Turkish Armed Forces and Empires ( New - Brilliant Video )

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • Turkic Empires in History
    1)Asia Hun Empire
    2)Western Hun Empire
    3)European Hun Empire
    4)White Hun Empire
    5)Göktürk Empire
    6)Avar Empire
    7)Khazar Empire
    8)Uighur Empire
    9)Karakhanid Empire
    10)Ghaznevid Empire
    11)Seljuk Empire
    12)Kwarezmian Empire
    13)Golden Horde
    14)Timurid Empire
    15)Mughal (Babür) Empire
    16)Ottoman Empire
    & Turkish Armed Forces is the 4th Strongest Armed Force in the world without respect to Nukes and the 8th Strongest in the world with Respect to Nuclear Power. It is the 2nd Strongest Army of NATO...
    Turk asker Turkish soldier Turkiye Turkey Armed Forces Navy Air Force Stars Military Fighting Warrior Turk land air forces helicopter Heli Attack Operations Super Cobra Skorsky Apache Comanche defense team commandos sat sas komando F16 TuAF HAF dogfight greek greece Hellenic air force Turkish Fighting Falcon Aegean Sea Ege denizi Gendarmerie Mountain Activities JOAK Commandos Gendarme Special Forces operasyon atak dag komandosu jandarma piyade ozel kahramanlar harp war savas baris gucu gücü power Mustafa Kemal ATA Ataturk Turkcu Turchia Turkei Turkey Tuerkei harbiye kara deniz hava harp silahlı akademi tugay tümen karakol mekanize zırhlı zirhli piyade ordu ordusu tatbikat leopar tank tankci tankçı harekat asia europe tsk Fighting Warrior türkçüler atsiz nihal ulkucu bozkurt Turkmeneli Turkman Erbil Tellafer iraqiyoon cyprus north savas armed forces silahlı kuvvetleri army metal pop rap hiphop music galatasaray besiktas fenerbahce USA amerika US greek greece kürt kurd kurt kürdistan PKK armenian armenia ermenistan genocide komik comics war warrior games military football futbol komando TSK türk silahlı kuvvetleri kara hava deniz kuvvetleri donanma stinger A-10 submarine denizaltı gayreek fag alexanders spartans
    The Turkish Army has retained a permament military presence in Cyprus since 1960, along with Greece, originally in the form of a garrison, authorised by the Cyprus Constitution of 1960. This is the order of battle of those forces, prior to 1974:
    Gφnyeli Grubu (Gφnyeli Group) * 2 Piyade Bolugu (2nd Infantry Company) * 3 Piyade Bolugu (3rd Infantry Company) * Agir Silah Bolugu (Heavy Weapons Company)
    Ortakoy Grubu (Ortakoy Group) * 1 Piyade Bolugu (1st Infantry Company) * 4 Piyade Bolugu (4th Infantry Company) * Alay Kh. Srv. Bolugu (Regimental HQ Company)
    In July 1974, Turkey invaded the north of Cyprus after a coup by the Cypriot National Guard against the democratically-elected President, Archbishop Makarios III. Turkish forces involved in the 1974 action included: * An airborne (parachute) brigade (Brig.Gen. Everen) * A commando brigade (Brig.Gen. Demirbag) * A Special Strike Force Landing Brigade (Brig.Gen. Tuncer) * The 39th Infantry Division (Maj.Gen. Demirel) * The 28th Infantry Division (Maj.Gen. Polat)
    Since the 16th of August 1974, the Turkish Army has retained occpuational control of the northern 37% of Cyprus.
    [edit] Officers and Unit Structure
    The current commanding officers of the Turkish Army are: * Chief of the Turkish General Staff: General Yaşar Büyükanıt * Commander of the Army: General İlker Başbuğ
    The Cyprus Turkish Forces Command is an independent command from the rest of the Turkish Army, and is equipped with two mechanised infantry divisions, as well as supporting external brigades and regiments.
    [edit] Sources * Cyprus Mail, Thursday, November 19, 1998 * Phileleftheros, Wednesday, November 18, 1998 * Cyprus News Agency, October 8, 1998 * Cyprus News Agency, November 21, 1997 * Cyprus News Agency, October 27, 1997 * The Military Balance 1996/97, The International Institute for Strategic Studies, London. * 2004 - 2005 Defence Bible (Stratigiki) * "Cyprus, 1974", by T. Cooper and N. Tselepidis, published October 28th 2003 for ACIG.org

