I like it! I need an example to download the data from the backend to excel. Is it possible to place two rows on one column? For example {a: [{b: [data1], {c: [data2]}.
Hey everyone - How do I do this if its not directly within my App.vue - i have it on a different page and ive basically put this code in but it doesn't seem to run
"See how the grid and hellpppp youu" lol, loved this documentation!
Can you turn of the toggle button in nested rows?
I like it! I need an example to download the data from the backend to excel. Is it possible to place two rows on one column? For example {a: [{b: [data1], {c: [data2]}.
Alpine theme not applying in production environment, it is failing to load the alpine font..may i know the solution for this issue
just cut the /dist. out. "ag-grid-community/styles..."
Hey everyone - How do I do this if its not directly within my App.vue - i have it on a different page and ive basically put this code in but it doesn't seem to run
import { AgGridVue } from "ag-grid-vue3";
export default {
name: "GridData",
components: {
setup() {
return {
columnDefs: [
{ field: "Name" },
{ field: "Language" },
{ field: "Country" },
rowData: [
Name: "Ventura",
Language: "English",
Country: "USA",
Very good, thank you.
You too fast in your tutorial
but great
Thanks for the feedback.