@SearchForTomorrow You have a valid point. But I feel most people on these shows (those who are not complete narcissists) are under pressure to earn their keep so they do and say things purely for shock value, to get more screen time, to keep the ratings up. They become horrible people and I'm afraid we who watch these shows become desensitized to bullying, violence, and amoral behavior.
SearchForTomorrow well you are correct however it’s well known that there are certain aspects of their lives that all of the ladies don’t want discussed- Mauricios affair, Toms lawsuits, whatever’s going on with Harry. Why should that be different for them?
For everyone that doesn’t know: Brandi admitted that she told Kyle & Teddi this information before filming so the whole thing was a set up. No one cares at this point if they did sleep together, it’s the bullying, manipulating & deceit that was the issue.
There's no bullying or manipulating. It's a reality show, this is what it's all about. All these ladies are now having fun cashing in their millions (or half millions in some cases) and thinking about who'll be the next victim. It's almost mathematical, it happens every season in every Real Housewives franchise. The moment they sign the contract, they know they're gonna be making money off of their personal issues and Denise is a genius at making profit out of her personal qualms, she's been doing it for decades and congratulations to her!
The bulling and manipulation was from this horrible women Kyle, teddy and Rina, of course this was a setup to say this on camera. It was a horrible season to watch! I wish the fired risa rina.
This is like if someone was bisexual but not ready to come out and share that, and a group of their close friends are trying to air out the laundry. If the girls all say they don’t care, they have a funny way of showing it.,.
Rinna and brandi always have to hurt someone. Brandi is a liar according to kyle ONLY when she’s speaking about Denise. Kyle now says brandi doesn’t lie... sooo.. she was right about Mauricio cheating then?
except she's in a commited marriage..you did forget that part..and it puts brandi in a BAD position and brandi has the right to share w friends because shes been cheated on multiple times snd denise lied and said her husband was fine with it then changed itt, which would make it cheating. you get that right?
I think Denise is lying definitely but then again I feel sorry on her because everyone is outing her bisexuality, she’s so embarrassed and I feel bad for her
Honestly I don’t think it’s about her being bisexual at all. If this is true she would have cheated on her husband! Does anyone really care about her being bisexual or lesbian? I know I don’t. But her cheating is MAJOR!
I think, only think maybe not true- she's that lesbian who still dating men n Literally one of the most messed up after B but still not reason to hurt anyone even 11 years old can know their sexuality
@@shlynn-k3c considering the money she had and top notch procedures at hand so she should.. but starting from the season when Sutton and the other one started it was the first time I’ve thought wow Kyle you look old.. you have to remember they often have filters when filming.. love her style though!
The way these women behaved with Denise was awful. The bullying and the exposition Denise suffered because of this issue is disgusting. Brandi is a horrible person (inside and outside).
1 - So what if they hooked up. 2- Denise seemed like she wasn't ready to come out. Brandi probably outted her. Even if it was just a one time thing with brandi. 3 - Some of the girls dont look like they would be supportive.
I know this is an old comment but It wouldn't surprise me if very few of them were supportive they live in a conservative bubble. They probably all voted trump.
I really don’t get how people don’t get this. If this rumor is true it means that she cheated on her husband! I have friends of the LGBTQ+ community and I don’t bat an eye, but if someone gay or straight is cheating I would look at them hella sideways!
I love Denise but i do believe in this instant Brandi is telling the truth... however if Denise doesn't want to talk about it the ladies should just back off...stop bullying Denise and try to make her look bad on tv
@@ashleybutler86 omg thanks....i didnt think anyone would agree with me...its kinda obvious Denise is not being honest when it comes to Brandi and her...when Teddi told her about it the first time i just knew from Denise's expression and body language that she's lying and her stories just don't add up
Now that Brandi has set that this information was out before filming, because she told kyle and yeddi so that they would let the story unfold on the show... i do question Brandi, she could ve lying as a favour yo someobe or for a paycheck. Remember, she used to do Lisa Vanderpump's dirty work in spreading gossip and altering the story.
Liam I don’t believe it because I don’t believe Brandi but also because Denise really looks hurt by this. But i didn’t watch the season, just a couple highlights.
@@AB-ju1ii agree that she seems fake. I don't get why she is still in the show, would have loved to see a less dramatic season with Denise, as she seems interesting too me.
Because they can not help themselves. Most of the other women, namely Kyle, Teddi, Rinna, EJ, and Dorit don't have anything going on in their own lives. They think that they are entitled to know about Denise’s life even though none of them ever volunteer information about their own.
Denise is clearly lying but she should never have been put in this situation anyway. Of the had an intimate moment Brandi should have kept her mouth shut about it. Brandi is very immature and a trouble maker.
@@SurahOnline uh yeah she did. On a podcast she said they only made out drunkenly at some point. Everything she claimed about them hooking up and having sex was bullshit to get attention. Why are you even talking when you clearly have no clue what happened? If you don't know don't comment.
So Sickening.. what Brandi did I could puke. It's true or false, dies not matter. What was wrong is Brandi telling it all to a bunch of girls. And so wrong the meanies confronting Denise. I don't know why Denise is giving explanation to the girls. Sheiws it to no one. Kyle said a great thing" whatever is between you and Brandi ,we don't care".. then why confront her ?