Комментарии • 122

  • @owaisyahya
    @owaisyahya 15 лет назад

    why dont turkey develop nuclear weapons, its necesory even our enemies have build nuclear weapons and nuclear technolgy can bring peace i m a pakistani and our enemy (india) want to attack two times in 2001 and 2008 but they cannot do it because of our nuclear capability. Turkey must develop nuclear weapons, israel have 2500+ weapons ready but in the whole of the muslim world pakistan have only 50 weapons, other muslim countries should develop.

  • @CarterKhan
    @CarterKhan 15 лет назад

    Brother XTC, one should not compare the Muslim countries on a military scale to make him/herself happy that his/her country is a superpower in comparison to other Muslim country.
    One, being a Muslim, should only and only strive for Union of all Muslim countries from Pakistan to Mauritania to form a Khilafah again and I, for one, only strive to see the Sultant-e-Uthmania regain it's lost honour and due place in the world by forming a Union among all Muslim countries. Amen!

  • @fatih227
    @fatih227 14 лет назад

    eskilerle övünmekten vazgeçin (tarihini öğrenme demiyorum) şimdi ne yapıyoruz ne yapmışıız başklarının silahlarıya artislik başka? Kendi silahını kendisi üretemeyen bir ülkenin ordusu yoktur. Bunuda savaş çıkana kadar kimse anlamıcak umarım o zaman iş işten geçmez.

  • @erto29x
    @erto29x 15 лет назад

    birebir göğüs göğüse yapılan cephe savaşlarında türk ordusunun önü kimse çıkamak değil çıkmaya dahi cesaret edemez çünkü bu tür savaşta türk ordusu dünyada bir numara olarak görülmekte..ama artı cephe savaşları pek kalmadı teknolji şart...

  • @tarek307
    @tarek307 15 лет назад

    Great Video! i'm a true believer that if the Arabs didnt' conspire with the English against the Ottomans in wwi we wouldn't have this Israeli-Palestinian problem!

  • @kespec
    @kespec 13 лет назад

    t-129 verimlilik açısından a-129'un 20 katı sen ne diyorsun ya, tamamen farklı koşullar için dizayn edilmiş sadece italyan motoru taşıyan geri kalan her boku türklerin ürettiği bir helikopter.
    zaten amaç bir türk helikopteri olması değil, ileride yapılacak helikopter için teknolojik ve teknik ergenliğe erişmek. motor hariç her parçada bu erğenliğe ulaşıldığı anlaşılıyor.

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    “The new law was set after several trials in the European Court of Human Rights that had previously decided Turkey must pay compensation to the victims. The court then decided that the situation could not be dealt with compensation anymore. . The unmovable property of minority communities will be given back due to a new codification of the law on immovable property,” he said.
    Minority foundations will have to apply to the Turkish authorities within 12 months to reclaim their property

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    This is restoration of a right. This is a move that is a requirement of the Lausanne Treaty and one which makes our non-Muslim citizens feel like equal citizens in Turkey,” Hatemi told Today’s Zaman.
    The properties include former hospital, orphanage or school buildings and cemeteries. Their return is a key European Union demand and a series of court cases has also been filed against primarily Muslim Turkey at the European Court of Human Right

  • @cemgokcan
    @cemgokcan 13 лет назад

    @JIMY45GR dude don't make me laugh please.Syrians in Turkish Army?We have only 85.000 people originally Syrian in Turkey.Hazar Alevite?We have Alevite,but they try everything to avoid the military duty in Turkey,so don't be afraid from them as well.Kurds are more posted at South East Anatolia to fight against PKK,so they are killing each other.Finally we are left,Turks and Greek.
    What now?

