I lived a gay lifestyle for years. It has only been in the last year I have fully accepted that God did not create me as a homosexual. Thank you for all the work you do, Allie.
Thank you for sharing, Aaron. This gives hope to the thousands who are coming here that freedom *is* possible when we surrender ourselves fully to Jesus. He makes all things new. Bless you, brother 🙏
I lived as a bisexual for 10 years after a rape and God brought me back to him and am now a married heterosexual with kids. So much truth and so hard to navigate the line of acceptance when it comes to our kids. Prayer changes everything!
I never said being raped leads to bisexuality or lesbianism. That’s what pushed me to hate men and open the door to being with women in my teens. That was my experience not everyone else’s. Thank you for expanding on MY vulnerable experience. Having the need to elaborate on yours. God bless you.
@robertstephenson6806 you think you're an expert on everyone else's story because you were gay? Sexual assault absolutely can lead to all kinds of sexual deviance. How many of you were molested by pedophiles or groomed? Because THAT is the real story. It's not genetic. It doesn't run in the family...unless your family is full of predators or groomers.
@@jasminetallon he's a buffoon. Molestation, rape, incest... those are the most prevalent reasons for someone to turn to unnatural desires. You don't trust men so you seek out women. The boys are treated to abhorrent practices so that anything tame doesn't give them the pleasure they seek so their desires become worse and worse. Sounds like he comes from a family full of predators to me. Homosexuals aren't born, they're created by man. Monsters aren't born either: they're created by other monsters. So glad God restored your life. ❤
@robertstephenson6806 Is it really your place to say what rape leads to? Have you been raped? Your comment is extremely disrespectful and showed a lack of understanding.
In John, Jesus tells the woman at the well to go, tell the people what I have done for you. She just went to the city and testified about her story...that's what Christ tells us to do, that's what you are doing. People clapped back at Him...and they will definitely clap back at you when you testify. But that's ok! Stand strong! Just keep on doing what God wants you to do...testify!, He will take care of the rest. ❤
Andy is doing what Paul Washer would call, “Giving people a comfortable ride into hell.” No matter his communication abilities people would be wise to not just walk but run from his teachings.
Thank you Allie for upholding the truth! 🙌 I was in a same sex relationship for 8 years, but when the Holy Spirit came he led me into ALL truth and yes, I repented, which is the message of the gospel! I was set free from childhood trauma, rejection, deep wounds, confusion and false doctrines. We must deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow him. I fell in love with Jesus and he transformed the way I thought, and I am not a slave to sin but a slave to righteousness! That is why Jesus came!
Amen sister. I also had gotten separated from the flock separated by sin/shame from my precious savior Christ Jesus. I lived a lustful lifestyle that included having homosexual sex with a few women I was an oppressed slave to sin. After Christ found me and I became born again it’s been so wonderfully freeing thanks to or savior.
I lived as a lesbian my whole life and Almost 4 years ago the Lord recused me from that deception. God showed me personally that it’s not his design for us. We can love each other but be honest. Share the gospel and love but do not approve of sin. To be a Christ follower we must confess our sin, repent, and develop our relationship with Christ Jesus our Lord while seeking and starting with his word was helpful to me. But when we repent it has to be from the heart. There has to be conviction to repent. If you do not feel conviction then how can you repent? It’s when I humbled myself and got in my knees and told the Lord I just didn’t know what the truth was…then he showed me. Amen! God will do the washing and cleaning we cannot do it ourselves. Just keep going to him with a humble heart confessing. He love us and want us to bring what we are hiding to him…even though he already knows. My mothers prayer and prayers for others helped. Let’s keep praying for those who are lost. Let’s not judge outside the church but share the true and prayer. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Just keep praying.
Amen!!! His kindness leads to repentance: Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? Romans 2:4 ESV Be well and be at peace.
So beautifully written! I had the same experience of a humble heart asking God to show me the truth. He led me out of 20+ years in the occult and into His arms.
My husband and I have a Grand daughter that says that she is either by-sexual or homosexual. We are praying for her everyday. And it is hard for us to make sure we are handling it correctly. We love her where she is at but she knows we do not support it and we had to set a few boundaries regarding holidays and our younger children and grandchildren in our home. Which she respects. But I love her and I hug her everytime I see her. She is wonderful, smart and has a lot to offer this world. But my heart is heavy for her soul
Allie, l was cheering at your response to the whole Northpoint conference - thank you for clearly stating that Christ came to redeem people from their sin, not leave them in it. Great job, Blessing to you and yours.
I concur. Thank God for people that will not be sold or bought and still adhere by what God's Word says to us His people. He loves everyone and wants everyone to be saved. But we won't be saved in our sins.
Hello Allie, My name is Ellie and I’m a 27 year old woman. I was raised In the church that my grandparents built. My mother taught Sunday school and my uncle was in the ministry. I absolutely loved church as a child. I was brutally attacked physically and sexually. It took me along time to manage my feelings. I was mad at god for letting that happen I had lost all trust in Jesus because he failed to keep me safe. I was spiteful towards Christian friends and family. I was spiraling in a world of anger, disgust, rage, despair, hopelessness, loneliness, misery. I was saving myself for marriage and I was going to keep that promise until it was taken away from me. I developed severe anxiety and depression with PTSD. I would get horrible panic attacks several times a day. After that I thought that I could not trust men. So I started my journey into same sex relations. I was never attracted to other women, I just didn’t feel that I could trust a man. I lived that lifestyle for 2-3 years. When some Christians learned how I lost my purity they said it was my fault and that I was “used”. It drove me further away. One day I was flying from Austin to Houston. I was in the Austin airport I had an hour to catch my flight. I obviously went to the bar and had a beer . Sitting next to me was a man who changed my life. I was trying not to cry and he saw. He asked me what I was trying to push away with my beer. I told him about my past and how I was having a panic attack. He looked at me he said “and”. Then he looked at me and after everything I said he said “and”. He did this for about 15 minutes. I finally decided that I was talking to a wall and I just drank my beer. He said “ why did you give up , you’re going to give up every time someone doesn’t respond or give you advice that you don’t like or at the speed you want “. I just stared at him confused. We sat there for 20 more minuets then he said “Jesus Christ “ I was confused and said what are you talking about crazy dude. “Jesus is the answer “. I’ve been growing closer to god every day, living a moral and sexual pure life. On days when I feel overwhelmed and anxious or mad. I just remember “and”
So whens the last time you guys went out and got two doves to sacrifice so the priest could put its blood on the alter. Or are we just going to only care about certain bits of the bible and not the whole thing. is there any mixed fabric in your closet? do you own gold jewelry? YEAH the bible litterally sais you can't do that! Or braid your hair! I have tattoos, leave Gay people alone and come out and attack me.
One of the very hardest things I’ve had to do as a parent is love my [gay] child and yet not affirm the choices being made. With prayers, tears, Biblical truth and many hugs through the pain, I have a relationship with my child, even though sin is still in control. Always Love but don’t affirm the sin!
May I ask how you balance both? If your child is in a relationship, do you have them both over for holidays, family get togethers? I know of many who live the homosexual lifestyle that insist on all or nothing regarding their relationships and when the parent doesn't welcome their partner with open arms, they cut all ties.
@@mommymaureen We are made right with God through repentance. We cannot have a "relationship" with Him without repentance. Christian parents cannot "welcome their partner with open arms" as if they are okay with the relationship. They MUST maintain their disapproval even if the cost is "they cut all ties." There is nothing wrong with extending grace and having them over for the holidays as long as it is understood that their behavior cannot be on display in your home. The child should honor your faith and NOT require you to approve of what you know to be sin. The price for following Christ faithfully is people will often ostracize you because you live for Him. That's also true for children who require their parents to choose between them and faithfulness to the Lord. It is far better for them to "cut ties" with you than for you to accept their sinful relationship. Just let the wayward child know that repentance is the way back (Luke 15:17-19). Blessings
Rosaria, Beckett and Christopher have ALL helped me TREMENDOUSLY in encouragement, advice and scriptures in dealing with our "queer" daughter, the most important advice in STAYING TRUE TO THE BIBLE AND YOUR CONVICTIONS!! NO COMPROMISE!
Thanks, Allie Beth, for standing up for truth. I’m so disappointed with Andy and North Point. We shouldn’t be pandering to sin, but calling it out and calling people to repentance and obedience.
Um does your husband know your here. According to Timothy, you shouldn't have a voice on church topics. I also would like to know if you even read the entire bible or if you guys just cherry pick what you feel like being upset about. I have never once seen christians go after people wearing blended fabrics, even though the bible forbids that. It also forbids, gold jewelry, braided hair, touching anyone who is menstraiting and a number of other things. Do you guys know what it means to be unclean, when is the last time you offered a goat for sacrifice. Whens the last time christianity came after tattooed people. It sais not to tattoo yourself. People just cherry pick out of the bible what they think should be ignored. They might say the rules about braided hair and gold jewelry and cotton polyester blends are silly and outdated. But the rules about gay people. tisk tisk, lets all get our stones out. You guys either need to follow every single rule or leave gay people alone imo.
God says to come as you are…. NOT to stay as you are!! We all sin and fall short of the glory of God, no matter what that “flavor” of sin is…. God will change it if you truly repent. Your commentary is spot on Allie Beth!!
Repent doesn't mean turn from sin....you need to go back and read my friend....God Repented many times yet he didn't sin...Repent means to change your mind from unbelief to belief in the finished works of Jesus....
I was between the ages 10 to 12...i was tall for my age...and one of the camp aides during one summer took an interest in me...of course i knew nothing about homosexuality...i liked her vivacity and her camp knowledge...and we became friends...i had no idea that she loved me..until i received letters from her in the mail. My mother without going into details forbid me to write back to her. So i did not and i am grateful for my parents wisdom!... this camp aide was 17 or 18 years of age...and may have been grooming me...and could have caused confusion surrounding my heterosexuality. I believe God has always been with me throughout my lifetime..i am so grateful for his love, protection, and the people who He has brought into my life to direct and guide me.
Amen, your story reminded me when I was 13 I was at camp sharing a tent with a 15 yr old. He asked me to have relations with me. I said no. Today is a full blown homosexual. He looks very wrapped up in that lifestyle. The Devil tries to get young people when they are away from their families even at church camp. I remember after he asked and I said no, that I was very scared he might try to force me. So I zipped up my sleeping bag real tight. Thank the Lord he didn't try.
I don’t know if you’re aware, but according to scientific research, it’s common for people to experience same-sex attraction during puberty. This is a time of significant physical, emotional, and psychological development, and it often involves exploring one’s sexual identity. Some individuals may feel same-sex attraction during puberty as part of this exploration, even if they eventually identify as heterosexual. It’s important to note that while for some, same-sex attraction may be temporary, for others, it is a reflection of their lifelong sexual orientation. Research consistently shows that human sexuality exists on a spectrum, and experiences of attraction can vary widely from person to person. So, it’s nothing unusual. I wish more people would learn from science rather than relying solely on the Bible, which can sometimes lead to harm.
Figures Andy would do this after his father has passed, because he knows full well his father would completely disagree with this. It is so sad to see when evil infiltrate's a church, and they walk away from the Bible, and try to disguise it.
Karen. does your husband know your here. Timothy sais your not supposed to have your own voice on church topics. have you guys ever even read the entire bible or if you guys just cherry pick what you feel like being upset about. I have never once seen christians go after people wearing blended fabrics, even though the bible forbids that. It also forbids, gold jewelry, braided hair, touching anyone who is menstraiting, touching anyone whos had sex lately, and touching anyone who has recently given birth. Do you guys know what it means to be unclean, when is the last time you offered a goat for sacrifice. Whens the last time christianity came after tattooed people. It sais not to tattoo yourself. People just cherry pick out of the bible what they think should be ignored. They might say the rules about braided hair and gold jewelry and cotton polyester blends are silly and outdated. those aren't important anymore. But the rules about gay people. tisk tisk, lets all get our stones out and make a huge deal about it.
Is it possible that he's doing this because his son is gay. Parents can tell you it's wrong, and then what? Should you not come to family dinners? If your family won't allow your partner to come, should they never see you again? I believe the answer is...Choose God over everything; therefore, if I won't allow your partner to come then you won't come, and I'll have to love you from a distant. However, I imagine, because I'm not a parent, that it's very hard for a parent to do. So maybe we should pray for the parents strength to be able to lose that parent/child relationship in order to stand on the truth.
It's not your identity but it is a part of it. Being Gay is certainly part of peoples identity. No ones sexuality is thier whole identity. But thats really not the point of any of this really.
@@patgruzenski4024 I disagree, my beliefs are my beliefs and are indicative of what actions I may take at certain points, but my beliefs did not and do not make me. I believe Christ is my savior, does that make me saved or does it make me Christ. Enough on the shallow thoughts.
Homosexuality was forcefully turned into an "identity" by people like Freud et al. and passages like Romans 1. Marginalized "identities" are created by the people doing the marginalization. It was these that defined gay people as a separate class of person. The reality for gay kids growing up in a religious environment is that it is not enough to simply not "act on it." Merely being attracted to the same sex, regardless of what one does, would (if discovered) result in hostility. First, there is no shortage to the lurid and unflattering theories that have been generated to explain same-sex attraction. Second, merely abstaining would attract unwanted attention. Spouses have an expectation that the other party is genuinely attracted to them, so heterosexual marriage is a bad option, but remaining single makes one an object of suspicion. Third, (building on the first one) in Christianity, there's been a lot of promotion of theories about homosexual attraction being a manifestation of a thoroughly pervasive character disorder. Hence the popularity of Paul Cameron's deceptive "research" erroneously linking same-sex attraction to such things as murder and child rape.
As a father of a gay daughter, I’ve prayed over this issue more than most. I wish I had been closer to Christ before I had our original conversation about it. I naturally said it was a choice and she said she was born that way. I now believe she was probably born that way; we are all born of sin. That’s the whole point of being born again.
All the sins that we all naturally inclined to, or in us basically from our conception. We are all born from the get-go, being attracted and inclined toward a myriad of different sins… That is just how sinful beings are… But it’s not like saying, I was born with brown or blonde hair meaning, some thing that can never change, our sinful inclinations and sinful desires can always change and you’re absolutely right that is why we need the new birth.
People who were born gay were called to be the best among us IMO. They were put here to prove and to show that even sex is a resistible temptation which is not necessary for a fulfilling life - just as Jesus showed. They were put here to be the most charitable among us. Their purpose is one of the most difficult yet meaningful and impactful to fulfill - true selflessness, complete self discipline, and fulfillment in a spiritual marriage to Christ alone. I do not envy those who were born gay but I don’t have pity for them either because they were specifically chosen by God for a higher calling in life, a challenge which he would only entrust to the soul’s which he saw the deepest potential in. I admire on the most profound level those Christians who have spoken out about being sake sex attracted and continue to live out a truly Godly life. ❤ Your daughter is special and chosen by God. Continue loving her like you always have. Not all of us are capable of the willpower and exploration required to abstain from the sinful temptations within us, and we ALL have them. Plus, she was born into a society and time period that embraces and encourages sin on every level. I don’t blame her for faltering or being confused or misguided. It will hopefully all come together for her someday but even if it doesn’t, having the unconditional love and honesty from her Earthly father can hopefully be a sliver of a representation of the infinite love and full truth of her Heavenly Father. 🙏
@@annb9029 I will always love her but my prayers are for the Holy Spirit to touch her heart and soul the way he did mine. Nothing is impossible with his grace and glory.
