5 Weird Mechanics You Might Not Know About Dota 2 | Pro Dota 2 Guides

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 161

  • @TF2Peekaboo
    @TF2Peekaboo 5 лет назад +81

    6k player that plays alot of the heros featured, really enjoyed this one :) i honestly didn't know about the visage birds stunning, thanks for the knowledge! - (bkb grace period was added shortly after meteor hammer was released in order to combat frame perfect Naga siren songs -> meteor hammer combos)
    Few to add that might be relevant for mid/high tier players- Grab some popcorn for the essay :) -
    Troll warlord range'd battlefury tech (range attack cleaves if he swaps to melee before the hit lands)
    Bloodseeker bloodrite uels perfect combo - (face the target, place bloodright+euls instantly) - The target can't avoid the silence unless using instant cast disjoints (phase shift, rage)
    Naga siren - Song - Basi - meteor combo - (Sing your song, Shift queue meteor hammer + basi (on/off/on )((3x)) + song end) - Your meteor hammer will land frame perfect
    Harpie stormcrafter and scout's have 1800 night vision.
    Glyph works on helm of the dominator'd/enchanted/holy persuasion'd enemy creeps. (drow aura + chen 5 wagons with a glyph POGGERS)
    Jakiro backwards icepaths/drow gust- (if you cast icepath on your hero portrait, the icepath will head towards specific areas backwards without turning your hero model around.. Particularly good vs batrider
    Casting heals/buffs on team mates hero protraits in the status bar at the top of your screen, will always target the hero. eg. When shallow graveing a phantomlancer insantly after he dopples, Bloodlusting a broodmother etc, stops you from miss clicking.
    Aoen Disk first use assemble trick- Keep aeon disks recipe locked in your inventory and unlock it when you need it. eg. last second of a chronosphere, at the later stages of the blackhole.
    Pucks dream coil rapid fire continues after puck dies
    Lions AOE hex when ground target'd doesn't proc linkens/lotus orb, however still hex's the target
    Aghanim's doom when casted on burrow'd nyx assasin can permanently imobilise a nyx (out of xp range, he will be forced to abandon) .. its a cute meme okay.
    Legion commander aghanim's Duel + Grimstroke Soulbind - This creates an 8 second two hero immortal disable where none of the three heroes effected can take damage.
    Morphling + bane Nightmare interaction - Morphling can't attack bane's nor his own nightmared target, however bane can attack both morphlings and his own nightmared targets
    Bane nightmare spell dodge machine - If a bane has cast nightmare on a target and is dead or forgets to remove the nightmare, you can continuously pass the nightmare between targets indefinately to dodge spells, The best use for this is on a highground push with a ranged carry and a summon based hero, Eg. Chen holds the nightmares between 2 catapults shuffling it between them while a drow hits the tower, if any projectile is launched at the drow, the drow can take the nightmare from the catapult and then chen can take it back. dodging the projectile's stun.
    Pangolier Rolling thunder magic immune Tech - Pangolier can cast and cancell rolling thunder in order to dodge crutial spells/silences. eg. Bloodseeker ruptures pangolier and casts bloodrite, pangolier can cast rolling thunder to dodge the silence of bloodrite.
    Clockwerk rocket flare can block camps -(rocket projectile, not the flare vision)
    Silencer Last word blink cancell interaction on banishes' - If a player is effected by last word and casts Rikimaru ultimate + Puck phase shift + OD prison + shadow demon disruption then attempts to manually blink out of the 'banish' the last words damage tick will register rendering the player unable to blink, however if a player shift queues the blink dagger after the 'banish' the last word damage tick will happen after the blink has been cast.