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    Russia will be engaged in first a political and then a brief military standoff in the Black Sea with the Turks. Though a NATO ally, NATO will not step in, as two other NATO allies (Greece and Bulgaria) will also be participating. Russian participation will primarily be in the form of Navel and Air assets and some raids by marines, on Turkish coastal regions. Russian presence in the Balkan with Greece and Serbia firmly in the Russian sphere and Bulgaria sliding in the same direction

  • @cemgokcan
    @cemgokcan 13 лет назад

    @JIMY45GR No,but i think Greece is interested in Turkeys Head of Armies confessions.My friend if you want to try,just come and try.Don't talk...
    We are always waiting,we were waiting at 1974 also,but somehow you didn't show off on ONE-O-ONE BATTLE.This is also interesting.You always have to wait for somebody else to hide on their back.But we are always ONE...
    So feel free to come...

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    savuma strategik analyzir 30.3.2011 The intention of the Greek Army address the question U.S. Principles on the availability of tanks M-1A1 is a move designed to strengthen the Armata potential, while withdrawing the old M-48 MOLF. While the M1A2 was candidate in a contest that resulted in the purchase of the Leopard 2HEL the 400 M1A1 tanks will be used to supplement main power of Leopard on the mainland. on november the first 200 M1 and 200 bradleys wil arrive in port of eleftheroypolis

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    A crucial decision taken in the review of key points of the preventive strategy is to develop ballistic missile ATACMS MGM-104A Block I in the eastern Aegean islands. Given the problems that may arise due to the existing Treaty of Lausanne which prevents the installation of offensive weapons in the eastern Aegean islands, the development will not be permanent. savuma strategic analizir march 2011

  • @cemgokcan
    @cemgokcan 13 лет назад

    @JIMY45GR Continue 2 :
    The report, by reducing the Greek naval forces in the budget, 15 percent will save 140 million were reported. Greek air forces, air bases, restrictions will be in the same direction.
    As you see,these are the real facts my friend.We are cleaning up the fouled apples from the basket,but you start starving and decreasing the units,because of you have no Money left to support your troops.But we are raising the bar every day and continue developing our technology...

  • @cemgokcan
    @cemgokcan 13 лет назад

    @JIMY45GR Continue :
    Etnos pro-government newspaper announced the details and save 500 million euros a year according to the plan which the Greek land forces that make up 1 in 5 military units, 10 divisions and 24 brigades and 11 terminated 5. According Etnos'a also, 40 regiment, 80 of unity and the unity of the Greek army, with 23 of the 35 training is scheduled to terminate. Possible population will be mobilized during the war reduced the number of 100 thousand people.

  • @cemgokcan
    @cemgokcan 13 лет назад

    @JIMY45GR İf you remember,even during the conflict at Georgia,the American War Ships had to be authorized by the Turkish Parliament.All War Ships are obligated to be authorized by the Parliament to Pass the İstanbul Pass.You think we are so stupid to let pass eveything what is going to be a threat for us.İ'm sorry but we are the "Permanent NATO Member" who has the VETO" right not Cypruss or Greece.İf not,Cypruss would become a member of NATO,just think about it.Even we let you in to NATO in 1982

  • @cemgokcan
    @cemgokcan 13 лет назад

    @JIMY45GR This is only for commercial ships not War Ships.The second thing is you are pasting words of the Head of the Army,but not our Leader.You should translate the words carefully.He's claiming from the mistakes they made in the past not now.Finally he has been kicked out and got retired.Now we have a new Head of the Army and the results : 400 Terrorists dead in 3 days.But terrorism is not the equality for the Power of a Army in a real War.Terrorist hit from back and run.Armies are different