Watching this again I’m having PTSD! Since when are a personal private life a topic of conversation and ridiculed. Is is NOT your business Rinna!, Erica! And then Rinna photocopies the text messages for discussion. But when Denice offers to share her text messages with Rinna said person that NO they are PRIVATE! Who sees the hypocrisy? Honestly difficult to watch!
I still believe that Brandi thought she was going to be a big part of this season because she was ‘friends’ with Denise, when that didn’t happen, Brandi decided to elaborate on the so called friendship, the rest of the cast needed a story line, so they jumped on this to make it look good for them, and to discredit Denise. Teddi you were played by these women like a fiddle, and you fell for it !!!
yes - the way Brandi dressed up for that dinner with Denise was soooo try hard/bizarre - Kyle 'orchestrated' this to take the heat off herself because she was being roasted for her horrid behaviour towards the other women - which lead Garcelle to announce 'some - not so much'... meanwhile Erica 'has no close friends' - according to the nasty, irrational, deflecting and abusive Kyle
Brandi and dendise definitely had sex, but i think brandi is lying about it being an affair or cheating. I think aaron knew about it and as brandi said they have an arrangement where denise is allowed to sleep with women. I think brandi knew that denise did not want it to be public knowledge, probably for her children's sake considering all the sexual shit they've already had to hear about their father, so therefore she knew denise wouldn't come out and say yes we slept together but no it wasnt an affair. Brandi needs the affair story otherwise she'd face backlash for essentially publicly outing someone to get back on the show. she knows denise would deny all of it instead of just the affair part which would be easily disproved but would require admitting to sleeping with her.
so disgusted by teddy and the fact that she’s pregnant at that time the energy she’s letting her baby absorbed is just😬🤷🏻♀️and now the baby has complications😬
Omg omg omg you are so right . If any of these ladies got any dirt and they want to circulate it go to tell it to Teddi after all she’s sooooooo gullible
Because that's her story line... It's a well known fact that she and Kyle made up a looong time ago and Kyle hates Denise - especially after the incident at the Halloween party where Denise said to Kim should get over the bunny thing (she returned to Rinna) and stop holding a grudge, THAT'S when Kyle got really pissed at Denise and the bullying started shortly after... Go back and watch carefully!
I dont get how Kyle called Brandi a liar in the earlier seasons but now she's credible. I really don't know if Denise is being honest but I do know Brandi is disgusting and desperate.
Why are you trying to make this about Kyle? Do you people ever stop trying to blame Kyle for everything? It's ridiculous. And if she called Brandi a liar in earlier season, WTF does that have to do with seven years later? For crying out loud, Brandi and Kim used to be arch enemies but are now best friends.
@@ACS402010 first of all... who is "you people" I am one person who made a conclusion based on what I watched. Secondly, whether it was seven years or 2 months if Brandi was a liar then why should she be trusted now? Just because it was 7 years ago? And thirdly, I didnt "blame" Kyle for anything I pointed out that she didnt find brandi credible in the past. WTF is wrong with "you people"? Always acting like these reality stars are your close friends and you know them personally.
It's weird how Kyle is the only OG left and she still looks the same and looks fabulous. I miss Kim, LVP, Yolanda, the old Brandi and even Adrienne. They all had their own brands....The current cast i'm sorry to say are just so bland, all look and behave the same. Rewatching seasons 1-4 on Netflix got me feeling nostalgic lol
Andy lied. He said Denise called Brandi a friend when Denise never said she is her friend. She said she is "friendly" with her, not "friends" with her. There is a difference between the two. And for your info, I don't give two hoops who've Denise slept or didn't slept with.
I know right? Anyone who watched the show knows that Brandi lies about everything just for attention. Remember when Yolanda was trying to help her and on the spot she made up a horrible lie that people were calling Bella an alcoholic? Brandi is garbage
I’m ran, what kind of person goes public saying they had sex with someone without permission? And why is it such a big deal!? Why the cast mates got involved?!
The way these women bullied LVP and Denise out of the show and based it on rumours, it was awful and they all should be punished for it. I would PAY to see Denise back on the show!
Omg , I haven’t watched rhobh for a few seasons , but wooowwwww what the hell has happened to everyone’s faces , whatever plastic surgeon they’re all using needs to take a break , they’re all looking ridiculous
Denise's face at 3:05 says it all. It's a lie or at least something that she needed to stay quiet. They could have removed the part about sleeping together and focused on the idea that she allegedly was going to Brandi to speak about them.
Rinna is no one's friend she throws people under the bus to cause drama so she can be involved, Rinna, Kyle amd Teddi are so entitled they're acting like they are owed truth from Denise when it is none of their fucking business in the first place. I believe Denise because Brandi is hardly credible and is clearly hungry for money and to get back on the show
What’s even crazier…is that they all believed Brandi who infact had plenty years of drama with most of the girls over Denise, a friend for years…they are all means girls
It means they were drunk, and Blandi, being a basic, lunges at her "friends", she probably tried to stick her tongue where it wasn't wanted and Denise rejected her point blank. Remember when LVP refused to let Blandi kiss her lips? She slapped her across the face. This is how blandi deals with rejection, she lies.
Andy is stirring the shit, Denise never said Brandi was a good friend,She said she was friendly with her. Even if they both did hook up, It's no one else's business. The show must be desperate for ratings. Why does Andy not confront ALL of the housewives indiscretions ? 🤬
Rinna is the worst friend. Shes also a hypocrite. She tells Denise to call Brandi and get to the bottom of this rumor...rinna didn't ask Kim to get to the bottom of Harry's rumour did she?!