    • @TF2Peekaboo
      @TF2Peekaboo 5 лет назад +2

      Thanks for pin fam, Fixed spelling mistake, lost pin PepeHands

    • @ינוןפרץ-ג1כ
      @ינוןפרץ-ג1כ 5 лет назад

      About the drow and the catapults , how will drow be able to attack the catapults as if they not in deny range?
      Preety sure she cant unless its a chen creep mechanic i didnt know about

    • @tamask7749
      @tamask7749 5 лет назад

      @@ינוןפרץ-ג1כ no just use drow's E and Chen 1+A move tower and immunity from G button = bye bye tier 4, 3 seconds

    • @TF2Peekaboo
      @TF2Peekaboo 5 лет назад +2

      ​ @ינון פרץ Hey hombre, If you are referring to the Nightmare juggle trick. In order to take a nightmare from a unit they don't need to be in deny range, you only need to issue an attack command on the target holding the Nightmare. 'A click the unit'.
      Juggling nightmares is a very common strategy to get out of sticky situations, and/or dodge projectiles, however it usually requires a hero invested into holding onto the nightmare or a bane on your own team to time his nightmares for you. I found the strategy of capturing the Nightmare with chen creeps from watching Zai's stream. They killed the bane and Zai juggled a nightmare between his 4 catapults for 90 seconds until bane respawned. he had a Luna sieging highground and the only stun that the enemy team had was a venge stun + elder titan stun + Sniper assasinate (all very easy to dodge projectiles), Whenever the Luna was threatened with a venge stun, elder titan stomp or assasinate. The Luna would take the nightmare off the catapult (A clicking the nightmared Catapult) and Zai would then return the sleep back to his catapult (A clicking the nightmared luna with a Catapult) so the luna remained uneffected.
      It's not a game winning strategy, it's not game winning tech. But it'll win you games in style if the situation ever comes up.

    • @tamask7749
      @tamask7749 5 лет назад

      @@ינוןפרץ-ג1כ oops wrong drow chen example. You can hit anybody that is nightmare to take it away from them, no need to be in deny range

  • @jellycr1946
    @jellycr1946 5 лет назад +70

    Actually didnt know any of these. You should make this a series. 💪

    • @jmanhype1
      @jmanhype1 5 лет назад +1


    • @yutatomita2637
      @yutatomita2637 5 лет назад

      Totally agree

    • @samuelborn9004
      @samuelborn9004 5 лет назад

      Lol thought I will know most. Didn't know any

  • @johnsonaxel8784
    @johnsonaxel8784 5 лет назад +12

    Big J here. :))
    The BKB activation is unknown to many players even in very high MMR.

  • @AskQuestionsLater117
    @AskQuestionsLater117 5 лет назад +49

    the earth spirit mechanic is written in the ults description.

    • @nugraha7463
      @nugraha7463 5 лет назад +6

      some people doesnt like to read

    • @victorsmith8699
      @victorsmith8699 5 лет назад

      no one reads dota descr. text because usually it has nothing in it even if you alt for more details but they have been updating it and make it more new player friendly

    • @juhovuorela8623
      @juhovuorela8623 5 лет назад

      I'm an archon player and I see an Earth Spirit probably once every 500 matches so yeah, no wonder I can't remember his abilities

  • @weasley313
    @weasley313 5 лет назад +1

    the bkb grace period does also work with any self cast item or ability like necros ghost shroud, nyx's spiked carapace or ghost scepter.. i actually found out about that by accident when invoker lifted me with tornado as nyx and void threw his chrono beneath me.. i spammed e and managed to stun both of them

  • @markalgieflorentino777
    @markalgieflorentino777 5 лет назад +12

    Thanks dota alchemy! I'm gaining mmr since I've been watching your dota guides.

  • @hunuthevolkswagen
    @hunuthevolkswagen 5 лет назад +3

    Been playing DotA since 2004 and never even heard of any of these before. Nice video man!

    • @johnsonaxel8784
      @johnsonaxel8784 5 лет назад +1

      earth spirit interraction is written in ult description. we just need to read it.

    • @hunuthevolkswagen
      @hunuthevolkswagen 5 лет назад +2

      @@johnsonaxel8784 tfw can't read feelsbadman

  • @slobodanmyrchofman4899
    @slobodanmyrchofman4899 5 лет назад

    Those things about earthspirit i knew like long long ago, and about visage i just had opportunity to see that in my pub game, when i was playing Winter wyvern and every time i used curse on Visage together with his birds etc, he just immediately used stone form with birds within a second and just negated good amount of dmg during the curse . Overal very nice video, i also learned something new.

