[AWC 2024 in Seoul] 생성형 AI가 바꿔놓을 헬스케어 미래. The Future of Healthcare Transformed by Generative AI

  • Опубликовано: 22 сен 2024
  • 6월 13일 서울 마포구 누리꿈스퀘어 국제회의장에서 초거대 AI와 의료를 주제로 열린 'AWC 2024 in Seoul(AWC서울)'에서는 '생성형AI가 바꿔놓을 미래-헬스케어'를 주제로 패널토론이 진행됐습니다. 정명진 삼성서울병원 교수가 좌장을 맡고 심우현 서울아산병원 교수, 박경수 KPMG 상무, 이성훈 에버지놈 대표, 신동훈 휴런 대표와 열띤 토론을 이어갔습니다. 패널토론 풀 영상.
    On June 13, at the international conference room of Nurikum Square in Mapo-gu, Seoul, a panel discussion titled "The Future Changed by Generative AI - Healthcare" was held as part of 'AWC 2024 in Seoul' under the theme of super-large AI and healthcare. The panel discussion was chaired by Professor Myungjin Jung of Samsung Seoul Hospital and featured a lively debate among panelists including Professor Woo-Hyun Shim from Seoul Asan Medical Center, Director Kyung-Soo Park from KPMG, CEO Seong-Hoon Lee from Evergenome, and CEO Donghoon Shin from Huron. It is the full video of the panel discussion.
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