Come on a blind man can see whats going on here . Denise is lying or hiding the truth shall we say , Brandi although a bitch at times ,sounds much more truthful in this
Well on that premise, you are saying that a 20 Yr friendship could not possibly be lying. Are you..? .... Wrong. She's a manipultive woman, and trying to say that Brandi said she had slept with most at the table. Geeeesz Louise. 😂
A lot of people say it’s none of their biz but they signed up for a reality show for $200k an episode. If they choose to have an affair with a castmate, u cant blame the producers and women wanting to get it out.
GOOD friend is WAY exaggerated when all she said is she is friendly with her. Those two statements are WILDLY different. So stop switching the narrative ANDY!
Kyle was behind this whole situation. Kyle manipulated Brandi into starting the fiasco, for two reasons. First, she wanted to take down Denise as Denise was gaining too much popularity with fans, and trying to get her sister back on the show. Having Kim around makes her look like the good sister and Kim as usual will comes off as the crazy @!& As for Teddy she does herself no favors, she comes off as petty, jealous and desperate.
I don’t believe Brandi. The amount of times this was brought up clearly showed the cast had issues not Denise. It worked and Brandi is back, I hope they all feel her wrath
I detest Brandi, I think she’s an awful person, but somehow I believe her in this case. Denise was really inconsistent and all that stuff about Brandi probably using an app to edit text messages was weird. BUT. This never should have been a story to “out” someone like that.
I don't know why ppl give any cred to text messages. I need another phone and then can text myself back and forth what ever I want. I could have a year of text messages with Denise Richards if I wanted...
I mean , if her husband actually told her it’s fine to mess around with women I don’t think she would lie about this .. I like Brandi but it’s either all staged or she’s lying .
Not to mention one of her most iconic rolls was one where she was sexual with a woman.. but if true they may just want to keep that to themselves as a couple and not have crazy fangirls tracking her down and trying to get in hahah
The way that they talk about it as if it’s not a big deal this is an affair for ffs in season 4 when anyone talked about the Mo cheating gossip Kyle would shut it down so why isn’t she being empathetic to Denise??
“Brandi has said she has had sex with every woman she’s come in contact with, including people from this group” LMFAOO imagine if it was Kyle 😭😭 that would explain why there was so much tension between them 😭 also notice how Kyle didn’t deny it unlike Lisa Rinna 😭😭
I feel bad for Denise. Most of the women truly bullied her to the max. They keep saying they don't care but they can't let it go and Lisa Rinna kept saying, "own it". For me, if Denise is not comfortable talking about it, then leave her be. And not all people should own it all the time. It's ok to keep things to themselves and not announce it to the world. Lisa Rinna is a bad friend. The way she trashed Denise, if beyond aggressive. How could you treat a friend for over 20 years like this? Talk about it privately. and so what if she's bisexual? Who cares?
The way she said "no" gave it away for me. But who cares, the whole thing was extremely mean and Teddi trying to make out she was trying to protect Denise was ridiculous and told us everything we needed to know about her.
"Denise, You can't keep lying & Lisa you can't keep playing this card and playing this game".... They are both correct. Denise seems lying but Lisa, it's non of your business.
That "what?" at 2:23 says everything we need to know. They did have sex. Denise is on a reality, obviously this is great controversy and hello?? as a producer and cast member of a show that needs to have ratings I would for sure expose this. It's their job, they're getting paid for it. Own it. Period, end of story.
A huge set up because Brandi wanted back into the Housewives. Everyone knew beforehand. Then there's the badgering and harassment and outright USING OF Denise. And the Housewives especially "Let me help you!" "Oof- You're so ANGRY!" -Rinna.
"because it's really bad denise" uhhhh why exactly is she making it sound like denise killed someone or something. she hooked up with a woman, there is nothing shameful or bad about that. teddi acting like that is so cringey and annoying.
I just saw a 3rd season on Neflix. Have no idea how I ended there. But what i see now!? How many seasons are there.OMG. They became a very sad,plastic statues...shocking
Rinna talking about tell the truth, let me help you. For heavens sake, did she commit a crime? Like wtf am I even watching. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a reach for a general storyline
I absolutely believe Brandi but the ladies should’ve left Denise alone. They all crossed a line. I’m not even mad at Brandi for saying it but they ladies should’ve dropped it the moment Denise showed she was uncomfortable.
There is a difference between being "friendly" and being "friends." She didn't say she was friends in that clip, she was asked if they were friendly, and she said they were friendly.
Considering how popular this series is within the LGBTQI+ community, the way the other women are so shocked and perhaps even disgusted about Brandi and Denise’s presumed bisexuality leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
It's just for the drama in my opinion, I think they are shocked at how much Denise can be inconsistent, I think that Denise is afraid for her public image and marriage... no fobia of any kind
Is popular within the lgbt comunity yes but you have to understand that this show is about old rich white ladies, most of them are conservatives also the proboem was not Denisse being bisexual but that she is married and they are basically saying she cheated on her husband with a woman.
Brandi should have never outed this for the world to know.. Teddy should have took Denise a side and not during dinner with cameras and people around. I feel kinda bad for Denise. Yes she should have been honest or confronted Brandi but what’s done is done. I think honestly Denise is scared of her husband… And Brandi the girl that is so against married people cheating , she did it now. Even if Denise said her husband is okay with it, if Brandi was a real one she would never have go there.