  • @mjrmalfuntion
    @mjrmalfuntion 5 лет назад +6

    That bkb seems to be abusable. Might have to try carry more often

    • @Xel-
      @Xel- 5 лет назад +4

      you dont have to be a carry to buy a BKB.

  • @amirhassan7887
    @amirhassan7887 5 лет назад

    @Dota Alchemy You can do the visage trick on Elder Titan's astral spirit . You just have to click on the spirit and press Q and the spirit and your hero will channel the stomp while disabled

  • @nitayrap1457
    @nitayrap1457 5 лет назад +1

    please make this a series, very interesting and helpful.

  • @b.janisch4108
    @b.janisch4108 5 лет назад +10

    Also if you have a tp in your backpack, and at the time it would be back up when its in your inventory and you drop the tp, buy a new one - the tp is back up again.

    • @drjp4212
      @drjp4212 5 лет назад

      Essencially trading 25 gold for that CD which exceeded 80 seconds CD.

    • @vishalsrinath1772
      @vishalsrinath1772 5 лет назад +1

      Datohleong tip ;)

    • @b.janisch4108
      @b.janisch4108 5 лет назад

      Dr Jp You dont even trade, cause you dont have to sell the tp. You can just lay it on the ground and pick if back up after you bought a new one an refreshed the cd.

    • @ma.blanchedatanagan5177
      @ma.blanchedatanagan5177 5 лет назад

      does this work on boots of travel? besides buying another boot

    • @b.janisch4108
      @b.janisch4108 5 лет назад

      Tbh i dont know, in theory it shoudl work with every item that has a cooldown, but never tried it.

  • @dablitzballer
    @dablitzballer 5 лет назад

    Always appreciate the great content. Been playing this game for 10+ years on and off and I had no clue about these mechanics. Keep it up!

  • @elmaxidella
    @elmaxidella 5 лет назад

    Hey Jenkins i found out recently that Arc Warden's clone BoT teleport doesn't get cancelled if the unit he's teleporting to gets controlled by Enchantress, chen or HoD.

  • @victorschneider4201
    @victorschneider4201 5 лет назад

    Can u please make a Dota Physics video/series about the actual physics/mechanics with armour/attack speed/multiple stout shields etc. eg when u buy a pipe u dont actually get 30% magic resist, instead u get like 20-25% depending on the magic resist u already have. same with armour etc.

  • @nikanarghandehpour
    @nikanarghandehpour 5 лет назад

    you can use the bkb window to sun the enigma if you have a stun, pretty broken

  • @rareram
    @rareram 5 лет назад

    This is the stuff I'm missing, please do much more

  • @undrscor6741
    @undrscor6741 5 лет назад

    You REALLY should have mentioned that faceless void can walk in any chronosphere no matter whos it is. Got killed the other day by a fellow teammate rubic who stole voids ult...

  • @26183
    @26183 5 лет назад

    your vids are really informative. your analysis vids are just as good. keep it up mate!

  • @pavanbhat5573
    @pavanbhat5573 5 лет назад

    Please make a series of this, I love contents like this :)

  • @MrLoverboy6565
    @MrLoverboy6565 5 лет назад

    "It's a lot harder to kill a magic immune unit than it is to kill a unit that it is not magic immune" (Laughs in a 5 man physical carry team in Sea).

  • @ordhinv.hohenheim5009
    @ordhinv.hohenheim5009 5 лет назад

    i know the all but the deny part.Even without reading the mechanic become obvious when u play the hero listed. bkb ,manta eul has short cast .learnt all from my friends.

  • @MsCounterMax
    @MsCounterMax 5 лет назад

    Did you know that aside from IO, Pangolier is able to attack and use items on people 360 degrees around while not facing the target as well?

    • @AkshayAradhya
      @AkshayAradhya 5 лет назад

      Every hero can use spells 360 degrees around them

    • @MsCounterMax
      @MsCounterMax 5 лет назад

      @@AkshayAradhya Targeted spells and items you can only use while facing your target, which means you waste your time while turning. Pango and Io don't have to because they ignore the turn rate - partial counter to Batrider during lane phase

  • @cobrexu
    @cobrexu 5 лет назад +5

    the earthspirit one is actually written in the description of the ult?

