The priest who was with Ribbentrop on the scaffold was the American Lutheran chaplain Henry Gerecke (1893-1961), who wrote quite a lot about his dealings with the Protestant Nazis on trial. (There was a separate Catholic chaplain for the Catholic Nazis.) Gerecke was from Missouri, and served as an army chaplain from 1943, one of 253 American Lutheran chaplains to the US forces. Two of his sons fought on the Western front and were severely wounded, one of them in the Battle of the Bulge. After Nuremberg, Gerecke returned to the States and eventually became a pastor at the St John Lutheran church in Chester, Illinois, where he died from a heart attack in 1961.
When Goering asked why Ribbentrop still had his job given his obvious incompetence, Hitler said that "he knows important people in England." Goering replied, "The problem is that they know Ribbentrop."
@@geoffbell166 Herman was too fat and a morphine addict to fit in a fighter during the Spanish civil war. It was his actions in WW 1 that he was decorated for.
Mussolini said of Ribbentrop, "that you only have to look at his head, to see that he has a small brain...". Hitler, frustrated, with the lack of passion the men surrounding him, said of Ribbentrop, "With the others, they need to be galvanized, they need to be fired up but he (Ribbentrop) is always on fire...". Some nerdy facts there for you!
Remember that all through the war when Stalin bitched for the west to form a western second front and they did not get around to it till 1944, this whole War fiasco was started by his greed for Poland territory and through Rib's and the Molotov cocktail man. Stalin PARTOOK in starting war. I do NOT feel sorry for Russia in what happened [cept for the poor peasant people of which I am a descendant].
There were different wills by the Nazis. The Nazis were indeed socialists. The whole SA topp was executed 1934. They were accused to conspire with communists and that was true. The Frankfurtschools in tensions was to brainwash the people. Hitler was impressed but was forced to back 1935. The difference between bolsjevism and nazism is not much. It was not politics starting WW2.
@@Josep_Hernandez_Lujan I guess my point is Russia screamed the allies did not do enough to stop Hitler while Russia took the bulk of the Nazi blows, but they can blame themselves [Stalin]. The Balkan and Baltic zones found Hitler preferable to the Russians. Stalin was particularly brutal even to his own people and his order to kill off a lot of the military was not the act of a genius. But Stalin agreeing to anything from Hitler was naive. Even when the attack began, Stalin did not believe it.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to remember a film with Reinhard Spitzy describing Ribbentrop as an absolute disgusting arrogant buffoon. He worked for him, but sounds like he hated him with a passion. I would have loved to have met Spitzy in real life and asked him to recollect that precious history nobody else seems to care about. He would have seen it all.
@@MrDaiseymay I am sure they are right now all enduring a most deserved fate of burning in the lake of fire. Their Judge? A Jewish carpenter from Nazareth.
@@robertrhodessr3664unfortunately the Jewish son of carpenter taught a religion of mercy and grace, and He forgave people both gentile and jews who hated Him. Ribbentrop placed his confidence in the Lamb of God who atoned the sin of the whole world, and who are you, sinner, to judge in the name of merciful God?!
In relation to the slow death in a gas chamber or freezing to death at the eastern front, his death was far too good. I would have set them all on fire.
Had the IMT cared about conducting a proper hanging, they'd have contracted with British hangman Albert Pierrepoint, who'd recently conducted the hangings of the condemned, including the infamous Irma Griese ("The Blond Beast"), whose only last word before she was hanged was "Schnell !" ("Quickly"). Pierrepoint knew what he was doing, MSGT Woods, inexplicably promoted directly from Buck Private when he accepted the job, had joined the Navy in 1929, went AWOL only a few months later, and when caught, after being court-martialed, was examined by the Navy psychiatrist and found to be "undesirable material" and was discharged. Woods worked various jobs, mostly as a common laborer, before he was inducted into the Army at age 32 in 1943. He volunteered for the hangman position in October of 1944 and falsely stated that he'd conducted two hangings in Texas and one in Oklahoma. Had the Army actually made any attempt to verify his experience, they'd have found that at the time Woods claimed to have performed the hangings, both states used the electric chair! Woods hanged at least 34 American soldiers, convicted of capital crimes such as rape or murder, a substantial portion of the condemned being black. At least 11 of these executions, conducted between 1944 and 1946, were considered as "bungled". Woods himself died in an unfortunate accident at Eniwetok Atoll in 1950. Most of the other hangings of Nazis on Oct 16, 1946, by Woods and his team, were likewise poorly conducted, but I'm sure that few, if any, felt or still feel sorry for THEIR suffering, in light of which regime they'd eagerly served and their respective parts in it. The man who likely would have gone first, Hermann Goring, had taken a cyanide pill, secreted in his luggage, and it's believed that a US Army 1LT, Jack C Wheelis, whom the former Reichsmarshall befriended, had facilitated it, but whether he knew it or was duped by Goring will remain a mystery.
Fine, chortle that their deaths weren't exactly painless...but Wood's utter incompetence was also wreaked on many more US GIs, who at least deserved to be hanged by someone that knew what he was doing...and Woods DIDN'T.
There are a lot of people that state Joachim von Ribbentrop should have not have been executed, especially when someone like Albert Speer was not executed. Apparently, his name being so well known at the time as foreign minister is what really got him hanged. I don't know much about that but it sure seems like there were a few people that were hanged simply so they couldn't be used or worshipped by followers later on. That's a tough call if a person really had nothing to do with certain claims that have been made. I really do wonder about some of the Germans that were executed and many of the German/Nazi scientists that went on to live comfortable lives in the US and the UK. History really is written by the victors.
@@shahrulamar5358 i dont follow sport..its just opium for the masses thats promoted by the establishment because it stops people looking into what really happened in history hahaha
At Nuremberg they should have been tried and sentenced by the west only, then sent to Moscow for crimes committed within the Soviet Union, i'm sure the results would have been satisfactory.
@@bedstuyrover and who should have been standing trial for allied war crimes like Dresden..Hirosheema....the killing of millions of germans post war.....oh i forgot the winners never have to account for their actions do they?
My uncle, Col. Dan Van Dusen, was in military government at the end of WWII and commandeered von Ribbentrop's staff car, using it until he had completed his time as a military governor in Germany.
@Ole Ahlers Stupid when the regime they're fighting for is a fascist dictatorship. Definitely. He should've been fighting to destroy it, not further it.
@godloveszaza fighting for an evil cause doesn't make him any less brave. i don't think you're writing this from inside an abrams so you have no right to laugh at him being called brave.
Clearly you didn't just read Ribbentrop Wikipedia page then, this man at various point throughout the video pretty much just recites paragraphs off the Wikipedia page
You forgot one crucial detail: A week after signing Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, on September 1st 1939, Nazi Wehrmacht invaded Poland from the west. Two weeks later, Stalin’s hordes invaded Poland from the East. That’s how Stalin and Hitler started the bloodiest war in Human History.
@@MrVlad12340 Here’s how easy to call your bullshit, Russian troll. Read carefully. There was no invasion. [...]At noon on 30 September, Poland gave an ultimatum to the Czechoslovak government. It demanded the immediate evacuation of Czechoslovak troops and police and gave Prague time until noon the following day. At 11:45 a.m. on 1 October the Czechoslovak foreign ministry called the Polish ambassador in Prague and told him that Poland could have what it wanted. The Polish Army, commanded by General Władysław Bortnowski, annexed an area of 801.5 km2 with a population of 227,399 peopl[…]
@@aljohnson3717 ah, so... If Soviets strong-armed the polish government... Oh wait, government already left the country by the time soviets walked in. But i will remember that if you twist the hand of another country's government that makes it okay to annex parts of their territory then.
@@MrVlad12340 it’s funny how you’re trying to “twist the arms” of the facts, Russian troll. Again. It’s not “soviets that strong-armed” the polish government. It’s Stalin’s and Hitler’s preplanned invasion into the sovereign country. Stalin broke agreement with Polish government signed, if I’m not mistaken, in 1935. Again. Poland offered ultimatum to Czechoslovakia, and Czechoslovakia signed it and did what it promised. So to nail it for you: 1. Poland and Czechoslovakia = Legal agreement. No shots fired. No life lost. 2. Two twins 👯♂️, Stalin and Hitler = ILLEGAL invasion. Tens of thousands lives lost (1 September through 22 September). Both Stalin and Hitler therefore are responsible for starting WW2. I’d be happy to call your bullshit until you turn blue in the face, товариЩЩЩ.
@@aljohnson3717 ah yes, its all on Stalin and Hitler and not on "Allies" who eagerly fed Hitler all the land and freedom of action he wanted in empty attempts of appeasement until he fattened to the point where the sky was a limit and he became brazen enough to attack France, Britain and USSR and enact his maniacal holocaust plans. Fucken ridiculous, next you say that Stalin scared the french into surrender or tried to achieve "peace for our time" by uncontrollably appeasing Hitler. Stalin at least always knew Hitler was going to attack USSR, he just thought that it would happen much later then it did. He was right in his assumption, but severely wrong in timing. Also nice of you to call me "russian troll" because i do not whitewashing the cowardice of Allies and their lack of ability to control a rising monster and instead "feeding" it in false hopes that it will turn on someone else next... It wasnt USSR who led the Europe to a point of no return. Or their backwards approach to post WW1 Germany - first strangle it with reparations and humiliation JUST enough to give rise to someone like Hitler... But then refuse to choke them entirely and allow them to fester with hatred, nazism and rage until they erupted like a pustule in the heart of Europe and plunged the world into ANOTHER war! You either dont push the situation to the point where THAT happens or you deal with the consequences quickly and mercilessly before they turn dire. Allies were BOTH too heavy handed and too weak. By the time Hitler was in Poland next global war was already a foregone conclusion, he deemed himself a "savior of Europe from judeo-bolshevism" and would have attacked USSR regardless of circumstances because they were his largest ideological enemy, embodiment of the ideology he hated. He also saw Britain and France and basically anybody who wasnt goosestepping to his insane tune as an enemy. What have they expected? Also on the final note - you REALLY think that if USSR havent taken over part of Poland there wouldnt be next World War? How that would have being? Hitler takes over ENTIRE Poland and suddenly forgets why he's even there and goes home to eat some sauerkraut?