1. Even if Denise is lying here, it's really nobody's business.
2. I'm mortified how Brandi ruined her once beautiful face.
@SearchForTomorrow You have a valid point. But I feel most people on these shows (those who are not complete narcissists) are under pressure to earn their keep so they do and say things purely for shock value, to get more screen time, to keep the ratings up. They become horrible people and I'm afraid we who watch these shows become desensitized to bullying, violence, and amoral behavior.
Now her face matches her soul
Aleksandra BT, wow, don’t be so judgmental my dear. Only God knows of your soul and hers, including mine. To misjudge a person is a sin too. ✌️
@@deeemordes7509 just relax, take a deep breath
I agree with you 💯 on both points.
Brandi looks more like Adrienne every day
Haha clearly they are going to the same plastic surgeon. Maybe its paul nassif lol
@@hannahking3258 I wouldnt be surprised if its paul nassif lmao
At least Adrienne looks close to normal , Brandi is looking like a freak show
@@missylovestroy no way, Adrienne looks like the joker, her smile is frozen. Her face is so messed up.
adrienne said she has a different plastic surgeon
not paul nassif
I only watched season 1 and 2 of this show on netflix, and here Brandi looks soooo different i didnt recognize her lol
She's starting to look like Pete burns
Stephanie Simpkins Right? That’s so sad!
Where are you from? In Brazil que just have two seasons in Netflix.
She is morphing into Adrienne Maloof!
She didn't need to do anything to her face, she was so pretty
Denise looks like she’s lying, but what happened is really no one else’s business
SearchForTomorrow well you are correct however it’s well known that there are certain aspects of their lives that all of the ladies don’t want discussed- Mauricios affair, Toms lawsuits, whatever’s going on with Harry. Why should that be different for them?
But she’s on a reality show 🤷🏿♀️
she signed up for a reality show...and yeah she does look like she's lying
It is if Denise was threatening Brandi.
Denise is that lesbian who still dating men
For everyone that doesn’t know: Brandi admitted that she told Kyle & Teddi this information before filming so the whole thing was a set up. No one cares at this point if they did sleep together, it’s the bullying, manipulating & deceit that was the issue.
There's no bullying or manipulating. It's a reality show, this is what it's all about. All these ladies are now having fun cashing in their millions (or half millions in some cases) and thinking about who'll be the next victim. It's almost mathematical, it happens every season in every Real Housewives franchise. The moment they sign the contract, they know they're gonna be making money off of their personal issues and Denise is a genius at making profit out of her personal qualms, she's been doing it for decades and congratulations to her!
The bulling and manipulation was from this horrible women Kyle, teddy and Rina, of course this was a setup to say this on camera. It was a horrible season to watch! I wish the fired risa rina.
@@amandae654 I so agree with you these three has beens are not very nice
Where does she admit this?
@@smithadam7685 your a creep and very insecure sounding
This is like if someone was bisexual but not ready to come out and share that, and a group of their close friends are trying to air out the laundry. If the girls all say they don’t care, they have a funny way of showing it.,.
You're right. I didn't even think about it that way
That's so true, they should've just left it alone.
They're pretending not to care about Brandi and Denise but once the subject cropped up, their elephant ears come out.🦻👃👀😜
Rinna and brandi always have to hurt someone.
Brandi is a liar according to kyle ONLY when she’s speaking about Denise. Kyle now says brandi doesn’t lie... sooo.. she was right about Mauricio cheating then?
except she's in a commited marriage..you did forget that part..and it puts brandi in a BAD position and brandi has the right to share w friends because shes been cheated on multiple times snd denise lied and said her husband was fine with it then changed itt, which would make it cheating. you get that right?
I think Denise is lying definitely but then again I feel sorry on her because everyone is outing her bisexuality, she’s so embarrassed and I feel bad for her
Honestly I don’t think it’s about her being bisexual at all. If this is true she would have cheated on her husband! Does anyone really care about her being bisexual or lesbian? I know I don’t. But her cheating is MAJOR!
I think, only think maybe not true- she's that lesbian who still dating men n Literally one of the most messed up after B but still not reason to hurt anyone even 11 years old can know their sexuality
@@theredditshow8951 I agree but apparently according to Brandi the husband knows and they have an arrangement and those are not uncommon
shes not brandi has said herself it was a setup
Trust me being outed is horrible and unimaginable
I've only watched season 1-4, Kyle doesn't age and Brandi has a whole different face.
It’s sad because there was nothing wrong with brandis face to have her change her face
Even i watched season 1-4 , in my country we dont have the other seasons on netflix yet🥺
Kyle has aged this past season, she just hasn’t gone as extra as Brandi and Brandi is a lot younger, scary!!
@@Mel-os3ld yes she aged but she looks really young for her age
@@shlynn-k3c considering the money she had and top notch procedures at hand so she should.. but starting from the season when Sutton and the other one started it was the first time I’ve thought wow Kyle you look old.. you have to remember they often have filters when filming.. love her style though!
The way these women behaved with Denise was awful. The bullying and the exposition Denise suffered because of this issue is disgusting. Brandi is a horrible person (inside and outside).
1 - So what if they hooked up.
2- Denise seemed like she wasn't ready to come out. Brandi probably outted her. Even if it was just a one time thing with brandi.