  • @thegoat5734
    @thegoat5734 5 лет назад

    We need more videos like this, please keep your great work up I really enjoy your content

  • @FuglyPaul
    @FuglyPaul 5 лет назад

    Please make a series of these facts, great stuff

  • @Jordcam
    @Jordcam 5 лет назад +1

    Explore morph and meepo stuff morph can only poof to morphing illusions not meepo ones created by himself but i think a freindly meepo can poof to his meepo illusions from a manta or something

  • @lorvik
    @lorvik 5 лет назад

    Very helpful! Please advise more about some dota facts. Well Done! WD

  • @clownbit3049
    @clownbit3049 5 лет назад +5

    that BKB trick is if i am not wrong used since TI 2
    .... Lightofheaven's egnima BKB against IG

    • @Meeepmeep
      @Meeepmeep 5 лет назад

      Patience from zhou

    • @Shivermetimbers355
      @Shivermetimbers355 5 лет назад

      nah he just wasnt chained stunned... the bkb grace period got added when naga meme hammer was popular

  • @joemoore6810
    @joemoore6810 5 лет назад

    This really is the best dota guide channel

  • @mo1ya938
    @mo1ya938 5 лет назад

    I believe the silence spreading isn't written in the tooltip but only the magnetise renewal.

  • @L3N1NVEVO
    @L3N1NVEVO 5 лет назад +1

    Enigma? More like Ligma.

  • @pumba6538
    @pumba6538 5 лет назад

    2:56 I did that once and my teammates raged on me for the whole game hahaha

  • @darkvistar4213
    @darkvistar4213 5 лет назад

    7.20 tiny had no status resist ulti

  • @Stefan1234567898
    @Stefan1234567898 5 лет назад

    5k expected to know all tips, knew only the Phoenix one

  • @joakimvujic8404
    @joakimvujic8404 5 лет назад

    I gain more than 1200mmr-a since i following u guys.Peace and Love.Smoke ganjaaa!!!

  • @jiysea
    @jiysea 5 лет назад

    I really didnt know any of these, thumbs up!

  • @0ookii0
    @0ookii0 5 лет назад

    I didn't know about the visage thing, I'm playing visage quite often so thanks... But how about other kind of stronger disables like blackhole or chronosphere? that would be like the ultimate counter untill they get bkb.

    • @0ookii0
      @0ookii0 5 лет назад

      I just tried and it didn't work...

  • @sabuk13
    @sabuk13 5 лет назад

    Damn knew only 1st one thanks man please do more

  • @drjp4212
    @drjp4212 5 лет назад

    Is Morphling still able to morph while stunned? It used to require silence to stop that, no hard lockdown could prevent Morphling from morphing (mainly agi -> str, ofc).

    • @dotatipsntricks
      @dotatipsntricks  5 лет назад

      No, they changed this in a more recent patch. He continues morphing if you started it before stun but you cannot use it while stunned.

    • @johnsonaxel8784
      @johnsonaxel8784 5 лет назад

      changed it when they removed mana cost.

  • @azrael.118
    @azrael.118 5 лет назад +2

    You deserve 100k subs

  • @Saskobest
    @Saskobest 5 лет назад

    Pls more :)
    Can u also make a video about the mechanics about pro "carry" and lets say avg 4k carry(not talking about MACRO play and time efficiency or last hitting), by this i mean what would a pro player with a right click hero do different than a avg player(for comparison an ADC in league needs mechanics like dodging skillshots because they dont have bkb there also their kit includes skillshots + animation canceling)

  • @KaelInvo
    @KaelInvo 5 лет назад

    These kinds of videos are amazing. Please do more. 😀

  • @husseinjafarinia224
    @husseinjafarinia224 5 лет назад

    Anything u guys do is wonderful

  • @jacobole2193
    @jacobole2193 5 лет назад

    Couldnt u like euls right after u blink with am to dodge rupture damage? Saw that once but maybe got patched

  • @aCidNevermore
    @aCidNevermore 5 лет назад

    what the actual fuck im 6.3k player, who picks es roam (4) when I dont get 1/2 and I didn't know the trick with es lmao, good shit.