I feel your pain as our son is living a gay lifestyle and we are broken hearted. You are not alone. We must pray and turn them over to God for Him to work in their lives.
@getrit3007 of course I do. And that doesn’t change what Romans chapter 1 says. Any one is capable of committing natural sins. But enjoying committing unnatural sins comes from rejecting God. Read Romans chapter one. Your argument is with God, not me. Nothing you can say is going to make the following not true: “Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;” Romans 1:24-28 KJV
As a Pastor-Bible teacher of 50+ years, and an Adjunct Seminary Professor for 16 years, I would like to state simply that Ms. Stuckey has done a marvelous job of providing Biblical Truth in response to Andy Stanley's sincere, but tragically misguided, efforts to minister God's grace and love to the homosexual community. The Apostle Paul clearly stated that God-kind-of-love "does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the Truth" (1 Cor. 13:6). Genuine, Christ-honoring ministry that brings salvation and victory over sin demands clarity in regard to sin and to holiness. Thank you, Ms. Stuckey! Well done!
This is exactly the grief and difficulty I have about my children fornication, having sex before marriage and also having babies outside of marriage. I am exceedingly troubled about it. And yes, my children also see nothing troubling about homosexuality.
Pray without ceasing! Continue to run your race! Do not grow tired and weary of doing good! You may be their only intercession to God and I believe you will see fruit!!!
I think it is interesting how this is the now issue. Years ago, when young people were tempted to be sexually promiscuous, their church leaders and parents needed to talk to them in love while discouraging the behavior. LGBTQ kids are not the first to struggle with sexual sin. I’m afraid that we have gotten lax in that conversation so LGBTQ kids feel like they’re alone. I think we need to back up and remind “straight” kids that sex outside of marriage is immoral. I know we hate the word shame. But these kids, straight or not, need to get guidance on how to navigate around sexual sin. Now the LGBTQ kids feel targeted because the straight kids no longer really get discouraged from sexual sin. I’m afraid we have given up on one issue, so the next issue just flows in.
Agree. I think that's a big part of it. A lot of "straight" people have come to rationalize and accept heterosexual sexual sin in their own lives or in the lives of their children and rightly see it as hypocritical for them to then disapprove of homosexual sexual sin. The problem though is not that they disapprove of homosexual sexual sin but rather that they do not disapprove of all sexual sin.
Wow thank you so much for speaking truth and upholding God's Word. Not too many speaking truth anymore. So many Pastors and leaders giving in to the worldly views, we can't trust them, we can only trust what God's Word says.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV [1] Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; [2] by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. [3] For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; [4] and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: Eternal Life is The Gift of God (by His Grace) through faith in His Son Jesus. Jesus' life, death, burial and resurrection. If you believe in Jesus you are eternally secure because it is The Gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast that he has a hand in his own salvation. Not true. God reconciled the word back to Himself through Jesus' sacrifice. All you have to do is believe Him. Salvation and discipleship are separate. Serving God comes after being saved. We don't do anything but take God at His Word. Once you believe The Gospel you are born again by God's Spirit, you are now a child of God and His Spirit is with you always. God never leaves nor forsakes His children. God is so good, His Love for His creation is so much bigger than us mere humans could ever comprehend in this flesh. John 3:16-18 KJV [16] For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. [17] For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. [18] He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Ephesians 2:8-10 KJV [8] For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: [9] not of works, lest any man should boast. [10] For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. John 6:40 KJV [40] And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
@@JessicaMessicaTV Jesus is the promised "seed" from Abraham. Jesus is The Messiah that was spoken of throughout the old testament. The One Who would come into the world and reconcile the world back to God. He did all that was spoken of in the old testament and fulfilled the prophecies that spoken of Jesus. The bible is incredible. No man could write what's written in there and for everything to play out exactly as it has. God is real, Jesus is Lord.
Two things about JESUS, informs me on how to deal with LGBTQ. He was soundly criticized for hanging out with sinners. The only ones who ever left changed were the sinners, not the other way round. He asked THEM the hard questions, and LET them walk away. My life depends on caregivers. That means that I’m up close daily with LGBTQ, as well as other sinners. I love them openly and freely, and I let the conversations go as deep and as biblically honest as they take us. And I pray that I never miss an opportunity to clearly represent Him as accurately as I can.
Jesus didn’t condemn gay people.. St. Paul did.. although the kiss of peace referenced by Apostles created a culture of same sex intimacy that which later became cheek to cheek signals… it was for centuries lip to lip.. men with men, women with women.. and considered MORAL until the church revoked the meaning of the holy kiss to being too gay to continue. An introduction of metal metal plates to receive a kiss and the cheek to cheek motion was adopted.. HOWEVER.. the Protestant churches never mention the encouraged holy kiss of peace to kiss their brethren and women.. the hand shake is now the most watered down version of the kiss of peace.. Why this is important is because the sexual morality of the apostles was SUBJECTIVE! The same laws for homosexuality exists for blood consumption.. which applies to medium rare steak. Yet we don’t see a crusade against steakhouses. A sin against nature is something St. Paul claimed.. even telling the Greeks long hair was feminine and a sin for a man. But by modern standards St. Paul wore a dress and kissed men routinely. And I will refer to St. Peter’s conversion of the gentiles which came from a REVELATION that God made what was unclean now clean.. And Jesus gave St Peter the keys to heaven.. to approve anything on earth with the approval of God. This basic rule gives the church the option of considering LGBTQ matters..
You’re forgetting the part, where when Jesus hung out with those sinners, he told them to go and send no more he didn’t tell them to live, live in their sin, and be proud of it
@@paulan7218 Until the law be fulfilled... which was with resurrection. The only law: ''You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.'' The rest of which followed was Catholic cannon law.. which is based on various councils from the 1st century to present.. Its all subjective from onwards of st peters church being given the keys of heaven. Working on the sabbath day is normal in all of society, yet you want to berate lgbtq People? Protestantism is about being free from the laws of moses and the church... If you guys want to reject the church.. you are engaged in heresey, so who are the heretics to berate other so called heretics?
To condemn anyone isn’t even my place. It’s the quickest way I know to end a conversation. To honestly answer one’s question with the truth, is to simply point it out. What they do with the truth is their privilege, same as it is mine, and yours. Was Paul actually condemning the sinner, or the sin itself? Look again. If you read the rest of the paragraph, as it were, you will notice that he continued by saying, “And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.” That clearly states that he was speaking to an audience who had once been guilty of these sins themselves. Much like we all have. Whatever sin (notice homosexual is among long list of possible sins) is keeping you separated from God, can be forgiven, cleansed, and made whole. I find it noteworthy, that out of the entire list of sins mentioned in this one passage, that homosexuality is the only sin that your argument is tethered tightly to. I’m so sorry, but your premise becomes a little bit difficult to follow due to the lack of complete thoughts, punctuation, etc. Just look, my grammar, it’s nothing to brag about either. I ran it by a better educated, transgender friend of mine also with a biblical background, for any possible clarification. She wasn’t able to help me, so we spent a good bit of time doing our best to gain understanding. Your thoughts, are very much worth it. I would love to hear your clarification. I’m also neither Catholic, or a student of the church history of the kiss of peace that you base your premise on. Neither am I familiar with the subjective morality of the apostles, nor your source of information. I would be very interested to consider it though. What I do know is that Jesus chose them, but never addressed their morality in scripture. That seems counterintuitive, when I think about it. He certainly dealt with the immorality with of woman at the well. She was so deeply grateful for what He had done for her that she ran home without water, or her pots, to tell everyone she knew who she had found and what He had done for her. To the woman caught in adultery, He said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more”. As you wisely pointed out He didn’t condemn people, He set them free, whoever wanted to be. No one ever kept a steakhouse open on my behalf, but that’s neither here, nor there. Are you familiar with Jesus saying, “He came to fulfill the law, not to abolish the law.”? I believe that is in answer to your legal contention regarding homosexuality and blood consumption. He fulfilled the ceremonial law (blood consumption) by His death and resurrection, thus making it useless. The moral law (homosexuality), that which represents God’s character, and civil law, remains unchanged. As for turning over the keys of the Kingdom, my contention is that the “approval of God” alone, is that it can be very subjective. When it is confirmed by the Bible, God’s revealed word, it becomes objective, and thus, completely reliable. I’d love to continue this conversation!
@@nancykruger1392 hi, I’ll start by clarifying the law. The council of Jerusalem concluded a law of the gentiles, this referred back to the laws of Noah.. consumption of blood and sexual morality were both mentioned. This is found in book of acts. St. Paul recalls in Romans that the gentiles without the law do by nature the things contained in the law and are a law to themselves.. They forbid the consumption of blood yet Jesus said what comes out of your mouth defiles and not which enters it…… As for sexual morality, we have sex slaves from conquest that were permitted, and rape victims forced to marry their rapist. Also age consent is not so detailed. References to marriage in sexual ritual refer to puberty it is believed. But no references to pre marriage, nor age of consent. This opens the door to 10 year old children being married off to old people.. and this was also the case in the NT when the clergy of the churches were granted permission by St. Paul to give in to sexual temptation by marrying off daughters. This practice was throughout church history. Child grooming is not outlawed. The church cannot explicitly approve of homosexuality because it cannot find a derived reason to within the texts. However, I make the same comparison for people who like eating beef. It’s held in moral equivalence. I like my steak so I guess that puts me in the same boat with the homosexuals.. and who knew all the original Christian’s were not shaking hands but kissing? These things are hidden from Christians today, but it’s attested to by early church writings and minor New Testament references. Same sex oral affection is permitted and was NORMAL for a long time.
People that actually live with this in their family and friends know how difficult it can be to maneuver through it. One of my very dearest friends sent me an invitation to her gay son being ordained as a gay pastor. I told my wife, I can not go in support of this, but I don’t want to destroy our deep friendship as well. And I have family in this life style as well. They no longer ask me if I approve because they know. They know I love them no matter what, and their walk with the Lord is between them and the Lord. And to always seek him and his word to live in accordance with his will Proverbs 3:3-5. When I was younger I used to believe my sin of fornication was no big deal, I was terribly wrong. But it took time in prayer and in his word to understand how wrong I was.
Allie I have been struggling with my church thr UMC which has a gay female bishop and have recently left the church because I feel conflicted that they are affirming sin. Thank you for this, I know I made the right decision.❤
I was raised methodist and what's going on in that church now breaks my heart! I was happy to see that the churches who have disaffiliated from UMC have started the Global methodist church, it looks true to its roots and very biblically based. Maybe there is one near you?
Andy Stanley is the epitome of a wolf in sheep clothing, a serpent with a smooth silver tongue. The word warned us about a preacher that uses flattering speach that tickles the ears.
No, he’s not. I know him personally. Some may argue that he is taking the wrong stance on this issue, but I can assure you it comes from a good place after years of meeting with homosexuals and hearing their stories. He has tremendous empathy for them, but it doesn’t mean he is “gay affirming.” He is “human affirming,” and believes that if Jesus were still here, He would love them, not condemn them to hell as so many Christians have wrongly done. I think we need to stop depending on any human to tell us what the Bible says. Andy said himself that it’s a sin, but in that message, he emphasized his desire for us to love them, just as we love other sinners in our lives. I think most of his critics are missing the point. It’s not our place to judge and condemn them. That is God’s job, and His job alone. He always believes that condemning them will then them away from Christ, which could inevitably lead them to a life free from homosexuality. Regardless, Andy is anything but a wolf in sheep’s clothing…he is doing his best to spread the message that he believes God has called him to spread. And that is a message of hope and love. I will also say that after listening to this video, I agree with Allie in that they could have chosen different speakers to help with the same issue, but he’s human and makes mistakes just like the rest of us. I can assure you there were no ill intentions regarding this conference.
@@sammig0203 You can be sincere in your teachings and still be wrong. As for the judging, you might want to read Matthew 7, it doesn't say not to judge, it says not to judge hypocritically. " Remove the speck out of your own eye first (THEN) you can remove the plank from your brothers"
You repent from sin (turn away from it) and pray for forgiveness of it then live a life pleasing to God !!! NOT continue the same deprived behavior and think and believe that you are forgiven !!!
You don't go to heaven by pleasing God. We would all fall short. You can't sin away salvation. If you willfully continue in sin and ignore the Holy Spirits conviction you will be miserable. Your saved by faith alone not works.
@@JazzmineOdom913so what then you lose your salvation??? Because you have faith good works will come out. You think you need to perform to gain salvation??? That is simply not biblical.
I have lived gay lifestyle from 1996 until 2023. In July 2023 I gave like life to Jesus and in March 2024 was baptized. For the first time in my life I feel that although I have these feelings, this is not who I am or who GOD made me to be. Everyone in life has struggles and this has been mine however I belief that in Christ I will be fully healed.
God Bless you just keep your eyes and heart on Jesus Christ. He absolutely loves you. I am a sinner too. Just because my sin is “different “ than yours doesn’t mean that we are ALL sinners. I struggle with my sins just like everyone else has their own sins that they struggle with doesn’t mean that as long as I keep my eyes on Jesus Christ and I say “no” to my sins. Love you my friend in Christ.❤❤❤
I have lived the christian lifestyle from 1989 to 2020, now an atheist. For the first time in my life i feel like myself, dont have to live a lie. Not gay though. I dont agree with you, live under christianity is slavery, i dont know anyone that is realy healed.
@@swebilbo I feel the most at peace I have ever felt in my life. If anything reflecting on my past life is heartbreaking knowing that I wasted all these years..but ultimately I was led back to GOD and I am happy and blessed. God Bless you
I can't imagine my Christin husband ever coming to me and saying "I struggle with lust and i'm done fighting it. I finally realized it's my identity. Either you can accept me and let me sleep with other women or I'm leaving this relationship to live out my truest identity." Well said Allie, our struggles and temptations are real and hard to battle at times, but they aren't part of our identity. We repent from our sins and fight temptations (daily) because we love God and believe Him to know better than anything we feel or believe to be true.
Yea, that’s why I was blown away by every Christian’s support of Kat Von d after making a lust filled video, after baptism, claiming she’s not a “baby Christian” and there’s nothing wrong with her video. I’m still confused on that one.
Repent of sins is a false gospel. Repent means turn from unbelief to belief. You will never find Repent of sin in the kjv. You will find it in all the other religions though. Bc they think its what they do to get to heaven not what Jesus did
@@Noname11364 yup! repentance is change of mind from unbeliefto belief.. righteous people don't need a saver! They think they have arrived. Even my good works are filthy rags. I am saved only because Jesus died for my past, PRESENT AND FUTURE sins. I cannot get to heaven on my behalf and I thank the Lord for saving me!!!!