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    Kosaner is burning and the officers and especially the motor monadono stressing that there are officers who just made a machio give up their weapons and leave. "When the team captain I've sent a company is the first, with the first ball that drops leaves the gun and gone, we can not proceed. It means that we do not have the necessary training ... if the leader leaves is reasonable to drop the front. Here come two people from the street and took us hostage atoma.Rezili 30.turkish army

  • @cemgokcan
    @cemgokcan 13 лет назад

    @JIMY45GR Because Greece always has to depend on other countries to dare to attack somebody.This how you did at Balkan war,this how you did at WW1,but finally we always saw you swimming back to Athens.The reality is,when you didn't find any support from other nations you always have to back off as it was in 1974 in Cypruss.So please stop the crab and lets talk about realities.Politics is not done with Legends or Opions,they are done on real facts and strategies.

  • @cemgokcan
    @cemgokcan 13 лет назад

    @JIMY45GR Can you tell me please how the Russian Vessels are going to make to pass the İstanbul Pass?And after all the happenings,you really think that İsrael dares to come close to our shores?My friends,we are not talking about Legends like 300 Spartans or 500 Apes etc. Think logically,Nobody is going to produce Oil or Gas over there,especially Cyrpruss,a country that Turkey refuses to know cannot dare to do this.At positions like those don't ever mention that the EU is going to save you.

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    Kosaner is burning and the officers and especially the motor monadono stressing that there are officers who just made a machio give up their weapons and leave. "When the team captain I've sent a company is the first, with the first ball that drops leaves the gun and gone, we can not proceed. It means that we do not have the necessary training ... if the leader leaves is reasonable to drop the front. Here come two people from the street and took us hostage atoma.Rezili 30. I

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    four Gur class submarines, four Preveze class submarines and six Atilay class submarines. Its frigates are two Salih Reis class ships, two Barbados class, four Yavuz class, 2 G class = retired and three Tepe class vessels. The navy currently has a single Ada class corvette and six B class corvettes. The Turkish Navy’s fast attack boats are three in the Kilic I class, five Kilic II, two Yildiz class, four Ruzgar class, four Dogan class, eight Kartal class and seven Turk class.

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    It currently has approximately 51,000 active personnel. The Turkish Navy is also the third largest navy in Europe, in terms of the total displacement of its fleet, which is 258,948 tons. The Turkish Navy has 14 frigates, 14 submarines, 7 corvettes and 32 fast attack craft. The navy also has 75 aircraft, the majority of which are helicopters. Other equipment belonging to the Turkish navy include mine warfare ships, landing ships and landing craft, patrol craft, survey ships, support ships,

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    helenioc airspac e industry
    The categories of products manufactured by the company include small arms, mortars, cannons, weapon systems, missile systems, external loads for aircraft (MIRAGE & F-16), medium- and large-calibre ammunition, propelling powders and harges, reinforced plastics, military uniforms, work clothing, body armour, cartridge case cups, blank euro coins and, finally, commercial products.
    last production the macedon ballistic missile o mirage 2000-5

  • @cemgokcan
    @cemgokcan 13 лет назад

    @JIMY45GR But don't forget,come alone,so we will see how brave and heroic the Greek people are.Don't hide behind other nations (Russia or İsrael)...
    Even if you come with them together we are ready as we were always (Finally we proved that to all the World at WW1)...
    So lets see how Greece is going to prove their bravery...

