que conocí a la capilla desde la iglesia que se dicen mormón pues la verdad es una tiene buenas ideas pero también si tú lo pones creencia y puede ser todo lo que nosotros no podemos yo sabía que puedo llegar al bendición de Dios pero
Great news everyone!!! The Lord is back just as he promised when he was with Jesus, he goes by the name SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, bringing through his teachings of love and truth. I know no one will believe me because yous all expect him to come through someone who is with the church. He is using his faithful channel who in this lifetime is Suzanna maria Emmanuel, I invite everyone to investigate and see for yourself, I have given you they key to the heavens
Fortnite song english spanish gracias muy buenas noches que Dios le bendiga muchísimas gracias por eso Yo me respeto mucho no le importan 15 años el ser humano siempre me gusta a respetar amigos y amigas siempre hacemos una cosa humilde mi playlist es el parto de palabra de Dios donde sea que vayas y tener amigos
Romanos 10:9 Si confiesas con tu boca a Jesús como Señor y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo resucitó de entre los muertos, serás salvo. 10 Porque con el corazón se cree para justicia, y con la boca se confiesa para salvación. 1 Corintios 15:3 Lo que recibí te lo transmití primero, que Cristo murió por nuestros pecados según las Escrituras. 4 Fue sepultado, y resucitó al tercer día, conforme a las Escrituras. Hacer buenas obras, servir, dar ofrendas, adorar al amanecer y asistir a la iglesia sin creer en Jesús con el corazón es solo una vida religiosa. Todos los seres humanos son pecadores ante Dios. No solo el asesinato y la violación son pecados, sino también las pequeñas mentiras, los chismes, la envidia, el odio, la codicia y la fornicación, todos son pecados. La única manera de que los pecadores sean salvos es creer como un niño pequeño en los méritos de la sangre del Señor Jesucristo sin pecado. No hay una sola persona justa en este mundo. Ya sea que cometa un pecado o diez mil pecados, todos son los mismos pecadores a los ojos de Dios. La paga del pecado es muerte. Irás al infierno por tus pecados. Jesús fue clavado en la cruz, derramó su sangre, murió, fue sepultado y resucitó al tercer día, resolviendo por completo el problema de mis pecados. Todos mis pecados pasados, presentes y futuros son perdonados por la sangre derramada de Jesús. Es muy fácil salvarse del infierno e ir al cielo. Solo tienes que admitir que eres un pecador en este momento, creer que tus pecados son perdonados a través de la sangre derramada de Jesús y confesarlos con tu boca. El justo por la fe vivirá (Romanos 1:17) Si quieres ser salvo, ora con fe de la siguiente manera. ¡Gran Dios! Soy un pecador Hoy me di cuenta de que Jesús, quien es Dios, vino a esta tierra en la carne, derramó sangre en la cruz, murió y resucitó para perdonar todos mis pecados. Ahora que creo y acepto a Jesús como mi Salvador, por favor ven a mi corazón y sálvame del infierno. Gracias por salvarme. En el nombre del Señor Jesucristo oramos. amén.
Sí por eso también tenían aplicación de tiktok para conocer a alguien cualquier persona puede entregar palabra de Dios que pero por lo mismo con ese caso nadie quiere prender y maltratas y no a veces no entendemos a veces no hacemos una cosa solamente Dios conoce todo lo que es Dios le da nuestros paciencia y tal vez cualquier cosa que pensamos es no podemos ser si yo porque Dios le da la vida cada día más y yo no te da la vida no
I'm not saying this as a negative,.....when Jesus had said to Peter, " are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church......" , in this Greek text of Matthew there are 2 words: Petros and Petra, respectively. There is strong biblical support for this interpretation, widely held since the protestant reformation in the 16th century, Petros is Peter, Petra refers to Christ who is the foundation and chief cornerstone of the church. ( I Corinthians 3:11; Ephesians 2:20; I Peter 2:4-7 ). Peter is small stone, christ is foundation/chief cornerstone, Peter spoke the truth saying "you are the Christ, the Son of the living God" .....Jesus is The Rock, Jesus said "...upon this rock I will build My church. ..." upon this truth you said , in other words. So, the church wasn't built upon Peter, but upon Jesus, who is the Truth, The Rock. 🕊 .
