I like the dance, I like the music, but your costumes could really use an update. Try wearing tights as well. There's a time to put on your revealingly beautiful garments, and a time to modestly cover out of sight. The stage, and performing is the time to shine and wear your beautiful garments. Don't put a light under a bushel, shine, smile, and show the world Jesus's salvation is free, is good, and is beautiful. God bless you all!
완전하신 하나님을 찬양합니다♡
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하렐루아 아멘
하나님은 사랑이시라..
I like the dance, I like the music, but your costumes could really use an update. Try wearing tights as well. There's a time to put on your revealingly beautiful garments, and a time to modestly cover out of sight. The stage, and performing is the time to shine and wear your beautiful garments. Don't put a light under a bushel, shine, smile, and show the world Jesus's salvation is free, is good, and is beautiful. God bless you all!