Thank you Allie B for what you said at 48:00 - 50:00 - that alone really helped me. I hope you will continue to talk about this topic on your podcast. This is truly so helpful right now to see a fellow millennial sister in Christ remind me of how good God has been to me as I resist same sex attraction. For 15 years since I was 18 years old and gave my life to the Lord, I have wrestled and wrestled - but people have said to me that I am a completely different person than I was and a different person than who I would be right now if I had delved into the gay lifestyle. At this time in my life with all the mixed messaging from the church at large, hearing your strong conviction about this issue has literally been one of the best tools I have found to remind me what I already know but what the world is trying to confuse in me. There are so many of us out here actually resisting SSA as Christians and thank you for giving us millennials a fellow voice explaining the truth in love but also in truth. I only found this podcast recently, but over the last few days as I went further into the channel's videos I am so encouraged about everything you talk about. Allie B sees life through the same lens as me. What an encouraging channel and a brave strong smart woman and sister in Christ.
1 Corinthians 10:13 [13] No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. It IS sustainable THROUGH HIM!
Well said Allie! Sin is not any believers identity, Jesus grace and power is enough! A friend of mine’s son was gay for years and repented and came back to Christ . His book Many Sons Unto Glory tells his testimony
People today are so enthralled with the word "inclusion" that they have become blinded to the fact that Christianity is extremely "exclusive". It is exclusive in that all other gods, *except* for Jesus are rejected. It is exclusive in that in order to please the Lord Jesus Christ, one needs to adhere to teachings which *exclude* many types of lifestyles and beliefs. Not all are welcome into God's kingdom, and in fact in the end, relatively few will be accepted...
Andy Stanley has been using worldly methods and messages for years now in the name of "outreach." G3 Ministries did a podcast on this a couple of weeks ago. It was very helpful! Not only is Stanley a wolf, he fears man over God. I appreciate Allie standing on the truth here.
Well-thought out, articulate response, Allie. The hubris of Andy and others like him is they believe they are more loving than God. More inclusive. They believe they know better. Smh. They have made a god in their own image. Proverbs 14:12 comes to mind. He seems very hardened and not open to any correction. Truly, I tremble for him. And for all under the hearing of what he's teaching (who hopefully will leave fast).
@@aceofhearts0 Dr. Stanley was well aware of his son's drift, and he could have given out a cautionary word.... Instead he continually praised him, "I'm proud of you." Installed him without proper vetting, shooed into a job under his own administration, right out of seminary.
Charles Stanley was a big part of the problem. He put the church over his family and this led to a divorce. Andy and his sister suffered because of the sins of the parents. Then Charles told the church he would step down if he ever got a divorce. When he announced to the church he had officially divorced, he went back on his word and refused to step down. No wonder his wife felt the need to address the church and Charles' behavior towards her. No wonder Andy had to be the man in the room and tell his father and the church his father needed to step down.
@bobjones9725 Charles did exactly what he was called to do. Your wife or husband do not come before God. Slandering his child wouldn't have suited him or anyone for that matter because Charles was very clear on his stance. Why should he have an obligation to put into lamens terms his beliefs when all he's done his entire life is announce his devotion to the Word of God and the law of the Bible. DO not tear down a man of God and place the sins of another man on his back after his passing.
I'm sending this anointed woman of GOD extra love from Jesus in and by HIS NAME and boldly going to ask it to the FATHER. Thank you Allie for standing in the gap and holding onto GOD's unchanging hands.❤❤❤
Allie! I love what you said about attraction not being who you are! Such a poweful way to look at it. You can apply that to any sin. Really gave me a breakthrough today in my own life. It isnt who we are! Which allows hope for change and encouragment to not stop trying to change. I REALLY loved this!
Yes, she is absolutely right about that. People are (rightly) only identified by their actual behavior, not by their desires. People experience all kinds of sexual desires or temptations, and that DOESN'T define who they are. A man who wants to have sex with another man, but doesn't do it, is NOT a homosexual, in the same way that a man who wants to have sex with his neighbor's wife, but doesn't do it, is not an adulterer ! In both cases they are just men being TEMPTED to sin.
@@kellyatthedoublekranch5134 yes, but that is saying unite yourselves to Christ and sin no more? that doesn't contradict that we really believe. Believers still sin and need to confess and seek forgiveness. so I am not sure what you are saying. We don't need to worry about sinning? people can embrace a gay lifestyle, because christ died on the cross? Because that is the sin of presumption, that you can sin because God is good and he will forgive my sins...
AMEN!! 25:37- 27:52 the best explanation and truth I’ve heard on this subject! Thank you, Allie for allowing God to speak through you. Please make this section into a reel 😊
"A bitter truth is better than a sweet lie." What is going on here comes from the deception and lies of the enemy. They are letting people jump out of the airplane without a parachute. This is not loving. We need to be thoughtful and speak with grace, but we do not need to call a lie the truth. That is not helping people at all.
I recently had a talk with the pastor at a Christian fellowship group. We had been recently told by another leader not to discuss gender, sexuality, politics, etc...all because it may offend someone who may be dealing with those issues in our group. I told her it wouldn't be ME that would be offending them if I happen to mention something about homosexuality being a sin- but the Bible. And her response was that I was basically being like a pharisee and Jesus hung out with all sort of unsavory people, so we want them here no matter what. A lot of people left the group because of this. I prayerfully considered everything before I even spoke to her but I knew God was prompting me to confront her on this. It was soon apparent the church in general avoids speaking on anything considered controversial from the pulpit. I share this because I want people to be aware that the Bible should never be censored in regards to sin for fear of hurting peoples feelings!! Ugh....it's so sad ...be aware of these apostates!!!
💔🙏🏻 I pray that Andy Stanley and others that believe this way come to the knowledge and truth of the Gospel. “We are the TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!” Thank you for this message. I pray it reaches far and wide!!!! ❤🙌🏼🙏🏻🔥
Allie this my 2nd video I’ve watched of u and let me say u are a breath of fresh air for Christians and a great follower of Christ! We need more strong women Christians like u. I am a father of a 9 yr old girl and hope with Gods help I point her in the right direction where she follows the word of God.
I agree with you, Allie. Stanley is a super-intelligent scholar, and I've learned so much from him. He's given some mind-blowing, excellent sermons. But there really isn't room for debate on this topic. It saddens me.
I've never seen him preach a biblical message at all. He's decided he is the Word and the authority, and that he is both smarter and more loving than God. He's an APOSTATE. You shouldn't listen to anything he says.
Amen Allie! Thank you for speaking truth! Its so sad😢 Andy really is preaching such a hopeless gospel message. The verse that talks about, "denying the power thereof" comes to my mind in all this! Where is the power of the Gospel to transform us? Do we not believe this anymore?
Allie, thank you so much for standing for the truth of the Bible. We attended and served at North Point for many, many years. We saw the seeds of unbiblical teaching on this topic back in 2015 at a church leadership conference. We should have left then but it was so subtle. As we look back now, It was apparent that Andy was slowly and intentionally building the case for his heretical viewpoints.
When I moved to Georgia 40 plus yrs ago I became a member of Atlanta Baptist church and was introduced to Dr Charles Stanley. Dr Stanley pretty much separated himself for said son before he passed His son Andy needs to get on his knees. Followed the exploits of Andy Stanley and his growing campus's of his MEGA church. Andy is obviously about the $$ His obsession with the LGB + other ministry is motivated by his l obsession to be contraversal . I've been watching him for several years. Very troubled... Indeed. Your message is spot on. All we can do now is collectively pray for Andy.
Thank you for covering this heavy topic. You’re a gifted teacher/preacher. God’s Truth is freedom. This Andy guy(won’t call him a pastor bc he’s not a shepherd, he’s leading people astray) is probably in the closet and conflicted.
The article was correct; the train has left the station. What’s so unbelievably discouraging is, almost every youth pastor/pastor I was under growing up that told me thing like “stay true to the Bible, don’t listen to the worlds lies,” have either completely caved, and now preaches an entirely different message, or they won’t dare say a word about the truth issues we face today. I feel so alone in this because I believe what they said, I’m NOT changing with the world, even if I stand alone.
I agree 💯 w/ Allie. The conference should have included those like Rosario Butterfield who have a strong testimony of breaking free of the Gay lifestyle. Andy Stanley along with Amy Grant, Lauren Daigle & others, are caving in to the PC worldly views. God is not mocked & there will be consequences. 42:06
I agree with you, Allie. Stanley is a super-intelligent scholar, and I've learned so much from him. He's given some mind-blowing, excellent sermons. But there really isn't room for debate on this topic. It saddens me.
Everyone should see this video. Thank you for communicating clearly and respectfully on such a culturally relevant subject. You spoke the truth boldly in love. With confidence. ❤
My uncle was Bisexual and died of AIDS in the 1980's. My dad is a faithful traditional Christian and didn't approve of his brother's promiscuous lifestyle, but when my uncle was sick and dying and abandoned by all his "affirming" friends, my dad moved his brother in with him and took care of him and ministered to him all the way to the end. He prayed with him and for him, he said he doesn't know whether his brother repented or not, but he cried out to Jesus at the very end so my dad hopes he did. whenever I think about homosexuality and how to treat those who practice it, I think about my dad's example.
Allie honed in on the same thing I did. Stanley said that for some same sex attracted Christians celibacy is " not sustainable". She rightly said that there is no sin that the Holy Spirit cannot empower you to resist. Pastor Stanley has limited God, he underestimates the awesome power of our Lord.
Allie thank you so much for speaking Biblical TRUTH even in the hardest topics! Andy Stanley is our pastor and we are praying that he opens his heart to know this Biblical TRUTH and that what you teach is that TRUTH! You are blessed with an amazing voice to teach His truth, and I so enjoy every lesson I study through. Relatable! The world needs to know the Power in Jesus. I truly think Andy Stanley (where I have learned so much in 20 years with his amazing ability to teach) missed TRUTH when he could have made such a difference at this conference. He made a point... 'we need to affirm'... but he made no difference in the lives that are lost to this sin. We should never affirm sin. I pray so many blessings on you and your beautiful family!❤
Thanks for your discussion about this. It tends to be a divisive subject, but it always comes back to what does the word of God say. So thank you for defining love.
I am re-watching this, & since I saw it the first time I saw a clip of Andy saying "the Bible in part can be mean & outdated"😮I will be Praying 🙏 for him...
Thank you SO much for making a point in speaking what is ACTUALLY the Good News!! Praise God! He doesn’t make bad people good…He makes dead people LIVE!
because of sexual abuse from my biological father, i totally lived the homosexual lifestyle..thank God He didn't give up on me..1st Corinthians chapter 6:9-11 have become my favorite,comforting verses..Thank U Jesus for loving me 1st..
I am a born-again believe who knows the struggle with same-sex attraction. This is what I've learned in how to biblically deal with it from Scripture, Reformed teachers, and Rosaria Butterfield, today's leading voice in biblically standing against LGBTQ+ ideology, Revoice, Side B Christianity and the heretical label of gay Christian. I've learned: 1. New birth in Christ does not remove all of the residual damage we inherit from Adam via the physical birth process (Psalm 51:5); 2: The damage is often referred to as corruption and affects us at the core of our being (mind, emotions, sexual drive); 3. This corruption distorts all of us and sets us in opposition against God; learning how to deal with it through personal sanctification (Philippians 2:12) is the born-again believer’s greatest challenge and responsibility; 4. Same-sex attraction is a manifestation of Adamic corruption (leftover original sin), one of many sinful and God-opposing desires and enticements that reside in our flesh (indwelling sin) post new birth: Gal 5:17; James 1:14; 5. The root of same-sex attraction is the sin of coveting, desiring to possess/partake of what I don’t have: another person’s body, wife, husband, etc. 6. Romantic feelings for someone of the same sex are unnatural feelings and just as sinful as coveting; 7. Coveting and unnatural affections must be confessed as sin and repented of; 8.God-hating Sigmund Freud invented the idea of sexual orientation in opposition of God’s creation ordinances of gender and sexuality: 8. Same-sex attraction is a sin orientation NOT a sexual orientation; neither is it Freud's heretical/blasphemous category of personhood; 9. The Lord can heal the hurt caused by experiences that create a capacity for same-sex attraction (abuse, rejection, etc.), but only the Holy Spirit can heal, put to death, this attraction that festers and resides in our flesh (emotions/mind); the Pilgrims called it mortification: 10: Mortification of the flesh is an on-going process that utilizes our will that was dead in our fallen/corrupted Adamic condition, now a will that was made alive and operable the moment of new birth in Christ. Our freed and operable will enables us to say “No” to the baiting of the flesh and follow after the Holy Spirit who ALONE has the power to put to death (mortify) the desires of the flesh. Obedience brings change because it allows the Holy Spirit to do what only He can do (Romans 6:19 and 8:13, Gal. 5:16). God does not heal sin, including same-sex attraction. He puts it to death through our obedience. No obedience. No change. 11. The idea of gay Christian is an attack on the finished work of Christ. Jesus did not suffer His savage death on Calvary so we can identify ourselves with a sin for which He suffered and received God’s wrath in our place. Same-sex attraction is a God-opposing corruption deserving of God’s wrath, the same as all manifestations of Adamic corruption that violate His holiness and original design of mankind: corruption and sinful practices for which Jesus died and redeems us from. Same-sex attraction is NOT OK, a neutral ground that does not need to be put to death, even if not acted upon. I’ve chronicled my journey in learning and applying these truths in my book: “Glorified Rubble: Rebuilding the True You,” available online.
So very well said Allie! I'm glad that Andy Stanley was finally open about what he actually believes. Too many pastors just tip toe around the issue without ever making a stand, which leaves their churches confused and vulnerable to deception. I was once part of such a church. I'm happy to say that the Holy Spirit led my family to a Gospel believing church where we have grown so very much in our faith! Hopefully this will open the eyes of many and will lead them away from such false teachers and bring them back to the truth of God's Word! God bless you Allie!
I feel the same way! I don’t know why, but I feel like he deals w these temptations as well. There’s just something about his “vibe”, for lack of a better word.
he was speaking like this, when his father was still alive. My parents church split over Andi Stanley‘s teachings, including this one over six years ago. He was more nuanced when talking about it back then, but if you were truly paying attention, it was still there.
God led me to your channel and I am loving your Scripture based content! So good!!! As a parent of an 11,9,5 year olds, I’m thankful for relevant young teachers who also speak God’s truth. We have a transgender niece who we love, but it’s created a lot of very difficult questions for my children and we’ve had to have these conversations far earlier than I wish we did. We just do our best to show love and avoid any pronouns (which is a lot more difficult than you can imagine if you’re not in this situation…) I’m going to look up some of the Christians who have been changed and repented. I think they’ll give encouragement to our family and my mother in law.
I can't imagine being told it's not necessary to repent of my sin and that I am still in right standing with God. It's denying Christ who suffered and died on Calvary for me.