About the comment I made, don't get me wrong, for a long time I didn't understand what Jesus was saying, what's written in Matthew 16:17-18.....until I heard a message on it, and I dug deep into this myself to see if that's true, the Holy Spirit sure knows how and when to work in our hearts! 😊 so, I still ABSOLUTELY love it Sadie is boldly joining God in mission, and He's able through the Holy Spirit to continue to work in her heart and life, as well as ALL of us, ....'always ~God is good ' ......🕊
She quotes Paul at 11:48 but Paul also said for women to be silent in churches and under submission 1 Corinthians (14:34-35) lukewarm like rest of new age Christians💔
It’s sad mass majority praise Sadie Robertson for her teaching and preaching, when she’s going against scripture that women shouldn’t preach and teach Gods word, yet people wanna call it “Motivational speaking”. She’s preaching if she’s utilizing the Bible, and that role is reserved for a man as the order of the church is described as a pastor should be a husband of ONE wife! Not the other way around. This is what seeker sensitive churches do. They try to put worldly culture alongside Christianity when it doesn’t work like that. God instructs us to be separate from the world. Yet many “Christian’s” try to loophole to do go through with something God forbids in his word, while trying to see how far they can go with doing what feels good to them, without going too far. We need real repented christians, really changed by the true gospel. And not wanting to live how they want to live because their lives no longer belong to themselves but to God. Obey scripture and stop listening to Sadie Robertson!
There is a HUGE difference with "Teaching" and "Preaching." Preaching is primarily geared toward life-change while Teaching is primarily aimed at transferring knowledge. If you really do the digging behind "preaching" and "teaching" you'll find that preaching seeks to change people's minds, hearts, behaviors, manners, and habits. It urges such change and is the nature of the preaching activity itself. In contrast, the result of teaching is to cause to know or to know how. The aim of this is for the student to be able to perform the task, and not as much on changing their current state of mind or behavior. To be quite honest, it doesn't matter whether you are male or female, either way, your still "teaching". Everyone is at some degree a teacher. However, Sadie speaks to a women audience. Her ministry is aimed toward women. Now speaking at Passion or any places is her "teaching", not "preaching" or motivational speaking. This conference she is speaking at in this video is a women conference. There is nothing wrong with Women mentoring and teaching younger women. (Ephesians 4:11-12) How else would a church be a well-balanced church? Paul writes about how the Church is supposed to be unity, this is part of that.
@@Middlemistred99 that’s fine as long as she’s teaching to other women in a conference then that’s fine. However there’s been other times she’s preached to a congregation with men included and her theology is waaayyyyy off. 1 Timothy 2:12 clearly states that women aren’t allowed to exercise authority over a man and has went against that scripture on many occasions. Not saying that she can’t have a role at all in ministry. She needs to keep it within women and children and not over a whole congregation with men also included.
@@esomsel4161 that’s not a green light to exercise the office of a pastor, let alone preach to a whole congregation with men included. 1 Timothy 3:1-7 instructs that for anyone to desire a role of a pastor HE must be a husband of one wife, you will not see wife of one husband the other way around in there added at all in that part of scripture.And other qualifications in that area of scripture that follows. We have too many seeker sensitive churches that wanna have a role as one of the “Lead Pastors” and they have that role alongside the husband who’s the designated speaker of the church but the wife would every now and then preach as well, which goes against scripture. Sadie Robertson has spoken over a congregation with men included and that violates 1 Timothy 2:12, and she her knowledge of theology within scripture is also nonsensical since she doesn’t rightly divide and teach the word of truth. Stop looking at those small scriptures alone of Jesus telling women to talk about his resurrection as it’s a green light for women to preach over a congregation with men included as a whole because it’s nowhere close to biblical whatsoever. And before you say I’m probably being a “Misogynist” I’m not it’s called being obedient to scripture with rightly dividing what it teaches and instructs strictly, and not making my own interpretation of what I see in it.
God used a donkey and a burning bush to speak but can’t use a woman? A submissive woman can be used by god to speak. In fact there is not a limitation to who or what God use to speak his word. It’s us who limits Gods power by trying to box im him in to our smallest understanding of the holy living Bible. I think we all work best for the kingdom of God by encouraging every believer to seek God and let him reveal his holy name to each individual. Someday will be with him and trust me none of this would have really mattered.