3 - Some of the girls dont look like they would be supportive.
I know this is an old comment but It wouldn't surprise me if very few of them were supportive they live in a conservative bubble. They probably all voted trump.
I really don’t get how people don’t get this. If this rumor is true it means that she cheated on her husband! I have friends of the LGBTQ+ community and I don’t bat an eye, but if someone gay or straight is cheating I would look at them hella sideways!
"So what if they hooked up"? Oh, so you're okay with people stepping out on their spouses and cheating with other people? Smdh
Denise was already “out” she has spoken about being bisexual publicly for a long time.
I love Denise but i do believe in this instant Brandi is telling the truth... however if Denise doesn't want to talk about it the ladies should just back off...stop bullying Denise and try to make her look bad on tv
@@ashleybutler86 omg thanks....i didnt think anyone would agree with me...its kinda obvious Denise is not being honest when it comes to Brandi and her...when Teddi told her about it the first time i just knew from Denise's expression and body language that she's lying and her stories just don't add up
Liam Yep! Finally! It is so obvious that it’s true!
Now that Brandi has set that this information was out before filming, because she told kyle and yeddi so that they would let the story unfold on the show... i do question Brandi, she could ve lying as a favour yo someobe or for a paycheck. Remember, she used to do Lisa Vanderpump's dirty work in spreading gossip and altering the story.
Liam I don’t believe it because I don’t believe Brandi but also because Denise really looks hurt by this. But i didn’t watch the season, just a couple highlights.
Love that Kyle said that they didn't care if they did have sex or not, but why don't they stop talking about then 🤔🤦🏼♀️😂
exactly its because they are crazy 🤣
Kyle is FAKE AS FK. End of story.
@@AB-ju1ii agree that she seems fake. I don't get why she is still in the show, would have loved to see a less dramatic season with Denise, as she seems interesting too me.
Because every season needs a storyline.
Because they can not help themselves. Most of the other women, namely Kyle, Teddi, Rinna, EJ, and Dorit don't have anything going on in their own lives. They think that they are entitled to know about Denise’s life even though none of them ever volunteer information about their own.
Denise: Please do not air this!
Bravo: And I took it personally...
Denise is clearly lying but she should never have been put in this situation anyway. Of the had an intimate moment Brandi should have kept her mouth shut about it. Brandi is very immature and a trouble maker.
She clearly only did it to somehow get back into the show
brandi admitted she was lying
@@alexh9865 did she?
@@AS-ri1mb - *No she didn’t. Don’t believe that commenter*
@@SurahOnline uh yeah she did. On a podcast she said they only made out drunkenly at some point. Everything she claimed about them hooking up and having sex was bullshit to get attention. Why are you even talking when you clearly have no clue what happened? If you don't know don't comment.
Lisa....worst friend EVER
So Sickening.. what Brandi did I could puke. It's true or false, dies not matter. What was wrong is Brandi telling it all to a bunch of girls.
And so wrong the meanies confronting Denise.
I don't know why Denise is giving explanation to the girls. Sheiws it to no one.
Kyle said a great thing" whatever is between you and Brandi ,we don't care".. then why confront her ?
OH my gosh, Brandys face is so creepy. Really sad, she was so beautiful.
'Friendly' and 'Friends' are not the same thing Andy messy boots!
He went as far as saying “good friends “ pulling that out of thin air .
I totally agree.
Watching this again I’m having PTSD! Since when are a personal private life a topic of conversation and ridiculed. Is is NOT your business Rinna!, Erica! And then Rinna photocopies the text messages for discussion. But when Denice offers to share her text messages with Rinna said person that NO they are PRIVATE! Who sees the hypocrisy? Honestly difficult to watch!
I still believe that Brandi thought she was going to be a big part of this season because she was ‘friends’ with Denise, when that didn’t happen, Brandi decided to elaborate on the so called friendship, the rest of the cast needed a story line, so they jumped on this to make it look good for them, and to discredit Denise. Teddi you were played by these women like a fiddle, and you fell for it !!!
yes - the way Brandi dressed up for that dinner with Denise was soooo try hard/bizarre - Kyle 'orchestrated' this to take the heat off herself because she was being roasted for her horrid behaviour towards the other women - which lead Garcelle to announce 'some - not so much'... meanwhile Erica 'has no close friends' - according to the nasty, irrational, deflecting and abusive Kyle
Brandi and dendise definitely had sex, but i think brandi is lying about it being an affair or cheating. I think aaron knew about it and as brandi said they have an arrangement where denise is allowed to sleep with women. I think brandi knew that denise did not want it to be public knowledge, probably for her children's sake considering all the sexual shit they've already had to hear about their father, so therefore she knew denise wouldn't come out and say yes we slept together but no it wasnt an affair. Brandi needs the affair story otherwise she'd face backlash for essentially publicly outing someone to get back on the show. she knows denise would deny all of it instead of just the affair part which would be easily disproved but would require admitting to sleeping with her.
so disgusted by teddy and the fact that she’s pregnant at that time the energy she’s letting her baby absorbed is just😬🤷🏻♀️and now the baby has complications😬
Omg omg omg you are so right . If any of these ladies got any dirt and they want to circulate it go to tell it to Teddi after all she’s sooooooo gullible
You are blind.
Why does brandy trying to ruin everyone’s life . ?
because she is not as rich as they are
Because that's her story line...