You are in right standing with God when you repented and put your full trust in Jesus Christ. Jesus' Christ's blood justifies you...that was the right standing you needed once and for all time. Now while living out your salvation..comes the sanctification part. This is the part of living out salvation where sin tries to chase believers but should become less and less of a matter. Be well and be at peace.
So thankful you and Dr moehler are standing for Biblical truth. The church is in big trouble and is leading these very troubled truth seeking people down the wrong path.
It’s very telling that Stanley did not invite Christopher Yuan, Becket Cook and especially Rosaria Butterfield. Here’s what I heard Rosaria say on Cook’s podcast, “The blood of Christ never makes an ally of the sin it crushed on the cross.” Mic Drop Andy. Mic Drop.
Andy should be ashamed of himself...Teaching such abominations...If people want to leave the Christian faith because of the biblical message,,, they were not Christians to begin with ...we need to give into SIN!!! To keep people in the church? No thanks I'm good with the real biblical teachings ....Andy has fallen and he is traveling the road most traveled ,,,,He may very well be responsible for many not receiving the "Holy Spirit".....Repent!!! Everyone has impulses or feelings that are not online with Biblical teachings but even so Jesus calls all of us to carry our cross ,,,some carry a heavier cross then others but we are not to give in to SIN because it feels right!!!....We are called to live for Christ and even Jesus said it would be difficult.....We are truly in the last days ....
Please kindly remember Pastor Mill that your comments, "teaching such abominations... they were not Christians to begin with..." are not in alignment with the teachings of many Christian churches and leaders.
@@charlottehobbs-v8s Well I don't really care about your feelings or other so called denominational Church's or their opinions,,, I only Fear!!! The Lord ....according to scriptures Homosexuality is an "Abomination" unto the Lord....Whether that makes you and other Churches uncomfortable!!! Or not!!!.... your battle is not with me but with Christ himself....❤️🙏
@@charlottehobbs-v8s "The word Abomination' " is literally in the scriptures describing Homosexuality relations , you want God to conform to your ideas? And if you say to @pstorrmill "Abominations does not align with Church leaders or the Church's teachings " may I ask what church leaders and what Church's? Are you talking about? Not sure where you are going with this! . I'm already not liking where this is headed.
Differences of opinions among individual Christians or Christian churches is not about my "feelings" or "uncomfortableness" or about your "caring" or your "fear." Diversity among Christians who follow Jesus has existed for 2023 years - this is well recorded in the New Testament. Thank God, Christ Himself will lead me. Contrary to your statement, I do not have a "battle" with Christ Himself. How arrogant of you to make such a claim ... such a judgement. Merry Christmas. I pray the Love of Jesus, the Peace of Jesus, and the Hope of Jesus surrounds you and your family during this Christmas Season.
@@charlottehobbs-v8sSorry I completely disagree with you and tip my hat towards Pastor Mill . Peter,Paul,Jude(The Lord's brother) all disagree with you and Jesus himself clearly states about heterosexual relationships & marriage. Paul even goes as far to say that Homosexuals will be cut off from God and can't go to heaven. You speak of a different Gospel , that is alien to most of us.
We see it over and over again. People are calling what is evil good and what is good evil. Lord, help us all. I am currently writing a song in Spanish that talks about end times. "Yo Se Que Tu Pronto Vienes"/ I Know That You Are Coming Soon. I pray that all the lyrics will come together soon and that this song will be a blessing for many. May God continue to use Allie's VOICE to speak TRUTH and expose the LIES of the enemy.🙌🏼💯
Andy is giving, “I’m more loving than God”. Blasphemous. Thank you for sharing your insight! You are also someone who has the amazing gift of communication! 🩷
Dear Allie, I've seen a lot of people cover the LGBTQ+ as well as Andy's affirmation stance, but this is probably the best coverage I've seen. You hit all the nails on the head. Thank you.
I, for many years, was understanding of those who were gay and wondered if Christians were coming down too hard on the matter. I am a Christian and a traditionally-minded one at that BUT I have wondered if this stance of mine was too harsh on those who had same sex attraction. I wrestled with this for years and there are times I still do. But a number of years ago I was watching a video of a commentator who was taking issue with Amy Grant’s hosting weddings for gays and lesbians. I was in the comment section and boom, the top comment said something along the line of, “I am gay and the last thing I want is someone who I love and look up to to affirm me in my sin just so they don’t hurt my feelings.” Affirm me in my sin. This has always stuck with me and this helped me to understand that even those who are same sex attracted(some) somehow know it’s wrong and so if this young woman is admitting this then perhaps culture has it horribly wrong. Instead of holding others to a higher standard we stoop and grovel to avoid us looking like a horrible person sitting in judgment. Also, you’ve heard ppl say, Why does it matter who I sleep with? What if it’s girl girl, boy boy? Well, sure, ok. But look now at the societal SLIDE into depravity. Gay became bi, trans, 12826627 genders etc. Yes, the slope is slippery and we needed to cut this off at the pass, somehow, but that’s much easier said than done. Now things are so insane etc that just being an old gay seems like a big nothing burger. Not really, but you get my point. We’ve opened the flood gates and now look?
I have so much to say on this subject and I believe I am here for such a time as this. I "thought" I was born gay (lesbian) and cane out at 16 years old and my mother who has a strong faith told ne she loved me. She did not say she "accepted" me that way but her love is unconditional. HUGE difference!!!! She was open with me about what the Scriptures said and how difficult her battle was in dealing with it. I never felt unloved or shamed but instead by a bystander in my mother's Christian struggle with the Bible. I have always believed, never doubted God or that Jesus was sent to die for my sins. I wrestled with "Why would God make me this way if it's wrong?" It's because I didn't know the difference in my feelings and truth. That was the actual hold up. I had not fully engaged in the Bible because it said "I'm going to he'll and MY God would not send me the for loving someone" and "Man wrote the Bible and he contorts everything so how could I believe a book that was so old and passed through so Many men's hands, it had to be manipulated. Those were my thoughts. When the Lord says that sin will lead to DEATH especially ESPECIALLY this particular sin I tell you. God sin is the most prevalent in deceit because most "gay" people truly believe they were "Born this way" (interesting how Lady gaga coined that phrase as this stronghold was taking FULL root in our society!) I held on to the 10 Commandments to the best of my ability throughout my life, but living a gay/lesbian lifestyle led me to SO MANY more sins than I could have imagined! It led me straight to the devil knocking on my door and I literally mean he was pounding on my door and I was so terrified I tried to hide underneath my mattress in my living room floor with my "girlfriend" who is a narcissist and an unbeliever. I ended up on meth a year after being Student of the year at my college as a non traditional 30 year old and was granted a full ride scholarship to my school of choice. ONE YEAR later I was arrested for manufacturing meth when I wasn't guilty of that, I was using but I owned my home and my ex brought a dope cook into my home. See, the guilt I felt for not continuing to seek God's face caused me to spiral so far into sin I didn't know myself anymore. Jail was my 🙌 blessing because that's where i TRULY found God and his Word came alive unto me. The book I made excuses about was alive and it read me more than I could read it. When he says he will never leave you nor forsake you, it's true! You must be in a place of desperation and willingness tough when it comes to battling this demon, the spirit of Jezebel has taken over this generation and she must be called out!!!
2 months ago Yahuah saved me, gave me the gift of the Holy Spirit and called me out of the homosexual identity and lifestyle that I was living. I’ve repented and now walk the narrow road with Jesus as my savior and redeemer. I’m so grateful my eyes were opened from the deception.
“Christ loves us all, unconditionally, just as we are, in the midst of our sins and our brokenness - but He loves us too much to leave us that way.” - Dr. Robert Stackpole from his book A BRIDGE OF MERCY - HOMOSEXUALITY AND GOD'S MERCIFUL LOVE.
what is up with all the self-hate christians perpetuate? ffs people arent broken. objects get broken, people get hurt. there isn’t something inherently wrong with you or anyone else. why the pity party?
He loves us so much that he doesn't leave us the way we are some people are broken, hurt, abused, abandoned…Thank you Jesus for your daily mercy, faithfulness, and eternal life! Read John 16❤
God doesn’t label something as a sin just because He’s a buzz kill, or because it’s “icky.” Actions God labels as sinful, are things that hurt us, as an individual and a society. Best way to explain why homosexuality is a sin is to think about 3 things you think about when you think about southern culture, Australian culture, and then Gay culture. There’s not a lot of positive attributes that gay culture promotes, and if the entire world was wrapped up in gay culture, or it’s attributes we would have a very sexually charged, confusing world. Not so much can be said for the other two cultures mentioned. Furthermore, and probably the worst part, is the identity people find in their sexual attraction. Our identity should begin with Christ, and we should conduct ourselves as such. It breaks my heart that churches today are confusing the term and action of “love” with the term “acceptance.”
If everyone was gay we would not exist. It goes against what we were created for. Seems simple to me. I believe that gay”ness” is a sinful urge, culturally spawned, and equates to any normal person who has urges to either steal, kill, cheat, etc. Culturally, society has been groomed in such a way that ALL of these sins, along with many more, are justified and excused for many different reasons.
True, but also I think , like I told my daughter this morning when she was rocking back in a chair "it's important to use things in the way that the person who made it, designed it for, otherwise, you will eventually break it, or yourself". Don't lick dull knives because one day it'll be sharp and you'll cut your tongue. Use things for what they were designed for. Genitals are designed for reproduction, clearly. Using the back door is more likely to spread diseases due to the delicate nature of the tissue there. It will eventually cause bowel problems a lot of the time. And there will never be the gift of a child from it. Use things for what they were designed for and that includes body parts. In female relationships this is less obvious, however they still suffer from the highest rate of domestic violence than any other. You can't eat with your eyes. You can't rock on two legs of a chair. Eventually there will be problems because they weren't designed for that. (Or evolved because I feel like even atheists should be able to understand this). The lack of 'risk' of a child, just leads to a total lack of responsibility.
My gut tells me Stanley might struggle with something in the LGB family therfore if he tries to convince people it's ok then the better he feels about what he may be struggling with
@@babs_babsI would disagree. It's my own forays into the area and watching and participating in it all that has led to my own distaste, and understanding of why it isn't ideal.
@@babs_babs 2, plus I was in a lesbian relationship a few years ago. Plus I went to a performing arts high school of which easily 80% of the guys are gay. I thought I was a gay man in a woman's body for awhile there. But, luckily , it was before that was 'possible' so people just looked at me weirdly. I used to go to drag shows at least once a month. I have been, seen, heard alllll of it.
Sister Allie, you are sooo right in saying, Andy cannot "religiously make God more holy" than he or his word already is by adding to scripture! This is usually the case when religious men sadly go true "Pharisee or Reprobate" in their hearts. Great job!!!
Trent Horn coauthored an excellent book with Leila Miller titled “Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today's Tough Moral Issues”. It addresses homosexuality and other objectively immoral sins of the flesh like pornography, cohabitation, reproductive technologies, transgenderism, etc. Hopefully this book gets some attention when Allie talks with Trent Horn.
I lived a gay lifestyle for years. It has only been in the last year I have fully accepted that God did not create me as a homosexual. Thank you for all the work you do, Allie.
Thank you for sharing. May the Lord bless and keep you!
Glory to God 🙏🏼 God bless you Aron ❤️
Thank you for sharing, Aaron. This gives hope to the thousands who are coming here that freedom *is* possible when we surrender ourselves fully to Jesus. He makes all things new. Bless you, brother 🙏
Praise God!
@@justchantell1wish I knew one of my sons is gay and I pray God will do a mighty work with in him
I lived as a bisexual for 10 years after a rape and God brought me back to him and am now a married heterosexual with kids. So much truth and so hard to navigate the line of acceptance when it comes to our kids. Prayer changes everything!
I never said being raped leads to bisexuality or lesbianism. That’s what pushed me to hate men and open the door to being with women in my teens. That was my experience not everyone else’s. Thank you for expanding on MY vulnerable experience. Having the need to elaborate on yours. God bless you.
@robertstephenson6806 you think you're an expert on everyone else's story because you were gay? Sexual assault absolutely can lead to all kinds of sexual deviance. How many of you were molested by pedophiles or groomed? Because THAT is the real story. It's not genetic. It doesn't run in the family...unless your family is full of predators or groomers.
@@jasminetallon he's a buffoon. Molestation, rape, incest... those are the most prevalent reasons for someone to turn to unnatural desires. You don't trust men so you seek out women. The boys are treated to abhorrent practices so that anything tame doesn't give them the pleasure they seek so their desires become worse and worse. Sounds like he comes from a family full of predators to me. Homosexuals aren't born, they're created by man. Monsters aren't born either: they're created by other monsters.
So glad God restored your life. ❤
@robertstephenson6806 Is it really your place to say what rape leads to? Have you been raped? Your comment is extremely disrespectful and showed a lack of understanding.
In John, Jesus tells the woman at the well to go, tell the people what I have done for you. She just went to the city and testified about her story...that's what Christ tells us to do, that's what you are doing. People clapped back at Him...and they will definitely clap back at you when you testify. But that's ok! Stand strong! Just keep on doing what God wants you to do...testify!, He will take care of the rest. ❤
Andy is doing what Paul Washer would call, “Giving people a comfortable ride into hell.” No matter his communication abilities people would be wise to not just walk but run from his teachings.
Not disagreeing with the point, not at ALL.
But doesn’t Paul Washer believe God chooses hell for people?
@@GratiaPrima_ all of humanity was going to Hell after Adam and Eve sinned. God is intervening with the gospel and salvation.
@@GratiaPrima_ I have not been listening to him long enough to be able to comment.
We want it all, don’t we.
Thank you Allie for upholding the truth! 🙌 I was in a same sex relationship for 8 years, but when the Holy Spirit came he led me into ALL truth and yes, I repented, which is the message of the gospel! I was set free from childhood trauma, rejection, deep wounds, confusion and false doctrines. We must deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow him. I fell in love with Jesus and he transformed the way I thought, and I am not a slave to sin but a slave to righteousness! That is why Jesus came!
Amazing testimony ❤ may God bless you.
i dont know you but am so proud of you , your profile picture alone shows the love of God shining out of you
Amen sister. I also had gotten separated from the flock separated by sin/shame from my precious savior Christ Jesus. I lived a lustful lifestyle that included having homosexual sex with a few women I was an oppressed slave to sin. After Christ found me and I became born again it’s been so wonderfully freeing thanks to or savior.
I lived as a lesbian my whole life and Almost 4 years ago the Lord recused me from that deception. God showed me personally that it’s not his design for us. We can love each other but be honest. Share the gospel and love but do not approve of sin. To be a Christ follower we must confess our sin, repent, and develop our relationship with Christ Jesus our Lord while seeking and starting with his word was helpful to me. But when we repent it has to be from the heart. There has to be conviction to repent. If you do not feel conviction then how can you repent? It’s when I humbled myself and got in my knees and told the Lord I just didn’t know what the truth was…then he showed me. Amen! God will do the washing and cleaning we cannot do it ourselves. Just keep going to him with a humble heart confessing. He love us and want us to bring what we are hiding to him…even though he already knows. My mothers prayer and prayers for others helped. Let’s keep praying for those who are lost. Let’s not judge outside the church but share the true and prayer. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Just keep praying.