Lady it is 2022. There is nothing supernatural in this world that can't be explained through modern science. Let these fallacies end with your generation, not continue it.
it takes faith to understand these things! Modern science proves the existence of God. The former leader of the human genome project, Francis Collins, was a devout Christian and wrote many books on this. Maybe they'll help
Wow, Ive been asking God to show me who I am for a long time. It's kind of like this responsibility and pressure to have it all figured out, but I am never able to out of my own strength. This sermon just completed dismissed my worries, fears and this baggage of uncertainty. I learned that my identity is found in Christ. Once my foundation is set in Him, so will my identity be solidified. I pray that this sermon will open up the hearts of everyone who hears it, and that it will bring clarity like it just did with me today. Thank you so much Sadie, this was fantastic!
You are so right, Lee. The Bible says 'we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and strength, and soul and love others as ourself...then all else will be added, pressed down, shaken together, and running over! It is easy to put being a police officer, as I was, a teacher, a homemaker, a nurse, or a singer or preacher in our focused career, and good blesses our 'job' in life but not our spiritual being if we don't love our Savior with ALL our heart and have an intimate relationship with Jesus. I was reminded of this today after I said a really stupid thing to the Lord: Lord, I am retired, and have many health issues, and not valuable in my small world any longer. Then the Father said to me, "I gave you My most precious and valuable gift, My Son who bled and died because of My eternal love and sacrifice for you, My child." No person, no title, no possession is more important than knowing that 'I am my Beloved's and He is mine!' See, Lee, how stupid I was!
Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men who cannot save.
Psalms 146:3
Lee check out all the IDENTITIES in scripture. He defines you, not the world or yourself.
Sadie, you are a gift to your generation and an anointed messenger to many more. Know that countless Believers love you and are praying against all darkness. Blessings and Peace from your Father.
Another spoiled brat grifter.
@@williamoarlock8634And Satanist. Matthew 25 41-46
This is so good! What a word! ❤
This was soooo deep for me and the fact that i watched this after almost ignoring this video makes me feel like God really wanted me to hear this and the devil knew it would totally change me
God is making a move through what He is saying through Sadie.
Thank you for shining your light 🤍
God is amazing ❤
I usually can not pay attention to sermons but I turned this on and listened to it with no problem and loved it! thank you so much Sadie
This is so touching. When you talked about being 17 it touched me, and God has called me for a purpose and called me to go forward. You were literally talking to me legit.
Very strong and pure message. I am impressed by her spirit and I love how God uses her character (made in his image) to glorify His purpose and will in our lives. We are wonderfully and fearfully made. It astonishes me to experience the passion and discipline, clearly demonstrated here, from the standpoint of a woman. Truly inspiring.
You are amazing!!!❤❤❤💗💜💙💚💛🧡🤍🙏🌎🌞🏀⚽️🥇🔊🇺🇲
God is using Sadie. I can see her anointing
Praise God. This is one of the greatest messages I have ever heard! ❤️
Love you❤in Jesus name,.
Thats exactly what i needed right now! I felt so down and didnt know what i should do with my life… I always had the feeling i have to know who i am … but instead i have to know who god is!!! Thank you sooo much ! You are a gift from heaven❤
The “who’s your daddy” quotes from Priscilla Shiere quote gets me everytime.
I am standing!❤
Amen hallelujah Jesus is my lord my only God my savior my protector my everything i love you dear lord Jesus with all my heart for all your love and blessings.
Needed this message as I always struggled w my identity though I been a Christian for a long time.
Oh Sadie I was so so amazed by what you spoke on this tape. I have been struggling with low self-esteem lately and I thought if I could start reading scriptures that talk about my identity in Christ that that would help build up my self esteem; however I'm looking in the wrong place. I almost want to quote the song that says, " looking for love in all the wrong places". Where I need to look at Christ, God and who He, "I am who I say I am", cuz it's within Him that I find my TRUE identity in myself! May God richly bless you for your passion and your desire to be the light to the world!
Please pray for our world
This was. Wow. I have seen so many messages with a similar title but THIS ONE has so much power because it is centered on God. Beautiful
You are awesome and right on point. Thank you for your teaching. God bless you
Very grateful for this message. Sadie definitely has the gift of teaching
That's so powerful message!