It's a well known fact that she and Kyle made up a looong time ago and Kyle hates Denise - especially after the incident at the Halloween party where Denise said to Kim should get over the bunny thing (she returned to Rinna) and stop holding a grudge, THAT'S when Kyle got really pissed at Denise and the bullying started shortly after... Go back and watch carefully!
Because hers is shit
Because she's a jealous, poisonous snake.
Will have to agree with you there , she's nasty , two faced and sly and wouldn't trust her as far as I could chuck her , she's trouble that one
I dont get how Kyle called Brandi a liar in the earlier seasons but now she's credible. I really don't know if Denise is being honest but I do know Brandi is disgusting and desperate.
Why are you trying to make this about Kyle? Do you people ever stop trying to blame Kyle for everything? It's ridiculous. And if she called Brandi a liar in earlier season, WTF does that have to do with seven years later? For crying out loud, Brandi and Kim used to be arch enemies but are now best friends.
@@ACS402010 first of all... who is "you people" I am one person who made a conclusion based on what I watched. Secondly, whether it was seven years or 2 months if Brandi was a liar then why should she be trusted now? Just because it was 7 years ago? And thirdly, I didnt "blame" Kyle for anything I pointed out that she didnt find brandi credible in the past. WTF is wrong with "you people"? Always acting like these reality stars are your close friends and you know them personally.
It's weird how Kyle is the only OG left and she still looks the same and looks fabulous. I miss Kim, LVP, Yolanda, the old Brandi and even Adrienne. They all had their own brands....The current cast i'm sorry to say are just so bland, all look and behave the same. Rewatching seasons 1-4 on Netflix got me feeling nostalgic lol
Just finished watching S4 and Kyle looks much better now!
I can’t watch in real time, watching on Netflix has been fun! These ladies are OMG crazy! 😂😂😂 mad I’m all late though!
And Vanderpumpppp. Fav
The show is still great
Just miss LVP that’s all I like the cast now b yeah LVP needs to be a part of this!
I can't believe this stupid storyline Is what gave all the other ladies a paycheck
LoL Amen & I love Gracelle @ 02:36 then Dorit @ 02:49 LMFAO
Why do I bother to watch these so call ladies or should I say ...........
@@riannatripp6594 same
Omg Brandi was so pretty before surgery, so sad
One too many
It’s not surgery it’s filers
Ewww brandi's face what has she done..not attractive at all soz
#getridofrinna. Denise didn't deserve the bullying. Get rid of Rinna. She is an embarrassment and so is Kyle. Wont watch RHOBH if she is on.
Nobody cares shut up it’s reality television. Do you work at bravo ?😂
then don't. your hashtag won't get you that far.
They’re not gonna get rid of them just because YOU said so.... millions of others enjoy this lol... its reality tv babyyy
Bro literally carole parole whatever your name is Go Sleep with your funny looking face😂😂
Jessica Gaudette you said it sis💯
Andy lied. He said Denise called Brandi a friend when Denise never said she is her friend. She said she is "friendly" with her, not "friends" with her. There is a difference between the two. And for your info, I don't give two hoops who've Denise slept or didn't slept with.
Luckily LVP has left the show, otherwise, someone will say to Denise : sorry, I feel really bad, it’s LVP asked me to do this!!!!
Excellent point and sooo true!! They are all absolutely disgusting. How they treated LVP and Denise is despicable.
I can’t believe no one believed Denise apart from garcelle, they know what lies Brandi tell
I know right? Anyone who watched the show knows that Brandi lies about everything just for attention. Remember when Yolanda was trying to help her and on the spot she made up a horrible lie that people were calling Bella an alcoholic? Brandi is garbage
I’m ran, what kind of person goes public saying they had sex with someone without permission?
And why is it such a big deal!?
Why the cast mates got involved?!
Honestly, for money and contract. I
It's just awful to watch this season. I really wish they wouldn't do this to her, she is so nice.
The way these women bullied LVP and Denise out of the show and based it on rumours, it was awful and they all should be punished for it. I would PAY to see Denise back on the show!
To do what? she was boring as fuck lol couldn't take the heat and ran away ahahahhaha
well she's back in the next episode
Can't believe the whole season was about this.
Omg , I haven’t watched rhobh for a few seasons , but wooowwwww what the hell has happened to everyone’s faces , whatever plastic surgeon they’re all using needs to take a break , they’re all looking ridiculous
Thank you...my thoughts exactly
Brandi was gorgeous before. She literally destroyed her beauty
Kyle looks better than she used to. Brandi ruined her face though...
Kyle looks amazing.
YES!! Same here! I'm shocked!
I like Denise . Lisa you need to stop mixing things . Your not perfect . I miss Lisa vanderpump .
Cujfugvj Hffhchch the go visit her at her house & stop whining.
I definitely do not mis Lisa vanderpump she’s the same as Brandi 🤮
i love lisa vanderpump
Brandis face is starting to resemble her soul. 😂
Frozen 🥶
Denise's face at 3:05 says it all. It's a lie or at least something that she needed to stay quiet. They could have removed the part about sleeping together and focused on the idea that she allegedly was going to Brandi to speak about them.
she cheated on her husband and got caught, she SHOULD be exposed.
@@khronoskay2749she can do what she wants.