Absolutely spot on! I am joyful in your redemption!
Amen!!! His kindness leads to repentance:
Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?
Romans 2:4 ESV
Be well and be at peace.
So beautifully written! I had the same experience of a humble heart asking God to show me the truth. He led me out of 20+ years in the occult and into His arms.
My husband and I have a Grand daughter that says that she is either by-sexual or homosexual. We are praying for her everyday. And it is hard for us to make sure we are handling it correctly. We love her where she is at but she knows we do not support it and we had to set a few boundaries regarding holidays and our younger children and grandchildren in our home. Which she respects. But I love her and I hug her everytime I see her. She is wonderful, smart and has a lot to offer this world. But my heart is heavy for her soul
Allie, l was cheering at your response to the whole Northpoint conference - thank you for clearly stating that Christ came to redeem people from their sin, not leave them in it. Great job, Blessing to you and yours.
What does Romans chapter 1 say?
I concur. Thank God for people that will not be sold or bought and still adhere by what God's Word says to us His people. He loves everyone and wants everyone to be saved. But we won't be saved in our sins.
Hello Allie,
My name is Ellie and I’m a 27 year old woman. I was raised In the church that my grandparents built. My mother taught Sunday school and my uncle was in the ministry. I absolutely loved church as a child. I was brutally attacked physically and sexually. It took me along time to manage my feelings. I was mad at god for letting that happen I had lost all trust in Jesus because he failed to keep me safe. I was spiteful towards Christian friends and family. I was spiraling in a world of anger, disgust, rage, despair, hopelessness, loneliness, misery. I was saving myself for marriage and I was going to keep that promise until it was taken away from me. I developed severe anxiety and depression with PTSD. I would get horrible panic attacks several times a day. After that I thought that I could not trust men. So I started my journey into same sex relations. I was never attracted to other women, I just didn’t feel that I could trust a man. I lived that lifestyle for 2-3 years. When some Christians learned how I lost my purity they said it was my fault and that I was “used”. It drove me further away. One day I was flying from Austin to Houston. I was in the Austin airport I had an hour to catch my flight. I obviously went to the bar and had a beer . Sitting next to me was a man who changed my life. I was trying not to cry and he saw. He asked me what I was trying to push away with my beer. I told him about my past and how I was having a panic attack. He looked at me he said “and”. Then he looked at me and after everything I said he said “and”. He did this for about 15 minutes. I finally decided that I was talking to a wall and I just drank my beer. He said “ why did you give up , you’re going to give up every time someone doesn’t respond or give you advice that you don’t like or at the speed you want “. I just stared at him confused. We sat there for 20 more minuets then he said “Jesus Christ “ I was confused and said what are you talking about crazy dude. “Jesus is the answer “.
I’ve been growing closer to god every day, living a moral and sexual pure life. On days when I feel overwhelmed and anxious or mad.
I just remember “and”
That was angel. This is such a cool story, God Bless you and thank you for sharing!
I want to learn to say “and”…
Praise the Lord for God sent this man to you that day!! That’s His love for you!! He goes after the one!! ❤️🙌
What a testimony. I pray for you, beloved Ellie🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
The fact that he’s a good communicator isn’t enough to make him a good preacher if he’s affirming sin! Period. He’s a wolf!
So whens the last time you guys went out and got two doves to sacrifice so the priest could put its blood on the alter. Or are we just going to only care about certain bits of the bible and not the whole thing. is there any mixed fabric in your closet? do you own gold jewelry? YEAH the bible litterally sais you can't do that! Or braid your hair! I have tattoos, leave Gay people alone and come out and attack me.
Anything right that he might say is overwritten by how wrong he is on major things.
Exactly! He is communicating Sin is ok! Avoid him!
One of the very hardest things I’ve had to do as a parent is love my [gay] child and yet not affirm the choices being made. With prayers, tears, Biblical truth and many hugs through the pain, I have a relationship with my child, even though sin is still in control. Always Love but don’t affirm the sin!
Well said… thank you for your honesty!
This! Perfectly said. It’s soooo hard. I don’t envy you.
May I ask how you balance both? If your child is in a relationship, do you have them both over for holidays, family get togethers? I know of many who live the homosexual lifestyle that insist on all or nothing regarding their relationships and when the parent doesn't welcome their partner with open arms, they cut all ties.
@@mommymaureen We are made right with God through repentance. We cannot have a "relationship" with Him without repentance. Christian parents cannot "welcome their partner with open arms" as if they are okay with the relationship. They MUST maintain their disapproval even if the cost is "they cut all ties."
There is nothing wrong with extending grace and having them over for the holidays as long as it is understood that their behavior cannot be on display in your home. The child should honor your faith and NOT require you to approve of what you know to be sin.
The price for following Christ faithfully is people will often ostracize you because you live for Him. That's also true for children who require their parents to choose between them and faithfulness to the Lord. It is far better for them to "cut ties" with you than for you to accept their sinful relationship.
Just let the wayward child know that repentance is the way back (Luke 15:17-19). Blessings
Rosaria, Beckett and Christopher have ALL helped me TREMENDOUSLY in encouragement, advice and scriptures in dealing with our "queer" daughter, the most important advice in STAYING TRUE TO THE BIBLE AND YOUR CONVICTIONS!! NO COMPROMISE!
Thanks, Allie Beth, for standing up for truth. I’m so disappointed with Andy and North Point. We shouldn’t be pandering to sin, but calling it out and calling people to repentance and obedience.
Um does your husband know your here. According to Timothy, you shouldn't have a voice on church topics. I also would like to know if you even read the entire bible or if you guys just cherry pick what you feel like being upset about. I have never once seen christians go after people wearing blended fabrics, even though the bible forbids that. It also forbids, gold jewelry, braided hair, touching anyone who is menstraiting and a number of other things. Do you guys know what it means to be unclean, when is the last time you offered a goat for sacrifice. Whens the last time christianity came after tattooed people. It sais not to tattoo yourself. People just cherry pick out of the bible what they think should be ignored. They might say the rules about braided hair and gold jewelry and cotton polyester blends are silly and outdated. But the rules about gay people. tisk tisk, lets all get our stones out. You guys either need to follow every single rule or leave gay people alone imo.
@@JessicaMessicaTV It definitely appears that you have been cherry picking based on your inaccurate post.
Andy Stanley doesn’t even believe that the Bible is the word of God
@@JessicaMessicaTV wow you have twisted and distorted the Bible to suit your own needs and stated some bold face lies
God says to come as you are…. NOT to stay as you are!! We all sin and fall short of the glory of God, no matter what that “flavor” of sin is…. God will change it if you truly repent.
Your commentary is spot on Allie Beth!!
Why do churches not stand by the scriptures concerning divorce?
Repent doesn't mean turn from sin....you need to go back and read my friend....God Repented many times yet he didn't sin...Repent means to change your mind from unbelief to belief in the finished works of Jesus....
I was between the ages 10 to 12...i was tall for my age...and one of the camp aides during one summer took an interest in me...of course i knew nothing about homosexuality...i liked her vivacity and her camp knowledge...and we became friends...i had no idea that she loved me..until i received letters from her in the mail. My mother without going into details forbid me to write back to her. So i did not and i am grateful for my parents wisdom!... this camp aide was 17 or 18 years of age...and may have been grooming me...and could have caused confusion surrounding my heterosexuality. I believe God has always been with me throughout my lifetime..i am so grateful for his love, protection, and the people who He has brought into my life to direct and guide me.
Amen, your story reminded me when I was 13 I was at camp sharing a tent with a 15 yr old. He asked me to have relations with me. I said no. Today is a full blown homosexual. He looks very wrapped up in that lifestyle. The Devil tries to get young people when they are away from their families even at church camp. I remember after he asked and I said no, that I was very scared he might try to force me. So I zipped up my sleeping bag real tight. Thank the Lord he didn't try.
Your camp counselor did Not love you. Love wants what is best for the other person. This was just lust.
Thankful for your mom!
Great testimony
Be so so thankful you had good parents who cared enough to protect you. That is so lacking 😊
That's exactly what I was going to reply.
What that counselor felt was not love . . .
I don’t know if you’re aware, but according to scientific research, it’s common for people to experience same-sex attraction during puberty. This is a time of significant physical, emotional, and psychological development, and it often involves exploring one’s sexual identity. Some individuals may feel same-sex attraction during puberty as part of this exploration, even if they eventually identify as heterosexual. It’s important to note that while for some, same-sex attraction may be temporary, for others, it is a reflection of their lifelong sexual orientation. Research consistently shows that human sexuality exists on a spectrum, and experiences of attraction can vary widely from person to person. So, it’s nothing unusual. I wish more people would learn from science rather than relying solely on the Bible, which can sometimes lead to harm.
Figures Andy would do this after his father has passed, because he knows full well his father would completely disagree with this. It is so sad to see when evil infiltrate's a church, and they walk away from the Bible, and try to disguise it.
Karen. does your husband know your here. Timothy sais your not supposed to have your own voice on church topics. have you guys ever even read the entire bible or if you guys just cherry pick what you feel like being upset about. I have never once seen christians go after people wearing blended fabrics, even though the bible forbids that. It also forbids, gold jewelry, braided hair, touching anyone who is menstraiting, touching anyone whos had sex lately, and touching anyone who has recently given birth. Do you guys know what it means to be unclean, when is the last time you offered a goat for sacrifice. Whens the last time christianity came after tattooed people. It sais not to tattoo yourself. People just cherry pick out of the bible what they think should be ignored. They might say the rules about braided hair and gold jewelry and cotton polyester blends are silly and outdated. those aren't important anymore. But the rules about gay people. tisk tisk, lets all get our stones out and make a huge deal about it.
Is it possible that he's doing this because his son is gay. Parents can tell you it's wrong, and then what? Should you not come to family dinners? If your family won't allow your partner to come, should they never see you again? I believe the answer is...Choose God over everything; therefore, if I won't allow your partner to come then you won't come, and I'll have to love you from a distant. However, I imagine, because I'm not a parent, that it's very hard for a parent to do. So maybe we should pray for the parents strength to be able to lose that parent/child relationship in order to stand on the truth.
He's been going astray since before his father died.
HOW ABOUT THE FUCK NOT! Honestly, thats child abuse. If God condones that, He's no god of mine.
Beckett Cook and Rasario Butterfield and Christopher Yuan would have been great speakers for this conference.
If I went around and said that my heterosexuality was my identity how ridiculous does that sound? I am so much more than that one piece of me.
They would call you a bigot for that. My, my what an upside down world we live in.
No, it’s not your identity but it does make a statement about your beliefs…and beliefs are what makes you, you 🤷♀️ (As a man thinketh…)
It's not your identity but it is a part of it. Being Gay is certainly part of peoples identity. No ones sexuality is thier whole identity. But thats really not the point of any of this really.
@@patgruzenski4024 I disagree, my beliefs are my beliefs and are indicative of what actions I may take at certain points, but my beliefs did not and do not make me. I believe Christ is my savior, does that make me saved or does it make me Christ. Enough on the shallow thoughts.
Homosexuality was forcefully turned into an "identity" by people like Freud et al. and passages like Romans 1. Marginalized "identities" are created by the people doing the marginalization. It was these that defined gay people as a separate class of person. The reality for gay kids growing up in a religious environment is that it is not enough to simply not "act on it." Merely being attracted to the same sex, regardless of what one does, would (if discovered) result in hostility.
First, there is no shortage to the lurid and unflattering theories that have been generated to explain same-sex attraction. Second, merely abstaining would attract unwanted attention. Spouses have an expectation that the other party is genuinely attracted to them, so heterosexual marriage is a bad option, but remaining single makes one an object of suspicion. Third, (building on the first one) in Christianity, there's been a lot of promotion of theories about homosexual attraction being a manifestation of a thoroughly pervasive character disorder. Hence the popularity of Paul Cameron's deceptive "research" erroneously linking same-sex attraction to such things as murder and child rape.
As a father of a gay daughter, I’ve prayed over this issue more than most. I wish I had been closer to Christ before I had our original conversation about it. I naturally said it was a choice and she said she was born that way. I now believe she was probably born that way; we are all born of sin. That’s the whole point of being born again.
All the sins that we all naturally inclined to, or in us basically from our conception.
We are all born from the get-go, being attracted and inclined toward a myriad of different sins… That is just how sinful beings are… But it’s not like saying, I was born with brown or blonde hair meaning, some thing that can never change, our sinful inclinations and sinful desires can always change and you’re absolutely right that is why we need the new birth.
People who were born gay were called to be the best among us IMO. They were put here to prove and to show that even sex is a resistible temptation which is not necessary for a fulfilling life - just as Jesus showed. They were put here to be the most charitable among us. Their purpose is one of the most difficult yet meaningful and impactful to fulfill - true selflessness, complete self discipline, and fulfillment in a spiritual marriage to Christ alone. I do not envy those who were born gay but I don’t have pity for them either because they were specifically chosen by God for a higher calling in life, a challenge which he would only entrust to the soul’s which he saw the deepest potential in. I admire on the most profound level those Christians who have spoken out about being sake sex attracted and continue to live out a truly Godly life. ❤
Your daughter is special and chosen by God. Continue loving her like you always have. Not all of us are capable of the willpower and exploration required to abstain from the sinful temptations within us, and we ALL have them. Plus, she was born into a society and time period that embraces and encourages sin on every level. I don’t blame her for faltering or being confused or misguided.
It will hopefully all come together for her someday but even if it doesn’t, having the unconditional love and honesty from her Earthly father can hopefully be a sliver of a representation of the infinite love and full truth of her Heavenly Father. 🙏
Becket Cook Is a good resource he has SSA but is celibate
@@annb9029 I will always love her but my prayers are for the Holy Spirit to touch her heart and soul the way he did mine. Nothing is impossible with his grace and glory.
I feel your pain as our son is living a gay lifestyle and we are broken hearted. You are not alone. We must pray and turn them over to God for Him to work in their lives.
"Faith that can't save you from sexual immorality cannot save you from the wrath of God" - Tim Conway
I like Tim.
@getrit3007 What about 1 Cor 6:9-11? Do not be deceived!
Romans chapter 1. Why does one burn in their lust toward the same sex?
@getrit3007 what does Romans 1 explicitly say? Why does it happen? You either believe the Bible or you don’t. Your choice.
@getrit3007 of course I do. And that doesn’t change what Romans chapter 1 says. Any one is capable of committing natural sins. But enjoying committing unnatural sins comes from rejecting God. Read Romans chapter one. Your argument is with God, not me. Nothing you can say is going to make the following not true:
“Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;”
Romans 1:24-28 KJV
As a Pastor-Bible teacher of 50+ years, and an Adjunct Seminary Professor for 16 years, I would like to state simply that Ms. Stuckey has done a marvelous job of providing Biblical Truth in response to Andy Stanley's sincere, but tragically misguided, efforts to minister God's grace and love to the homosexual community. The Apostle Paul clearly stated that God-kind-of-love "does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the Truth" (1 Cor. 13:6). Genuine, Christ-honoring ministry that brings salvation and victory over sin demands clarity in regard to sin and to holiness. Thank you, Ms. Stuckey! Well done!