Von Ribbentrop was a vile man but should he have been executed by the court he appeared before? The crimes he was charged with were identical to the actions of the Soviet leadership, especially Molotov, yet "judges" from that regime determined his guilt and punishment. He was absolutely involved in the general planning and execution of the Holocaust, yet his codefendents who weren't executed, especially Speer, had greater responsibility than he did. The Soviet leadership were all involved in even greater mass murders than the Nazis. As for planning the war, most of the British leadership was complicit in planning several wars, not least of which was WWI. He deserved execution but Nuremburg was largely a hypocritical farce and a kangaroo court. It is no surprise that Roosevelt, who was responsible for the mass deportations of American citizens in two world wars (He was involved in the far less well known confiscations of property and deportations of German Americans in WWI a quarter century before he did the same thing to the Japanese Americans. I know because my German American great grandfather was his victim in WWI and my Japanese American godfather his victim in WWII.), appointed his Justice Department henchman to be the American prosecutor. A few years before he had conducted political judicial persecutions of Republicans, like the infamous Paul Mellon case, in the 1930's. It would have been better to have judged and executed the Nazis using carefully monitored German tribunals, where they would have faced the guillotine, or military tribunals. The botched executions, and Goering's escape by suicide due to an idiotic and corrupt guard (self confessed on his deathbed) are indications of the ineptitude the Western Allied leadership, especially Eisenhower and the military, brought to the farcical trials. That a clearly insane man, who had little or no responsibility for what he was charged with, like Hess was tried at all is in itself criminal. It appears he knew things about the Soviet Union's pre-war activities Stalin didn't want revealed, so the obedient Western leadership followed Stalin's commands. Whatever crimes Hess committed when he was sane were crimes against Germans, not foreigners and the responsibility of German courts. The failure of the Western Allies to monitor the farcical post-war German courts is another black mark against them. The Nuremburg Courts are like a bad sausage. They look, and smell, worse the closer you get to them. Also, Hitler was a very wicked and evil man but he was no coward. He and Churchill were the only major WWII political leaders to expose themselves near combat (Hitler was close to Soviet troops on occasion) and to have distinguished WWI records (Churchill commanded front line troops and served on the front, Hitler served four years in active combat and had been wounded). He stuck near the front lines until his suicide and shot himself. While I don't approve of suicide it was a better end than the cringing suicides of Himmler and Goering, or the attempts to evade justice by Speer and others. Would that vile creatures like Neville Chamberlin or Sir Samuel Hoare have committed suicide to atone for their responsibilities in bringing on the war than attempting to continue their political careers. Why is being a champagne saleman for several years after serving in the army one of von Ribbentrop's many crimes? The English always being this up. Was it a crime to work for a living? What about generally worthless, but celebrated, members of the English Royal Family like Lord Mountbatten, who were rewarded with positions and lauded for them, without having any qualifications other than being the genetic products of their normally queer fathers. Mountbatten, who rose ever and ever higher despite a long list of failures, reached his apogee in the post-WWII bloody partition of the Indian subcontinent while he was the last Viceroy. Yet he's never criticized for being a permanently unemployed functionary of the Royals. Please. Of course in the end he was punished for his arrogance by treating Ireland as if it was still a Crown Territory and going there on a boating holiday while ten Irish Nationalists were dying on hunger strikes to simply be recognized as political prisoners. There he met his explosive end. He still didn't have a real job.
it wasnt about justice it was about demonizing the Germans and nation ////alizm and for the Dues it was about revenge for removing them from power in 1933 and locking them up in nice safe warm camps for the duration of the war..the tale videos like this tell u is just At ro55 city /// P/// G
Too bad he wasn't a rocket scientist. Then he would have lived like a king. And allowed to immigrate to the USA, and write his own ticket. And end up on TV with Walt Disney.
@@regiluthfi Yes they did, Werner von Braun was instrumental in the use of concentration camp prisoners and political prisoners for labour during v2 production.
@@stevenhale2935 bunch of BS, Wernher Von Braun could not have been accused of any crimes, because he committed none, Soviets would love to get him for their rocket program but most of his team decided (obviously) to surrender to the Americans. Only a small percentage of his team surrendered and went to work for the USSR. Decades later one of engineers on von Braun team Arthur Rudolph was indeed accused of crimes and was subsequently deported from the US.
The Americans used the Medium Drop method not the Long Drop used by the British. Ribbentrop's execution was botched(?) and the drop was too short. He suffered what ammounted to a Short Drop hanging as used by Germany and other European countries at that time. Short drop strangles the prisoner and death can take up to 25 minutes.
It was a bloody disgusting botched execution. No human being should endure a death like this. Albert Pierrepont the English hangman said it never serves any good. I make no apologies but I question wether he should have been executed like keitel they were lackeys of hitler. Imprisonment for life is at least a more dignified approach by so called civilised nations. I also get annoyed why the Japanese did not suffer as such due to war crimes. In summing up war doesn't pay and have we Learned from it? Think Ukraine etc . I hope that future generations will find war only in history books and in the words of sir Winston Churchill the world will move into up lifted sunlit horizons . I do think some of those executed were not candidates for the hangman's noose. The real evil b@stard himmler should have and I was of the opinion julius streicher the jew baiter of nuremburg who was evil deserved it.
@@adrian.debeauvais5911 The NAZI's, especially the military, got of light in WW2. Only 200 or so were executed after the Nuremburg trials compared to around 1,250 Japanese. Ribbentrop was deeply involved in the war so I have no sympathy for him. Keitel was executed for signing the order to execute special forces POWs, he should have refused.
@@billballbuster7186 hi Bill 👋 when you put it like that yes your right. Perhaps one day all war will be consigned to the history books. I'm actually reading Michael blochs autobiography of him ribbentrop. Yes I do think some wehrmacht units were culpable of war crimes like their counterparts in waffen ss. I read chas whitings massacre at malmedy when the ss battle group peiper under its namesake murdered unarmed American soldiers. He got off with it !!! Many thanks for your reply. Adrian
Crime against peace? Well, others from other countries, like for example the dear Molotov, should have been seated next to Ribbentrop! The usual winner´s so-called "justice" at work!
This was covered in the movie "Office Space", where one of the software engineers, whose name is Michael Bolton, tires of hearing about and being compared to the famed heartthrob, tonsured singer, whom the engineer deems a "no-talent ass-clown". When asked why he simply didn't change his name, Bolton replies, "Why should I change it? HE's the one that SUCKS!"
If the Soviets were just as bad as the Germans, they would have killed the 17 million men, women, and children of East Germany. You revisionist historians are ridiculous
You can say that b/c it wasn't YOUR neck getting the noose put on it. At least, instead of the drunken "MSGT" Woods, who bungled not only the Nuremburg hangings, but also of many AMERICAN GIs, sentenced to death for various crimes (usually murder), the British hangman Albert Pierrepoint, who hanged hundreds, including the "beautiful beast", Irma Griese, whose last word at the gallows was "Schnell!" should have been employed.
Ribbentrop was a diplomat, not a military leader, I never understood why he was there and Woods was a bastard, he had lied to get there and one of the gallows was so badly built the Germans hit their face hard while falling, he never fixed it, he was said to have "mental predispositions".
@@NoahDancaster Guilty of what? Diplomats don't kill people usually but that trial was so unusual, they even hanged the director of the company selling Zyklon B as a pesticide in Germany, not the company making it, the distributor! I guess they had sent so many to the US they were hanging anybody.
I have to say that killing Nazis that truly earned it, I don't care if they went out in pain. It pales in comparison to the hurt and suffering they cause to millions. So they suffered some ..if you have done truly evil .I have no feelings for you. Thing is most went because they were Jewish, the Nazis went cause they murdered millions. It's sad to think that we as humans have invented everything from the calculator to atomic bomb..the science involved in that is huge..but we still as people can't get around color of others. The day we do is the day we would have grown up.
people questioning his execution because he was a diplomat need to realise a diplomat wouldn't pressure other countries to arrange deportations to death factories
Ribbentrop was betrayed by Hitler. The pact with Molotov was his masterpiece, After Hitler's treason Ribbentrop shouid have left Germany at once and gone to Russia. After signing the pact and coming back from Moscow he told Hitler that with the Soviets was the same as with old comrades.
@@slava9734 having no sympathy for the evil doing of complicit criminality that caused so much damage and pain to society is justice not evil. That is the hard justice of history.
@@DiscoStringHit Always!!! have atleast sympathy for the peasants. Just a friendly reminder that they also thought what they know and believe is just as normal and correct as what you believe to be normal and correct. this should not be an excuse for their imoral actions but please let me further elaborate: While being a peasant person fighting at the fronts of war - while sometimes seeing the true colors of war - you will still try to convince yourself what you are doing is right (as otherwise, you would crumble apart inside as, what you do would have no meaning) While being the peasant person at home, not seeing the true colors of war for most of the time - you are so decieved that you also think what you are doing and support is a good thing. And even IF you were seeing the madness, not being a nazi was also not an option for many. (If you atleast valued your life or the life of your loved ones somehow) In conclusion - many were just like you and me.