This is so good. May God bless you!
This inspires me to spread His love❤
May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless you Sadie in Jesus Name. You are a true inspiration and Blessing. 🎉Happy New Year ❤.
Peter rocognized and praised who Jesus was at that moment!
I would love to come up front!!! As the Holy Spirit leads.
Thank you jesus
Keep. It. Up !! You're. Doing a. Lovely. Job !!
people indentity in Christ, is the main thing in life
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ROMANS 12:2
She really knowledgeable!
I needed this sooooo bad today. Thank you, God, for Sadie, and her knowledge.
Kelly from Maryland.
this just gave me chills.
Great message
I had suicidal thoughts this year and last year and me listening to this has helped me
God is so good, Jesus has an amazing plan for your life. Make sure your getting In the word of God, have a blessed day.😊
Am glad you found the way you are doing really great
True Spirit!
Wow. This is insane Sadie. Such a word.
Isn’t she who took part dancing with the stars. Wow God bless her.
Jesus is Lord
Natural vs. Biblical! Hard right!
Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure ISA 46:9-10
she was wonderful on duck dynasty too. wonderful job keep it up
I probably deserve this for my words
i am who god made me...a sinner a liar ...i love all people and all that is good . but i am still a sinner looking for peace and forgiveniss
so good.
Very good
Speaks volume
So blessed messege .. some words i coudln't understand please someone help me She said that This is who your God is...from that i want all sentences
And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad." But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, "this is evident sorcery!" 
10:31 God will bless the ones who always seek him and find truth within his word 🤍 📖
Por eso siempre lo pido a gracias a Dios que llegue aquí California este llegaron los prisioneros los de Carlos palacios me recibí y me subí estuvo tenían ahorita tengo varios amigas y amigos jóvenes aquí California fresno y y por eso lo cuido mucho porque yo sé que no vine aquí por papel también yo sé que sí falta respeto por eso pero gracias a Dios que me dio buenas ideas y para hacer cosas bien donde quieras hay chance que puede vivir donde sea cuando
1 Corinthians 14:34 1 Timothy 2:12
I tried posting these scriptures twice on here and they deleted them they just don’t want to hear the truth about women speaking
She's so cute
Lol at me and see God no matter what
Alot of couples do this!
Tengo más amigo lo mejor aquí de Estados Unidos y México por qué no sé solamente Dios sabe por qué los jóvenes conoces Yo me gusta respetar y ellos me hablan cada día más cómo está está bien le doy gracias a Dios que conocí a la capilla desde la iglesia que se dicen mormón pues la verdad es una tiene buenas ideas pero también si tú lo pones creencia y puede ser todo lo que nosotros no podemos yo sabía que puedo llegar al bendición de Dios pero
Different truth's
JOHN 3:16
Great news everyone!!! The Lord is back just as he promised when he was with Jesus, he goes by the name SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, bringing through his teachings of love and truth. I know no one will believe me because yous all expect him to come through someone who is with the church. He is using his faithful channel who in this lifetime is Suzanna maria Emmanuel, I invite everyone to investigate and see for yourself, I have given you they key to the heavens
1 Corinthians 14:34 states that women should keep silent in the church. Now someone creatively translate that verse for me.....
Fortnite song english spanish gracias muy buenas noches que Dios le bendiga muchísimas gracias por eso Yo me respeto mucho no le importan 15 años el ser humano siempre me gusta a respetar amigos y amigas siempre hacemos una cosa humilde mi playlist es el parto de palabra de Dios donde sea que vayas y tener amigos
Romanos 10:9
Si confiesas con tu boca a Jesús como Señor y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo resucitó de entre los muertos, serás salvo.
10 Porque con el corazón se cree para justicia, y con la boca se confiesa para salvación.
1 Corintios 15:3
Lo que recibí te lo transmití primero, que Cristo murió por nuestros pecados según las Escrituras.
4 Fue sepultado, y resucitó al tercer día, conforme a las Escrituras.
Hacer buenas obras, servir, dar ofrendas, adorar al amanecer y asistir a la iglesia sin creer en Jesús con el corazón es solo una vida religiosa.