  • @cemgokcan
    @cemgokcan 13 лет назад

    @JIMY45GR Some News from Greece :
    Wiped out an army of five divisions in Greece
    The Greek General Staff of the Greek economy is bankrupt due to the bottleneck created by a military, 5 divisions, 11 brigades, 40 regiments, 80 of unity and the unity of 23 training plans to completely terminate
    2:30 | 28 August 2011
    Taki Berberakis Athens

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    hellenic frigates upgrated...Aegeon F460 14th May 1993 In service
    Adrias F459 30th March 1994 In service
    Navarinon F461 1st February 1995 In service
    Kountouriotis F462 - In service
    Bouboulina F463Salamis Commissioned 1998 In Service
    Ex-US KNOX class frigates
    Ipiros 30th August 1992 In service
    Theaki 30th July 1992 In service

  • @BordoEnes
    @BordoEnes 13 лет назад

    @JIMY45GR Amman. ''Rashad Suleymanov APA. Turkish Oztek Company and the Ministry of Defense Industry of Azerbaijan began production of multi-spectral camouflage for tanks, armored vehicles and other military equipments to prevent their detection by radars and thermal cameras, Ahmet Oztek, Chairman of the Companys Board of Governors told APA''

  • @BordoEnes
    @BordoEnes 13 лет назад

    @JIMY45GR ANKARA: ''Turkey has tossed aside plans to purchase the Eurofighter Typhoon and is pursuing an ambitious endeavor to design and produce its own fighter jet instead. The decision, announced by Turkish Defense Minister Vecdi Gonul, is seen as not only an industrial move, but one aimed at boosting national pride with its “Made in Turkey” fighter.''

  • @murattk22
    @murattk22 14 лет назад

    @JIMY45GR GDP of Greece may be slightly higher officially but remember prices in Turkey are generally 3 times cheaper then in Greece so in reality it is Turks in Turkey who earn more money. In Greece there is a saying called fungooli, you should know what this means, do you really need 13 annual monthly (lol wtf!) payments to pay off that eurotrash zone car? :)

  • @murattk22
    @murattk22 14 лет назад

    @JIMY45GR Latest news: Turkey to acquire 116 F-35 stealth attack craft & has developed indigenous stealth technologies that feature on Milgem, TF-2000, MRTP 33, P1200 class of warships. TF-2000 (coming 2015) will have kinetic high impact energy weapon that can split Greek naval destroyers into two pieces in a single salvo.

  • @TurkYusuf1
    @TurkYusuf1 14 лет назад

    Ok look sorry I overreacted and insulted and swore at u but Ataturk is not a Zionist Jew or whatever there are detailed information about him from him being from a Greek city where Jews, Turks, Greeks, Armenians, etc lived in Salonika but it is very clearly stated that he was a Muslim but influenced by Jewish and Western culture.

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    Tragically, however, that in the neighboring country was siphoning and conversation of the Head of the Turkish Armed Forces. According to Turkish press portion of the conversation Kosaner has been 13 months before the city Tountzeli. poor turks the fun ha s no end

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    Kosaner also says there is no coordination in the Turkish army. "Does the conflict. Here often the chief flight drone is not coordinated with the leader who gave battle to the front. "Kosaner This refers to the battle of Chantepe, where the Turkish army lost 7 men

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 14 лет назад

    hellenic shipyard,,,,, 4 fremm frigate s under construction 3 submarines 214 one delivered on 15 october .. 4 fast attack ships class super vita. 2 corvets...
    airforce.. suchoi 35 ordered and delivered in 2012.. 22 mirrage 2000 reconstruictacte d with scalp missile..

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 14 лет назад

    TheVideoTurk how can you live with 20 dollars per day.. have you house to live>> my time is full of energy since i started to change this false pictur e you hear in your psevdomedia... my income is so much you cant have it in 2 lifes.. no further information on this..

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    @dallamakanepe russia ha s no problem passing the pass...... modre treatment article 4 .. all vessels can pas vosporos under 30000 tones one per day.... that is the minimumm they have vessels in mediterannean in latakia port..

  • @GreekSawyer
    @GreekSawyer 15 лет назад

    dude i checked this on wikipedia and i found that all this were turkish tribes..your army was only reunited under the ottoman..oh and by the way when did the ottomans conguered all of arabia and the whole northen shore of africa?

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    @dallamakanepe international law still exists,,, see the russian warning in pravda 11.8.2011 2 blocks of cupruc economicla zone are to be given to russia for oil digging... its a big game for turkey..