This is exactly the grief and difficulty I have about my children fornication, having sex before marriage and also having babies outside of marriage. I am exceedingly troubled about it. And yes, my children also see nothing troubling about homosexuality.
Same here. My daughter is living with a man AND his wife AND his 3 yo son. Pray, pray, pray.
Is your name really Selena Gomez or are you just a fan? Because SG definitely has sex outside of marriage.
They will not understand sin unless they are born again. Preach the gospel to them then pray God opens their eyes.
Pray without ceasing! Continue to run your race! Do not grow tired and weary of doing good! You may be their only intercession to God and I believe you will see fruit!!!
@@Heather.Isaiah43.1 My kids have increased my prayer life for this vary reason
I think it is interesting how this is the now issue. Years ago, when young people were tempted to be sexually promiscuous, their church leaders and parents needed to talk to them in love while discouraging the behavior. LGBTQ kids are not the first to struggle with sexual sin. I’m afraid that we have gotten lax in that conversation so LGBTQ kids feel like they’re alone. I think we need to back up and remind “straight” kids that sex outside of marriage is immoral. I know we hate the word shame. But these kids, straight or not, need to get guidance on how to navigate around sexual sin. Now the LGBTQ kids feel targeted because the straight kids no longer really get discouraged from sexual sin. I’m afraid we have given up on one issue, so the next issue just flows in.
Agree. I think that's a big part of it. A lot of "straight" people have come to rationalize and accept heterosexual sexual sin in their own lives or in the lives of their children and rightly see it as hypocritical for them to then disapprove of homosexual sexual sin. The problem though is not that they disapprove of homosexual sexual sin but rather that they do not disapprove of all sexual sin.
I agree
Love this comment.
This is great comment. Very accurate and insightful.
Exactly ! 👏🏼
I think Andy is one of these guys who loves a stage and audience and to be LIKED
Andy Stanley would rather tickle the ears of the world, then to preach the word of God
You hit the nail on the head
Andy Stanley will be held accountable for every person he leads
yes, he will be held accountable for every person he leads ASTRAY
You mean misleads
To whom? there is no gods so who exactly?
Wow thank you so much for speaking truth and upholding God's Word. Not too many speaking truth anymore. So many Pastors and leaders giving in to the worldly views, we can't trust them, we can only trust what God's Word says.
Living in the age where “good, evil”, “evil, good”. 🤯it’s mind blowing!
Exactly ... no wonder our kids of today are so easily confused and many mislead.
Exactly. What even IS the Gospel if we’re still living in slavery to our passions?
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV
[1] Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; [2] by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. [3] For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; [4] and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
Eternal Life is The Gift of God (by His Grace) through faith in His Son Jesus.
Jesus' life, death, burial and resurrection.
If you believe in Jesus you are eternally secure because it is The Gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast that he has a hand in his own salvation. Not true.
God reconciled the word back to Himself through Jesus' sacrifice. All you have to do is believe Him.
Salvation and discipleship are separate. Serving God comes after being saved.
We don't do anything but take God at His Word.
Once you believe The Gospel you are born again by God's Spirit, you are now a child of God and His Spirit is with you always. God never leaves nor forsakes His children.
God is so good, His Love for His creation is so much bigger than us mere humans could ever comprehend in this flesh.
John 3:16-18 KJV
[16] For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. [17] For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. [18] He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Ephesians 2:8-10 KJV
[8] For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: [9] not of works, lest any man should boast. [10] For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
John 6:40 KJV
[40] And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
This is it exactly!
The gospel cant even get Josephs geneology strait. Ironically I don't understand why it was listed, if Jesus is gods baby, not Josephs.
Jesus is the promised "seed" from Abraham.
Jesus is The Messiah that was spoken of throughout the old testament. The One Who would come into the world and reconcile the world back to God.
He did all that was spoken of in the old testament and fulfilled the prophecies that spoken of Jesus.
The bible is incredible. No man could write what's written in there and for everything to play out exactly as it has. God is real, Jesus is Lord.
Exactly. Then Jesus died for nothing then. Then there would be no Gospel.
Two things about JESUS, informs me on how to deal with LGBTQ. He was soundly criticized for hanging out with sinners. The only ones who ever left changed were the sinners, not the other way round. He asked THEM the hard questions, and LET them walk away. My life depends on caregivers. That means that I’m up close daily with LGBTQ, as well as other sinners. I love them openly and freely, and I let the conversations go as deep and as biblically honest as they take us. And I pray that I never miss an opportunity to clearly represent Him as accurately as I can.
Jesus didn’t condemn gay people.. St. Paul did.. although the kiss of peace referenced by Apostles created a culture of same sex intimacy that which later became cheek to cheek signals… it was for centuries lip to lip.. men with men, women with women.. and considered MORAL until the church revoked the meaning of the holy kiss to being too gay to continue. An introduction of metal metal plates to receive a kiss and the cheek to cheek motion was adopted.. HOWEVER.. the Protestant churches never mention the encouraged holy kiss of peace to kiss their brethren and women.. the hand shake is now the most watered down version of the kiss of peace.. Why this is important is because the sexual morality of the apostles was SUBJECTIVE! The same laws for homosexuality exists for blood consumption.. which applies to medium rare steak. Yet we don’t see a crusade against steakhouses. A sin against nature is something St. Paul claimed.. even telling the Greeks long hair was feminine and a sin for a man. But by modern standards St. Paul wore a dress and kissed men routinely. And I will refer to St. Peter’s conversion of the gentiles which came from a REVELATION that God made what was unclean now clean.. And Jesus gave St Peter the keys to heaven.. to approve anything on earth with the approval of God. This basic rule gives the church the option of considering LGBTQ matters..
You’re forgetting the part, where when Jesus hung out with those sinners, he told them to go and send no more he didn’t tell them to live, live in their sin, and be proud of it
@@paulan7218 Until the law be fulfilled... which was with resurrection. The only law: ''You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.'' The rest of which followed was Catholic cannon law.. which is based on various councils from the 1st century to present.. Its all subjective from onwards of st peters church being given the keys of heaven. Working on the sabbath day is normal in all of society, yet you want to berate lgbtq People? Protestantism is about being free from the laws of moses and the church... If you guys want to reject the church.. you are engaged in heresey, so who are the heretics to berate other so called heretics?
To condemn anyone isn’t even my place. It’s the quickest way I know to end a conversation. To honestly answer one’s question with the truth, is to simply point it out. What they do with the truth is their privilege, same as it is mine, and yours. Was Paul actually condemning the sinner, or the sin itself? Look again. If you read the rest of the paragraph, as it were, you will notice that he continued by saying, “And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.” That clearly states that he was speaking to an audience who had once been guilty of these sins themselves. Much like we all have. Whatever sin (notice homosexual is among long list of possible sins) is keeping you separated from God, can be forgiven, cleansed, and made whole. I find it noteworthy, that out of the entire list of sins mentioned in this one passage, that homosexuality is the only sin that your argument is tethered tightly to.
I’m so sorry, but your premise becomes a little bit difficult to follow due to the lack of complete thoughts, punctuation, etc. Just look, my grammar, it’s nothing to brag about either. I ran it by a better educated, transgender friend of mine also with a biblical background, for any possible clarification. She wasn’t able to help me, so we spent a good bit of time doing our best to gain understanding. Your thoughts, are very much worth it. I would love to hear your clarification.
I’m also neither Catholic, or a student of the church history of the kiss of peace that you base your premise on. Neither am I familiar with the subjective morality of the apostles, nor your source of information. I would be very interested to consider it though. What I do know is that Jesus chose them, but never addressed their morality in scripture. That seems counterintuitive, when I think about it. He certainly dealt with the immorality with of woman at the well. She was so deeply grateful for what He had done for her that she ran home without water, or her pots, to tell everyone she knew who she had found and what He had done for her. To the woman caught in adultery, He said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more”. As you wisely pointed out He didn’t condemn people, He set them free, whoever wanted to be.
No one ever kept a steakhouse open on my behalf, but that’s neither here, nor there. Are you familiar with Jesus saying, “He came to fulfill the law, not to abolish the law.”? I believe that is in answer to your legal contention regarding homosexuality and blood consumption. He fulfilled the ceremonial law (blood consumption) by His death and resurrection, thus making it useless. The moral law (homosexuality), that which represents God’s character, and civil law, remains unchanged.
As for turning over the keys of the Kingdom, my contention is that the “approval of God” alone, is that it can be very subjective. When it is confirmed by the Bible, God’s revealed word, it becomes objective, and thus, completely reliable.
I’d love to continue this conversation!
@@nancykruger1392 hi, I’ll start by clarifying the law. The council of Jerusalem concluded a law of the gentiles, this referred back to the laws of Noah.. consumption of blood and sexual morality were both mentioned. This is found in book of acts. St. Paul recalls in Romans that the gentiles without the law do by nature the things contained in the law and are a law to themselves.. They forbid the consumption of blood yet Jesus said what comes out of your mouth defiles and not which enters it……
As for sexual morality, we have sex slaves from conquest that were permitted, and rape victims forced to marry their rapist. Also age consent is not so detailed. References to marriage in sexual ritual refer to puberty it is believed. But no references to pre marriage, nor age of consent. This opens the door to 10 year old children being married off to old people.. and this was also the case in the NT when the clergy of the churches were granted permission by St. Paul to give in to sexual temptation by marrying off daughters. This practice was throughout church history. Child grooming is not outlawed.
The church cannot explicitly approve of homosexuality because it cannot find a derived reason to within the texts. However, I make the same comparison for people who like eating beef. It’s held in moral equivalence. I like my steak so I guess that puts me in the same boat with the homosexuals.. and who knew all the original Christian’s were not shaking hands but kissing? These things are hidden from Christians today, but it’s attested to by early church writings and minor New Testament references. Same sex oral affection is permitted and was NORMAL for a long time.
People that actually live with this in their family and friends know how difficult it can be to maneuver through it. One of my very dearest friends sent me an invitation to her gay son being ordained as a gay pastor. I told my wife, I can not go in support of this, but I don’t want to destroy our deep friendship as well. And I have family in this life style as well. They no longer ask me if I approve because they know. They know I love them no matter what, and their walk with the Lord is between them and the Lord. And to always seek him and his word to live in accordance with his will Proverbs 3:3-5. When I was younger I used to believe my sin of fornication was no big deal, I was terribly wrong. But it took time in prayer and in his word to understand how wrong I was.
Allie I have been struggling with my church thr UMC which has a gay female bishop and have recently left the church because I feel conflicted that they are affirming sin. Thank you for this, I know I made the right decision.❤
I was raised methodist and what's going on in that church now breaks my heart! I was happy to see that the churches who have disaffiliated from UMC have started the Global methodist church, it looks true to its roots and very biblically based. Maybe there is one near you?
You truly did make the right decision..God brings us out of sin..🙏🙏
Andy Stanley is the epitome of a wolf in sheep clothing, a serpent with a smooth silver tongue.
The word warned us about a preacher that uses flattering speach that tickles the ears.
No, he’s not. I know him personally. Some may argue that he is taking the wrong stance on this issue, but I can assure you it comes from a good place after years of meeting with homosexuals and hearing their stories. He has tremendous empathy for them, but it doesn’t mean he is “gay affirming.” He is “human affirming,” and believes that if Jesus were still here, He would love them, not condemn them to hell as so many Christians have wrongly done. I think we need to stop depending on any human to tell us what the Bible says. Andy said himself that it’s a sin, but in that message, he emphasized his desire for us to love them, just as we love other sinners in our lives. I think most of his critics are missing the point. It’s not our place to judge and condemn them. That is God’s job, and His job alone. He always believes that condemning them will then them away from Christ, which could inevitably lead them to a life free from homosexuality. Regardless, Andy is anything but a wolf in sheep’s clothing…he is doing his best to spread the message that he believes God has called him to spread. And that is a message of hope and love.
I will also say that after listening to this video, I agree with Allie in that they could have chosen different speakers to help with the same issue, but he’s human and makes mistakes just like the rest of us. I can assure you there were no ill intentions regarding this conference.
@@sammig0203 You can be sincere in your teachings and still be wrong. As for the judging, you might want to read Matthew 7, it doesn't say not to judge, it says not to judge hypocritically. " Remove the speck out of your own eye first (THEN) you can remove the plank from your brothers"
They always start church with give me money money 🤑. Annoying
@@tonyajordan2702 who does?
You repent from sin (turn away from it) and pray for forgiveness of it then live a life pleasing to God !!! NOT continue the same deprived behavior and think and believe that you are forgiven !!!
Would his father agree with this? Has he always preached this way?
You don't go to heaven by pleasing God. We would all fall short. You can't sin away salvation. If you willfully continue in sin and ignore the Holy Spirits conviction you will be miserable. Your saved by faith alone not works.
@@Fambone-om8tdFaith without works is dead.
@@JazzmineOdom913so what then you lose your salvation??? Because you have faith good works will come out. You think you need to perform to gain salvation??? That is simply not biblical.
I have lived gay lifestyle from 1996 until 2023. In July 2023 I gave like life to Jesus and in March 2024 was baptized. For the first time in my life I feel that although I have these feelings, this is not who I am or who GOD made me to be. Everyone in life has struggles and this has been mine however I belief that in Christ I will be fully healed.
God Bless you just keep your eyes and heart on Jesus Christ. He absolutely loves you. I am a sinner too. Just because my sin is “different “ than yours doesn’t mean that we are ALL sinners. I struggle with my sins just like everyone else has their own sins that they struggle with doesn’t mean that as long as I keep my eyes on Jesus Christ and I say “no” to my sins. Love you my friend in Christ.❤❤❤
@@marilynmanord1790 amen! thank you
@@JoMendezWarrior ♥️♥️♥️
I have lived the christian lifestyle from 1989 to 2020, now an atheist. For the first time in my life i feel like myself, dont have to live a lie. Not gay though. I dont agree with you, live under christianity is slavery, i dont know anyone that is realy healed.
@@swebilbo I feel the most at peace I have ever felt in my life. If anything reflecting on my past life is heartbreaking knowing that I wasted all these years..but ultimately I was led back to GOD and I am happy and blessed. God Bless you
I can't imagine my Christin husband ever coming to me and saying "I struggle with lust and i'm done fighting it. I finally realized it's my identity. Either you can accept me and let me sleep with other women or I'm leaving this relationship to live out my truest identity." Well said Allie, our struggles and temptations are real and hard to battle at times, but they aren't part of our identity. We repent from our sins and fight temptations (daily) because we love God and believe Him to know better than anything we feel or believe to be true.
Yea, that’s why I was blown away by every Christian’s support of Kat Von d after making a lust filled video, after baptism, claiming she’s not a “baby Christian” and there’s nothing wrong with her video. I’m still confused on that one.
If he thought it in his mind he already committed the sin.
