Force Attraction Pen: A Haptic Pen with Variable Attraction Force

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • Late Breaking Work at CHI 2016 from the BIG at the University of Bristol
    James Burnside, Ben Elgar, Sam Healer, Alexander Hill, Zac Ioannidis, Luke Mitchell, Paul Worgan, Anne Roudaut
    We present the Force Attraction Pen, a haptic stylus
    that encourages the users to move in a particular
    direction by providing variable attraction force feedback
    based on their actions. The tip of the stylus is
    augmented with an electromagnet that can repel or
    attract the stylus to a metallic surface. By altering the
    polarity and voltage, we change the amount and
    direction of the force produced. The tactile expressions
    of the stylus may enable a higher grain of control
    during tasks such as tracing an image, performing
    selection, and other high precision tasks. In this paper
    we present the design and implementation of such a
    system, along with a formative study as a preliminary
    investigation into the haptic feedback generated by our

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