0:45 Hameroff-Penrose Orchestrated Objective reduction first pass... 4:14 Defining consciousness 6:18 Could single cells be conscious? 11:00 Is consciousness optimization? 13:52 Temperature objection: it's too hot in the brain for quantum effects. 18:14 AI/engineering vs biology/neuroscience. 22:00 Conscious machines? 23:25 Why the mind must be quantum: the Binding Problem. 26:50 More than electrochemical events on the membrane? 28:50 Microtubules. 33:15 Experimental anesthesia paper. 37:34 Major finding: anesthetic gas binds to microtubules to cause unconsciousness. 38:50 How many neurons or microtubules does it take to achieve consciousness? 40:30 Copenhagen interpretation, Measurement Problem. 42:00 Many Worlds. 43:50 Objective Reduction. 45:00 Where does consciousness actually happen? 46:50 Fundamental theories, IIT, conscious computers. 49:40 Unity of consciousness/where is the consciousness. 51:30 Thoughts are computational? Is consciousness? 52:39 Complexity and consciousness. 55:10 Binding Problem again, threshold for emergence/evolution of consciousness. 57:35 Consciousness is fundamental. 1:01:00 Penrose's Gödel argument about human understanding.
Mike, excellent. The 'consciousness is fundamental' aspect also is needed to explain the decades of parapsychology experiments (e.g. Dean Radin, Princeton PEAR) that exhibit non-locality. In the case of Radin his 'presentiment' series also shows retrocausality. Really appreciate your breakthrough work for advancing Orch OR.
0:45 Hameroff-Penrose Orchestrated Objective reduction first pass...
4:14 Defining consciousness
6:18 Could single cells be conscious?
11:00 Is consciousness optimization?
13:52 Temperature objection: it's too hot in the brain for quantum effects.
18:14 AI/engineering vs biology/neuroscience.
22:00 Conscious machines?
23:25 Why the mind must be quantum: the Binding Problem.
26:50 More than electrochemical events on the membrane?
28:50 Microtubules.
33:15 Experimental anesthesia paper.
37:34 Major finding: anesthetic gas binds to microtubules to cause unconsciousness.
38:50 How many neurons or microtubules does it take to achieve consciousness?
40:30 Copenhagen interpretation, Measurement Problem.
42:00 Many Worlds.
43:50 Objective Reduction.
45:00 Where does consciousness actually happen?
46:50 Fundamental theories, IIT, conscious computers.
49:40 Unity of consciousness/where is the consciousness.
51:30 Thoughts are computational? Is consciousness?
52:39 Complexity and consciousness.
55:10 Binding Problem again, threshold for emergence/evolution of consciousness.
57:35 Consciousness is fundamental.
1:01:00 Penrose's Gödel argument about human understanding.
Mike, excellent. The 'consciousness is fundamental' aspect also is needed to explain the decades of parapsychology experiments (e.g. Dean Radin, Princeton PEAR) that exhibit non-locality. In the case of Radin his 'presentiment' series also shows retrocausality. Really appreciate your breakthrough work for advancing Orch OR.
@@wjcroft72 Thank you!