There was a Jewish guy in California who bought an antique watch which took his fancy.He later took it in to be serviced and the jeweller told him that there was an inscription in it that showed that it had in fact originally belonged to Von Ribbentrop.Makes you wonder if it was pocketed by one of the American guards off his body?
I'm surprised you didn't mention he became a rather good ice skater while in Canada. (I'm seriously not joking!) He also spoke excellent English, his accent was sort of a mixture of British and German.
Ribbentrop is one of the more difficult cases for execution. He definitely deserved it because of his involvement in the final solution but if that hadn't occurred and he had only been a diplomat in a country that chose to go to war then I think the charge of making war is a stupid charge. It's one of those things like the victors write the history. I think you have to be careful when you're talking about ambassadors and lead generals who did not become politicized. None of that applies in this case because Ribbentrop was a total scumbag. I sometimes wonder if that hangman really knew what he was doing. They deserved botched deaths..
Brutal execution? I would like to believe that it was planned that way, and the only thing that went wrong is it took him 14 minutes to strangle to death. I would have liked to have seen something like moaning, kicking, screaming in pain for a good 30 minutes.
Before making judgements about the execution procedures listed here, I would recommend reading or listening to "The Nuremberg Trial" by John and Anna Tusa. It sorts out a lot of the rumors about the trial, executions, sentences and pardons.
The entire proceeding was a judicial FARCE. Stalin wanted to summarily execute the top 50K Nazis and other German leaders...while that, of course, was too brutal, even for Churchill, at least the Generalissimo was being HONEST.
Cannot help but to wonder if the executioner really did 'botch' his job by making these 'men' suffer in their deaths. Perhaps he felt that by making them dangle and strangle there would be some sort of justice for all those who suffered under Hitler?
Absolutely. Albert Pierrepoint was an experienced British hangman who seemed like the obvious choice for the executioner. He had already hanged hundreds of ordinary murderers in England, as well as several German spies who were captured during the war. But several high ranking allied officers intervened to have John C. Woods do it instead. They had a feeling that Woods was a sadist with no real experience, who would hopefully underestimate the rope length so the prisoners would die slowly. Pierrepoint did hang a dozen or so war criminals from other trials after Woods botched so many.
@@mamavswild True. But there couldn't be any "embarrassment" in letting ten Nazis dangle a tad longer at the end of the rope than they ought to have. In a way, Woods was simply doing what his superiors figured he'd do...screw that task up too, and it'd be a "win-win" no matter what!
According to some of my books he didnt get the iron cross during WW1, and after joining the nazi party he petitioned to get the award and was given it by Hitler.
With the benefit of hindsight, the Allied powers would have been better served by having Albert Pierrepoint carry out the executions, as he did following the Bergen-Belsen Trial. Others have said this in response to previous videos, but it's worth repeating here.
@@828enigma6 Those hangings were successful in the sense that the war criminals were dead. However, I doubt that they would have taken as long to die if the hangman knew what he was doing.
afghanistan irak lybia germany iran guys are pirates in the world and everyday more everyone is seeing how corrupt your wallstreet and city of london is.
An ex salesman of champagne brands as germans have so much love for the French sparkling wines (they already grown up during the years of German occupation of Alsace Lorraine 1870-1918. Almost all of them are of germans names as Roederer, Krug, Taittinger, Deutz.
You are partly right... and what diffrrence does it make with nazi Ribbentro ? (I like the " trop" at the end which means too much or far too much in French...) Beeing French (I am sorry but nobody is perfect...) when talking about Champagne (Cheers !) I hope you will not put into doubt what I am talking about ? ... First of all Champagne area, mind you, is a few hundred kilometers (Woops ... apologies ... miles) away from Alsace Lorraine... Champagne sparkling wine receipee goes back to the Middleag Age, so please forget about 1870 Alsace Lorrane. ... This beeing said : ROEDERER... originally family Dubois (more French you can't be! ) in 1776.Louis Roederer born in Strasburg in 1809 (then French).. and died in Souilly (Normandy...well again a bit far away from Alsace Lorraine , no ?). Became world known at the Paris universal exhibition in 1867 at the ... English Café ! (again ... nobody's perfect !) Enough ? Ok... I got some more... KRUG ... Born in 1800 in Mainz (Germany) then under French administration and diedi in Allevard (French Alpes mountains... again a bit far away from Alsace Lorraine...) TAITTINGER ... Founded by family Fourneaux in 1734 (again... more French one could hardly be...) The Taittinger, to make it short, took over in 1870 to avoid becoming Germans... DEUTZ... almost 100% German... But... Two brothers born in AAchen... Moved to France (much welcome !) in 1830. And blablabla and blablalablala ... Now to make it short : What the hell does French Champagne has to do the Ribbentrop ? Answer is simple : you are a fucking nazi admiror. You take any silly example to excuse the nazi crimes. Okay ? Now, to make it even simpler and straight : me as a Frenchman , I just fuck you to the bone . Verstanden ?
@@Jsh0w They never bombed the rail heads and the camp's even the survivors said they saw allied bombers flying over the camp's and prayed for them to bomb them .
Not of any use to him in 1945. Involvement in negotiating international arrangements to deport Jews to their deaths would have been enough to damn him.
i doubt it was as brutal as the horrors the 6 million souls went thru....he was hung..cackhanded maybe..even so..he would have passed out by 3 minutes max...a lot shorter then the torture his party commited.
Von Ribbentrop was not that stupid. Most English and Anericans speak only English. Von Ribbenyrop spoke three or four languages. He also managed to cheat Stalin and many others considered very clever. It is also stupid to say he was only a wine salesman. He ran a considerable company and its sales. He was a businessman. His execution was not brutal. It was just.
Why was his excusion BRUTAL? He was a natzi, he knew about the brutal things the regime he served was doing , he signed a treaty with the Soviets knowing full well that this agreement will be later dissolved with no real reason. He deserved everything he got. one of the stories told in the eichmann trial was of a boy that was condemned to death by hanging for humming a tune the natzi guard didn't like he was hanged and the rope tore, the bot fell on a the floor and begged for his life, but he wasn't speared and was hanged again, that's what I call brutal.
It was brutal because he suffered as the hanging was not done properly. It can be described as brutal as the word is wide ranging. As to whether he deserved it, well we all know where the consensus lies.
Actually Ribbentropp did question Hitler about his Pact with England concerning greater East Europe; asking: “But what about that piece of paper?” Knowing all the while that Hitler was planning war. It may have been a weak gesture, but either way Hitler balled up the Pact, and threw it aside saying: “ That piece of paper means nothing!”, or something to that effect. However, it seems like, as with everyone else that wanted to have a finger in the pie; that the best way to stay close to Hitler was to help send people to MASS MURDER!
Von Ribbentrop always gets called a champagne salesmen, so what? They never talk about he fought on front line on brutal eastern and western front and got iron cross, or his last words were quite dignified.
How many allies have caused brutal rape and murder of countries, and inflict mass 3rd world invasion of West as result, yet those responsible live absolute security and billionaire lifestyle at taxpayers expense in 2021.
Is there any account by any actual eye witness to the executions which supports this description of what happened? I am not aware of one. As near as I can tell, the descriptions of slow strangulations began circulating not long afterwards, but are mere urban legends. I have never read or heard such a description from a journalist or other witness who was actually there.
The circumstances of the executions in the gymn were such that observers had no view of the condemned once they dropped through the trap door. You clearly have not read many reports of the botching of the executions or seen photos that show injuries to the faces of those executed.
There's hanging the Sgt Woods style - like this (strangulation) - and there's hanging the Albert Pierrepoint style - a quick snap of the neck and you're gone scarcely even knowing it. Both brutal - is there any other way? - maybe only one of them sadistic.
Relatively speaking, the firing squad is probably the least brutal in comparison to the gassing, botched hangings, deliberative strangulation hangings, etc. 4-5 full power battle rifle rounds to the heart and if for some reason that didn't quite do it, one pistol bullet at least .30/7.62mm and nominally at least 9mm to the head finished them off. Done right, no real time to feel anything.
@@stratmaster5 Your Stepfather was a lucky guy , many do not die the easy way, my Father wished to die but he couldnt , he suffered for two years until he died.
He wasn't a war criminal, just one of Hitler's lackeys. Waging war is not a war crime, otherwise all nations would be guilty! Executing him was just an act of pure revenge, he should have been acquitted but deprived of a civil service pension.
He probably should have been sentenced to prison instead. In any case, justice is not perfect and sometimes politics and emotions get in the way of a fair judgement. That being said, 25 of the Nuremberg defendants were actually acquitted, that's one more than the total who were executed. The rest received various prison terms ranging from a few years to life. Many of these sentences were actually commuted including some death sentences . All in all, it appears that the top Nazi leadership was treated a lot more fairly than their victims.
@@danrooc You're not quite sure he relished human suffering? He just *accidentally* demanded millions of Jews be sent to their deaths in camps? Okay, Nazi sympathizer.
@@billpeet1976 ¿Do you have any proof he RELISHED what he did? Most politicians close and under a totalitarian leader do what ever is needed to please him. Due to his lack of real high level influence, Ribbentrop was a useful chess piece in Hitler's political chessboard rather than an ideologist; someone who signed what ever he was expected to sign in order to preserve his position. It is called lack of ethics and moraly... not necessarily relishness. Try to be an inteligence sypathizer besides a Hollywood sympathizer.
@@danrooc Ah, he was "just following orders," right? Poor guy, he had no choice but to send millions of Jews to their deaths; he didn't enjoy it, right? Whether he enjoyed it or not, he deserved his execution. If ambition and career is more important than refusal to participate in mass murder, then execution is more than justified. And relishing the end of his murderous life is also justified.