The real villain in this story is Lisa Rinna. Setting her friend up like that. Shameful
Rinna is no one's friend she throws people under the bus to cause drama so she can be involved, Rinna, Kyle amd Teddi are so entitled they're acting like they are owed truth from Denise when it is none of their fucking business in the first place. I believe Denise because Brandi is hardly credible and is clearly hungry for money and to get back on the show
What’s even crazier…is that they all believed Brandi who infact had plenty years of drama with most of the girls over Denise, a friend for years…they are all means girls
Why does Lisa care so much. I mean protect your friend don’t try to expose her.
I enjoyed Kyle's fake innocent Who's we? Lol
As much as I don't like brandi, she was so beautiful originally . Why do they have to have so much work done and ruin their looks
That's Brandi?! She looks so different!. Also, it's funny how everyone believes Brandi after all the BS in previous seasons
Denise said “friendly” tho and not good friends or whatever. U know what changed... brandi was talking shit duh
I believe something did happen, but Brandi’s first confession (“we’ve KINDA hooked up”) always feels suspect to me
i reckon they definitely slept together but aaron's fine with it, they just don't want it being public knowledge for the kids sake
It means they were drunk, and Blandi, being a basic, lunges at her "friends", she probably tried to stick her tongue where it wasn't wanted and Denise rejected her point blank.
Remember when LVP refused to let Blandi kiss her lips? She slapped her across the face.
This is how blandi deals with rejection, she lies.
More likely brandi made the first move
i doubt they did anything more than kissing tbh
Denise richards is the only world wide famous person out of them try hards 😅
Andy is stirring the shit, Denise never said Brandi was a good friend,She said she was friendly with her. Even if they both did hook up, It's no one else's business. The show must be desperate for ratings. Why does Andy not confront ALL of the housewives indiscretions ? 🤬
Teddy really tried to be relevant. And still failed drastically 😂😂😂
Lisa knew Denise for 20 years yet chose to believe Brandi who she’s known for like 5 minutes...
Rinna is the worst friend. Shes also a hypocrite. She tells Denise to call Brandi and get to the bottom of this rumor...rinna didn't ask Kim to get to the bottom of Harry's rumour did she?!
Come on a blind man can see whats going on here . Denise is lying or hiding the truth shall we say , Brandi although a bitch at times ,sounds much more truthful in this
Well on that premise, you are saying that a 20 Yr friendship could not possibly be lying. Are you..? .... Wrong. She's a manipultive woman, and trying to say that Brandi said she had slept with most at the table. Geeeesz Louise. 😂
What Denise does sexually is nobody’s business
Brandi‘s now mad that Denise left the shoe. It’s obvious she only did this to be part of the franchise back.
A lot of people say it’s none of their biz but they signed up for a reality show for $200k an episode. If they choose to have an affair with a castmate, u cant blame the producers and women wanting to get it out.
These girls are so two-faced. Previous episodes they hated Brandi. Now her words are gospel. Gossip queens believing anything SMH.
GOOD friend is WAY exaggerated when all she said is she is friendly with her. Those two statements are WILDLY different. So stop switching the narrative ANDY!
Kyle was behind this whole situation. Kyle manipulated Brandi into starting the fiasco, for two reasons. First, she wanted to take down Denise as Denise was gaining too much popularity with fans, and trying to get her sister back on the show. Having Kim around makes her look like the good sister and Kim as usual will comes off as the crazy @!& As for Teddy she does herself no favors, she comes off as petty, jealous and desperate.
Teddi was the poison in this season.
It's funny how many people are saying "it's none of our business" what Denise did with Brandi. Reality check people, it's a REALITY SHOW.
I don’t believe Brandi. The amount of times this was brought up clearly showed the cast had issues not Denise.
It worked and Brandi is back, I hope they all feel her wrath
I detest Brandi, I think she’s an awful person, but somehow I believe her in this case. Denise was really inconsistent and all that stuff about Brandi probably using an app to edit text messages was weird. BUT. This never should have been a story to “out” someone like that.
My opinion RHOBH cast new season: Eileen, Erika, Dorit, LVP, Sutton, Garcelle, Camille and Adrienne as 'a friend of'.
Benyikoko good call
I never liked Eileen or adrienne
Omg I loved Eileen and Camille. They were straight talkers! Plz once and for all, let's see Kyle get her comeuppance! What a hateful person!
Nice, but Erika (for me) is also unnecessary 🚮
Eileen, Camille, LVP 💗
Brandi's face changed so much, it's like a completely different person
I really wish Brandy didn’t do so much to her face it’s a crying shame she was lovely.
I just can’t stand Brandy’s behavior..... she keeps forgetting she’s a mom
I don't know why ppl give any cred to text messages. I need another phone and then can text myself back and forth what ever I want. I could have a year of text messages with Denise Richards if I wanted...
Kyle; who's we 👁👄👁
I mean , if her husband actually told her it’s fine to mess around with women I don’t think she would lie about this .. I like Brandi but it’s either all staged or she’s lying .
Not to mention one of her most iconic rolls was one where she was sexual with a woman.. but if true they may just want to keep that to themselves as a couple and not have crazy fangirls tracking her down and trying to get in hahah
The way that they talk about it as if it’s not a big deal this is an affair for ffs in season 4 when anyone talked about the Mo cheating gossip Kyle would shut it down so why isn’t she being empathetic to Denise??
