We certainly need this technology and in our tool bag. Scientists can tell us what readiness stage we need to be in..Do we need to have a rocket on the pad with a nuclear device ready to be added at a minute's notice then launched x number of hours later? We should test this.
The concept that we can move even a marble with an x-ray is fascinating. Makes you think about the brains that are at work at places like Sandia.
How far away does the detonation have to be for the EMF to not destroy our satellite electronics?
We certainly need this technology and in our tool bag. Scientists can tell us what readiness stage we need to be in..Do we need to have a rocket on the pad with a nuclear device ready to be added at a minute's notice then launched x number of hours later? We should test this.
Ra is X-ray. The way EM light has engineered the Universe.