@@billpeet1976 Actually YES, he was followig orders. And as far as I know, that doesn't matter in terms of being responsible for his actions. As far I can read, I never mentioned ANYTHING regarding any justification, or did I? I simply loathe anyone relishing in the death of another human being. So, no need for your cartoonish postures Mr. Nuremberg.
Brutal execution. The description used in all these videos are lame. Nothing new here about any of these bad guys. But the description is nothing but click bait.
I missed the part where hanging isn't a brutal way to go and where it was promised this video covered new and unknown facts about one of the far less prominent figures in WW2.
@@skylined5534 All the Nazi higher ups that were convicted of war crimes at Nuremberg were sentenced to death by hanging. That is just common knowledge. Nothing in this video shed any new light on his war crimes. In fact this was sparse and quite lame Go to Mark Felton here on YT if you want to learn new things about this guy.
Roy A. Martin, a doctor who witnessed the executions and was part of the group that went under one of the two scaffolds to retrieve the bodies does not back up the story at all. His book 'Inside Nurnberg', does not confirm any of this videos information. I wonder what the source is here?
The Nazis got just what they deserved. I am, however, against the death penalty. Contrary to that, I will never say a convicted killer doesn't deserve hanging. Killers deserve death. As painful as Ribbentrop's strangulation must have been I don't say he deserved any less. But who do we blame for WWII? Bad guys, that's who, but not the German people.
British and American bombers burnt tens of thousands of women and children to death in one day in Dresden, Hamburg etc. Won't mention what the Russians did. Where do crimes begin and end?
"Joachim", the German version of "Joaquin", was rendered by others as "Jochen", as in the Waffen-SS Obersturmbannfuhrer (Lt Col) Peiper, whose tank-heavy Kampfgruppe committed the Malmedy massacre during the Battle of the Bulge.
The narrator used the phrase a bit too often; kept them onside, tried not to offend them, nursed them along with a series of diplomatic lies would reflect the meaning. Like an initially friendly scorpion, basically.
Whatever Edward VIII, later the Duke of Windsor, saw in her escapes me. Sorry, but that woman was not attractive...though supposedly she wasn't exactly a cold fish in the sack, according to rumors. As long as he was happy...
Interesting fact: Ribbentrop took a liking to Stalin and his bolshevik henchmen so much that when he returned to Berlin to meet Hitler he said my Fuhrer meeting with Stalin was like the old days in Munich when we sat with our comrades and drank for countless of hours. These remarks annoyed Hitler.
Next in the list : George Bush, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Collin Powell, Victoria Nulan, James Carter, Gerald Ford, Dicky trick... Etc..🇺🇸💀☝️🇺🇸
Ribbentrop stayed at my local pub for 2 nights in Halifax West Yorkshire 1925. His name is in the visitors book. Probably sussing the place out under the guise a champagne salesman.
Shame that I can't listen to more than 3 minutes of this as the narration is of such poor quality it is painful... please get someone who knows how to annunciate and uses pasuses correctly...
This guy has a Northern English accent. That's how they talk up there. Look up Jon Ronson. Similar thing. Your just lucky the narration isn't by some Welsh dude, don't panic, I'm Welsh.
Brutal? I understand that he was hanged, early on amongst those sentenced to death, in standard fashion. Whether he merited it or not is not my judgement, but love him or hate him, Pierrepoint worked hard to make sure the hangings were as humane as possible. He was a 'caring' hangman.
At 4:50 you talk about pact between Soviet Union and Nazis, to my knowledge there never was a country called Nazistan, it was a pact between Soviet Union and Germany.
The priest who was with Ribbentrop on the scaffold was the American Lutheran chaplain Henry Gerecke (1893-1961), who wrote quite a lot about his dealings with the Protestant Nazis on trial. (There was a separate Catholic chaplain for the Catholic Nazis.) Gerecke was from Missouri, and served as an army chaplain from 1943, one of 253 American Lutheran chaplains to the US forces. Two of his sons fought on the Western front and were severely wounded, one of them in the Battle of the Bulge. After Nuremberg, Gerecke returned to the States and eventually became a pastor at the St John Lutheran church in Chester, Illinois, where he died from a heart attack in 1961.
Thank you for so much interesting information!
Joachim???how come so many prominent NASI's have jew¥sh sounding names?VonManSTEIN,Wilhelm KEITEL,alfredROSENBERG?
von Ribbentrop reminds me of some coworkers I've had....a yes man who didn't really know what he was doing...and it got him to the top.
And then to the hang mans noose 🙄
DJ Holiday . Yes. That also brings to mind quite a few folk I've known. Best regards.
Promoted to the point of uselessness
@@gijgij4541 The similarities between Trump and Boris are compelling ...just start with pastiness or strategically arranged hair ....
@@ApothecaryGrant You've just described almost every supervisor or "coordinator" I've ever had lol.
When Goering asked why Ribbentrop still had his job given his obvious incompetence, Hitler said that "he knows important people in England." Goering replied, "The problem is that they know Ribbentrop."
Damn that's pretty good.
@@geoffbell166 Also evil.
@@geoffbell166 Herman was too fat and a morphine addict to fit in a fighter during the Spanish civil war. It was his actions in WW 1 that he was decorated for.
Göring called him that pathetic little wine salesman🍷
Goering, thank goodness, was also an incompetent bungler, a case of the kettle calling the pot black.
Mussolini said of Ribbentrop, "that you only have to look at his head, to see that he has a small brain...". Hitler, frustrated, with the lack of passion the men surrounding him, said of Ribbentrop, "With the others, they need to be galvanized, they need to be fired up but he (Ribbentrop) is always on fire...". Some nerdy facts there for you!
...He had at least higher l.Q. than George Bush, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Collin Powell all together...🇺🇸💩🐴🇺🇸💩
Trump would’ve made him look like Einstein then. I’ve had work socks smarter than Trump
Head size doesn't have much to do with with intelligence, except in cases of microcephaly, given the average person only uses 10% of their brain.
@@828enigma6 Then Ocasio Cortez and the bunch of criminals like Pelosi used 0.0000001/2.. of l.Q....🐴💩🐴🇺🇸
If your working with socks then that says a lot about you. BTW, how many accounts do you have?
The soviets sentenced him to death along with the americans, but their foreign minister was the second name on the pact....
Remember that all through the war when Stalin bitched for the west to form a western second front and they did not get around to it till 1944, this whole War fiasco was started by his greed for Poland territory and through Rib's and the Molotov cocktail man. Stalin PARTOOK in starting war. I do NOT feel sorry for Russia in what happened [cept for the poor peasant people of which I am a descendant].
There were different wills by the Nazis. The Nazis were indeed socialists. The whole SA topp was executed 1934. They were accused to conspire with communists and that was true. The Frankfurtschools in tensions was to brainwash the people. Hitler was impressed but was forced to back 1935.
The difference between bolsjevism and nazism is not much.
It was not politics starting WW2.
British and France made pacts with Nazi Germany first, while refusing the USSR. Stalin was left with no other choice
@@Josep_Hernandez_Lujan I guess my point is Russia screamed the allies did not do enough to stop Hitler while Russia took the bulk of the Nazi blows, but they can blame themselves [Stalin]. The Balkan and Baltic zones found Hitler preferable to the Russians. Stalin was particularly brutal even to his own people and his order to kill off a lot of the military was not the act of a genius. But Stalin agreeing to anything from Hitler was naive. Even when the attack began, Stalin did not believe it.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to remember a film with Reinhard Spitzy describing Ribbentrop as an absolute disgusting arrogant buffoon. He worked for him, but sounds like he hated him with a passion. I would have loved to have met Spitzy in real life and asked him to recollect that precious history nobody else seems to care about. He would have seen it all.
That executioner knew damn well what he was doing, nearly 15 mins? Whoa
I figure it was intentional, more or less....Many of the others were hanged efficiently though.
I thrilled to hear of it. great pity they weren't ALL burned alive.
No, the point of humane treatment is to send a message: atrocities stop here.
@@MrDaiseymay I am sure they are right now all enduring a most deserved fate of burning in the lake of fire. Their Judge? A Jewish carpenter from Nazareth.
@@robertrhodessr3664unfortunately the Jewish son of carpenter taught a religion of mercy and grace, and He forgave people both gentile and jews who hated Him. Ribbentrop placed his confidence in the Lamb of God who atoned the sin of the whole world, and who are you, sinner, to judge in the name of merciful God?!
Probably wasn’t a coincidence that they used the worst hangman ever ....
The hangman must've been a hangman apprentice.
@@benjaminfalzon4622 and probably suited that job description perfectly - “wanted: hangman who can botch the hanging. No experience required”
In relation to the slow death in a gas chamber or freezing to death at the eastern front, his death was far too good.
I would have set them all on fire.
Had the IMT cared about conducting a proper hanging, they'd have contracted with British hangman Albert Pierrepoint, who'd recently conducted the hangings of the condemned, including the infamous Irma Griese ("The Blond Beast"), whose only last word before she was hanged was "Schnell !" ("Quickly"). Pierrepoint knew what he was doing, MSGT Woods, inexplicably promoted directly from Buck Private when he accepted the job, had joined the Navy in 1929, went AWOL only a few months later, and when caught, after being court-martialed, was examined by the Navy psychiatrist and found to be "undesirable material" and was discharged. Woods worked various jobs, mostly as a common laborer, before he was inducted into the Army at age 32 in 1943. He volunteered for the hangman position in October of 1944 and falsely stated that he'd conducted two hangings in Texas and one in Oklahoma. Had the Army actually made any attempt to verify his experience, they'd have found that at the time Woods claimed to have performed the hangings, both states used the electric chair! Woods hanged at least 34 American soldiers, convicted of capital crimes such as rape or murder, a substantial portion of the condemned being black. At least 11 of these executions, conducted between 1944 and 1946, were considered as "bungled". Woods himself died in an unfortunate accident at Eniwetok Atoll in 1950.