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    @dallamakanepe good news... is turkey interestted about millitary redusess? the last 30 years is whatching .. its time to try something,,, this is what we are waiting for.. once and for all show who the pirate.is..

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    radical newspaper 31.8.2011 the 2 turkish armies in east thrace and asia minor will draw off 50 kilometers back in order to shave big expences and unessessary precence in the area..

  • @MrTurkishAzeriNY
    @MrTurkishAzeriNY 14 лет назад

    @blackvirus9 100 f35 A 16 F35 B versions . total : 116 F35 and after 2013 Turkiye will produce F35 under license as F16 as now Turkiye produces . and it will be more than 116 .. 1 F35 = more than 4 F16

    @CEMOLTU 14 лет назад

    Khazars were not want to be assimilated because of Christian or Muslim political influence . so , they were prefered Jewish religion because of low political influence . Khazars Tribes of Türk

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 14 лет назад

    f-35 is under sceptism in USAF its high spead low s the flexibility against f-16 and its easy to be shot by ordinary missile british cancelled all orders for f-35

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    The Turkish Navy supported the Turkish Army during the 1974 invasion of Cyprus, along with the Turkish Airforce. total losses 2 destroyers 35 f-100 jets

  • @blackvirus9
    @blackvirus9 14 лет назад

    @MrTurkishAzeriNY Well Turkey is a big country they need about 500 new fighter to satisfy their needs.How about 250 F-35 and 250 Typhoons? It sounds good.

  • @CTStyles31
    @CTStyles31 15 лет назад

    Selam kardes, eline saglik burdada sundugun video cok güzel olmus. En basta calan müzüigin adini ögrenebilirim mi? (Var ya 16 Imperatorluklarin orasinda caliyor.)

  • @gelmirono
    @gelmirono 15 лет назад

    turkish ground troups are the best in the world.
    since they are the second most disciplined army and strategically best organized army. :D

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    @dallamakanepe read what the turkish stuff leader isik kosaner says...what army a bang of amatures..

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    active troops turkey 550000= 250000 in thrace and asi a minor greece 220.000 in thrace and islands

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    @dallamakanepe if kurds in turkish army are disarmed hazars alevite s syrians w e come alone,,

  • @gazilikurt
    @gazilikurt 14 лет назад

    n summary italy alone can not produce helicopter or airoplane engine without europe or usa. pumpkin italian must search alot..

  • @gazilikurt
    @gazilikurt 14 лет назад

    not italian helicopter. This machine have done consortium Turkish and İtalian but those patent belongs completely to Turkey.

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    navy personel turkey 51000 greece 18000 total navy forces turkey 110 vessels greece 92

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    battle tanks inn europe turkey 2317 greece 1725 .. turkey 550 leopard a1 greecee 480 a1 a4 hell

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 14 лет назад

    turkey cancelled the option for f-35 due to high cost and low ability in facing f-16!!!

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 14 лет назад

    urkey cancelled the option for f-35 due to high cost and low ability in facing f-16!!!

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    fast attack exocet missile shipsHS Roussen
    HS Daniolos
    HS Krystallidis
    HS Grigoropoulos
    HS Ritsos
    HS Karathanasis
    HS Vlahakos P 67
    P 72
    P 73 ΤΠΚ Ρουσσέν
    ΤΠΚ Δανιόλος
    ΤΠΚ Κρυσταλλίδης
    ΤΠΚ Γρηγορόπουλος
    ΤΠΚ Ρίτσος
    ΤΠΚ Καραθανάσης
    ΤΠΚ Βλαχάκος 5 Two more under construction, being the option of the initial order, ordered in September 2008.[13][14] An additional 2 more Super Vita ordered will be built and fitted with MM40 Exocets (Block III).[10][15]
    La Combattante III HS Laskos