  • @charlycharly4958
    @charlycharly4958 5 лет назад

    Great tips bro!!!

  • @victorsmith8699
    @victorsmith8699 5 лет назад

    the first bug would make my perfect timed euls into stun on DW usless when i pick of enemy carrys but i still stuns them when they have it they usually spam bkb so when i miss they get it of so im not sure how accurate this bug/mechanic is ..

  • @auruwijayakusuma5936
    @auruwijayakusuma5936 5 лет назад

    bkb thing blew my mind

  • @MercerSynthAI
    @MercerSynthAI 5 лет назад

    Loved it man!

  • @lloydforger2920
    @lloydforger2920 5 лет назад +4

    Is number 5 patched? Its so op against black hole

    • @sommernissenDK
      @sommernissenDK 5 лет назад

      He posted an hour ago so of course not..

    • @dotatipsntricks
      @dotatipsntricks  5 лет назад +1


    • @jiysea
      @jiysea 5 лет назад

      Aren't you suppose to be muted while black holed?

    • @deathstar6998
      @deathstar6998 5 лет назад

      @@jiysea Nope black hole is a stun but it goes through magic immunuty, if enigma has sceptre it will still deal decent damage

    • @jiysea
      @jiysea 5 лет назад

      What I mean you can't activate bkb while you are black holed or any other items but anyways I understand the mechanic #5 because you need some other disable to make the exception bug happen to the following disable.

  • @katakhidup3517
    @katakhidup3517 5 лет назад +1

    So we can do it like that.... Then bkb is OP item right now....

  • @jayzxcboner3589
    @jayzxcboner3589 5 лет назад

    Thank you D2 Alchemy

  • @jdnandi6617
    @jdnandi6617 5 лет назад

    These are really cool thanks

  • @Slow-wipe
    @Slow-wipe 5 лет назад

    if a person uses 1234R as their hotkeys, what do their qwe do?

  • @chinjunyan4021
    @chinjunyan4021 5 лет назад

    this kind of video is good and suprising

  • @venomvendance8669
    @venomvendance8669 5 лет назад +10

    fact number 6! power treads can be built with belt of strength, robe of the magi, or band of elvenskin.

    • @Illum_
      @Illum_ 5 лет назад


    • @Illum_
      @Illum_ 5 лет назад

      Doesnt work

    • @xsc37prototype
      @xsc37prototype 5 лет назад +5

      Illum_1667 what he means is take the 2 basic needs of treads "Boots + Gloves then Choose between Robe of Magi,Belt of strength or Band of elvenski so incase youre a Mirana trying to go treads you can just go Band of elvenski for bonus Agi while going treads

    • @venomvendance8669
      @venomvendance8669 5 лет назад

      @@Illum_ it does work just do it

    • @Guah00
      @Guah00 5 лет назад +4

      iirc that's been the case since before Dota 2 was released.

  • @viniciusrodrigues2930
    @viniciusrodrigues2930 5 лет назад

    Hell yeah !!! Keep up the good stuff!

  • @DonaldGaron
    @DonaldGaron 5 лет назад

    The Visage thing is not intented for sure. It's a bug

  • @hotstuffwatcher
    @hotstuffwatcher 5 лет назад

    For fact 1 is that a mechanic or bug? Is it only bkb or other skill/item like maybe sb or nyx spiked carapice?

  • @spawn1524
    @spawn1524 5 лет назад

    cool things....... pls do these kinda videos more pls....

  • @slirac7754
    @slirac7754 5 лет назад

    Yes please make some more videos

  • @johnismynameful
    @johnismynameful 5 лет назад

    that bkb mechanic is big

  • @goatnoodles9162
    @goatnoodles9162 5 лет назад

    so you can euls yourself while stunned, fuck.

  • @oussaoussa2072
    @oussaoussa2072 5 лет назад

    Awesome ty bro

  • @aswindraan6755
    @aswindraan6755 5 лет назад


  • @hunternewberry5860
    @hunternewberry5860 5 лет назад

    I spam Bkb and it never goes off between chain stuns? Especially like a earth shaker chain

    • @drjp4212
      @drjp4212 5 лет назад +1

      It seems it's not during chain stuns, but during sleep only (as you usually cannot hit sleeping units, it's an anti-chaining from sleep).
      His examples was only Bane's nightmare and Naga's Song.