Most of the other hangings of Nazis on Oct 16, 1946, by Woods and his team, were likewise poorly conducted, but I'm sure that few, if any, felt or still feel sorry for THEIR suffering, in light of which regime they'd eagerly served and their respective parts in it. The man who likely would have gone first, Hermann Goring, had taken a cyanide pill, secreted in his luggage, and it's believed that a US Army 1LT, Jack C Wheelis, whom the former Reichsmarshall befriended, had facilitated it, but whether he knew it or was duped by Goring will remain a mystery.
Fine, chortle that their deaths weren't exactly painless...but Wood's utter incompetence was also wreaked on many more US GIs, who at least deserved to be hanged by someone that knew what he was doing...and Woods DIDN'T.
There are a lot of people that state Joachim von Ribbentrop should have not have been executed, especially when someone like Albert Speer was not executed. Apparently, his name being so well known at the time as foreign minister is what really got him hanged. I don't know much about that but it sure seems like there were a few people that were hanged simply so they couldn't be used or worshipped by followers later on. That's a tough call if a person really had nothing to do with certain claims that have been made. I really do wonder about some of the Germans that were executed and many of the German/Nazi scientists that went on to live comfortable lives in the US and the UK. History really is written by the victors.
the only winners from WW2 were the Dues....and we are now entering the end game and witnessing the destruction of the west by these people
@@WillyEckaslike Another Joachim end his career with tears after his team lost in second round of Euro 2021. ⚽⚽⚽
@@shahrulamar5358 i dont follow sport..its just opium for the masses thats promoted by the establishment because it stops people looking into what really happened in history hahaha
At Nuremberg they should have been tried and sentenced by the west only, then sent to Moscow for crimes committed within the Soviet Union, i'm sure the results would have been satisfactory.
@@bedstuyrover and who should have been standing trial for allied war crimes like Dresden..Hirosheema....the killing of millions of germans post war.....oh i forgot the winners never have to account for their actions do they?
My uncle, Col. Dan Van Dusen, was in military government at the end of WWII and commandeered von Ribbentrop's staff car, using it until he had completed his time as a military governor in Germany.
His son was a very brave tiger tank commander in Russia. He did not have to go to the front but did .
Bravely stupid. A true-believing Nazi, eh?
@Ole Ahlers Stupid when the regime they're fighting for is a fascist dictatorship. Definitely. He should've been fighting to destroy it, not further it.
@@billpeet1976 shut up comunist
*brave* 🤡
fighting for an evil cause doesn't make him any less brave. i don't think you're writing this from inside an abrams so you have no right to laugh at him being called brave.
I think this is an excellent documentary piece. It's clear and to the point. I have absolutely no clue as to why those 50 people dislike this. Thanks.
Clearly you didn't just read Ribbentrop Wikipedia page then, this man at various point throughout the video pretty much just recites paragraphs off the Wikipedia page
@@theskepticalwhaler4946 Thanks for the information. I've just read the Wikipedia page you mention and it also seems clear and to the point.
You have a great narrating voice. These are always interesting.
Rippentrop was a champagne salesman who got in way over his head and him and the world paid for it.
Stalin flunked out of Seminary school, and got in way over his head with a bunch of urban guerrillas, and the world paid for it??
@@fritzvold9968 Actually it was Russia, its satellite republics and Eastern Europe that paid for it.
You forgot one crucial detail:
A week after signing Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, on September 1st 1939, Nazi Wehrmacht invaded Poland from the west.
Two weeks later, Stalin’s hordes invaded Poland from the East.
That’s how Stalin and Hitler started the bloodiest war in Human History.
You forgetting how Poland invaded Czechoslovakia before that and allied with Germany while Britain looked at it and did nothing.
Here’s how easy to call your bullshit, Russian troll.
Read carefully. There was no invasion.
[...]At noon on 30 September, Poland gave an ultimatum to the Czechoslovak government. It demanded the immediate evacuation of Czechoslovak troops and police and gave Prague time until noon the following day. At 11:45 a.m. on 1 October the Czechoslovak foreign ministry called the Polish ambassador in Prague and told him that Poland could have what it wanted. The Polish Army, commanded by General Władysław Bortnowski, annexed an area of 801.5 km2 with a population of 227,399 peopl[…]
@@aljohnson3717 ah, so... If Soviets strong-armed the polish government... Oh wait, government already left the country by the time soviets walked in.
But i will remember that if you twist the hand of another country's government that makes it okay to annex parts of their territory then.
@@MrVlad12340 it’s funny how you’re trying to “twist the arms” of the facts, Russian troll.
It’s not “soviets that strong-armed” the polish government.
It’s Stalin’s and Hitler’s preplanned invasion into the sovereign country.
Stalin broke agreement with Polish government signed, if I’m not mistaken, in 1935.
Poland offered ultimatum to Czechoslovakia, and Czechoslovakia signed it and did what it promised.
So to nail it for you:
1. Poland and Czechoslovakia = Legal agreement. No shots fired. No life lost.
2. Two twins 👯♂️, Stalin and Hitler =
ILLEGAL invasion. Tens of thousands lives lost (1 September through 22 September). Both Stalin and Hitler therefore are responsible for starting WW2.
I’d be happy to call your bullshit until you turn blue in the face, товариЩЩЩ.
@@aljohnson3717 ah yes, its all on Stalin and Hitler and not on "Allies" who eagerly fed Hitler all the land and freedom of action he wanted in empty attempts of appeasement until he fattened to the point where the sky was a limit and he became brazen enough to attack France, Britain and USSR and enact his maniacal holocaust plans.
Fucken ridiculous, next you say that Stalin scared the french into surrender or tried to achieve "peace for our time" by uncontrollably appeasing Hitler. Stalin at least always knew Hitler was going to attack USSR, he just thought that it would happen much later then it did. He was right in his assumption, but severely wrong in timing.
Also nice of you to call me "russian troll" because i do not whitewashing the cowardice of Allies and their lack of ability to control a rising monster and instead "feeding" it in false hopes that it will turn on someone else next... It wasnt USSR who led the Europe to a point of no return.
Or their backwards approach to post WW1 Germany - first strangle it with reparations and humiliation JUST enough to give rise to someone like Hitler... But then refuse to choke them entirely and allow them to fester with hatred, nazism and rage until they erupted like a pustule in the heart of Europe and plunged the world into ANOTHER war!
You either dont push the situation to the point where THAT happens or you deal with the consequences quickly and mercilessly before they turn dire. Allies were BOTH too heavy handed and too weak.
By the time Hitler was in Poland next global war was already a foregone conclusion, he deemed himself a "savior of Europe from judeo-bolshevism" and would have attacked USSR regardless of circumstances because they were his largest ideological enemy, embodiment of the ideology he hated. He also saw Britain and France and basically anybody who wasnt goosestepping to his insane tune as an enemy. What have they expected?
Also on the final note - you REALLY think that if USSR havent taken over part of Poland there wouldnt be next World War? How that would have being? Hitler takes over ENTIRE Poland and suddenly forgets why he's even there and goes home to eat some sauerkraut?
Don’t learn history from amateur historians….
Von Ribbentrop was a vile man but should he have been executed by the court he appeared before? The crimes he was charged with were identical to the actions of the Soviet leadership, especially Molotov, yet "judges" from that regime determined his guilt and punishment. He was absolutely involved in the general planning and execution of the Holocaust, yet his codefendents who weren't executed, especially Speer, had greater responsibility than he did. The Soviet leadership were all involved in even greater mass murders than the Nazis. As for planning the war, most of the British leadership was complicit in planning several wars, not least of which was WWI. He deserved execution but Nuremburg was largely a hypocritical farce and a kangaroo court. It is no surprise that Roosevelt, who was responsible for the mass deportations of American citizens in two world wars (He was involved in the far less well known confiscations of property and deportations of German Americans in WWI a quarter century before he did the same thing to the Japanese Americans. I know because my German American great grandfather was his victim in WWI and my Japanese American godfather his victim in WWII.), appointed his Justice Department henchman to be the American prosecutor. A few years before he had conducted political judicial persecutions of Republicans, like the infamous Paul Mellon case, in the 1930's. It would have been better to have judged and executed the Nazis using carefully monitored German tribunals, where they would have faced the guillotine, or military tribunals. The botched executions, and Goering's escape by suicide due to an idiotic and corrupt guard (self confessed on his deathbed) are indications of the ineptitude the Western Allied leadership, especially Eisenhower and the military, brought to the farcical trials. That a clearly insane man, who had little or no responsibility for what he was charged with, like Hess was tried at all is in itself criminal. It appears he knew things about the Soviet Union's pre-war activities Stalin didn't want revealed, so the obedient Western leadership followed Stalin's commands. Whatever crimes Hess committed when he was sane were crimes against Germans, not foreigners and the responsibility of German courts. The failure of the Western Allies to monitor the farcical post-war German courts is another black mark against them. The Nuremburg Courts are like a bad sausage. They look, and smell, worse the closer you get to them.