Todos los seres humanos son pecadores ante Dios.
No solo el asesinato y la violación son pecados, sino también las pequeñas mentiras, los chismes, la envidia, el odio, la codicia y la fornicación, todos son pecados.
La única manera de que los pecadores sean salvos es creer como un niño pequeño en los méritos de la sangre del Señor Jesucristo sin pecado.
No hay una sola persona justa en este mundo.
Ya sea que cometa un pecado o diez mil pecados, todos son los mismos pecadores a los ojos de Dios.
La paga del pecado es muerte.
Irás al infierno por tus pecados. Jesús fue clavado en la cruz, derramó su sangre, murió, fue sepultado y resucitó al tercer día, resolviendo por completo el problema de mis pecados.
Todos mis pecados pasados, presentes y futuros son perdonados por la sangre derramada de Jesús.
Es muy fácil salvarse del infierno e ir al cielo. Solo tienes que admitir que eres un pecador en este momento, creer que tus pecados son perdonados a través de la sangre derramada de Jesús y confesarlos con tu boca.
El justo por la fe vivirá (Romanos 1:17)
Si quieres ser salvo, ora con fe de la siguiente manera.
¡Gran Dios!
Soy un pecador
Hoy me di cuenta de que Jesús, quien es Dios, vino a esta tierra en la carne, derramó sangre en la cruz, murió y resucitó para perdonar todos mis pecados.
Ahora que creo y acepto a Jesús como mi Salvador, por favor ven a mi corazón y sálvame del infierno.
Gracias por salvarme. En el nombre del Señor Jesucristo oramos. amén.
Would be a great message in a women only audience…
Wat if this is the rest of your live
Can God save someone convicted of treason by the government? Can they be forgiven and go to heaven?
Sí por eso también tenían aplicación de tiktok para conocer a alguien cualquier persona puede entregar palabra de Dios que pero por lo mismo con ese caso nadie quiere prender y maltratas y no a veces no entendemos a veces no hacemos una cosa solamente Dios conoce todo lo que es Dios le da nuestros paciencia y tal vez cualquier cosa que pensamos es no podemos ser si yo porque Dios le da la vida cada día más y yo no te da la vida no
Who am I?
Seeee seee see se s
Why did you have to tell that poor guy in the beginning, that hes lying?😮 Maybe he wasnt 😢
I am The Law.
Zeg maar er komt noot waarheid
I'm not saying this as a negative,.....when Jesus had said to Peter, " are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church......" , in this Greek text of Matthew there are 2 words: Petros and Petra, respectively. There is strong biblical support for this interpretation, widely held since the protestant reformation in the 16th century, Petros is Peter, Petra refers to Christ who is the foundation and chief cornerstone of the church. ( I Corinthians 3:11; Ephesians 2:20; I Peter 2:4-7 ). Peter is small stone, christ is foundation/chief cornerstone, Peter spoke the truth saying "you are the Christ, the Son of the living God" .....Jesus is The Rock, Jesus said "...upon this rock I will build My church. ..." upon this truth you said , in other words. So, the church wasn't built upon Peter, but upon Jesus, who is the Truth, The Rock. 🕊 .
About the comment I made, don't get me wrong, for a long time I didn't understand what Jesus was saying, what's written in Matthew 16:17-18.....until I heard a message on it, and I dug deep into this myself to see if that's true, the Holy Spirit sure knows how and when to work in our hearts! 😊 so, I still ABSOLUTELY love it Sadie is boldly joining God in mission, and He's able through the Holy Spirit to continue to work in her heart and life, as well as ALL of us, ....'always ~God is good ' ......🕊
Ik kan je 1 ding leren leren het leven is nutteloos op aarde en ook voor eeuwig oorlog met god
She quotes Paul at 11:48 but Paul also said for women to be silent in churches and under submission 1 Corinthians (14:34-35) lukewarm like rest of new age Christians💔
Supd di stern
She was doing so well until she missed that the rock which Jesus built his church was the truth that Peter stated not Peter himself.
Redirect me.....