Repent of sins is a false gospel. Repent means turn from unbelief to belief. You will never find Repent of sin in the kjv. You will find it in all the other religions though. Bc they think its what they do to get to heaven not what Jesus did
@@Mrs.JessRich Luke 5:32 Jesus said, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
@@Noname11364 yup! repentance is change of mind from unbeliefto belief.. righteous people don't need a saver! They think they have arrived. Even my good works are filthy rags. I am saved only because Jesus died for my past, PRESENT AND FUTURE sins. I cannot get to heaven on my behalf and I thank the Lord for saving me!!!!
Thank you Allie B for what you said at 48:00 - 50:00 - that alone really helped me. I hope you will continue to talk about this topic on your podcast. This is truly so helpful right now to see a fellow millennial sister in Christ remind me of how good God has been to me as I resist same sex attraction. For 15 years since I was 18 years old and gave my life to the Lord, I have wrestled and wrestled - but people have said to me that I am a completely different person than I was and a different person than who I would be right now if I had delved into the gay lifestyle. At this time in my life with all the mixed messaging from the church at large, hearing your strong conviction about this issue has literally been one of the best tools I have found to remind me what I already know but what the world is trying to confuse in me. There are so many of us out here actually resisting SSA as Christians and thank you for giving us millennials a fellow voice explaining the truth in love but also in truth. I only found this podcast recently, but over the last few days as I went further into the channel's videos I am so encouraged about everything you talk about. Allie B sees life through the same lens as me. What an encouraging channel and a brave strong smart woman and sister in Christ.
1 Corinthians 10:13
[13] No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
It IS sustainable THROUGH HIM!
I had no idea how much I needed to hear some of the things that were touched on. I'm so happy to have been led to this channel.
Well said Allie! Sin is not any believers identity, Jesus grace and power is enough! A friend of mine’s son was gay for years and repented and came back to Christ . His book Many Sons Unto Glory tells his testimony
People today are so enthralled with the word "inclusion" that they have become blinded to the fact that Christianity is extremely "exclusive". It is exclusive in that all other gods, *except* for Jesus are rejected. It is exclusive in that in order to please the Lord Jesus Christ, one needs to adhere to teachings which *exclude* many types of lifestyles and beliefs. Not all are welcome into God's kingdom, and in fact in the end, relatively few will be accepted...
Andy Stanley has been using worldly methods and messages for years now in the name of "outreach." G3 Ministries did a podcast on this a couple of weeks ago. It was very helpful!
Not only is Stanley a wolf, he fears man over God. I appreciate Allie standing on the truth here.
exactly my parents church split about six years ago over whether or not to support the teachings of Andy Stanley
I gotta say, this is the FIRST critique of Andy that has been done professionally and to the point. Thank you ALLIE!
Well-thought out, articulate response, Allie. The hubris of Andy and others like him is they believe they are more loving than God. More inclusive. They believe they know better. Smh. They have made a god in their own image. Proverbs 14:12 comes to mind. He seems very hardened and not open to any correction. Truly, I tremble for him. And for all under the hearing of what he's teaching (who hopefully will leave fast).
Good word. Amen.
I’m soo shocked!!! This is not what the reverend Charles Stanley would have ever endorse!!! Vey Sandden by this!!!
Andy waited till his dad was long gone..sad
Dr. Stanley was well aware of his son's drift, and he could have given out a cautionary word.... Instead he continually praised him, "I'm proud of you." Installed him without proper vetting, shooed into a job under his own administration, right out of seminary.
Charles Stanley was a big part of the problem. He put the church over his family and this led to a divorce. Andy and his sister suffered because of the sins of the parents. Then Charles told the church he would step down if he ever got a divorce. When he announced to the church he had officially divorced, he went back on his word and refused to step down.
No wonder his wife felt the need to address the church and Charles' behavior towards her. No wonder Andy had to be the man in the room and tell his father and the church his father needed to step down.
@bobjones9725 Charles did exactly what he was called to do. Your wife or husband do not come before God. Slandering his child wouldn't have suited him or anyone for that matter because Charles was very clear on his stance. Why should he have an obligation to put into lamens terms his beliefs when all he's done his entire life is announce his devotion to the Word of God and the law of the Bible. DO not tear down a man of God and place the sins of another man on his back after his passing.
@@bobjones9725 Charles Stanley's wife wanted the divorce. He did not. He never remarried because of it. He could not stop it.
I'm sending this anointed woman of GOD extra love from Jesus in and by HIS NAME and boldly going to ask it to the FATHER.
Thank you Allie for standing in the gap and holding onto GOD's unchanging hands.❤❤❤
Allie! I love what you said about attraction not being who you are! Such a poweful way to look at it. You can apply that to any sin. Really gave me a breakthrough today in my own life. It isnt who we are! Which allows hope for change and encouragment to not stop trying to change. I REALLY loved this!
Yes, she is absolutely right about that. People are (rightly) only identified by their actual behavior, not by their desires. People experience all kinds of sexual desires or temptations, and that DOESN'T define who they are. A man who wants to have sex with another man, but doesn't do it, is NOT a homosexual, in the same way that a man who wants to have sex with his neighbor's wife, but doesn't do it, is not an adulterer ! In both cases they are just men being TEMPTED to sin.
I praise God for you! Thank you for standing for the truth and for speaking it out.
I am dead to sin. Believers really need to “believe” that the work has been accomplished.
Wait. So sin is dead? No sin? We can do whatever the hell we want?
what does that mean?
@@Unspun417 Romans 6:11-23.
@@youtubeKathy Romans 6:11-23 is really good news!
@@kellyatthedoublekranch5134 yes, but that is saying unite yourselves to Christ and sin no more? that doesn't contradict that we really believe. Believers still sin and need to confess and seek forgiveness. so I am not sure what you are saying. We don't need to worry about sinning? people can embrace a gay lifestyle, because christ died on the cross? Because that is the sin of presumption, that you can sin because God is good and he will forgive my sins...
AMEN!! 25:37- 27:52 the best explanation and truth I’ve heard on this subject! Thank you, Allie for allowing God to speak through you. Please make this section into a reel 😊
"A bitter truth is better than a sweet lie." What is going on here comes from the deception and lies of the enemy. They are letting people jump out of the airplane without a parachute. This is not loving. We need to be thoughtful and speak with grace, but we do not need to call a lie the truth. That is not helping people at all.
I recently had a talk with the pastor at a Christian fellowship group. We had been recently told by another leader not to discuss gender, sexuality, politics, etc...all because it may offend someone who may be dealing with those issues in our group. I told her it wouldn't be ME that would be offending them if I happen to mention something about homosexuality being a sin- but the Bible. And her response was that I was basically being like a pharisee and Jesus hung out with all sort of unsavory people, so we want them here no matter what. A lot of people left the group because of this. I prayerfully considered everything before I even spoke to her but I knew God was prompting me to confront her on this. It was soon apparent the church in general avoids speaking on anything considered controversial from the pulpit.
I share this because I want people to be aware that the Bible should never be censored in regards to sin for fear of hurting peoples feelings!! Ugh....it's so sad ...be aware of these apostates!!!
💔🙏🏻 I pray that Andy Stanley and others that believe this way come to the knowledge and truth of the Gospel. “We are the TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!” Thank you for this message. I pray it reaches far and wide!!!! ❤🙌🏼🙏🏻🔥
Allie this my 2nd video I’ve watched of u and let me say u are a breath of fresh air for Christians and a great follower of Christ! We need more strong women Christians like u. I am a father of a 9 yr old girl and hope with Gods help I point her in the right direction where she follows the word of God.
I agree with you, Allie. Stanley is a super-intelligent scholar, and I've learned so much from him. He's given some mind-blowing, excellent sermons. But there really isn't room for debate on this topic. It saddens me.
He is a wolf in sheep's clothing 💯
I've never seen him preach a biblical message at all. He's decided he is the Word and the authority, and that he is both smarter and more loving than God. He's an APOSTATE. You shouldn't listen to anything he says.
Jesus loved sinners and hated their sins. Often he ended" Go and sin no more."
Remember, Satan also, can quote scripture
He thinks he’s smart which is dangerous because he thinks he knows better than God’s word.
Amen Allie! Thank you for speaking truth! Its so sad😢 Andy really is preaching such a hopeless gospel message. The verse that talks about, "denying the power thereof" comes to my mind in all this! Where is the power of the Gospel to transform us? Do we not believe this anymore?
The next step is people that say: I AM a person attracted to children, so accept it. I so agree with you. I listen to you from South Africa.
Allie, thank you so much for standing for the truth of the Bible. We attended and served at North Point for many, many years. We saw the seeds of unbiblical teaching on this topic back in 2015 at a church leadership conference. We should have left then but it was so subtle. As we look back now, It was apparent that Andy was slowly and intentionally building the case for his heretical viewpoints.
We visited once in 2003 and something was off, but couldn't put our finger on it. But did observe that no one had a Bible....
The singles group there was a hotbed of fornication....I couldn't believe it. People using it like a harem. That was about 15 years ago
Freed from this sin, thank you Jesus Amen 🕊️
It actually makes it worse when someone is a great communicator, who blatantly ignores the word of the Lord.
Its called blasphemy and heresy
When I moved to Georgia 40 plus yrs ago I became a member of Atlanta Baptist church
and was introduced to Dr Charles Stanley. Dr Stanley pretty much separated himself for said son before he passed
His son Andy needs to get on his knees. Followed the exploits of Andy Stanley and his growing campus's of his MEGA church. Andy is obviously about the $$
His obsession with the LGB + other ministry is motivated by his l obsession to be contraversal . I've been watching him for several years. Very troubled... Indeed. Your message is spot on. All we can do now is collectively pray for Andy.
Charles knew everything, saying publicly before dying, "Andy, I could nit be more proud of you!" SHAMEFUL!!
Thank you for covering this heavy topic. You’re a gifted teacher/preacher. God’s Truth is freedom. This Andy guy(won’t call him a pastor bc he’s not a shepherd, he’s leading people astray) is probably in the closet and conflicted.
The article was correct; the train has left the station. What’s so unbelievably discouraging is, almost every youth pastor/pastor I was under growing up that told me thing like “stay true to the Bible, don’t listen to the worlds lies,” have either completely caved, and now preaches an entirely different message, or they won’t dare say a word about the truth issues we face today. I feel so alone in this because I believe what they said, I’m NOT changing with the world, even if I stand alone.
I agree 💯 w/ Allie. The conference should have included those like Rosario Butterfield who have a strong testimony of breaking free of the Gay lifestyle. Andy Stanley along with Amy Grant, Lauren Daigle & others, are caving in to the PC worldly views. God is not mocked & there will be consequences. 42:06
I agree with you, Allie. Stanley is a super-intelligent scholar, and I've learned so much from him. He's given some mind-blowing, excellent sermons. But there really isn't room for debate on this topic. It saddens me.
Everyone should see this video.
Thank you for communicating clearly and respectfully on such a culturally relevant subject.
You spoke the truth boldly in love. With confidence. ❤
My uncle was Bisexual and died of AIDS in the 1980's. My dad is a faithful traditional Christian and didn't approve of his brother's promiscuous lifestyle, but when my uncle was sick and dying and abandoned by all his "affirming" friends, my dad moved his brother in with him and took care of him and ministered to him all the way to the end. He prayed with him and for him, he said he doesn't know whether his brother repented or not, but he cried out to Jesus at the very end so my dad hopes he did. whenever I think about homosexuality and how to treat those who practice it, I think about my dad's example.
Allie honed in on the same thing I did. Stanley said that for some same sex attracted Christians celibacy is " not sustainable". She rightly said that there is no sin that the Holy Spirit cannot empower you to resist. Pastor Stanley has limited God, he underestimates the awesome power of our Lord.
Allie thank you so much for speaking Biblical TRUTH even in the hardest topics! Andy Stanley is our pastor and we are praying that he opens his heart to know this Biblical TRUTH and that what you teach is that TRUTH! You are blessed with an amazing voice to teach His truth, and I so enjoy every lesson I study through. Relatable! The world needs to know the Power in Jesus. I truly think Andy Stanley (where I have learned so much in 20 years with his amazing ability to teach) missed TRUTH when he could have made such a difference at this conference. He made a point... 'we need to affirm'... but he made no difference in the lives that are lost to this sin. We should never affirm sin. I pray so many blessings on you and your beautiful family!❤
Thanks for your discussion about this. It tends to be a divisive subject, but it always comes back to what does the word of God say. So thank you for defining love.
And very few are saying (or even know) the word of God. If they would do it, there would be less arguments.
Be well and be at peace.
I am re-watching this, & since I saw it the first time I saw a clip of Andy saying "the Bible in part can be mean & outdated"😮I will be Praying 🙏 for him...
You spoke very well about this. Thank you for being so faithful to the Word of the Lord in a thorough and respectful way. Nicely done. Thank you. 😊
Thank you SO much for making a point in speaking what is ACTUALLY the Good News!! Praise God! He doesn’t make bad people good…He makes dead people LIVE!
God bless you, Allie! The authority with which you rightly divide the word of truth is inspiring.
Preach sister. I just came across your podcast watching cat von D. Praying for her. You are doing great things
because of sexual abuse from my biological father, i totally lived the homosexual lifestyle..thank God He didn't give up on me..1st Corinthians chapter 6:9-11 have become my favorite,comforting verses..Thank U Jesus for loving me 1st..
So sorry you suffered this betrayal. So strong of you to take this action. May God be with you daily.
I am a born-again believe who knows the struggle with same-sex attraction. This is what I've learned in how to biblically deal with it from Scripture, Reformed teachers, and Rosaria Butterfield, today's leading voice in biblically standing against LGBTQ+ ideology, Revoice, Side B Christianity and the heretical label of gay Christian. I've learned: 1. New birth in Christ does not remove all of the residual damage we inherit from Adam via the physical birth process (Psalm 51:5); 2: The damage is often referred to as corruption and affects us at the core of our being (mind, emotions, sexual drive); 3. This corruption distorts all of us and sets us in opposition against God; learning how to deal with it through personal sanctification (Philippians 2:12) is the born-again believer’s greatest challenge and responsibility; 4. Same-sex attraction is a manifestation of Adamic corruption (leftover original sin), one of many sinful and God-opposing desires and enticements that reside in our flesh (indwelling sin) post new birth: Gal 5:17; James 1:14; 5. The root of same-sex attraction is the sin of coveting, desiring to possess/partake of what I don’t have: another person’s body, wife, husband, etc. 6. Romantic feelings for someone of the same sex are unnatural feelings and just as sinful as coveting; 7. Coveting and unnatural affections must be confessed as sin and repented of; 8.God-hating Sigmund Freud invented the idea of sexual orientation in opposition of God’s creation ordinances of gender and sexuality: 8. Same-sex attraction is a sin orientation NOT a sexual orientation; neither is it Freud's heretical/blasphemous category of personhood; 9. The Lord can heal the hurt caused by experiences that create a capacity for same-sex attraction (abuse, rejection, etc.), but only the Holy Spirit can heal, put to death, this attraction that festers and resides in our flesh (emotions/mind); the Pilgrims called it mortification: 10: Mortification of the flesh is an on-going process that utilizes our will that was dead in our fallen/corrupted Adamic condition, now a will that was made alive and operable the moment of new birth in Christ. Our freed and operable will enables us to say “No” to the baiting of the flesh and follow after the Holy Spirit who ALONE has the power to put to death (mortify) the desires of the flesh. Obedience brings change because it allows the Holy Spirit to do what only He can do (Romans 6:19 and 8:13, Gal. 5:16). God does not heal sin, including same-sex attraction. He puts it to death through our obedience. No obedience. No change. 11. The idea of gay Christian is an attack on the finished work of Christ. Jesus did not suffer His savage death on Calvary so we can identify ourselves with a sin for which He suffered and received God’s wrath in our place. Same-sex attraction is a God-opposing corruption deserving of God’s wrath, the same as all manifestations of Adamic corruption that violate His holiness and original design of mankind: corruption and sinful practices for which Jesus died and redeems us from. Same-sex attraction is NOT OK, a neutral ground that does not need to be put to death, even if not acted upon. I’ve chronicled my journey in learning and applying these truths in my book: “Glorified Rubble: Rebuilding the True You,” available online.