Also, Hitler was a very wicked and evil man but he was no coward. He and Churchill were the only major WWII political leaders to expose themselves near combat (Hitler was close to Soviet troops on occasion) and to have distinguished WWI records (Churchill commanded front line troops and served on the front, Hitler served four years in active combat and had been wounded). He stuck near the front lines until his suicide and shot himself. While I don't approve of suicide it was a better end than the cringing suicides of Himmler and Goering, or the attempts to evade justice by Speer and others. Would that vile creatures like Neville Chamberlin or Sir Samuel Hoare have committed suicide to atone for their responsibilities in bringing on the war than attempting to continue their political careers.
Why is being a champagne saleman for several years after serving in the army one of von Ribbentrop's many crimes? The English always being this up. Was it a crime to work for a living? What about generally worthless, but celebrated, members of the English Royal Family like Lord Mountbatten, who were rewarded with positions and lauded for them, without having any qualifications other than being the genetic products of their normally queer fathers. Mountbatten, who rose ever and ever higher despite a long list of failures, reached his apogee in the post-WWII bloody partition of the Indian subcontinent while he was the last Viceroy. Yet he's never criticized for being a permanently unemployed functionary of the Royals. Please. Of course in the end he was punished for his arrogance by treating Ireland as if it was still a Crown Territory and going there on a boating holiday while ten Irish Nationalists were dying on hunger strikes to simply be recognized as political prisoners. There he met his explosive end. He still didn't have a real job.
it wasnt about justice it was about demonizing the Germans and nation ////alizm and for the Dues it was about revenge for removing them from power in 1933 and locking them up in nice safe warm camps for the duration of the war..the tale videos like this tell u is just At ro55 city /// P/// G
Too bad he wasn't a rocket scientist.
Then he would have lived like a king.
And allowed to immigrate to the USA, and write his own ticket.
And end up on TV with Walt Disney.
Emigrate to the US
Rocket scientist didn't do warcrime or involved in politics
@@regiluthfi Yes they did, Werner von Braun was instrumental in the use of concentration camp prisoners and political prisoners for labour during v2 production.
@@regiluthfi You need to do your research.
@@stevenhale2935 bunch of BS, Wernher Von Braun could not have been accused of any crimes, because he committed none, Soviets would love to get him for their rocket program but most of his team decided (obviously) to surrender to the Americans. Only a small percentage of his team surrendered and went to work for the USSR. Decades later one of engineers on von Braun team Arthur Rudolph was indeed accused of crimes and was subsequently deported from the US.
The Americans used the Medium Drop method not the Long Drop used by the British. Ribbentrop's execution was botched(?) and the drop was too short. He suffered what ammounted to a Short Drop hanging as used by Germany and other European countries at that time. Short drop strangles the prisoner and death can take up to 25 minutes.
poor thing it was still to good for him!
Which Justice Jackson severely and rightly criticised
It was a bloody disgusting botched execution. No human being should endure a death like this. Albert Pierrepont the English hangman said it never serves any good. I make no apologies but I question wether he should have been executed like keitel they were lackeys of hitler. Imprisonment for life is at least a more dignified approach by so called civilised nations. I also get annoyed why the Japanese did not suffer as such due to war crimes. In summing up war doesn't pay and have we Learned from it? Think Ukraine etc . I hope that future generations will find war only in history books and in the words of sir Winston Churchill the world will move into up lifted sunlit horizons . I do think some of those executed were not candidates for the hangman's noose. The real evil b@stard himmler should have and I was of the opinion julius streicher the jew baiter of nuremburg who was evil deserved it.
@@adrian.debeauvais5911 The NAZI's, especially the military, got of light in WW2. Only 200 or so were executed after the Nuremburg trials compared to around 1,250 Japanese. Ribbentrop was deeply involved in the war so I have no sympathy for him. Keitel was executed for signing the order to execute special forces POWs, he should have refused.
@@billballbuster7186 hi Bill 👋 when you put it like that yes your right. Perhaps one day all war will be consigned to the history books. I'm actually reading Michael blochs autobiography of him ribbentrop. Yes I do think some wehrmacht units were culpable of war crimes like their counterparts in waffen ss. I read chas whitings massacre at malmedy when the ss battle group peiper under its namesake murdered unarmed American soldiers. He got off with it !!! Many thanks for your reply. Adrian
15 mins of pain n agony.....seems like he got off lightly.....
Crime against peace? Well, others from other countries, like for example the dear Molotov, should have been seated next to Ribbentrop! The usual winner´s so-called "justice" at work!
Well.. He did organized mass deportation of Jews. Molotov never does that. It's still justice.
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact... not a crime against peace? Ok, then we have different views about justice.
@@vanlendl1 Glad to see I am not the only one thinking that way
@@kaptenhiu5623 what about other nations that suffered and still suffer from their pact right now?
I met Rudolph von Ribbentrop. Very surprised that he still used the family name!
This was covered in the movie "Office Space", where one of the software engineers, whose name is Michael Bolton, tires of hearing about and being compared to the famed heartthrob, tonsured singer, whom the engineer deems a "no-talent ass-clown". When asked why he simply didn't change his name, Bolton replies, "Why should I change it? HE's the one that SUCKS!"
The fact that Molotov didnt get punished just proves the "war is written by the victors" narrative
If the Soviets were just as bad as the Germans, they would have killed the 17 million men, women, and children of East Germany.
You revisionist historians are ridiculous
Wicked content dude :D
So von Ribbentrop's execution wasn't swift and painless? That's just horrible!
Said nobody, ever.
You can say that b/c it wasn't YOUR neck getting the noose put on it. At least, instead of the drunken "MSGT" Woods, who bungled not only the Nuremburg hangings, but also of many AMERICAN GIs, sentenced to death for various crimes (usually murder), the British hangman Albert Pierrepoint, who hanged hundreds, including the "beautiful beast", Irma Griese, whose last word at the gallows was "Schnell!" should have been employed.
Ribbentrop was a diplomat, not a military leader, I never understood why he was there and Woods was a bastard, he had lied to get there and one of the gallows was so badly built the Germans hit their face hard while falling, he never fixed it, he was said to have "mental predispositions".
The nazis were horrible. Ribbentrip was probably guilty. However nobody deserves a drawn out, painful hanging like that.
@@NoahDancaster Guilty of what? Diplomats don't kill people usually but that trial was so unusual, they even hanged the director of the company selling Zyklon B as a pesticide in Germany, not the company making it, the distributor! I guess they had sent so many to the US they were hanging anybody.
@@rosesprog1722 True. However, "zero fvcks" were given about the suffering of the condemned war criminals, given how many had perished at their hands.
I have to say that killing Nazis that truly earned it, I don't care if they went out in pain. It pales in comparison to the hurt and suffering they cause to millions. So they suffered some ..if you have done truly evil .I have no feelings for you. Thing is most went because they were Jewish, the Nazis went cause they murdered millions. It's sad to think that we as humans have invented everything from the calculator to atomic bomb..the science involved in that is huge..but we still as people can't get around color of others. The day we do is the day we would have grown up.
Then you are little different from the nazis themselves.
The Champagne salesman. 🥂
The “dirty little Champagne salesman”
I like Pommery champagne! I had no idea of it’s checkered past.
people questioning his execution because he was a diplomat need to realise a diplomat wouldn't pressure other countries to arrange deportations to death factories
what?....NOBODY questions his execution, he fully deserved what he got
Are you having a laugh?
@@timlabeaux8123 you'd be surprised i'm afraid
@@kylerb2 i'm afriad not, just look up videos of him on here, plenty of nutters trying to make excuses for him
Ribbentrop was betrayed by Hitler. The pact with Molotov was his masterpiece, After Hitler's treason Ribbentrop shouid have left Germany at once and gone to Russia. After signing the pact and coming back from Moscow he told Hitler that with the Soviets was the same as with old comrades.
No. Stalin would have had him killed. He should have gotten out like Hess and gone to the UK.
@@LookToWindward Nevertheless he should have left Germany at once. His trust towards to a scoundrel like Hitler was ill reposed.
Brutal for me is having yourself tortured for days and your body chopped into several pieces which did not happen to Ribbentrop.
Excellent video , thank you 😊
No sympathy for those who prospered from evil.
having no sympathy is evil in itself.
That applies to nearly every politician, especially during this Civid scam
@@slava9734 having no sympathy for the evil doing of complicit criminality that caused so much damage and pain to society is justice not evil. That is the hard justice of history.
@@slava9734 Nazis don't deserve sympathy.
@@DiscoStringHit Always!!! have atleast sympathy for the peasants. Just a friendly reminder that they also thought what they know and believe is just as normal and correct as what you believe to be normal and correct.
this should not be an excuse for their imoral actions but please let me further elaborate:
While being a peasant person fighting at the fronts of war - while sometimes seeing the true colors of war - you will still try to convince yourself what you are doing is right (as otherwise, you would crumble apart inside as, what you do would have no meaning)
While being the peasant person at home, not seeing the true colors of war for most of the time - you are so decieved that you also think what you are doing and support is a good thing.
And even IF you were seeing the madness, not being a nazi was also not an option for many. (If you atleast valued your life or the life of your loved ones somehow)
In conclusion - many were just like you and me.
There was a Jewish guy in California who bought an antique watch which took his fancy.He later took it in to be serviced and the jeweller told him that there was an inscription in it that showed that it had in fact originally belonged to Von Ribbentrop.Makes you wonder if it was pocketed by one of the American guards off his body?
Nice souvenir.
More than likely
How crazy is that !
I'm surprised you didn't mention he became a rather good ice skater while in Canada. (I'm seriously not joking!) He also spoke excellent English, his accent was sort of a mixture of British and German.
I've been waiting for this vid. Looking forward to Alfred Yodl, Fritz Saukel, Wilhelm Keitel, and Ernst Kaltenbrunner
elwin38 Yes, marvellous kids.