  • @Omar-vi1vu
    @Omar-vi1vu 5 лет назад

    make more videos about the topic 'going pro' etc

  • @enessivasligil9333
    @enessivasligil9333 5 лет назад

    Ty Mate nice Video

  • @keyboardcommiter
    @keyboardcommiter 5 лет назад

    theres already a video series that generates these types of 'weird mechanic/interaction' videos but in a less smug, more straight to the point style.

  • @FernieMercury
    @FernieMercury 5 лет назад

    This is good stuff!

  • @afowolfpack101
    @afowolfpack101 5 лет назад

    Is it just me or 2:20 antimage too small?

  • @synch612
    @synch612 5 лет назад

    Berry nice make more

  • @lanzer6990
    @lanzer6990 5 лет назад

    i guess anyone who played dota1 knew about es

  • @garazaadsf6921
    @garazaadsf6921 5 лет назад

    More, ty

  • @DigoXD_9988
    @DigoXD_9988 5 лет назад

    can u do that bkb thing on 200 ping ?

  • @Spexter92
    @Spexter92 5 лет назад

    wp bro .. cool vid

  • @Fluffy_Smurf
    @Fluffy_Smurf 5 лет назад

    Big J XD!!

  • @flingflang69
    @flingflang69 5 лет назад

    Berry cool.

  • @hartantolesmana2520
    @hartantolesmana2520 5 лет назад


  • @ewezzy12
    @ewezzy12 5 лет назад

    Good video

  • @valera2010_cool
    @valera2010_cool 5 лет назад


  • @thalesdk
    @thalesdk 5 лет назад

    big J

  • @nmnm8124
    @nmnm8124 5 лет назад

    I will be on top of you

  • @goatnoodles9162
    @goatnoodles9162 5 лет назад

    only know 3.

  • @emofound
    @emofound 5 лет назад

    More more

  • @solutionghostsimple6470
    @solutionghostsimple6470 5 лет назад

    +25 mmr

  • @rinchenlama957
    @rinchenlama957 5 лет назад +1


  • @NatePunzalan
    @NatePunzalan 5 лет назад

    I like this sort of thing

  • @priderise2982
    @priderise2982 5 лет назад

    bruh, stop flexing your pudge's set

  • @allgoldenweek
    @allgoldenweek 5 лет назад


  • @Jimbo-yn4fh
    @Jimbo-yn4fh 5 лет назад


  • @zenxen7005
    @zenxen7005 5 лет назад

    Cool Video

  • @jthelion8855
    @jthelion8855 5 лет назад


  • @keenandiggs4137
    @keenandiggs4137 5 лет назад +2

    Big J? Who does this guy think he is????

    • @amirhassan7887
      @amirhassan7887 5 лет назад +4

      Keenan Diggs Big J

    • @tongtirjamir2861
      @tongtirjamir2861 5 лет назад +3

      Someone better than you

    • @keenandiggs4137
      @keenandiggs4137 5 лет назад

      @@tongtirjamir2861 puh-leez! They called me big red in college for 2 reasons, 1 was my Axe play.

    • @tongtirjamir2861
      @tongtirjamir2861 5 лет назад

      That's why people knows him and not you.

    • @void5315
      @void5315 5 лет назад

      and the second cuz you're a ginger?

  • @gg2fan
    @gg2fan 5 лет назад

    Your Pudge cosmetics are disgusting, I'm sorry
    The workshop was an interesting experiment, but the ultimate result of letting hundreds of different amateurs dictate your visual direction is that Dota's art style has become a waffle house dumpster fire. Too many cooks spoil the broth, especially when they all have different taste and different levels of skill and both of those are well, WELL beneath the bar for a professional video game.

  • @Joyfulbeekeeper
    @Joyfulbeekeeper 5 лет назад

    Big J! Kreygasm
    Oh, My God! It's so big!

  • @atomlgbt6310
    @atomlgbt6310 5 лет назад

    Big g?