Thank you.
So very well said Allie! I'm glad that Andy Stanley was finally open about what he actually believes. Too many pastors just tip toe around the issue without ever making a stand, which leaves their churches confused and vulnerable to deception. I was once part of such a church. I'm happy to say that the Holy Spirit led my family to a Gospel believing church where we have grown so very much in our faith! Hopefully this will open the eyes of many and will lead them away from such false teachers and bring them back to the truth of God's Word! God bless you Allie!
I have a feeling Andy struggles with same sex attraction… ironic he didn’t speak like this when his dad was still alive !
I feel the same way! I don’t know why, but I feel like he deals w these temptations as well. There’s just something about his “vibe”, for lack of a better word.
100% agree. I don’t know him but he gives off a gay vibe. I think he is secretly attracted to the same sex.
he was speaking like this, when his father was still alive. My parents church split over Andi Stanley‘s teachings, including this one over six years ago. He was more nuanced when talking about it back then, but if you were truly paying attention, it was still there.
YES he did! His father even sd publically , "Andy, I could not be more proud of you!" SHAME!
God led me to your channel and I am loving your Scripture based content! So good!!! As a parent of an 11,9,5 year olds, I’m thankful for relevant young teachers who also speak God’s truth.
We have a transgender niece who we love, but it’s created a lot of very difficult questions for my children and we’ve had to have these conversations far earlier than I wish we did. We just do our best to show love and avoid any pronouns (which is a lot more difficult than you can imagine if you’re not in this situation…)
I’m going to look up some of the Christians who have been changed and repented. I think they’ll give encouragement to our family and my mother in law.
I can't imagine being told it's not necessary to repent of my sin and that I am still in right standing with God. It's denying Christ who suffered and died on Calvary for me.
You are in right standing with God when you repented and put your full trust in Jesus Christ. Jesus' Christ's blood justifies you...that was the right standing you needed once and for all time.
Now while living out your salvation..comes the sanctification part. This is the part of living out salvation where sin tries to chase believers but should become less and less of a matter.
Be well and be at peace.
So thankful you and Dr moehler are standing for Biblical truth. The church is in big trouble and is leading these very troubled truth seeking people down the wrong path.
Powerful! Thank you for standing up once again for God’s word and truth and hope ….to redeem lives in this crazy mixed up world!!
We are not our sin struggles whatever they are. Preach Allie. We have struggles but we have been bought with a price. Jesus is our idenity!
It’s very telling that Stanley did not invite Christopher Yuan, Becket Cook and especially Rosaria Butterfield. Here’s what I heard Rosaria say on Cook’s podcast, “The blood of Christ never makes an ally of the sin it crushed on the cross.” Mic Drop Andy. Mic Drop.
Andy should be ashamed of himself...Teaching such abominations...If people want to leave the Christian faith because of the biblical message,,, they were not Christians to begin with ...we need to give into SIN!!! To keep people in the church? No thanks I'm good with the real biblical teachings ....Andy has fallen and he is traveling the road most traveled ,,,,He may very well be responsible for many not receiving the "Holy Spirit".....Repent!!! Everyone has impulses or feelings that are not online with Biblical teachings but even so Jesus calls all of us to carry our cross ,,,some carry a heavier cross then others but we are not to give in to SIN because it feels right!!!....We are called to live for Christ and even Jesus said it would be difficult.....We are truly in the last days ....
Please kindly remember Pastor Mill that your comments, "teaching such abominations... they were not Christians to begin with..." are not in alignment with the teachings of many Christian churches and leaders.
@@charlottehobbs-v8s Well I don't really care about your feelings or other so called denominational Church's or their opinions,,, I only Fear!!! The Lord ....according to scriptures Homosexuality is an "Abomination" unto the Lord....Whether that makes you and other Churches uncomfortable!!! Or not!!!.... your battle is not with me but with Christ himself....❤️🙏
@@charlottehobbs-v8s "The word Abomination' " is literally in the scriptures describing Homosexuality relations , you want God to conform to your ideas? And if you say to @pstorrmill "Abominations does not align with Church leaders or the Church's teachings " may I ask what church leaders and what Church's? Are you talking about? Not sure where you are going with this! . I'm already not liking where this is headed.
Differences of opinions among individual Christians or Christian churches is not about my "feelings" or "uncomfortableness" or about your "caring" or your "fear." Diversity among Christians who follow Jesus has existed for 2023 years - this is well recorded in the New Testament. Thank God, Christ Himself will lead me. Contrary to your statement, I do not have a "battle" with Christ Himself. How arrogant of you to make such a claim ... such a judgement. Merry Christmas. I pray the Love of Jesus, the Peace of Jesus, and the Hope of Jesus surrounds you and your family during this Christmas Season.
@@charlottehobbs-v8sSorry I completely disagree with you and tip my hat towards Pastor Mill . Peter,Paul,Jude(The Lord's brother) all disagree with you and Jesus himself clearly states about heterosexual relationships & marriage. Paul even goes as far to say that Homosexuals will be cut off from God and can't go to heaven. You speak of a different Gospel , that is alien to most of us.
We see it over and over again. People are calling what is evil good and what is good evil. Lord, help us all.
I am currently writing a song in Spanish that talks about end times. "Yo Se Que Tu Pronto Vienes"/ I Know That You Are Coming Soon. I pray that all the lyrics will come together soon and that this song will be a blessing for many. May God continue to use Allie's VOICE to speak TRUTH and expose the LIES of the enemy.🙌🏼💯
Andy is giving, “I’m more loving than God”. Blasphemous.
Thank you for sharing your insight! You are also someone who has the amazing gift of communication! 🩷
Dear Allie, I've seen a lot of people cover the LGBTQ+ as well as Andy's affirmation stance, but this is probably the best coverage I've seen. You hit all the nails on the head. Thank you.
I, for many years, was understanding of those who were gay and wondered if Christians were coming down too hard on the matter. I am a Christian and a traditionally-minded one at that BUT I have wondered if this stance of mine was too harsh on those who had same sex attraction. I wrestled with this for years and there are times I still do. But a number of years ago I was watching a video of a commentator who was taking issue with Amy Grant’s hosting weddings for gays and lesbians. I was in the comment section and boom, the top comment said something along the line of, “I am gay and the last thing I want is someone who I love and look up to to affirm me in my sin just so they don’t hurt my feelings.” Affirm me in my sin. This has always stuck with me and this helped me to understand that even those who are same sex attracted(some) somehow know it’s wrong and so if this young woman is admitting this then perhaps culture has it horribly wrong. Instead of holding others to a higher standard we stoop and grovel to avoid us looking like a horrible person sitting in judgment.
Also, you’ve heard ppl say, Why does it matter who I sleep with? What if it’s girl girl, boy boy? Well, sure, ok. But look now at the societal SLIDE into depravity. Gay became bi, trans, 12826627 genders etc. Yes, the slope is slippery and we needed to cut this off at the pass, somehow, but that’s much easier said than done. Now things are so insane etc that just being an old gay seems like a big nothing burger. Not really, but you get my point. We’ve opened the flood gates and now look?
It says in the Bible that the prince of darkness puts people behind the pulpit too
I have so much to say on this subject and I believe I am here for such a time as this. I "thought" I was born gay (lesbian) and cane out at 16 years old and my mother who has a strong faith told ne she loved me. She did not say she "accepted" me that way but her love is unconditional. HUGE difference!!!! She was open with me about what the Scriptures said and how difficult her battle was in dealing with it. I never felt unloved or shamed but instead by a bystander in my mother's Christian struggle with the Bible. I have always believed, never doubted God or that Jesus was sent to die for my sins. I wrestled with "Why would God make me this way if it's wrong?" It's because I didn't know the difference in my feelings and truth. That was the actual hold up. I had not fully engaged in the Bible because it said "I'm going to he'll and MY God would not send me the for loving someone" and "Man wrote the Bible and he contorts everything so how could I believe a book that was so old and passed through so Many men's hands, it had to be manipulated. Those were my thoughts. When the Lord says that sin will lead to DEATH especially ESPECIALLY this particular sin I tell you. God sin is the most prevalent in deceit because most "gay" people truly believe they were "Born this way" (interesting how Lady gaga coined that phrase as this stronghold was taking FULL root in our society!) I held on to the 10 Commandments to the best of my ability throughout my life, but living a gay/lesbian lifestyle led me to SO MANY more sins than I could have imagined! It led me straight to the devil knocking on my door and I literally mean he was pounding on my door and I was so terrified I tried to hide underneath my mattress in my living room floor with my "girlfriend" who is a narcissist and an unbeliever. I ended up on meth a year after being Student of the year at my college as a non traditional 30 year old and was granted a full ride scholarship to my school of choice. ONE YEAR later I was arrested for manufacturing meth when I wasn't guilty of that, I was using but I owned my home and my ex brought a dope cook into my home. See, the guilt I felt for not continuing to seek God's face caused me to spiral so far into sin I didn't know myself anymore. Jail was my 🙌 blessing because that's where i TRULY found God and his Word came alive unto me. The book I made excuses about was alive and it read me more than I could read it. When he says he will never leave you nor forsake you, it's true! You must be in a place of desperation and willingness tough when it comes to battling this demon, the spirit of Jezebel has taken over this generation and she must be called out!!!
2 months ago Yahuah saved me, gave me the gift of the Holy Spirit and called me out of the homosexual identity and lifestyle that I was living. I’ve repented and now walk the narrow road with Jesus as my savior and redeemer. I’m so grateful my eyes were opened from the deception.
Prayers for you Ryan. This journey takes strength. Know you’re not alone.
@@KevinG-tn7nj thank you!
Thank you for holding true to your Faith and to the WORD of GOD.
“Christ loves us all, unconditionally, just as we are, in the midst of our sins and our brokenness - but He loves us too much to leave us that way.” - Dr. Robert Stackpole from his book A BRIDGE OF MERCY - HOMOSEXUALITY AND GOD'S MERCIFUL LOVE.
what is up with all the self-hate christians perpetuate? ffs people arent broken. objects get broken, people get hurt. there isn’t something inherently wrong with you or anyone else. why the pity party?
He loves us so much that he doesn't leave us the way we are some people are broken, hurt, abused, abandoned…Thank you Jesus for your daily mercy, faithfulness, and eternal life! Read John 16❤
God doesn’t label something as a sin just because He’s a buzz kill, or because it’s “icky.” Actions God labels as sinful, are things that hurt us, as an individual and a society.
Best way to explain why homosexuality is a sin is to think about 3 things you think about when you think about southern culture, Australian culture, and then Gay culture.
There’s not a lot of positive attributes that gay culture promotes, and if the entire world was wrapped up in gay culture, or it’s attributes we would have a very sexually charged, confusing world. Not so much can be said for the other two cultures mentioned.
Furthermore, and probably the worst part, is the identity people find in their sexual attraction. Our identity should begin with Christ, and we should conduct ourselves as such.
It breaks my heart that churches today are confusing the term and action of “love” with the term “acceptance.”
If everyone was gay we would not exist. It goes against what we were created for. Seems simple to me. I believe that gay”ness” is a sinful urge, culturally spawned, and equates to any normal person who has urges to either steal, kill, cheat, etc. Culturally, society has been groomed in such a way that ALL of these sins, along with many more, are justified and excused for many different reasons.
Excellent post!
True, but also I think , like I told my daughter this morning when she was rocking back in a chair "it's important to use things in the way that the person who made it, designed it for, otherwise, you will eventually break it, or yourself". Don't lick dull knives because one day it'll be sharp and you'll cut your tongue.
Use things for what they were designed for. Genitals are designed for reproduction, clearly. Using the back door is more likely to spread diseases due to the delicate nature of the tissue there. It will eventually cause bowel problems a lot of the time. And there will never be the gift of a child from it.
Use things for what they were designed for and that includes body parts.
In female relationships this is less obvious, however they still suffer from the highest rate of domestic violence than any other.
You can't eat with your eyes. You can't rock on two legs of a chair. Eventually there will be problems because they weren't designed for that. (Or evolved because I feel like even atheists should be able to understand this).
The lack of 'risk' of a child, just leads to a total lack of responsibility.
My gut tells me Stanley might struggle with something in the LGB family therfore if he tries to convince people it's ok then the better he feels about what he may be struggling with
I totally agree
yeah it’s a lot harder to be bigoted against lgbt people once you get to know them.
@@babs_babsI would disagree. It's my own forays into the area and watching and participating in it all that has led to my own distaste, and understanding of why it isn't ideal.
@@smallbeginning2 that’s super vague. how many lgbt people are you close with right now?
@@babs_babs 2, plus I was in a lesbian relationship a few years ago. Plus I went to a performing arts high school of which easily 80% of the guys are gay. I thought I was a gay man in a woman's body for awhile there. But, luckily , it was before that was 'possible' so people just looked at me weirdly. I used to go to drag shows at least once a month. I have been, seen, heard alllll of it.
Sister Allie, you are sooo right in saying, Andy cannot "religiously make God more holy" than he or his word already is by adding to scripture! This is usually the case when religious men sadly go true "Pharisee or Reprobate" in their hearts. Great job!!!
Thank you for sharing the Truth of God's word. You are a blessing to the body of Christ Mrs. Allie
I’m excited for your chat with Trent Horn! Love you both.
Trent Horn coauthored an excellent book with Leila Miller titled “Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today's Tough Moral Issues”. It addresses homosexuality and other objectively immoral sins of the flesh like pornography, cohabitation, reproductive technologies, transgenderism, etc. Hopefully this book gets some attention when Allie talks with Trent Horn.
I’m so ready for this!!
Wow it’s so amazing how he twists everything the devil speaks through him prince of liars (36 min). Love how you comment on it please speak up more!!!
Ally this was good. Keep speaking truth.
Allie nailed it! Andy Stanley's gay affirming message to the biblical church is the beginning of apostasy in the church....
Good job Allie! You did a great job of articulating biblical truth in a loving way.