I had always heard that Woods' job performance was determined/ordered weeks before the executions were carried out.....
Why all the complaints???It is fantastic that those Nazi diarrhea suffered.God bless his memory.
@@johnlowy6962 enjoying suffering of another makes you less than a animal, you can't be a good guy victor in the narrative
@@toker6664 too bad, so sad toker.
He was just a drunk who didn't know what he was doing. Should have had Pierrepont do it.
@@toker6664 ...BOO-HOO-HOO.
Ribbentrop is one of the more difficult cases for execution. He definitely deserved it because of his involvement in the final solution but if that hadn't occurred and he had only been a diplomat in a country that chose to go to war then I think the charge of making war is a stupid charge. It's one of those things like the victors write the history. I think you have to be careful when you're talking about ambassadors and lead generals who did not become politicized. None of that applies in this case because Ribbentrop was a total scumbag. I sometimes wonder if that hangman really knew what he was doing. They deserved botched deaths..
He deserved what he got
What you talking about?
@@stefanvogel8255 nothing. Nothing mein fuhrer.
@@bookaufman9643 Führer please...
Thanks untoldpast always interesting 👍🙂
If the invaders of Iraq were to be tried in the same court as Ribbentrop would would they be found guilty of military aggression
They would just worm their way out of it
Gen milley should be the first to go, what a disgrace and failure wearing the uniform
Well Blair and Bush should sure be found guilty. Obama is guilty of murder of Saddam but he got away with that
@@robertdipaola3447 Well obviously brighter than you
Oh please, America has been sticking it's nose in so many countries for a long long time but only now people pretend to get upset? Give me a break.
When it comes to Nazzys, there's no such thing as a botched execution.
There is.
Kevin Ramseu In Holland we like nasi goreng, fried rice.
It's spelt Nazis
Brutal execution? I would like to believe that it was planned that way, and the only thing that went wrong is it took him 14 minutes to strangle to death. I would have liked to have seen something like moaning, kicking, screaming in pain for a good 30 minutes.
Before making judgements about the execution procedures listed here, I would recommend reading or listening to "The Nuremberg Trial" by John and Anna Tusa. It sorts out a lot of the rumors about the trial, executions, sentences and pardons.
The entire proceeding was a judicial FARCE. Stalin wanted to summarily execute the top 50K Nazis and other German leaders...while that, of course, was too brutal, even for Churchill, at least the Generalissimo was being HONEST.
Cannot help but to wonder if the executioner really did 'botch' his job by making these 'men' suffer in their deaths. Perhaps he felt that by making them dangle and strangle there would be some sort of justice for all those who suffered under Hitler?
Absolutely. Albert Pierrepoint was an experienced British hangman who seemed like the obvious choice for the executioner. He had already hanged hundreds of ordinary murderers in England, as well as several German spies who were captured during the war. But several high ranking allied officers intervened to have John C. Woods do it instead. They had a feeling that Woods was a sadist with no real experience, who would hopefully underestimate the rope length so the prisoners would die slowly. Pierrepoint did hang a dozen or so war criminals from other trials after Woods botched so many.
NO he was just useless, do not try to pretend he knew what he was doing...he was fucking hopeless at Everything he tried....
If you read about Woods you would know he was a pure charlatan. His Un professionalism greatly embarrassed the US.
@@mamavswild True. But there couldn't be any "embarrassment" in letting ten Nazis dangle a tad longer at the end of the rope than they ought to have. In a way, Woods was simply doing what his superiors figured he'd do...screw that task up too, and it'd be a "win-win" no matter what!
the title of this video is nothing more than shameless clickbait.
Perfect politician - Tell Totalitarian Dictators exactly what they want to hear.
Where have we seen THAT lately?
Just like Donald Trump
@@lloydlovell8431 You probably wear a mask in your car alone don't.....?
@@bushwhackermoyes, three years later he’s still wearing it lol
According to some of my books he didnt get the iron cross during WW1, and after joining the nazi party he petitioned to get the award and was given it by Hitler.
great video as always
I love all the blubbering from Third Reich fanboys. Ribbentrop got off easy.
With the benefit of hindsight, the Allied powers would have been better served by having Albert Pierrepoint carry out the executions, as he did following the Bergen-Belsen Trial. Others have said this in response to previous videos, but it's worth repeating here.
True, but if the hanging is successful, there is no do over.
@@828enigma6 Those hangings were successful in the sense that the war criminals were dead. However, I doubt that they would have taken as long to die if the hangman knew what he was doing.
@@islandblind Oh.. He knew what he was doin' That's for sure!!
Justified, not brutal. Brutal is what he did.
afghanistan irak lybia germany iran guys are pirates in the world and everyday more everyone is seeing how corrupt your wallstreet and city of london is.
Many such and worse fled to S.America.
90% of Higher Nazis heads; remained in West Germany.
Who was the Prime Minister of W. Germany between 1962 and 1966?
A man named Keisinger.
A nazi
An ex salesman of champagne brands as germans have so much love for the French sparkling wines (they already grown up during the years of German occupation of Alsace Lorraine 1870-1918.
Almost all of them are of germans names as
Roederer, Krug, Taittinger, Deutz.
You are partly right... and what diffrrence does it make with nazi Ribbentro ? (I like the " trop" at the end which means too much or far too much in French...)
Beeing French (I am sorry but nobody is perfect...) when talking about Champagne (Cheers !) I hope you will not put into doubt what I am talking about ?
... First of all Champagne area, mind you, is a few hundred kilometers (Woops ... apologies ... miles) away from Alsace Lorraine... Champagne sparkling wine receipee goes back to the Middleag Age, so please forget about 1870 Alsace Lorrane.
... This beeing said :
ROEDERER... originally family Dubois (more French you can't be! ) in 1776.Louis Roederer born in Strasburg in 1809 (then French).. and died in Souilly (Normandy...well again a bit far away from Alsace Lorraine , no ?). Became world known at the Paris universal exhibition in 1867 at the ... English Café ! (again ... nobody's perfect !)
Enough ? Ok... I got some more...
KRUG ... Born in 1800 in Mainz (Germany) then under French administration and diedi in Allevard (French Alpes mountains... again a bit far away from Alsace Lorraine...)
TAITTINGER ... Founded by family Fourneaux in 1734 (again... more French one could hardly be...) The Taittinger, to make it short, took over in 1870 to avoid becoming Germans...
DEUTZ... almost 100% German... But... Two brothers born in AAchen... Moved to France (much welcome !) in 1830.
And blablabla and blablalablala ...
Now to make it short : What the hell does French Champagne has to do the Ribbentrop ?
Answer is simple : you are a fucking nazi admiror. You take any silly example to excuse the nazi crimes. Okay ?
Now, to make it even simpler and straight : me as a Frenchman , I just fuck you to the bone . Verstanden ?
The executioner should have been court martial Ed and imprisoned for torturing prisoners.
Who cares?
They had to shut him up because he knew too much about other' allied diplomats.
Perhaps. But also, you know, the Holocaust.
@@Jsh0w And so did Churchill and Roosevelt and the Catholic Church and what did they do nothing fact.
@@lablackzed bro they were literally in total war against the Reich. How is that nothing?
@@Jsh0w They never bombed the rail heads and the camp's even the survivors said they saw allied bombers flying over the camp's and prayed for them to bomb them .
Not of any use to him in 1945. Involvement in negotiating international arrangements to deport Jews to their deaths would have been enough to damn him.
i doubt it was as brutal as the horrors the 6 million souls went thru....he was hung..cackhanded maybe..even so..he would have passed out by 3 minutes max...a lot shorter then the torture his party commited.
Von Ribbentrop was not that stupid. Most English and Anericans speak only English. Von Ribbenyrop spoke three or four languages. He also managed to cheat Stalin and many others considered very clever.
It is also stupid to say he was only a wine salesman. He ran a considerable company and its sales. He was a businessman.
His execution was not brutal. It was just.
Why was his excusion BRUTAL? He was a natzi, he knew about the brutal things the regime he served was doing , he signed a treaty with the Soviets knowing full well that this agreement will be later dissolved with no real reason. He deserved everything he got.
one of the stories told in the eichmann trial was of a boy that was condemned to death by hanging for humming a tune the natzi guard didn't like he was hanged and the rope tore, the bot fell on a the floor and begged for his life, but he wasn't speared and was hanged again, that's what I call brutal.
It was brutal because he suffered as the hanging was not done properly. It can be described as brutal as the word is wide ranging. As to whether he deserved it, well we all know where the consensus lies.
@@rafaelhernandez3690 read my edited comment, to see what I call brutal.
Actually Ribbentropp did question Hitler about his Pact with England concerning greater East Europe; asking: “But what about that piece of paper?” Knowing all the while that Hitler was planning war. It may have been a weak gesture, but either way Hitler balled up the Pact, and threw it aside saying: “ That piece of paper means nothing!”, or something to that effect. However, it seems like, as with everyone else that wanted to have a finger in the pie; that the best way to stay close to Hitler was to help send people to MASS MURDER!
The trap door also hit him in the head hard enough to leave a large gash on his head.
Oh what a shame….not
@@susansaxon4780 lovely and peacefull british people...not
if they come back to life and look at the present times I'm sure they won't be at war again
🎂Joachim von Ribbentrop 04-30-2022
Why does this video seem the same as a Mark Felton productions video?
Honestly I feel like whoever picked Woods did it on purpose, they all died as they should have, slow, like what they did at the camps.
Hey, what can you do? Good help is hard to find.
Many more Nazis and collaborators should've shared the same fate.
Woods lied about his background on executions.
Similarly vile career politicos in Germany today. Berlin has learnt nothing!