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 14 лет назад

    ΠΡΟΣΕΞΤΕ ΑΥΤΟ ΑΛΑΛΖΕΙ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΑ!!1Ισχυροποιείται ο ρωσικός Στόλος της Μαύρης θάλασσας
    Τρία περιπολικά σκάφη και τρία σύγχρονα υποβρύχια Project 636 πρόκειται να παραδοθούν στον Στόλο της Μαύρης θάλασσας ενισχύοντας τη ναυτική δύναμη τη...ς Ρωσίας στην περιοχή. Πιο συγκεκριμένα σύμφωνα με δηλώσεις του Αρχηγού του ρωσικού Ναυτικού Ναυάρχου Vladimir Vysotsky σε ρωσικά ΜΜΕ στις 25 Ιουλίου τα τρία σύγχρονα υποβρύχια πρόκειται να παραδοθούν στην διοίκηση του Στόλου της Μαύρης θάλασσας

  • @DevelopingPak
    @DevelopingPak 14 лет назад

    Turkey Zindabad ... love you Turks keep working hard...

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    airforce in europe turkey 358 aircraft greece 550 ..source national master.com

  • @tigloon
    @tigloon 15 лет назад

    JURIBOYKA denen adama yazmıştım bu cevabı sen üzerine alınma Janissary.

  • @McORHAN
    @McORHAN 14 лет назад

    @SouthLondon99 Hi Friend....thank you...Greetings from a Turk in Switzerland ;-)

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 13 лет назад

    "Πικρή ομολογία απο τον αρχηγό" είναι ο τίτλος της Hürriyet που κάνει αναφορά στις αποκαλύψεις του πρωην αρχηγού των τουρκικών Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων Ισίκ Κοσάνερ για το τραγικό επίπεδο τοθ τορκικου στρατου

  • @blackvirus9
    @blackvirus9 14 лет назад

    I thought that Turkey ordered 120 f-35, not 100, anyway they will license it!

  • @mkg00179504
    @mkg00179504 15 лет назад

    wow cool video, long like the friendship between turkey and pakistan.from a pakistani brother,

  • @Pantekin
    @Pantekin 15 лет назад

    great vedio!
    we uyghurs love turkiye!
    long live to turkey! long live to turkic people!

    @TURKISHHPOWER 15 лет назад

    Allah Turk'u korusun.
    Bizi ayirmak isteyenin kafasi ucar .

  • @owaisyahya
    @owaisyahya 15 лет назад

    freedom from whom?
    who have occupied turkish land

  • @JIMY45GR
    @JIMY45GR 14 лет назад

    turkish empires
    kurdista, asian minor, east thrace , anatolia, kemalistan...

    @TURKISHHPOWER 15 лет назад

    In real life ? You know who wins, must not to explain.

  • @KodOdessa
    @KodOdessa 13 лет назад


  • @999Bozkurt999
    @999Bozkurt999 14 лет назад

    *****5 süper video bendende5*****

  • @karakafaTURK
    @karakafaTURK 15 лет назад

    Emegine saglik cok güzel olmus!

  • @FreeNorthEpirus
    @FreeNorthEpirus 11 лет назад


  • @YoSoyTurco
    @YoSoyTurco 14 лет назад

    non fare questo italiano -.-

  • @CTStyles31
    @CTStyles31 15 лет назад

    Eline saglik kardes, muhtesem olmus ;)

  • @FreeNorthEpirus
    @FreeNorthEpirus 11 лет назад

    In the cinema or in your dreams?

  • @gazilikurt
    @gazilikurt 14 лет назад

    as if germany have nuclear weapon :))

  • @AfnanKhanz
    @AfnanKhanz 14 лет назад

    pakistan and turkey zindabad

  • @celall58g
    @celall58g 15 лет назад

    cool vid 5******

  •  11 лет назад

    The Turkish army spectacular

  • @GreekSawyer
    @GreekSawyer 15 лет назад

    i guess you re right

  • @Adin07
    @Adin07 15 лет назад

    Turkey RULES

  • @Buenyamintr
    @Buenyamintr 14 лет назад