“Brandi has said she has had sex with every woman she’s come in contact with, including people from this group” LMFAOO imagine if it was Kyle 😭😭 that would explain why there was so much tension between them 😭 also notice how Kyle didn’t deny it unlike Lisa Rinna 😭😭
She used to make certain comments to LVP that always made me wonder 😂
@@elisam.2896 didn’t she say lisa was also a sex freak? 🤨
Brandi's face doesn't move much to match what she's verbally expressing. I wonder how she does that?
It's all the botox
Brandi used to be Beautiful. what has happened to her face....
I feel bad for Denise. Most of the women truly bullied her to the max. They keep saying they don't care but they can't let it go and Lisa Rinna kept saying, "own it". For me, if Denise is not comfortable talking about it, then leave her be. And not all people should own it all the time. It's ok to keep things to themselves and not announce it to the world. Lisa Rinna is a bad friend. The way she trashed Denise, if beyond aggressive. How could you treat a friend for over 20 years like this? Talk about it privately. and so what if she's bisexual? Who cares?
If i was Denise, i would confidently confess to this!!
Stop bullying. Poor Denise . OMG Rina , Teddy Kyle so mean and bullies. If Denise husband hasn’t got a problem what’s the hell?????
The way she said "no" gave it away for me. But who cares, the whole thing was extremely mean and Teddi trying to make out she was trying to protect Denise was ridiculous and told us everything we needed to know about her.
Somehow I believe Denise. Brandi telling the story doesn’t seem genuine at all and she was telling it to the 3 biggest snakes!
I think Brandi has outed Denise as being bisexual. I feel sorry for Denise but sadly I do believe Brandi on this. Not that it's any of my business!
Kim is not a snake.
"Denise, You can't keep lying & Lisa you can't keep playing this card and playing this game".... They are both correct. Denise seems lying but Lisa, it's non of your business.
Blandi pretending she was "conned" into being The Cheater lol
Blandi has thrown herself at a hundreds of married men.
Plus she tried to kiss lvp and said she was attracted to Carlton
That "what?" at 2:23 says everything we need to know. They did have sex. Denise is on a reality, obviously this is great controversy and hello?? as a producer and cast member of a show that needs to have ratings I would for sure expose this. It's their job, they're getting paid for it. Own it. Period, end of story.
A huge set up because Brandi wanted back into the Housewives. Everyone knew beforehand. Then there's the badgering and harassment and outright USING OF Denise. And the Housewives especially
"Let me help you!" "Oof- You're so ANGRY!" -Rinna.
"because it's really bad denise" uhhhh why exactly is she making it sound like denise killed someone or something. she hooked up with a woman, there is nothing shameful or bad about that. teddi acting like that is so cringey and annoying.
It’s her own fault, she should of watched previous seasons to see how toxic Brandi is, bad choice Denise, but people shouldn’t be brining it up
I just saw a 3rd season on Neflix. Have no idea how I ended there. But what i see now!? How many seasons are there.OMG. They became a very sad,plastic statues...shocking
Brandi ruined her looks. Lisa rina is a wanna be. Least denise still acts
Rinna talking about tell the truth, let me help you. For heavens sake, did she commit a crime? Like wtf am I even watching. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a reach for a general storyline
we don’t talk about how any was spreading and quoting denise wrong at the reunion. she never said brandi and her were good friends....
"friend" and "Friendly" two difffernt words lol
I absolutely believe Brandi but the ladies should’ve left Denise alone. They all crossed a line. I’m not even mad at Brandi for saying it but they ladies should’ve dropped it the moment Denise showed she was uncomfortable.
There is a difference between being "friendly" and being "friends." She didn't say she was friends in that clip, she was asked if they were friendly, and she said they were friendly.
damn, I miss Lisa Vanderpump
Why? She‘s also manipulative and a bad friend. She would throw you under the bus for a good storyline.
She‘s a sniper 😂
Denise tried to deflect but it went so wrong,
Omg I didn't even recognise brandi 😅😅☺
This is totally unfair on Denise. If she identifies as bisexual, that’s no one’s business
Didn't Brandi mock Adrianne a few seasons back for her face?
Fucking hell Brandi used to look nice. When the “one year ago” flashbacks come she looked so good, then you see the present day.
Considering how popular this series is within the LGBTQI+ community, the way the other women are so shocked and perhaps even disgusted about Brandi and Denise’s presumed bisexuality leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
It's just for the drama in my opinion, I think they are shocked at how much Denise can be inconsistent, I think that Denise is afraid for her public image and marriage... no fobia of any kind
Is popular within the lgbt comunity yes but you have to understand that this show is about old rich white ladies, most of them are conservatives also the proboem was not Denisse being bisexual but that she is married and they are basically saying she cheated on her husband with a woman.
We all know Denise had scissor action with Brandi.
Lol what happened to being natural😂😂😂😂😂. Kyle OMG😂😂😂
Andy lied at the end to try and discredit her. She did not say that she and Brandi were good friends, she said they were friendly.
Brandi should have never outed this for the world to know.. Teddy should have took Denise a side and not during dinner with cameras and people around. I feel kinda bad for Denise. Yes she should have been honest or confronted Brandi but what’s done is done. I think honestly Denise is scared of her husband… And Brandi the girl that is so against married people cheating , she did it now. Even if Denise said her husband is okay with it, if Brandi was a real one she would never have go there.
Denise’s facial expression and entire body language gave it away.