He travelled to Britain to improve his Englush. Classic!
No he traveled to Canada in his youth. He spoke English like a native.
“Brutal?” He got better than he deserved.
Couldn’t agree more.
I agree, but molotov was as guilty as him in agreeing to wage war and partition poland
.... and molotov got away with murder and lived A very long life
@@robertdipaola3447 Ribbentrop wasn't executed for the partition of Poland though.
If you delight in unneeded suffering you're every bit as despicable as he was.
Von Ribbentrop always gets called a champagne salesmen, so what? They never talk about he fought on front line on brutal eastern and western front and got iron cross, or his last words were quite dignified.
We are always judged by our last actions. If he had only murdered his wife, he would have been hung. I hope he is still swinging in Hell.
mam he was a nazi
How many allies have caused brutal rape and murder of countries, and inflict mass 3rd world invasion of West as result, yet those responsible live absolute security and billionaire lifestyle at taxpayers expense in 2021.
That hangman deserves a holiday in his name.
They were not botched they were perfectly executed.
why does Goring look like Roy Orbison?
If Germany won, we'd have a Ribbentrop Cocktail instead!!!!!!
What was Molotov's sentence at Nuremburg?
None. Molotov was on the winning side.
@@starguy2718 Molotov continued to live for 41 years after the end of World War 2. He died in 1986.
Same as Churchill's sentence))
Is there any account by any actual eye witness to the executions which supports this description of what happened? I am not aware of one. As near as I can tell, the descriptions of slow strangulations began circulating not long afterwards, but are mere urban legends. I have never read or heard such a description from a journalist or other witness who was actually there.
The circumstances of the executions in the gymn were such that observers had no view of the condemned once they dropped through the trap door. You clearly have not read many reports of the botching of the executions or seen photos that show injuries to the faces of those executed.
I love your channel bro, remember meee when you blow up
Is there an execution that isn’t brutal like maybe gentle?
There's hanging the Sgt Woods style - like this (strangulation) - and there's hanging the Albert Pierrepoint style - a quick snap of the neck and you're gone scarcely even knowing it. Both brutal - is there any other way? - maybe only one of them sadistic.
Relatively speaking, the firing squad is probably the least brutal in comparison to the gassing, botched hangings, deliberative strangulation hangings, etc. 4-5 full power battle rifle rounds to the heart and if for some reason that didn't quite do it, one pistol bullet at least .30/7.62mm and nominally at least 9mm to the head finished them off.
Done right, no real time to feel anything.
@@stratmaster5 by old age and normaly after years of suffering, strokes ect.?
@@stratmaster5 Your Stepfather was a lucky guy , many do not die the easy way, my Father wished to die but he couldnt , he suffered for two years until he died.
In the Princess and the Pirate, Bob Hope asks Virginia Mayo: "Can't you just shoot me in the toe and let me bleed to death slowly?"
He wasn't a war criminal, just one of Hitler's lackeys. Waging war is not a war crime, otherwise all nations would be guilty! Executing him was just an act of pure revenge, he should have been acquitted but deprived of a civil service pension.
He probably should have been sentenced to prison instead. In any case, justice is not perfect and sometimes politics and emotions get in the way of a fair judgement. That being said, 25 of the Nuremberg defendants were actually acquitted, that's one more than the total who were executed. The rest received various prison terms ranging from a few years to life. Many of these sentences were actually commuted including some death sentences . All in all, it appears that the top Nazi leadership was treated a lot more fairly than their victims.
What a brilliantly apt way to reach his end, after all he had done. Quite delicious.
I'm not quite sure he relished in human suffering as much as you do.
I'm not quite sure you're any better than him.
@@danrooc You're not quite sure he relished human suffering? He just *accidentally* demanded millions of Jews be sent to their deaths in camps? Okay, Nazi sympathizer.
@@billpeet1976 ¿Do you have any proof he RELISHED what he did? Most politicians close and under a totalitarian leader do what ever is needed to please him. Due to his lack of real high level influence, Ribbentrop was a useful chess piece in Hitler's political chessboard rather than an ideologist; someone who signed what ever he was expected to sign in order to preserve his position. It is called lack of ethics and moraly... not necessarily relishness.
Try to be an inteligence sypathizer besides a Hollywood sympathizer.
@@danrooc Ah, he was "just following orders," right? Poor guy, he had no choice but to send millions of Jews to their deaths; he didn't enjoy it, right? Whether he enjoyed it or not, he deserved his execution. If ambition and career is more important than refusal to participate in mass murder, then execution is more than justified. And relishing the end of his murderous life is also justified.
@@billpeet1976 Actually YES, he was followig orders. And as far as I know, that doesn't matter in terms of being responsible for his actions. As far I can read, I never mentioned ANYTHING regarding any justification, or did I? I simply loathe anyone relishing in the death of another human being.
So, no need for your cartoonish postures Mr. Nuremberg.
He should not have been executed.
His supporters said he was good because he knew this duke or that royal. The problem was that they all knew Ribbentrop.
I do love a good story about killing Nazis.
especially the ones where they die slowly.
@@neildrife1988 i like the ones where there victims die slowly
Brutal execution. The description used in all these videos are lame. Nothing new here about any of these bad guys. But the description is nothing but click bait.
I missed the part where hanging isn't a brutal way to go and where it was promised this video covered new and unknown facts about one of the far less prominent figures in WW2.
@@skylined5534 All the Nazi higher ups that were convicted of war crimes at Nuremberg were sentenced to death by hanging. That is just common knowledge. Nothing in this video shed any new light on his war crimes. In fact this was sparse and quite lame Go to Mark Felton here on YT if you want to learn new things about this guy.
Misleading title
One wonders if the executions we really botched or if some of the nazis were singled out to suffer.
Roy A. Martin, a doctor who witnessed the executions and was part of the group that went under one of the two scaffolds to retrieve the bodies does not back up the story at all. His book 'Inside Nurnberg', does not confirm any of this videos information. I wonder what the source is here?
Last time I came this early I got dumped 🤣
Traduction des commentaires en français !!!!!
The Nazis got just what they deserved. I am, however, against the death penalty. Contrary to that, I will never say a convicted killer doesn't deserve hanging. Killers deserve death. As painful as Ribbentrop's strangulation must have been I don't say he deserved any less. But who do we blame for WWII? Bad guys, that's who, but not the German people.
99% of your German people supported Nazis.
@@janfrosty3392 I don't have any German people today. I am American born as were my parents and grandparents.
British and American bombers burnt tens of thousands of women and children to death in one day in Dresden, Hamburg etc. Won't mention what the Russians did. Where do crimes begin and end?
@@mikebellis5713 don't forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki
@@carlkraus6034 Donald Trump paternal grandfather born in Germany.
Somehow the subtitles had his name spelled "jerkin" sometimes and other times "von ribbon trump"
As far as I know, the British used to call him "von Brickendrop".
"Joachim", the German version of "Joaquin", was rendered by others as "Jochen", as in the Waffen-SS Obersturmbannfuhrer (Lt Col) Peiper, whose tank-heavy Kampfgruppe committed the Malmedy massacre during the Battle of the Bulge.
I can of course conjecture , but what precisely does the word "sweet" mean in the context it is used here ?
@@hmxr715 in good order?
The narrator used the phrase a bit too often; kept them onside, tried not to offend them, nursed them along with a series of diplomatic lies would reflect the meaning. Like an initially friendly scorpion, basically.
Nice to hear the of Von Ribbentrop, really cheered me up!
Apperently he was the lover of Wally Simpson! She really had nice friends!
Whatever Edward VIII, later the Duke of Windsor, saw in her escapes me. Sorry, but that woman was not attractive...though supposedly she wasn't exactly a cold fish in the sack, according to rumors. As long as he was happy...
Interesting fact: Ribbentrop took a liking to Stalin and his bolshevik henchmen so much that when he returned to Berlin to meet Hitler he said my Fuhrer meeting with Stalin was like the old days in Munich when we sat with our comrades and drank for countless of hours. These remarks annoyed Hitler.
Next in the list : George Bush, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Collin Powell, Victoria Nulan, James Carter, Gerald Ford, Dicky trick... Etc..🇺🇸💀☝️🇺🇸
And you.
@@rogercarroll2551 ... Keep eating .. Carrots one day your l.Q. gonna Wake up ( of course asumming you got a potential to develop l.Q.)...👊💥👊👊💥👊
@@jackobtthoronn5388 😃😃😃
Ribbentrop stayed at my local pub for 2 nights in Halifax West Yorkshire 1925.
His name is in the visitors book.
Probably sussing the place out under the guise a champagne salesman.
Which historical source(s) is this taken from? Thanks!
Shame that I can't listen to more than 3 minutes of this as the narration is of such poor quality it is painful... please get someone who knows how to annunciate and uses pasuses correctly...
This guy has a Northern English accent. That's how they talk up there.
Look up Jon Ronson. Similar thing.
Your just lucky the narration isn't by some Welsh dude, don't panic, I'm Welsh.
Brutal? I understand that he was hanged, early on amongst those sentenced to death, in standard fashion. Whether he merited it or not is not my judgement, but love him or hate him, Pierrepoint worked hard to make sure the hangings were as humane as possible. He was a 'caring' hangman.
Well... just a pro...
At 4:50 you talk about pact between Soviet Union and Nazis, to my knowledge there never was a country called Nazistan, it was a pact between Soviet Union and Germany.
So all those Nazis suffered a long time on the gallows. I don't have a problem with that at all.
Joachim sounds like he was "sand-bagged" by the courts.
The criminals convicted the other criminals.
The winners write the histories, no one asked them if they told the truth.
Except thousands of's literally their job 🤦