It’s sad mass majority praise Sadie Robertson for her teaching and preaching, when she’s going against scripture that women shouldn’t preach and teach Gods word, yet people wanna call it “Motivational speaking”. She’s preaching if she’s utilizing the Bible, and that role is reserved for a man as the order of the church is described as a pastor should be a husband of ONE wife! Not the other way around. This is what seeker sensitive churches do. They try to put worldly culture alongside Christianity when it doesn’t work like that. God instructs us to be separate from the world. Yet many “Christian’s” try to loophole to do go through with something God forbids in his word, while trying to see how far they can go with doing what feels good to them, without going too far. We need real repented christians, really changed by the true gospel. And not wanting to live how they want to live because their lives no longer belong to themselves but to God. Obey scripture and stop listening to Sadie Robertson!
There is a HUGE difference with "Teaching" and "Preaching." Preaching is primarily geared toward life-change while Teaching is primarily aimed at transferring knowledge. If you really do the digging behind "preaching" and "teaching" you'll find that preaching seeks to change people's minds, hearts, behaviors, manners, and habits. It urges such change and is the nature of the preaching activity itself. In contrast, the result of teaching is to cause to know or to know how. The aim of this is for the student to be able to perform the task, and not as much on changing their current state of mind or behavior. To be quite honest, it doesn't matter whether you are male or female, either way, your still "teaching". Everyone is at some degree a teacher. However, Sadie speaks to a women audience. Her ministry is aimed toward women. Now speaking at Passion or any places is her "teaching", not "preaching" or motivational speaking. This conference she is speaking at in this video is a women conference. There is nothing wrong with Women mentoring and teaching younger women. (Ephesians 4:11-12) How else would a church be a well-balanced church? Paul writes about how the Church is supposed to be unity, this is part of that.
Who was the first to tell the good news about Jesus's resurrection? To whom did Jesus first appear to and say, tell the others? --A woman.
@@Middlemistred99 that’s fine as long as she’s teaching to other women in a conference then that’s fine. However there’s been other times she’s preached to a congregation with men included and her theology is waaayyyyy off. 1 Timothy 2:12 clearly states that women aren’t allowed to exercise authority over a man and has went against that scripture on many occasions. Not saying that she can’t have a role at all in ministry. She needs to keep it within women and children and not over a whole congregation with men also included.
@@esomsel4161 that’s not a green light to exercise the office of a pastor, let alone preach to a whole congregation with men included. 1 Timothy 3:1-7 instructs that for anyone to desire a role of a pastor HE must be a husband of one wife, you will not see wife of one husband the other way around in there added at all in that part of scripture.And other qualifications in that area of scripture that follows. We have too many seeker sensitive churches that wanna have a role as one of the “Lead Pastors” and they have that role alongside the husband who’s the designated speaker of the church but the wife would every now and then preach as well, which goes against scripture. Sadie Robertson has spoken over a congregation with men included and that violates 1 Timothy 2:12, and she her knowledge of theology within scripture is also nonsensical since she doesn’t rightly divide and teach the word of truth. Stop looking at those small scriptures alone of Jesus telling women to talk about his resurrection as it’s a green light for women to preach over a congregation with men included as a whole because it’s nowhere close to biblical whatsoever. And before you say I’m probably being a “Misogynist” I’m not it’s called being obedient to scripture with rightly dividing what it teaches and instructs strictly, and not making my own interpretation of what I see in it.
God used a donkey and a burning bush to speak but can’t use a woman? A submissive woman can be used by god to speak. In fact there is not a limitation to who or what God use to speak his word. It’s us who limits Gods power by trying to box im him in to our smallest understanding of the holy living Bible. I think we all work best for the kingdom of God by encouraging every believer to seek God and let him reveal his holy name to each individual. Someday will be with him and trust me none of this would have really mattered.
Narcissism in Christ.
Yeah, what did they pay to have her there. 20k
Some nice things said, but sadly another ‘me’ centred sermon.
I am Christ. Sadie isnt.
Im the devil christian
Unscriptural for a woman to preach 👎
Lady it is 2022. There is nothing supernatural in this world that can't be explained through modern science. Let these fallacies end with your generation, not continue it.
it takes faith to understand these things! Modern science proves the existence of God. The former leader of the human genome project, Francis Collins, was a devout Christian and wrote many books on this. Maybe they'll help
@@keithdwayne Such a grace filled response! God bless you!
False teachers 😢